• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 129 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 97 out of 129
  2. Negative: 14 out of 129
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  1. Mar 23, 2018
    So this is AWESOME, wasn't sure what to expect with this one, longtime fan of his, the singles released were so-so, but the album as a whole is really good. Quite experimental and a new direction for sure, its got some funk, some shred, and some weird dialogue clips. He always knows what he's doing, and where he wants his career arc to be going, and this is an amazing addition to hisSo this is AWESOME, wasn't sure what to expect with this one, longtime fan of his, the singles released were so-so, but the album as a whole is really good. Quite experimental and a new direction for sure, its got some funk, some shred, and some weird dialogue clips. He always knows what he's doing, and where he wants his career arc to be going, and this is an amazing addition to his catalogue, that will likely personally become my most listened to album of his in the long term. Go get it! Expand
  2. Jun 22, 2018
    It might not be everyone's cup of tea. While many might find this a bit confusing and all over the place, I think that's exactly what makes it an excellent album. It's definitely not "safe" or predictable, but it shows a lot more personality and will to experiment new sounds and directions that most of the rock albums out there won't even get close
  3. Mar 23, 2018
    Pure creativity. This album is all over the place, if you like your music simple you'll probably hate this album. I personally think that it is incredible. At least give it a chance. Also it may be my favorite solo Jack White album.
  4. Mar 29, 2018
    well to go mr. white !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Mar 23, 2018
    Better than Lazaretto and Blunderbuss—White has created one of the best albums of the century
  6. Mar 23, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I can easily say that this album was great. I absolutely love the majority of stuff on the LP. I was looking forward to Boarding House Reach since the release of the first two singles. Although, I had some mixed emotions about Connected by Love, I liked the rest of the singles(instruments on Respect Commander and Corporation were very good, in my opinion). Over and over and over(which is definitely one of the best things on this record)made me wanna learn to play this song on guitar. When the rest of the album came out there were more hits than misses.
    To sum up, Boarding House Reach was one of my most anticipated LPs of this year and it didn't leave me disappointed.
    Strong 8/10
  7. Mar 28, 2018
    A playground of experimental production supporting exciting grooves, riffs in songs like "Over and Over and Over" and "Corporation" while empowering this albums slow ballads like "Connected By Love" and "Why Walk A Dog". With eccentric spoken word interludes guiding you in between each exciting new venture into the boundary pushing songwriting of Jack White, "Boarding House Reach" provesA playground of experimental production supporting exciting grooves, riffs in songs like "Over and Over and Over" and "Corporation" while empowering this albums slow ballads like "Connected By Love" and "Why Walk A Dog". With eccentric spoken word interludes guiding you in between each exciting new venture into the boundary pushing songwriting of Jack White, "Boarding House Reach" proves to be a inspiring monster of an album, expressing true individuality against the unchallenging charting songs of today. Expand
  8. May 7, 2018
    Long ago introduced to Elephant and have not stopped consuming as much Jack (and others he touches) as possible. Sarcasm was noted after about the 20th round of Get Behind Me Satan. If you’re in on the creative soul of this mess you realize it is the best yet with an evolution of distortion, he adores, to the straightest line possible.
  9. May 27, 2018
    "Boarding House Reach" is, within each second, more than music: it's as broad and ambitious as art itself, unrestricted and vigorous. There are no rules there, which may scare away critics and casual fans alike.

    It's almost unprecedented to get such a free, creative and cohesive piece of art, blossoming through rock anthems ("Over and Over and Over"), closely-knit experimentalism
    "Boarding House Reach" is, within each second, more than music: it's as broad and ambitious as art itself, unrestricted and vigorous. There are no rules there, which may scare away critics and casual fans alike.

    It's almost unprecedented to get such a free, creative and cohesive piece of art, blossoming through rock anthems ("Over and Over and Over"), closely-knit experimentalism ("Hypermisophoniac") and pure joyful frenzy ("Everything You've Ever Learned").

