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Universal acclaim- based on 620 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 45 out of 620
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  1. Oct 13, 2016
    This album is almost flawless, cohesive from the start to the finish, with amazing lyrics and sick instrumentation. Honestly a modern rock/alt. classic. I-/
  2. Sep 5, 2015
    Twenty One Pilots Blurryface is surprisingly a step up from the successful Vessel album and features even more similar songs with a ton of hits. Blurryface is an album strong and solid enough to have enough powerful songs and lyrics to keep fans listening to album for a very long time. (A)
  3. Jun 11, 2015
    It's an album that pretty much reveals Tyler Joseph's alter ego, Blurryface (It can be heard on Stressed Out on the line "My name's Blurryface and I care what you think" and during the last few seconds) and puts the duo to a next level of rap rock. People can learn something from what he is saying (or rapping) on the album, which is what makes this album a great breakthrough. Long liveIt's an album that pretty much reveals Tyler Joseph's alter ego, Blurryface (It can be heard on Stressed Out on the line "My name's Blurryface and I care what you think" and during the last few seconds) and puts the duo to a next level of rap rock. People can learn something from what he is saying (or rapping) on the album, which is what makes this album a great breakthrough. Long live schizo-pop. Do not listen to the two negative reviews already posted here, listen to the album and decide for yourself.

    Update: I was going to give this an 8, but because of the negative reviews, I decided to bump it to a 10.
  4. Aug 22, 2016
    the best album of the year, very good excelent lyrics and melodies, too simply, is an album that is heard from beginning to end without skipping any tracks, the best is 'ride'.
  5. Sep 3, 2015
    There is no weak song in this album, compiling rock, pop, rap, reggae, dance and a little dubstep for an amazing compilation of Tyler's struggle with his alter-ego, Blurryface. He talks about his wife killing Blurryface in "Tear in my Heart" and shows it in the music video. They especially hit it spot on with the teen angst and emo genres as well as being able to resonate with almostThere is no weak song in this album, compiling rock, pop, rap, reggae, dance and a little dubstep for an amazing compilation of Tyler's struggle with his alter-ego, Blurryface. He talks about his wife killing Blurryface in "Tear in my Heart" and shows it in the music video. They especially hit it spot on with the teen angst and emo genres as well as being able to resonate with almost everyone with at least a couple songs. There is no song on this album that you want to skip, every second is worth listening to. Expand
  6. Oct 4, 2015
    I'm in love with this album, Twenty one pilots are my favorite male artists. About the album, all the songs are stuck on my head, and my favorites are Heavydirtysoul, Fairly Local, Message Man, Hometown.. all!
  7. Feb 18, 2016
    Genre-blending and introspective lyricism can be found from start to finish on twenty one pilots' fourth LP. The concept of Blurryface helps create a cohesion to what could have been a genre hopping disaster. Instead, listeners are treated to one of the most well put together albums of 2015.

    Favorite Tracks: Heavydirtysoul, Ride, Tear In My Heart, The Judge, Doubt, Polarize, We Don't
    Genre-blending and introspective lyricism can be found from start to finish on twenty one pilots' fourth LP. The concept of Blurryface helps create a cohesion to what could have been a genre hopping disaster. Instead, listeners are treated to one of the most well put together albums of 2015.

