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Universal acclaim- based on 193 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 15 out of 193

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  1. Feb 18, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Classic uk rap album. Every song is a banger. Real storytelling lyrics. Best ever uk rap album. Expand
  2. May 4, 2021
    Classic album the grime bible still the best uk rap album ever made. I luv u is one of the best debut singles ever released by any artist.
  3. Feb 27, 2020
    Stupendous. The original corner boy. 'o If that girl know's where you stay that's poor
    some whore banging on your door what for
    pregnant? what're you talking about this for fifteen, she's underage that's raw and against law 5 years or more and she wants a score and half of a draw some kind of friend that you try and ignore that whore got you pinned down to the floor but its your
    Stupendous. The original corner boy. 'o If that girl know's where you stay that's poor
    some whore banging on your door what for
    pregnant? what're you talking about this for
    fifteen, she's underage that's raw
    and against law 5 years or more
    and she wants a score and half of a draw
    some kind of friend that you try and ignore
    that whore got you pinned down to the floor
    but its your own fault you said three magic words (i love you)
    when that's the one for the birds
    when you said that she forgot other boys
    its over you better start buying the toys
    there was no intention in front of your wife
  4. Feb 3, 2020
    Absolutely riveting flows and surprisingly satisfying and new sound accompanied by a unique voice and well mastered and catchy tracks “boy in da corner” is well worth a listen
  5. May 23, 2019
    A cornerstone in grime, british music, and hip hop in generals history. This album is a grimey, dark and spiritual journey through the streets of london. This album destroys americas monopoly over hip hop and is a criminally underrated piece of music
  6. Jun 17, 2018
    One of the greatest Hip-Hop albums to ever come from the UK, all coming from an 18 year old who started his own genre from this debut masterpiece alone.
  7. Dec 2, 2015
    Dizzee Rascal is very original unique real and raw. He spits real rap with crazy british slang and a perspective from the british gangs. This album is one of the most original rap albums.
  8. Oct 5, 2013
    The perfect grime album! Intelligent lyrics, sick flow and perfect beats. This album gives British hip hop a good name and is a must buy! If you love British hip hop and grime, then you will love this album.
  9. Jan 26, 2012
    The best album i have ever heard. Tells many different stories which rappers seem to lack. The sound is just great and would recommend to any rap fan especially UK rap fans.
  10. Jan 6, 2012
    I have been lucky enough to listen and enjoy a lot of music from almost every era and genre. "Boy In Da Corner" remains without a doubt my favourite album. Perhaps it's because I'm biased, being British like Dizzee Rascal, the MC, himself. I strongly feel that his much discussed accent and lyrical delivery should not act as barrier for potential new listeners. The album is at firstI have been lucky enough to listen and enjoy a lot of music from almost every era and genre. "Boy In Da Corner" remains without a doubt my favourite album. Perhaps it's because I'm biased, being British like Dizzee Rascal, the MC, himself. I strongly feel that his much discussed accent and lyrical delivery should not act as barrier for potential new listeners. The album is at first intimidating. Hostile beeps, eerie muttery voices and the atmospheric sounds of sprawling metropolises punctuate his music along with the ominous, bone shaking groans of bass that reverberate throughout his debut album. Many critics have noted how the album has a truly unique sound, which is no mean feat considering the lengths and breadths artists take to avoid producing derivative records in the 21st century. Dizzee Rascal exemplifies imagination and his wondrous creative output is not just limited to his actual music. His delivery, a kind of MC'ing Dizzee himself coined as "spitting", stands out, in my humble opinion, as some of the most electrifying lyricism in the history of song-writing. Dizzee Rascal spills out breathtaking poetry at a breakneck pace. He accomplishes this with such a panicked intensity you could almost believe that both Tupac Shakur and William Shakespeare stood alongside him in the studio with guns pointing to his head, baying him to reach the momentous heights of their respective talents. But Dizzee Rascal, AKA Dylan Mills, is not at all a crude amalgamation of the figures I just mentioned. He stands entirely on his own as an artist who has pioneered a ground-breaking form of music and as a songwriter who captured the toils of British inner city life in such vividness that he deserves all the credit he receives and infinitely more. Expand
  11. OllieH
    Feb 13, 2009
    Simply the best hip-hop (or whatever you want to call it) album I've ever heard. Dizzee's production is on par with that of El-p or Madlip (actually, he's way better than Madlib) and his rhymes are delivered with the grit and honesty. This isn't rap for the casual listener, this is dense, intelligent, and sincere hip hop.
  12. FrankD
    Jun 1, 2008
    This album really kicks ass ! It´s one of the most original rap albums of all time. Don´t miss it !!!
  13. Irrelevant
    May 22, 2008
    Michael C--I'm not disputing the merits of this album, necessarily, but your including "Eric B." on a list of rap giants is just plain ignorant, since Eric B. did not rap. Rakim rapped. But thanks for playing. Maybe you should review rap albums in the context of rap music only when you have some clue as to what you're talking about.