    Jack White did not compose "Boarding House Reach" to impress critics nor to impress his fans. White did it for himself, and that might very well be the reason that makes "Boarding House Reach" one of the best albums from the last few years.
  10. Apr 8, 2018
    It is a great piece of work, full of interesting music and lyrics. I think this is gonna be one of the best albums of 2018. Jack´s voice is so unpredictable and this is one of the reasons why this album is special. This is an experience that should be listen more than once to really get through it
  11. May 25, 2018
    ____ With his next creation - Jack put most of the listeners into confusion! So I too - I realized that I'm listening, only from the fourth time ... And every new listening - brought new discoveries in the sound. Such an infernal mixture, which is not immediately appreciated. And this is also an indicator.
    Gathering together seemingly incompatible things - punk, blues, garage rock'n'roll,
    ____ With his next creation - Jack put most of the listeners into confusion! So I too - I realized that I'm listening, only from the fourth time ... And every new listening - brought new discoveries in the sound. Such an infernal mixture, which is not immediately appreciated. And this is also an indicator.
    Gathering together seemingly incompatible things - punk, blues, garage rock'n'roll, hip-hop, a bunch of sound experiments and an extravagant humor - Jack White managed to create a rather contradictory, but at the same time whole record. Musical instruments play such performances, that it is not necessary to think about the text component of the compositions. Well, of course there were virtual guitar cuts!
    ​____ Now that all awards have been received, there is own label and all works are evaluated, he can afford to play Music according to his own rules. And it fascinates.
    In general, this album Jack White made a notch on the musical "honor stone" of 2018 - do you want it or not))). Simply because it is a bright, eccentric work that will not leave anyone indifferent!
  12. Mar 28, 2018
    One of the most interesting albums in recent memory, it's funky, rappy, bluesy, jazzy, and rocky. It's a manic blend of satire and seriousness, conflicting styles and thrashing instrumentation.
  13. Mar 27, 2018
    Don't assume you'll love this just because you love White's other work, but that doesn't mean you'll hate it either. This is something completely different, and it's growing on me with every replay. It is more DJ Shadow, Portishead, or Morphine with a blast of blues guitar. Maybe Jack's given the Alt/Blues Rock mantle to Alt-J, Cage, and Alabama Shakes, or maybe he is just as creativelyDon't assume you'll love this just because you love White's other work, but that doesn't mean you'll hate it either. This is something completely different, and it's growing on me with every replay. It is more DJ Shadow, Portishead, or Morphine with a blast of blues guitar. Maybe Jack's given the Alt/Blues Rock mantle to Alt-J, Cage, and Alabama Shakes, or maybe he is just as creatively restless as he's ever been. That time hanging out with ATCQ seems to have opened Jack White up to more electronic engineering in his songs, as these songs are more layered sound creations than three-verses and a blazing solo. "Connected by Love" is the closest to something he's done before, and it may be the low-point for me. "Corporation", "Respect Commander", and "Hypermisophoniac" are blazing off in some new direction, and it's my new work soundtrack. Come to it with an open mind and see what you think. Expand
  14. May 11, 2018
    Creativity is off the charts. This album provides great instrumentation and guitar work, as one would expect from White. What is new in Boarding House Reach, is the progressive rock sound of the 1970's. The Bluesy sound is no longer, but the funk and progressive sound have kicked in.
  15. Feb 14, 2023