    Favorite Tracks: Heavydirtysoul, Ride, Tear In My Heart, The Judge, Doubt, Polarize, We Don't Believe What's On TV, Message Man, Hometown, and Not Today.
  8. Mar 14, 2016
    I have recently read other comment and feel that I should join the conversation. Many people are in love with twenty-one pilots like I am, but there were also some, not a lot, negative comments. Everyone has their own opinion and mine is that they are great. This is a band of two who make a living off of music. These two put feeling and truth behind their lyrics. In this world they areI have recently read other comment and feel that I should join the conversation. Many people are in love with twenty-one pilots like I am, but there were also some, not a lot, negative comments. Everyone has their own opinion and mine is that they are great. This is a band of two who make a living off of music. These two put feeling and truth behind their lyrics. In this world they are putting simplistic words into complex rythem and tune as they try to spread a message of living life to be happy. Tyler has been through a lot and just wants others to know that your not alone because when he was younger there was no one for him. I personally believe that this is a great album, and it may even be one of their better ones as this album has much happier and upbeat song such as, stressed out, lane boy, not today, fairly local, etc.. Expand
  9. Sep 16, 2016
    Blurryface is a perfect album, Tyler fully embraces his insecurities, creating this character called Blurryface that represents them. He has choose to give a name and a face to his insecurities, doubts, fears and anxiety, it takes courage to to do that. The lyrics of the songs remain very deep and philosophical, but the beats are in a way, different from Vessel, more electric pop, I likeBlurryface is a perfect album, Tyler fully embraces his insecurities, creating this character called Blurryface that represents them. He has choose to give a name and a face to his insecurities, doubts, fears and anxiety, it takes courage to to do that. The lyrics of the songs remain very deep and philosophical, but the beats are in a way, different from Vessel, more electric pop, I like that they are always evolving , and WRITING their STUFF, not relying on someone to write stuff for them to put n the radio, NO that's not their way of doing things, and that's why I admire them so much, they are unique and they bring a certain fresh tone, to an already faded out and boring music industry. Expand
  10. Jan 2, 2017
    Esse CD que me mostrou o Twenty One Pilots. Eu me vi apaixonado pela melhor banda bem de repente! É incrível o jeito como misturam o rap com rock, com eletrônico. E o melhor é que eles não precisam de um batalhão para escrever seus hinos. O modo como o Tyler canta me faz sentir todos os sentimentos possíveis! Eu adorei!!!
  11. Jun 14, 2017
    best Albums of 2015! that's for sure.
    this album is gonna live in music industry forever, at list on me(and we are a lot).
    such a joy listening them before/now. get know them even if you just find out about them and if you already know like i am: appreciate talent and music band is creating.
  12. Jul 25, 2017
    Twenty One Pilots se ha posicionado como una de las mejores bandas del momento, sin duda su último disco, Blurryface ha dado mucho de que hablar y mientras mas hablan de ellos mas grandes se hacen.
  13. Nov 11, 2017
    Best twenty one pilots' album and maybe the best music album I've ever heard. Heavydirtysoul, Stressed Out and Fairy Local - 10/10, other tracks 9/10 and Ride - oh mein gott 12/10 song of the year and so on. I love twenty one pilots
  14. Feb 18, 2018
    OMG, this is one of my favorites albums of all time. The lyrics are very smart, the sound are very well, and Tyler is so handsome, (i'm just say).
    If I had to define it with a word, I would define it as art
  15. Feb 17, 2023
    My second favourite album of the 2010s; from the energetic album opener “HeavyDirtySoul” to the radio Hits “Ride” and “Stressed Out” to the more experimental, almost reggae sounding “Polarize” and “Message Man” to the soft, leading into powerful, album closer “Goner”. This album is a ride from start to finish.
  16. Sep 16, 2018
    I love every twenty one pilots album and that's is fabulous. I haven't got most loved song in this album because every song is BEST.
  17. Apr 28, 2019
    This album is a very real album and it talks of real topics in life. It's so perfect with how the songs were developed and how the beats are all together. I'm SO IN LOVE with this, it's lyrics are just what I needed to hear. To me it's kind of healing in a way. IK it sounds weird, but it's true the songs are just so inspirational and sad and fun all at the same time. I also LOVE Tyler'sThis album is a very real album and it talks of real topics in life. It's so perfect with how the songs were developed and how the beats are all together. I'm SO IN LOVE with this, it's lyrics are just what I needed to hear. To me it's kind of healing in a way. IK it sounds weird, but it's true the songs are just so inspirational and sad and fun all at the same time. I also LOVE Tyler's voice. For the people who didn't like the album, I just gotta tell you that it isn't for everyone, but it is for a lot of people of people. (These guys are just amazing!!!) Expand
  18. Dec 6, 2019
    One of the greatests Albums of the 2010´s, a remarkable mix of alternative, rock and pop songs that defined 2015 - 2017 with the smash hits `Stressed Out` and `Ride`
  19. Nov 29, 2020
    This album since its release until now still brings freshness. Tyler Joseph's instruments and vocals seem like a dead price. And this band will be my favorite of the ever-eagerly awaited new works.
  20. May 22, 2021
    Simplesmente impecável!!!! Que saudades de 2016/2017.....esse álbum me faz lembrar desses anos
  21. Sep 14, 2019
    ótima sonoridade, as letras são muito boas. a história do álbum, a mistura de ritmos, tudo
  22. May 24, 2021
    The best they’ve ever made...and that’s saying a lot given their stellar discography. I mean this is the first album ever to have each track go platinum. Crazy.
  23. May 6, 2020
    Este álbum es increíble , 14 piezas fascinantes un trabajo espléndido para un dúo con poco apoyo.
  24. Jun 30, 2020
    Прекрасно, слушал больше ста раз и буду слушать дальше. Великолепный альбом.
  25. Nov 6, 2022
    I'll always love this album with all my heart. Thank you, Twenty One Pilots.
  26. Oct 5, 2021
    THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM TO EVER EXIST. Every single song is a banger. Love the darkness this album has, their darkest one yet for me. Message Man is my favorite from this album, closely followed by Hometown
  27. Apr 18, 2021
    Before the song:
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    After the song:
    ( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)
    Before the song:
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    After the song:
    ( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)
  28. Aug 6, 2021
    Even after 6 years, this is still my favourite album of all time. It is completelmy flawless, it is cohesive, it grabs us and the concept/lore that has been built since the release of Blurryface is absolutely incredible.
  29. Jan 27, 2022
    One of the best albums ive ever listened to. And no, im not blended by nostalgia.
  30. Mar 27, 2022
    A simply wonderful record, favorites are definitely "Heavydirtysoul", "Doubt" and "Fairly Local."
  31. Jul 31, 2022
    A SKIPLESS ALBUM. One of my favorites of all times! Tyler and Josh, thank you.
  32. Jul 5, 2023
    One of the Best album I've ever heard Thank you twenty one pilots for sharing this beautiful experience
  33. Jul 18, 2015
    The music and beats completely kick butt, however what separates Blurryface from other pop/hiphop albums are the lyrics. They aren't about money and drugs, but instead hardships, trials, and victories. Even the most fun of their songs are intelligently written and filled with relatable stories. Aside from the fact that each track is amazing, the album itself seems to flow like no otherThe music and beats completely kick butt, however what separates Blurryface from other pop/hiphop albums are the lyrics. They aren't about money and drugs, but instead hardships, trials, and victories. Even the most fun of their songs are intelligently written and filled with relatable stories. Aside from the fact that each track is amazing, the album itself seems to flow like no other album of the genre. It starts a bit grittier with "Heavydirtysoul" and ends with one of the most beautiful and tragic songs ever to be put on Disc..."Goner". This album is a must buy. Expand
  34. May 31, 2015
    A good mix between mainstream sounding song writing and very individualistic and sometimes avante garde song writing. The lyricism here is as good as ever, albeit the occasional pandering to a more mainstream audience, Twenty One Pilots still manages to pull of a solid record whilst becoming more accessible.
  35. Aug 3, 2015
    With catchy upbeat music along with poetic lyrics that has a deeper meaning, Blurryface has shown that Twenty One Pilots’ can tell a consistent story about depression and insecurity through music.