  14. brianL
    Feb 21, 2008
    Close to perfection, starts to slack off slightly after Fix Up, Look Sharp, but picks up right again at Hold Ya Mouf. this is probably the best connection into urban UK music most people can get. good thing he's talented.
  15. BarryP
    Aug 23, 2007
    True they do sound stupid ash, probably some wannabe badboys or chavs. But there is no doubt this album is fuckin' wicked! Way better than his others, and better than any album Kano has released. It's rare to find so many songs on an album that i really like, there's about 8-9 out of 16 that i could listen to on loop one after the other. 'sikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk album bruv'.
  16. ryans.
    Jul 2, 2007
    sikkkkkkkk album bruv 'sittin here' is a bad tune big up all my blazers!!!
  17. DanA
    Jun 24, 2007
    An AMAZING album. Dizzee Rascal is a great artist and single handedly got me into the Grime genre.
  18. natahna
    Mar 6, 2007
    it is the best
  19. BlahBlah
    Feb 25, 2007
    My favorite album of all time
  20. Rachelxxx
    Jan 12, 2007
    well wat cn i sey except FKIN amazin!!!!this lad has so much talent lv im so much!!!!!!!keep it up Dizzy bbe xxxxx
  21. MichaelC
    Dec 31, 2006
    This is nearly an impossible listen to get all the way through in the first listen. You will simply be over-whelmed by all of it at first, but slowly it starts to make sense, and reveals itself as being original and smart. Even though I love the album as much as I do I have a hard time digesting it all in one listen, you'll know what I mean when you hear it. There isn't a dull This is nearly an impossible listen to get all the way through in the first listen. You will simply be over-whelmed by all of it at first, but slowly it starts to make sense, and reveals itself as being original and smart. Even though I love the album as much as I do I have a hard time digesting it all in one listen, you'll know what I mean when you hear it. There isn't a dull track on the album, they are all special in a serperate way. Dizzee's crazy amounts of flows puts him up there with the likes up Eric B, Tupac, Snoop, and Biggy, it truly is an amazing album, even if you don't like hip/hop you should still get this, in what i've found the "rap heads" have had a harder time grasping this album than the "rap haters" have. Do It! is one of the greatest songs of all. Expand
  22. [Anonymous]
    Nov 21, 2006
    first of all: this is a GRIME album, so all you guys chattin bout hip hop or garage and tryin to rate it by those standards better shh hut yuh muh. "boy in the corner" is a genre-defining masterpiece, one of the first releases able to catch the raw energy of grime on record, and probably the very first one to do so in a commercially successful way.
  23. Pelicaine
    Oct 28, 2006
    This album is a beast, lyrically and musically. The lyrics are none of the multi-syllabic acrobatics used in today's American underground rap, but Dizzie still holds his own on the mic. The beats accompany what he has to say perfectly. The beats are well-put together pieces of ear candy of all sorts. I have yet to find anything that compares to this album. This CD will stretch and This album is a beast, lyrically and musically. The lyrics are none of the multi-syllabic acrobatics used in today's American underground rap, but Dizzie still holds his own on the mic. The beats accompany what he has to say perfectly. The beats are well-put together pieces of ear candy of all sorts. I have yet to find anything that compares to this album. This CD will stretch and blow your mind. One of the album's of the decade, if not century. Expand
  24. JustinD
    Sep 16, 2006
    This is one of my all time favorites. Nothing else like it.
  25. richardj
    Jun 22, 2006
    Best British and Hip-hop album for years, only some underground stuff can compete, looking forward to the new one! This still works bvery well and doesn;t date which is weird for Hip-HOp stuff! Buy this you won't be disappointed!
  26. JimbozZ.
    May 26, 2006
    Best hip hop in years.
  27. SimonS
    Mar 6, 2006
    WOW! This album had me dancing like a fool for days.
  28. MichaelR
    Feb 9, 2006
    Most original and gritty album ever. Clear to see the blend between electronic and the best and most real lyrics work superbly. clear to see he is the best british rapper ever produced
  29. matta
    May 27, 2005
    Maybe a little overrated (not as good as The Streets or Roots Manuva) but still very original and pretty fun to listen to. Brand New Day and I Luv You are amazing.
  30. Jordijordi
    Sep 20, 2004
    Showtime is also good, but Boy in da corner is still the best...

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 28
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 28
  3. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Q Magazine
    [A] strikingly stark and innovative debut. [Sep 2003, p.102]
  2. It all makes for a bleak spread, but Rascal rises up as a singular musical presence too brimming and perceptive to let the coarse world around him pass by untouched.
  3. Blender
    His hard-edged, dance-inflected debut makes East London sound like the new Dirty South. [Jan 2004, p.108]