• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Feb 10, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. May well be the best album of her career.
  2. The sexy, solid set is glued together by danceable beats and Minogue's knack for picking great songs and producers.
  3. Yes, the melodies are a little sillier this time around, however the electro-funk grooves are doubly irresistible.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    The results are ludicrously enjoyable, and somewhere Nile Rodgers is smiling. [13 Feb 2004, p.71]
  5. Filter
    Has a slick slutty electroclash vibe. [#9, p.102]
  6. This, basically, is an extremely tastefully done, soulful modern r’n’b record.
  7. You can’t help but get lost in Minogue’s music.
  8. Kylie Minogue definitely sounds like she has a few more tricks stored on her hard drive than Britney or Christina.
  9. Body Language isn’t so much a massive artistic leap as it is a total distillation of her sound and style.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 157 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 157
  1. JohnB
    Aug 2, 2004
    Derivative, weak, substanceless, and insipid are the words that should really describe this album....I couldn't quite believe the woman Derivative, weak, substanceless, and insipid are the words that should really describe this album....I couldn't quite believe the woman singing such naive unsophisticated lyrics was actually 36 y/o....shocking! it defintely does not deserve such praise as it has got here. Kylie's Grammy win was a joke too, with such a weak album that so obviously was rushed they had to give it to here to get America interested again. Unfortunately this stands as Minogue's worst recording....EVER! Full Review »
  2. Sep 8, 2022
    A disco pop masterpiece.

    If you base your review on the lyrical content included in Kylie's work then don't expect much. She and her
    A disco pop masterpiece.

    If you base your review on the lyrical content included in Kylie's work then don't expect much.
    She and her co-writers make POP MUSIC, not "cloud rap".
    Full Review »
  3. Mar 4, 2022
    I definitely understand what people are saying... BUT! No one can do the sultriness of Chocolate and the electrifying masterpiece that isI definitely understand what people are saying... BUT! No one can do the sultriness of Chocolate and the electrifying masterpiece that is Still Standing and serve the cheekiness from Secret (Take You Home) while carrying the timeless sensuality from Slow and Loving Days, ALL IN ONE ALBUM! Full Review »