    Rating: 9/10 Pros: +Upbeat music +The lyrics written by Tyler Joseph are poetic, honest and relatable that has a deeper meaning if we can try to analyze the lyrics more. +The not so
    With catchy upbeat music along with poetic lyrics that has a deeper meaning, Blurryface has shown that Twenty One Pilots’ can tell a consistent story about depression and insecurity through music.

    Rating: 9/10

    +Upbeat music
    +The lyrics written by Tyler Joseph are poetic, honest and relatable that has a deeper meaning if we can try to analyze the lyrics more.
    +The not so subtle lyrics about God and his faith on his religion doesn’t feel preachy at all.
    +The concept album has a very consistent story about depression and insecurity.
  36. Jan 11, 2016
    Twenty One Pilots' fourth studio album is strange, genre-bending and consistently entertaining. There's no weak track on the album. The songwriting is top-notch with some great memorable lyrics like "My taste in music is your face" and "I don't care what's in your hair/ I just want to know what's on your mind." The duo crosses multiple genres with ease and originality while also keeping aTwenty One Pilots' fourth studio album is strange, genre-bending and consistently entertaining. There's no weak track on the album. The songwriting is top-notch with some great memorable lyrics like "My taste in music is your face" and "I don't care what's in your hair/ I just want to know what's on your mind." The duo crosses multiple genres with ease and originality while also keeping a steady tone. Expand
  37. Jun 3, 2015
    This is definitely the most diverse album yet from Twenty One Pilots. It's very hard to put these guys into just one genre, but if I had to it'd be pop. They have catchy hooks, and pretty good production.

    1. Heavydirtysoul is a great, fast-paced opener. (8/10) 2. Stressed Out is a fun song. The best of all the singles. (9/10) 3. Ride has one of the best hooks on this album. (9/10) 4.
    This is definitely the most diverse album yet from Twenty One Pilots. It's very hard to put these guys into just one genre, but if I had to it'd be pop. They have catchy hooks, and pretty good production.

    1. Heavydirtysoul is a great, fast-paced opener. (8/10)
    2. Stressed Out is a fun song. The best of all the singles. (9/10)
    3. Ride has one of the best hooks on this album. (9/10)
    4. Fairly Local is ok. I thought tracks 2, 3, or 7 could've been the lead single. (7/10)
    5. Tear In My Heart is a very catchy song. (8/10)
    6. Lane Boy is a standout. It addresses their musical style lyrically and I thought it was very catchy. (9/10)
    7. The Judge is w/o a doubt the best song . It has been stuck in my head for the past 15 days. (10/10)
    8. Doubt is a very trappy track and it's fun. (8/10)
    9. Polarize is very catchy. Awesome hook. (9/10)
    10. WDBWOTV is my least favorite. Idk it just hasn't stuck with me. (6/10)
    11. Message Man is very Imagine Dragons-esque and I don't really like it (6/10)
    12. Hometown is such a dance song and I love it. I can hear this on any radio station. (9/10)
    13. Not Today is fun. (8/10)
    14. Goner originally came out in 2012 and was very short. I prefer the new version; however I wish the "noose" tying noise was still in this new version. The outro is chilling. It's just a great way to end this amazing album. (10/10)