    Jack White, for the first time in his solo career, seems to have found where he should be with "Boarding House Reach". His creative partnership with former wife Meg White provided him with challenges, and in turn boosted his output. Meg's simplistic, unusual drumming, and their dedication to keeping the band small, clearly provided restraints on White that helps him unleash his creativity.Jack White, for the first time in his solo career, seems to have found where he should be with "Boarding House Reach". His creative partnership with former wife Meg White provided him with challenges, and in turn boosted his output. Meg's simplistic, unusual drumming, and their dedication to keeping the band small, clearly provided restraints on White that helps him unleash his creativity. His songwriting —explosive, refreshing, and earwormy — carried the burden of The White Stripes. Due to a two person band, White's control of his guitar entered a level never before seen, making emotional tracks, all while carving out a revival of a long dead genre of music. He was inspired, most notably, by Bob Dylan and by Son House, as well as the music he consumed living in Detroit. This gave The White Stripes a mix of midwest, cold, working class angst with the pain and beauty of the Mississippi Delta. This produced one of the greatest streaks of album's known to music: The White Stripes, De Stijl, White Blood Cells, and Elephant, all of which can rightfully called masterpieces, and the most solid rock music to come out of the early 2000s.
    All this in mind, Jack White started his solo career on a bit of an off foot. Without the constraints provided by Meg and The White Stripes, White wrote and recorded two albums that, while at times genius, generally suffered from bloat and overly complex instrumentation. His implementation of bluegrass was often underbaked. "Blunderbuss" full of heart and sentimentally, often struggles to fill in the holes in between its best tracks, and isn't quite complex enough to feel completely distinct from the White Stripes, yet not nearly as raw as it needed to be. "Lazaretto", like "Blunderbuss", is often genius, yet just as often boring. tracks like "Three Women," , "Lazaretto", and "Want and Able" were able to capture the magic of old White Stripes, while generally being enhanced by fuller instrumentation and production. However, it still felt as though Jack wasn't entirely comfortable working without Meg. In 2016, he released a compilation of acoustic songs, including some previously unheard or reworked songs, like "City Lights" and the acoustic version of the Raconteurs sang "Carolina Drama". Although it wasn't any full work, this was an indication that Jack was getting more comfortable working by himself, and the new material on this album still stands as some of the strongest he's ever written.
    "Boarding House Reach" is by far the biggest departure White has ever released. From the second the album opens, with the uneasy, pulsing synth underlying "Connected by Love", you know the experience is going to be new. You're launched into a song with a drowsy, uneasy feeling, punctuated by a shouty, proud chorus with stiff backing vocals. And you can't help to have that experience the first time listening to this album, a sort of confusion about what you're hearing. The songwriting relies heavily on instrumentals, and turns heavy into synth and electronic instruments, with signature Jack White guitar and often gritty, punchy, groovy bass grounding the electronica. Songs are injected with the working class pride, reflections on relationship and social dynamics, and musical nostalgia that defined the White Stripes, made new and fresh with instrumentation. White has perhaps never been more Chicago than on "Respect Commander", a grimy, jittery reflection on the dynamics of control present in romantic and sexual dynamics. "Corporation" is another big hit on the album, which shows White's turn towards instrumental in this album. Largely instrumental, the song still takes you on an emotional journey, and with sparse lyrics still hits its message about financial coercion. "Over and Over and Over" is the most White Stripes song White has made since the breakup, yet is made distinct by the ever presence of these light, weary backing vocals. "Get in the Mind Shaft" is robotic and groovy. The interludes, similarly, round out the album, giving it an anachronistic, manifold flair. It belongs to multiple traditions, drawing inspiration across boarders, across genres, and across decades. The album is scattered in a thematically perfect way, creating an experience that is as filled with anxiety as the modern mind often is.
    "Boarding House Reach" is a near perfect showcase of just what White is capable of, and conversely what he's worried about. It shines as a beacon in his solo discography, and is the most un-White Stripes project he's ever worked on, yet is the only project released so far that shows the same creativity that launched Jack and Meg to success to begin with. It stands as a towering achievement, and is by far the best solo project White has released.
  16. Mar 27, 2018
    Top Tracks (personal opinion, worst to best):

