• Record Label: Kompakt
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 2 out of 11
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  1. Oct 21, 2021
    This 'Box' compiles GAS' major hit records 'Zauberberg', 'Königsforst' and 'Pop' in addition to the EP including 'Tal 90' and 'Oktember'. Needless to say that the content is just gigantic.

    'Pop' album all by itself deserves not less than a nin out if ten. The tracks it showcases are vivid, changing, mind-blowing. It evokes undeniable emotions while telling an endless mysterious story
    This 'Box' compiles GAS' major hit records 'Zauberberg', 'Königsforst' and 'Pop' in addition to the EP including 'Tal 90' and 'Oktember'. Needless to say that the content is just gigantic.

    'Pop' album all by itself deserves not less than a nin out if ten. The tracks it showcases are vivid, changing, mind-blowing. It evokes undeniable emotions while telling an endless mysterious story paved with rain and sunshines. So touching. So beautiful.
    'Königsforst' on its side left me way less impressed with its continuous electronic beat. This feels like mist and dust. Also very questioning but in my opinion it lacked of grandiosity and hope. Violins on 'Königsforst 6' however were interesting and very pleasant. I just can't help but notice the movements GAS proposed were quite similar to those staged on 'Zauberberg'.
    Speaking about this last particular project, I also regret the constant banging techno beat on it. Tracks appear to sound very similar despite the several listenings excepted the noticeable exception of tracks one and seven.
    'Tal 90' offers something clearer than other GAS' works, something brighter, more peaceful. On the other hand the song 'Oktember' unfortunately sees GAS slipping again in his darker sides. It sounds very close to his previous material on the less appealing and poorer 'Königsforst'.

    In conclusion this 'Box' remains a major collection for all experimental techno ambient lovers. If you are one of them you absolutely have to stop to listen to 'Pop'. If you are more curious, let's discover the rest but for me it is simply incomparable.

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. The Wire
    Dec 21, 2016
    The vinyl pressing is high quality and these albums deserve every extra crumb of clarity analogue can muster. ... Clear the shelves. [Dec 2017, p.74]
  2. Dec 19, 2016
    It’s a majestic, often breathtaking collection of some of the most important electronic music of its time, where Voigt managed the seemingly impossible task of bringing the forest to the disco, or vice versa.
  3. Dec 9, 2016
    Nearly twenty years later, GAS still assaults our presumptions about electronic music.