    Mathematically (based off my reviews) this album is an 8.2 but the overall package deserves a 9. Definitely recommend this album to anybody who likes: Pop, EDM, Alternative, (and maybe rap or trip-hop?)
  38. Jun 10, 2015
    Favorite album of the year so far! Even though the album is still a little of a mess and it still has it's awkward moments, the album has improvements from every angle. Very satisfying album since it is perfectly in between their sound evolving while it still doesn't sound too different from their previous work. There's not one song I don't like on this album, despite some songs being moreFavorite album of the year so far! Even though the album is still a little of a mess and it still has it's awkward moments, the album has improvements from every angle. Very satisfying album since it is perfectly in between their sound evolving while it still doesn't sound too different from their previous work. There's not one song I don't like on this album, despite some songs being more memorable than others. I can't wait to see what Tyler and Josh come up with next. Expand
  39. Jul 25, 2017
    A very unique sound that appeals to a certain generation of deep thinkers. I quickly fell in love with the dark tones and bass in this album, and it's the album that made TOP my favorite band. It's not perfect, but what album is? This is their best album yet in my opinion.
  40. Aug 30, 2019
    A well designed feat, those unique sounds with that unconditional street hip hop, where the message is blunt and revealing.
  41. Jan 4, 2016
    Such a candid album! I never thought I could have enjoyed Alternative Hip Hop (or Hip Hop at all) but this album speaks to my inner teenage angst and sorrows and embraces inner awkwardness.
  42. Mar 4, 2016
    This is an awesome album! Guys keep up their consistent theme of thoughtful/philosophical poetry based lyrics. The sound of the music itself is kind of a passionate and genre-bridging mix of rap, rock, indie pop, hip hop, emo, electronic and reggae music (which varies depending on the song). Plus the singer both raps and sings in most songs.
  43. May 30, 2016
    Blurryface pode até ter seus pontos baixos, mas o álbum em si é maravilhoso. O conceito, embora pareça confuso,é muito bem colocado no álbum e a dupla mostra que sabe fazer um trabalho digno. As faixas que se destacam das outras são "Doubt", "Hometown", "Heavydirtysoul" e "Ride".
  44. Apr 19, 2017
    Blurryface is catchy and somewhat meaninful. It has so much strength in it that you forget its flaws hiding in the album. Not quite as good as its 1st their self-entitled album becauseof its non-mainstream approach but the album shows a balance of that and gives uniqueness to it.
  45. Jul 7, 2016
    This album definitely isn't for everybody. I understand the people that think this is a pretentious in cohesive mess of an album. I on the other hand, really liked the production. It carries a lot more depth than the production on Vessel. Tyler has always been an excellent songwriter. And while the Blurryface concept is kind of phony and generic, there is not one bad song on this album.This album definitely isn't for everybody. I understand the people that think this is a pretentious in cohesive mess of an album. I on the other hand, really liked the production. It carries a lot more depth than the production on Vessel. Tyler has always been an excellent songwriter. And while the Blurryface concept is kind of phony and generic, there is not one bad song on this album.

    Heavydirtysoul: Best song on the album. Tyler's rapping has never been better. Josh has never been more exciting on the drums. (10/10)
    Stressed Out: (7.5/10)
    Ride: Verses are a bit top heavy (7/10)
    Fairly Local: Strings n bass (8.5/10)
    Tear In My Heart: Those synths make the song. (9.5/10)
    Lane Boy: Love the record label bashing. (7/10)
    The Judge: Wish the tempo change didn't exist. (7.5/10)
    Doubt: This type of song shouldn't work but it does. (7.5/10)
    Polarize: Awesome beat. (9/10)
    We Don't Believe What's On TV: CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED! (9.5/10)
    Message Man: Worst Song here. It's kind of a mess. (5/10)
    Hometown: So nostalgic. (9/10)
    Not Today: Just really fun. (9/10)
    Goner: Lacking a little until that huge drop at the end. (9/10)
  46. Apr 2, 2017
    With the album out for almost two years now, this was their breakout album that put them on the map as a global band. A great mixture between genres such as alternative, pop, reggae and electronic music that no artist has done in the past. The tunes of their songs can be confused as happy or sad based off the lyrics and melodies as well. A deeper meaning within the lyrics also gives themWith the album out for almost two years now, this was their breakout album that put them on the map as a global band. A great mixture between genres such as alternative, pop, reggae and electronic music that no artist has done in the past. The tunes of their songs can be confused as happy or sad based off the lyrics and melodies as well. A deeper meaning within the lyrics also gives them a competitive edge where as they differ from other musical talents. Expand
  47. Jan 22, 2018
    The concepts, and deeply mastered lyrical values will keep you wondering why in the world this album wasn't nominated for at least a Grammy. this album is hands-down the most creative, and original album of the past decade.
  48. Nov 17, 2018
    Este álbum marcara un antes y un después en la cultura pop por sus hits, por atraer a nuevos fans y por su concepto de su personaje enigmático BLURRYFACE, tiene unos buenos beats, lírica a pesar de ser comercial y unas canciones para bailar e cantar.
  49. Mar 8, 2021
    Twenty One Pilots don't embarass themselves with long introductions nor soft explanations of their artistic approach. We can deduce the colour of the album since the very first track 'Heavydirtysoul'. The project goes on with some major hits, each with a varied approach and a different message.