    13. What's Done is Done 12. Ice Station Zebra 11. Abulia and Akrasia 10. Ezmeralda Steals The Show 9. Connected By Love 8. Everything You've Ever Learned 7. Humoresque 6. Get In The Mind Shaft 5. Respect Commander 4. Hypermisophoniac 3. Why Walk a Dog? 2. Corporation 1. Over and Over and Over A splendid cacophony with more
    Top Tracks (personal opinion, worst to best):

    13. What's Done is Done
    12. Ice Station Zebra
    11. Abulia and Akrasia
    10. Ezmeralda Steals The Show
    9. Connected By Love
    8. Everything You've Ever Learned
    7. Humoresque
    6. Get In The Mind Shaft
    5. Respect Commander
    4. Hypermisophoniac
    3. Why Walk a Dog?
    2. Corporation
    1. Over and Over and Over

    A splendid cacophony with more hits than misses, Jack White's Boarding House Reach is Jack's Kid A (albeit not as good). I like some of the experimentation done in tracks like Get In The Mind Shaft and Corporation, as well has the adrenaline-fueled guitar riffing in Over and Over and Over, which brings Jack's famous past as a former The White Stripes' member to light.

    Some of the tracks could be cut entirely from this project, because they disrupt the theme of the album so much that you wonder "what was he even thinking when he did this", as it can be evidenced by the country-like What's Done Is Done and the rapping verses in Ice Station Zebra.

    Overall, a pleasant experience with some of Jack White's most avant-garde work and some of his classic guitar work.
  17. May 29, 2018
    Jack White's new album, Boarding House Reach is an artistic triumph. And it's about to go down as one of 2018's most underrated LPs.
  18. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is a bit all over the place but in a good way. It takes you on an adventure and isn't held back by any repetition like some albums are (i.e The Strokes "Is This It"). You could listen to "Connected By Love" and then listen to "Ice Station Zebra" and not even know that they were on the same record. But, there are some problems with "Boarding House Reach". Depending on your tasteThis album is a bit all over the place but in a good way. It takes you on an adventure and isn't held back by any repetition like some albums are (i.e The Strokes "Is This It"). You could listen to "Connected By Love" and then listen to "Ice Station Zebra" and not even know that they were on the same record. But, there are some problems with "Boarding House Reach". Depending on your taste in music, you'll either love or hate this record. Furthermore, it almost, in a way, alienates his core listeners by making such an experimental record. In conclusion, I definitely suggest that you check this record out, and see the greatness of "Boarding House Reach" for yourself. Expand
  19. May 27, 2018
    This is a great year for music and jack white delivers one of his most compelling albums to date.
  20. css
    Apr 11, 2018
    First, where I'm coming from - big fan of White in White Stripes (except Get Behind Me Satan), Raconteurs were OK, big fan of Death Weather's first two albums, and hated White's first two solo albums. I prefer the heavier, guitar riff White (Black Math, Ball n Biscuit) over the sing songy White (insert sing songy songs), which is probably why I couldn't get into his first two solo albums.First, where I'm coming from - big fan of White in White Stripes (except Get Behind Me Satan), Raconteurs were OK, big fan of Death Weather's first two albums, and hated White's first two solo albums. I prefer the heavier, guitar riff White (Black Math, Ball n Biscuit) over the sing songy White (insert sing songy songs), which is probably why I couldn't get into his first two solo albums. This album isn't the heavier guitar riff White that I miss but something new (with some familiar sounds here and there). If you've liked any of his work it is definitely worth a listen. Expand
  21. Dec 17, 2018
    Wildly creative album. White goes real deep and real wide on this. The first 3 tracks are exceptional and then the album varies in grip. White is taking Rock and Roll as far as it can go and often hits the mark, while sometimes missing with overly theatrical tracks. If you like the radio hits, Boarding House Reach isn't for you. The name perhaps suggests the motely individuals a boardWildly creative album. White goes real deep and real wide on this. The first 3 tracks are exceptional and then the album varies in grip. White is taking Rock and Roll as far as it can go and often hits the mark, while sometimes missing with overly theatrical tracks. If you like the radio hits, Boarding House Reach isn't for you. The name perhaps suggests the motely individuals a board house will hold and this is a lovely haphazard collection of songs. Expand
  22. Jul 26, 2019
    I find more and more to like with this album with each new listen. This is an album that you'll need to sink you're teeth into a little bit to really appreciate it. It is a departure from Jack White's usual sound from previous records, which I think is fantastic. Not only does this feel like a breath of fresh air for Jack White, it feels like a breath of fresh air for rock music itself.I find more and more to like with this album with each new listen. This is an album that you'll need to sink you're teeth into a little bit to really appreciate it. It is a departure from Jack White's usual sound from previous records, which I think is fantastic. Not only does this feel like a breath of fresh air for Jack White, it feels like a breath of fresh air for rock music itself. This album is pretty experimental, fusing elements of funk, soul, electronic music, and more. But at the end of the day, each track still feels like a rock song at its core. A truly fascinating listen.