    In 'Blurryface' the duo show us how versatile they can be. They are only two but they manage
    Twenty One Pilots don't embarass themselves with long introductions nor soft explanations of their artistic approach. We can deduce the colour of the album since the very first track 'Heavydirtysoul'. The project goes on with some major hits, each with a varied approach and a different message.

    In 'Blurryface' the duo show us how versatile they can be. They are only two but they manage to explore their themes with different instruments than just drums and vocals repeated over and over. Songs in here are catchy, soft, invite to reflexion, and the rhythms are sometimes as surprising as changing. Their influences undeniably drove them to produce such a gender-blending album. It is so powerful, often raging and it also lets the silence be, the music speak without rhyming over all the measures. I however would have prefered more calm tracks on this and when it seems they want to do so, as in 'Goner', it obviously ends up in a terrific crescendo. A great crescendo, but as raging as the rest of the album.

    By the way the original EP 'TOPxMM' with Mutemath is a definite must-listen to after 'Blurryface'.
  50. Aug 26, 2019
    I think this album is very underrated but it's actually their best. It's full of new sounds and is more listenable than Vessel and probably more lyrically polished. It has a filler or two but I don't actually mind not skipping them. The follow-up, Trench, feels underwhelming though but still... Tyler Joseph is an admirably talented artist.
  51. Dec 24, 2019
    Blurryface is the best example of Tyler Joseph's brilliant songwriting as he sings and raps thought-provoking lyrics over his emotional instrumentation backed up by some of Josh Dun's best drumming performances.
  52. Nov 3, 2020
    Su mejor álbum, las canciones son buena, nada repetitivas, se innovaron mucho, son sonidos más maduros y serios. Rapea bien, canta bien y Josh toca muy bien la batería. Fue y es una obra del arte del 2015. Heaveydirtysoul fue un muy buen rap y canción, Hometown tiene sonidos electropop muy buenos. Ride es chévere de oír, etc.
  53. Nov 11, 2020
    um dos melhores albuns que ja ouvi,ele evolui no que ja fizeram,e todos os ritmos combianam muito com as letras
  54. Oct 15, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece! Very interesting concept. Amazing music. But most I like the genius meaning of the texts. Why 9? There is a couple boring songs, like message man. And Tyler's vocals not so good as it was on the first album.
  55. Mar 26, 2022
    my favorite album when i was new to rock, every song has a unique tone while keeping the overall depressing mood strong in the background

    best song: message man

    worst song: goner
  56. Jul 14, 2015
    I don't usually listen to this kind of music, but songs like 'Stressed Out' really caught my attention, partially due to my friend constantly blasting the same song over and over again! Anyways, thought I'd give this album a try, and... it's pretty good!
  57. Jun 15, 2016
    This album is great and highlights all of the insecurities that one could face in the music industry. It's great to see how much this band has evolved.
  58. Jan 11, 2016
    A crítica deu a nota certa para o Blurryface (deveria ser um 89, mas enfim). Blurryface é um álbum conceitual, com letras difíceis de entender e recheado de músicas fascinantes.

    Pontos Altos: Doubt, Hometown, We Don't Believe In TV
    Pontos Baixos: Message Man, Not Today, Polarize
  59. Jun 4, 2016
    one of the best album that i ever heard in my life to date. All of the songs are great and the lyrics are well written thanks to this album i become such a huge fan and i could not be more proud.
    my score:
    1. Heavydirtysoul 9/10 2. Stressed out 10/10 3. Ride 9/10 4. Fairly local 8/10 5. Tear in my heart 9/10 6. Lane boy 10/10 7. The judge 7/10 8. Doubt 7/10 9. Polarize 9/10 10.
    one of the best album that i ever heard in my life to date. All of the songs are great and the lyrics are well written thanks to this album i become such a huge fan and i could not be more proud.
    my score:
    1. Heavydirtysoul 9/10
    2. Stressed out 10/10
    3. Ride 9/10
    4. Fairly local 8/10
    5. Tear in my heart 9/10
    6. Lane boy 10/10
    7. The judge 7/10
    8. Doubt 7/10
    9. Polarize 9/10
    10. we don't believe what's on TV 7/10
    11. Message man 7/10
    12. Home town 10/10
    13. Not today 8/10
    14. Goner 9/10
    overall: 85
  60. Sep 9, 2016
    A good mix between mainstream sounding song writing and very individualistic and sometimes avante garde song writing. The lyricism here is as good as ever, albeit the occasional pandering to a more mainstream audience, the band still manages to pull of a solid record whilst becoming more accessible.
  61. Jun 30, 2017
    Heavydirtysoul 9/10
    Stressed Out 10/10
    Ride 10/10
    Fairly Local 8/10
    Tear In My Heart 10/10
    Lane Boy 10/10
    The Judge 8/10
    Doubt 7/10
    Polarize 6/10
    We Don't Believe What's On TV 8/10
    Message Man 6/10
    Hometown 6/10
    Not Today 5/10
    Goner 5/10

    General note: 7.71
  62. Jun 6, 2017
    Blurryface, the second widely released album by Twenty One Pilots, is just purely fantastic to listen to from the beginning to the end. I'm not necessarily sure if it will date well in ten years or so, but for now, it's amazing.
  63. Dec 16, 2017
    Despite being their worst album IMO, it is still very good. I don't know what genre this album is. It is a mix of pop, rap, rock, punk, soul, and others, and it is great.
  64. Jun 19, 2018
    While from all the songs Stressed Out is by far the best one in my opinion, I can say that the rest of the album is pretty solid as well. My favourites probably are: Stressed Out, Ride, Heavydirty Soul, Tear in my Heart, Hometown and We don't believe what's on tv and my least favourites are: Doubt, Polarize and Fairly Local. The sound in most of them is really good with the best being theWhile from all the songs Stressed Out is by far the best one in my opinion, I can say that the rest of the album is pretty solid as well. My favourites probably are: Stressed Out, Ride, Heavydirty Soul, Tear in my Heart, Hometown and We don't believe what's on tv and my least favourites are: Doubt, Polarize and Fairly Local. The sound in most of them is really good with the best being the drum beats in Stressed Out and some of the guitar work in Tear in my Heart was pretty interesting and a nice change of pace. As negatives, I didn't like the that much the dubstep featured in Lane Boy, despite the fact that the song was decent overall, and the over-the-top beats in songs such as Polarize was pretty annoying. But thankfully Twenty One Pilots have well written songs to elevate some of the mediocre sound. I'm thinking a light 8/10, which I could give simply because of Stressed Out which is one of my favourite songs of theirs (up there with Car Radio), but because I can say that I enjoyed the album overall is worth a listen or two, if that music is your type. Expand
  65. Jun 22, 2019
    Heavydirtysoul 8/10 it is a really good track with a great hook a good message and good flows but the lyrics at some points are cringey like "this is another attempt to make the voices stop" but a great song overall.
    Stressed Out 10/10 this is an amazing track, one of the best songs twenty one pilots ever did, everything about it is amazing and it deserves all the streams and sales it
    Heavydirtysoul 8/10 it is a really good track with a great hook a good message and good flows but the lyrics at some points are cringey like "this is another attempt to make the voices stop" but a great song overall.
    Stressed Out 10/10 this is an amazing track, one of the best songs twenty one pilots ever did, everything about it is amazing and it deserves all the streams and sales it got, if you didn't like it was probably because overplay.
    Ride 9/10 this is also a really good track but the problem is that after a lot of plays it gets really annoying so don't overplay it.
    Fairly Local 7/10 it is a good song but it is very repetitive and has some cringey lyrics.
    Tear in My Heart 9/10 the vocals the beat and the melody are great but it has the same problem like "Ride", it gets annoying after a lot of plays.
    Lane Boy 8/10 this is a really good song but some of the lyrics are really cringey.
    The Judge 6/10 it is a fine song but it and "We Don't Believe what's on TV" doesn't fit with the rest of the album.
    Doubt 7/10 at first i really didn't like it but it grew on me a lot.
    Polarize 6/10 it is good but it is really really repetitive so don't play it a lot.
    We Don't Believe what's on TV 7/10 it is like "The Judge" but has a lot more energy then it.
    Message Man 6/10 it is a fine track but it isn't really interesting after a few plays.
    Hometown 9/10 this song is amazing, I really don't know why it is so small compared to other tracks in the album, the most underrated song in "Blurryace".
    Not Today 6/10 this song grew on me a lot. (edited, original:5/10 the weakest song of the album, it is a skip.)
    Goner 9/10 has amazing buildup to an amazing end and it has really good lyrics.
    Overall in my opinion "Blurryface" gets an 7.6 (edited, original is 7.5) this is a really good album
  66. Nov 25, 2019
    Although its their „weakest“ album it is still one of the best albums to come out of 2015 its catchy as hell the songwriting is as always very good and even though it has some weak spots its so much fun
  67. Nov 25, 2021
    Twenty One Pilots' fourth album, Blurryface, has brought new meaning, lyrics, and genre blending sound that no artist could ever do besides them, and I greatly appreciate it in a music world where there is over the top autotune and cheesy romantic songwriting.

    The first thing I like about the album is how influenced it was from multiple different genres. It has reggae influenced songs
    Twenty One Pilots' fourth album, Blurryface, has brought new meaning, lyrics, and genre blending sound that no artist could ever do besides them, and I greatly appreciate it in a music world where there is over the top autotune and cheesy romantic songwriting.

    The first thing I like about the album is how influenced it was from multiple different genres. It has reggae influenced songs such as "Message Man" while also taking influence using the ukulele in songs like "The Judge" while not sounding too disjointed from one another, and still being able recognize Twenty One Pilots themselves. The different genres also give something new for your ears to listen to so won't get bored and fall asleep while listening to the album.

    Second, I also like how Twenty One Pilots manages to incorporate interesting and clever lyricism throughout the entire album. It makes you feel intrigued to listen to the songs more closely and to find out the meaning of the lyrics in the songs. In "Goner", the lyrics include Tyler trying to have one of two "faces" while trying to destroy the other because he is double minded. One of the faces, Tyler himself, is fighting with another face named "Blurry", who is the root of all of his mental instability and pain. He eventually tries to pray to God in order to be the Tyler he truly is, and not let Blurry take over him. Overall, the lyrics to the songs in the lp are very well written, clever, interesting and thoughtful, and to make them even better, they were all written by Tyler himself.