    I'll be honest, I wasn't really feeling this album after the first listen, and thought it was okay at best. Even after my second listen, I still wasn't wowed by it. But now, more and more things are finally clicking, and I'm impressed with how good this thing is. I was surprised when I saw that several critics had panned this record. It makes me wonder how many of them actually sat down and fully gave this album a listen, and how many just listened to it just once or twice before trying to put out a review as quickly as possible. Regardless, I really enjoy this album. As time goes on, my rating for it will likely continue to increase.
  23. Aug 28, 2018
    Jack White delivers one of his most interesting and challenging albums of the year and of his career. White's talent as a songwriter and musician is not up for argument. He's spent the best part of 2 decades at rock's top table (albeit happy to sit in the corner with his back to everyone). What is up for discussion though is the quality and the objective of "Beach House Reach". Personally,Jack White delivers one of his most interesting and challenging albums of the year and of his career. White's talent as a songwriter and musician is not up for argument. He's spent the best part of 2 decades at rock's top table (albeit happy to sit in the corner with his back to everyone). What is up for discussion though is the quality and the objective of "Beach House Reach". Personally, I really like it. It is a bit disjointed and very bizarre most of the time but as a whole listen it's one of the better ones I've come across in 2018 if your willing to give it enough time. It's no classic but it's a worth addition to one of rock's most intriguing artists in a time when there is a lot of easily digested and easily forgotten junk food out there. Expand
  24. Oct 12, 2018
    A disappointing effort from Jack White. Blunderbuss and Lazaretto were great. This feels like a medium album.

    Favorite Tracks:
    Connected by Love
    Why Walk a Dog?
    Respect Commander
    What's Done Is Done
  25. Apr 19, 2018
    Si bien el nuevo material de Jack W. no es malo (hasta se puede disfrutar) resulta querer ser muy ambicioso para lo que al final resulta ser el disco. No logra alcanzar una expectativa al 100%, inclusive se puede a llegar a perder la esencia original de lo que va el album. Tiene temas muy rescatables si, pero no lo gran llenar los zapatos que dejo
    Si bien el nuevo material de Jack W. no es malo (hasta se puede disfrutar) resulta querer ser muy ambicioso para lo que al final resulta ser el disco. No logra alcanzar una expectativa al 100%, inclusive se puede a llegar a perder la esencia original de lo que va el album. Tiene temas muy rescatables si, pero no lo gran llenar los zapatos que dejo Lazaretto o Blunderbuss
  26. Mar 23, 2018
    Not bad but the lack of actual songs is disappointing, it's very jam/interlude heavy. The most traditional ones on here are Connected by Love (easily the best track on here) and What's Done is Done, the former showcasing some of White's best vocal delivery and the latter tapping into acoustic White Stripes vibes but mixed with a very flat sounding vintage drum machine, every other effortNot bad but the lack of actual songs is disappointing, it's very jam/interlude heavy. The most traditional ones on here are Connected by Love (easily the best track on here) and What's Done is Done, the former showcasing some of White's best vocal delivery and the latter tapping into acoustic White Stripes vibes but mixed with a very flat sounding vintage drum machine, every other effort on here is quite experimental but in ways that I find counteractive to White's best tendencies; namely his knack for simple songwriting and catchy guitar riff hooks. Expand
  27. Mar 23, 2018
    Wow, this was a real dissapointment for me. The traditional songs are really good, you know, the ones where he actually sings... Bus so much of it is like a poetry recital set to music. Sure the production is great and the sounds are usually interesting, but I was left with a bunch of songs that I really can't see myself coming back to .
  28. Mar 26, 2018
    I REALLY wanted to love this album. But alas, it bored me. There was far too much filler, and the instrumentals were very obnoxious at points. But, there were definitely a few highlights, such as Connected By Love and What's Done Is Done.
  29. GJS
    Mar 26, 2018
    I have loved Jack White for years, no matter what band he was with or solo. But this album is such a shambles from start to finish with songs not going anywhere and a lot of ideas that do not work. It's a mess of an album. The teaser video they did for this album where they played snippets from the songs but the actual songs do not build on these. Either a song will go nowhere on thisI have loved Jack White for years, no matter what band he was with or solo. But this album is such a shambles from start to finish with songs not going anywhere and a lot of ideas that do not work. It's a mess of an album. The teaser video they did for this album where they played snippets from the songs but the actual songs do not build on these. Either a song will go nowhere on this album or it will go to too many places at once making it really hard to listen to & enjoy. I still have hope for him for another great album but this & the last Dead Weather isn't looking likely that he'll release better songs anytime soon. Expand
  30. Jul 13, 2018
    Very confused and non-sense album that's difficulty even been listened start-to-end. Minority of the songs saves itself. A failed White's tentative looking interesting with experimental songs.
  31. May 22, 2018
    You know how sometimes, after a disappointing first listen, you gradually gain an appreciation for the underlying genius of an album through repeated plays? That unfortunately hasn't worked with Jack White's Boarding House Reach. If anything, each subsequent listen has only confirmed my initial fear that this represents little more than a messy hodgepodge of half-baked musical ideas thatYou know how sometimes, after a disappointing first listen, you gradually gain an appreciation for the underlying genius of an album through repeated plays? That unfortunately hasn't worked with Jack White's Boarding House Reach. If anything, each subsequent listen has only confirmed my initial fear that this represents little more than a messy hodgepodge of half-baked musical ideas that can only generously be praised as "creative" or "interesting" (similar to how I'd politely describe my 4-year old's 'art' work). Expand
  32. Aug 24, 2018
    I didn't exactly expect such a difficult listen coming from the frontman of The White Stripes. The opening track is borderline painful, and a large amount of this album ends up sounding like a slam poetry session with a backing track--utterly unfocused and experimental in all the wrong ways.