    Overall, I love this album, and the qualities I mentioned before make me never tired of listening to it.
  68. Feb 4, 2023
    A wonderful record. All of the tracks are memorable, some of the are better meanwhile others are worse, but nonetheless the outcome is almost flawless :))
  69. Jul 18, 2016
    Twenty One Pilots seem to represent pop music in all its essence in 2015/2016. A fusion of hip hop and alternative pop, "Blurryface" seems to have been just what the general public wanted at the time of its release. With its massive commercial success and with its many hit singles having so much airtime, I now find it hard to want to bang on the album. The radio has given me Twenty OneTwenty One Pilots seem to represent pop music in all its essence in 2015/2016. A fusion of hip hop and alternative pop, "Blurryface" seems to have been just what the general public wanted at the time of its release. With its massive commercial success and with its many hit singles having so much airtime, I now find it hard to want to bang on the album. The radio has given me Twenty One Pilots fatigue. The album itself is very well written musically but I wonder about how future proof the production of it will be, especially some of the synth sounds used. Lyrically, its got some interesting themes but I'm left unconvinced by the delivery at times. "Blurryface" is decent without ever being fantastic. Expand
  70. Oct 4, 2018
    Not a bad album at all. In fact, it took me by surprise. I listened to it not expecting to like it all. To my surprise, I actually liked a good portion of the album. The album could be more solid in terms of songs, but overall, a very good effort. Expecting greater things next.

    BEST: Ride, Doubt, Heavydirtysoul, Hometown.
  71. Feb 20, 2016
    Most of it sounds good but there's some unnecessary cheesy, over-the-top pop **** that do nothing to help the album. The lyrics are extremely overrated and tell stories I do not care for. The jokingly pointless/ random lyrics that I guess are meant to compliment the darker themes are just cringe-worthy and unneeded. I've tried to understand what they mean but even with a deeper meaningMost of it sounds good but there's some unnecessary cheesy, over-the-top pop **** that do nothing to help the album. The lyrics are extremely overrated and tell stories I do not care for. The jokingly pointless/ random lyrics that I guess are meant to compliment the darker themes are just cringe-worthy and unneeded. I've tried to understand what they mean but even with a deeper meaning they just sound childish. The change in style throughout the album is refreshing as many tracks sound similar and if ordered one after the other, they could become repetitive. Many credit the band for writing music about "relatable" issues and although this may be accurate, it's annoying that because of the band's up beat, pop, hip-hop sound, it could deter listeners from other pieces with similar lyrical meanings as many of these other musicians and acts pair darker topics with darker sounds. Despite this, some may appreciate their ability to pair dark themes and lyrics with up beat music but I couldn't help throughout thinking that the lyrics are extremely pretentious. From a casual listening view (the way it seems this album was meant to be listened to) the album is actually quite good, the music itself on most tracks makes for pleasant listening but because of the mismatch of the lyrics and sound, the album is a 6 to a 7. Expand
  72. Oct 7, 2016
    7.0 / 10 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  73. Jul 26, 2016
    One common theme in reviews of Blurryface is variety of genres used throughout the album. The variety in the individual tracks makes it an incredibly radio friendly album (i.e. the heavy airplay of Ride and Stressed Out). However, this variety makes the album as a whole feel very awkward and disjointed. Twenty One Pilots try to make the album more cohesive by having much of it revolveOne common theme in reviews of Blurryface is variety of genres used throughout the album. The variety in the individual tracks makes it an incredibly radio friendly album (i.e. the heavy airplay of Ride and Stressed Out). However, this variety makes the album as a whole feel very awkward and disjointed. Twenty One Pilots try to make the album more cohesive by having much of it revolve around certain themes but the uncertainty in genres reduces any cohesiveness. Overall, the individual tracks work well on their own, but feel awkward when listened to as an album. Expand
  74. Nov 20, 2016
    HeavyDirtySoul = 10/10 I love that song is just awesome. The beat is incredible and the fast rap is great
    Stressed Out = 4/10 It's good but not that good it's just regular. It's just super repetitive and it gets annoying.
    Ride = 9/10 It's awesome but the "I've been thinking too much" it's weird. Fairy Local = 8/10 it's repetitive. But really good. Tear In My Hearth = 10/10 The vocals
    HeavyDirtySoul = 10/10 I love that song is just awesome. The beat is incredible and the fast rap is great
    Stressed Out = 4/10 It's good but not that good it's just regular. It's just super repetitive and it gets annoying.
    Ride = 9/10 It's awesome but the "I've been thinking too much" it's weird.
    Fairy Local = 8/10 it's repetitive. But really good.
    Tear In My Hearth = 10/10 The vocals are great and the bass is well developed also the Lyrics are really smart.
    Lane Boy = 8/10 It's nice. The mix between Reggae, rap and tecno is well developed.
    The Judge = 7/10 It's a really chill song. Very repetitive but it has a nice beat but is not that great.
    Doubt = 3/10 my god! The overuse of autotune and is really repetitive. The lyrics aren't that smart at all.
    Polarize = 9/10 It's awesome! The beat is nice, the lyrics are smart. The vocals are great.
    We Don't Believe What's On Tv 2/10 Horrible. The song is not that bad until he saids "I make money selling your hair" after that the songs became's crap. The Lyrics are trying so hard to be meaning full and the beat changes so drastic it just doesn't mach.
    Message Man = 10/10 Great!! Awesome!! the mixed between Reggae and Tecno is well made. and the beat is something than makes me want to dance.
    Hometown = 5/10 is just...regular not that good...not that just a meh.
    Not Today = 8/10 pretty good. The vocals are good
    Goner = 10/10 the feelings are good. One of my favorite songs, the rimes are good. The lyrics are awesome I think is the best song of the album.
    The album = 7.5 Is good but overrated.
  75. May 26, 2017
    In this album you can really hear how guys from twenty one pilots didn't want to make it in mainstream rappy and bassy sound, but they were made to do it. It doesn't sound as interesting and beautiful as their 3 past albums, but it's still pretty good.
  76. Jun 17, 2018
    1-Heavy Dirty Soul - 10/10
    2-Stressed Out - 10/10
    3-Ride - 10/10
    4-Fairly Local - 6/10
    5-Tear In My Heart 7/10
    6-Lane Boy - 8/10
    7-The Judge - 9/10
    8-Doubt - 7/10
    9-Polarize - 4/10
    10-We Don't Believe Whats On TV - 3/10
    11-Message Man - 6/10
    12-Hometown - 10/10
    13-Not Today - 4/10
    14-Goner - 5/10
    Overall Cohesion: 6/10
    Lyrics Quality: 7/10

    Score: 7/10
  77. Jan 19, 2018
    Blurryface is a very complex album, or it is meaningless. That is the problem with artists who write hard-to-understand lyrics; it's either deep or just plain crazy/meaningless. Vessel was about suicide, insecurity, and depression, and these themes made it what it was: an amazing album. I believe that BF's lyrics do have a meaning, but have to be studied to understand. On another note, isBlurryface is a very complex album, or it is meaningless. That is the problem with artists who write hard-to-understand lyrics; it's either deep or just plain crazy/meaningless. Vessel was about suicide, insecurity, and depression, and these themes made it what it was: an amazing album. I believe that BF's lyrics do have a meaning, but have to be studied to understand. On another note, is the music any good? Let's say it this way; it's very original. It's hard to describe the music besides saying that it pretty dark, which is obvious. The music is original and really stands out, and that makes it good. "Ride" has really great music, and the dark ending is the icing on the cake. "Tear in my Heart" is a musical treat - it's really good fun. "Goner" is good musically, with piano, but gets old over time due to the slow speed and slow-building music. A few songs get old - "Doubt", and "Fairly Local" are the biggest offenders. Not every song is great, but every song is pretty special and memorable. Expand
  78. Jul 21, 2018
    Twenty One Pilots have proven to be geniuses of alternative rock and with Blurryface they get the recognition they deserve and it is not for less, because this album is simply great.
  79. Aug 31, 2019
    While not terrible, this album doesn't really compare to their older work. The lyrics overall aren't too fantastic when compared to their Self-Titled album, Regional at Best, or Vessel. While I think songs like Message Man and Polarize are rather weak, (especially Message Man,) I do think it has some great songs, like The Judge, Not Today, and Goner. While not my favorites, I do like theWhile not terrible, this album doesn't really compare to their older work. The lyrics overall aren't too fantastic when compared to their Self-Titled album, Regional at Best, or Vessel. While I think songs like Message Man and Polarize are rather weak, (especially Message Man,) I do think it has some great songs, like The Judge, Not Today, and Goner. While not my favorites, I do like the vocal effects in Doubt and the impressive rapping in Heavydirtysoul. Overall, while it's certainly not my favorite, it's still a pretty good album, and worth a listen. Expand
  80. May 6, 2020
    cool production and catchy choruses, the singing is okay but the message is kinda pretentious and controversial in some parts, the song "The Judge" is a very bad example of the reggae inspired style of the album, but overall blurryface is a enjoyable record.
  81. Apr 7, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7
  82. May 26, 2021
    A big step on twenty one pilots evolution. The inclusion of different genres and the way they combine them with their previous work is excellent. Although not their best work.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Oct 2, 2015
    Not the clever cut of 2013's Vessel, but still airborne.
  2. Kerrang!
    May 20, 2015
    Twenty One Pilots prove you don't always need guitars to have a good time. [16 May 2015, p.54]
  3. May 20, 2015
    Twenty One Pilots ramped up everything, from new influences to the number of producers (four) to the metric ton of uncertainties and fears multiplying in frontman/songwriter Tyler Joseph’s cranium. And it’s wonderful.