    The occasional guitar riffs thrown in the middle of otherwise lackluster songs (one in
    I didn't exactly expect such a difficult listen coming from the frontman of The White Stripes. The opening track is borderline painful, and a large amount of this album ends up sounding like a slam poetry session with a backing track--utterly unfocused and experimental in all the wrong ways.

    The occasional guitar riffs thrown in the middle of otherwise lackluster songs (one in particular being Why Walk a Dog?) may provide enough to keep your attention for a few minutes, but I'm not actually sure I could bear listening to this album more than once through. From what I've heard thus far, I don't want any of this to grow on me, and I would immediately question the sanity of anyone who thinks select songs from this album should receive airplay. Certain songs like Corporation and Hypermisophoniac take several minutes to get going, subjecting the listener to a barrage of beeps and bops (and in Corporation's case, an overtly annoying "who's with me?" that sounds like it's trying to mimic the female vocals on LCD's "Get Innocuous.") Over and Over and Over, what I've perceived as being the general favorite song on the album by fans is about as repetitive as it sounds, and the constant pitch-shifted female vocals grate against my ears. All of this combined makes the otherwise fantastic instrumentals and lyricism completely unenjoyable. On the other hand, you have songs on the tracklist like "Get In The Mind Shaft," which are impossible to qualify as anything other than sonic insanity. The pinnacle of lyricism on this album comes in the closer, Humoresque, which should be very telling considering that this song wasn't written Jack White, but rather by Al Capone.

    I guess when you're at this point in your career and you already have a reputation for being somewhat experimental, it's easy for fans to mistake an absolute mess for "the most experimental and out-of-left-field" album Jack White has ever been a part of. I could simply be jaded by pretentious albums flaunting their "experimental" labels, but solely based on sound, Boarding House Reach is a total hit or miss.

    Best Tracks: Humoresque, Get In the Mind Shaft
    Worst Track: All of the others.
  33. Dec 18, 2019
    Jack White is not a poor man's songwriter, and is not a real songwriter to contend with. This falls so far beneath my expectations it amounts to nihil. From what we have learned we can only do better.
    This album is insultingly toddlerish, and childish to hear. This album is missing any and all creativity like it is wrong on every level.
  34. Apr 9, 2018
    My god what happened to you Jack White? This is the least adventurous, unlistenable boring album i've heard in a very long time.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Apr 18, 2018
    Boarding House Reach isn’t the easiest of listens, and at times sounds like an over-excited White has just pressed 'record' and let his absurdity run amok. However, its strong moments just about outnumber the less appealing ones, and White’s own creative juices are still being harvested in abundance.
  2. Magnet
    Apr 17, 2018
    What is by some distance the weirdest, wildest White we've yet encountered on record. [No. 150, p.60]
  3. Mar 30, 2018
    On Boarding House Reach, he goes well out of his way to re-scatter the puzzle, but it’s a divine enough mess.