• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 35
  2. Negative: 2 out of 35
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  1. Mar 30, 2023
    Such a perfect blend of three distinct artists. Boygenius is truly a supergroup.
  2. Aug 26, 2022
    Three Legends. What else is there to say. This album has great production, lyrics, delivery. Also enjoyed that they each had a solo track for the most part. Wish there were a couple more songs.
  3. Apr 25, 2022
    This EP is a modern classic, the Crosby, Stills and Nash of our generation. It feels like a greatest hit's album, and even the weakest song (Stay Down) is stronger than the standout tracks on most albums. I think this is a generation defining piece of art, and a true must listen for indie/emo folk fans. I've listened to this EP more times than I can count. If you vibe with it, check outThis EP is a modern classic, the Crosby, Stills and Nash of our generation. It feels like a greatest hit's album, and even the weakest song (Stay Down) is stronger than the standout tracks on most albums. I think this is a generation defining piece of art, and a true must listen for indie/emo folk fans. I've listened to this EP more times than I can count. If you vibe with it, check out their live performance at Brooklyn Steel (full video on youtube) and prepare to go on an incredible emotional journey. Expand
  4. Dec 4, 2021
    Amazing brilliant and pure art.
    Honestly I didn't expect this but I fell in love with it.
  5. Apr 26, 2021
    this is so great i love it. can’t wait for more boygenuis music. they are definitely a great team
  6. Aug 24, 2019
    There was no way when three of the best songwriters in indie and alternative music right now got together, they wouldn't create a masterpiece and this EP is just that. Every song is amazing in its own right and there are no weak tracks. They all blend elements of their solo work together so well and to think this was recorded in such a short amount of time amazes me. Lots of differentThere was no way when three of the best songwriters in indie and alternative music right now got together, they wouldn't create a masterpiece and this EP is just that. Every song is amazing in its own right and there are no weak tracks. They all blend elements of their solo work together so well and to think this was recorded in such a short amount of time amazes me. Lots of different instrumentation is used on this EP but it nothing ever gets lost in the mix. The lyrics reflect the honesty and emotion of all of their solo works. One of the stand out parts of this EP is the harmonies which really drive home the emotion in the lyrics. I have nothing to fault in this EP and I hope the members of boygenius collaborate on something again. Expand
  7. Aug 19, 2019
    Written over only a few days, these songs pack an emotional and musical punch.Beautifully crafted "Souvenir" is undeniably the stand out track ,my favourite of the year so far.One can only hope a full length album is in the offing.
  8. Feb 21, 2019
    a great blend of artists, vocally and lyrically. the writing really creates such a strong emotion.
  9. Nov 5, 2018
    The trio of Bridgers, Dacus, and Baker work together beautifully, mostly letting their individual talents shine, but occasionally synthesizing into something wonderful. They each have their own unique style, both sonically and lyrically, but they complement each other well across the span of the EP. The songwriting is effortless, poignant, and tasteful, as is the production.

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Nov 27, 2018
    Where this EP lacks in progression, it makes up for in the strength of the songwriting.
  2. 70
    The fact that there isn’t much variety in the approach is somewhat forgivable at the shorter EP length. boygenius may be a one-off, but there is great potential there for more should they abide, what with their top-notch songwriting and three voices that coexist much more smoothly than the couples depicted in their songs.
  3. Nov 20, 2018
    The folk-rock harmonies weave seamlessly through the mist of spindly guitars and echoey ambience and the democratically allocated lead duties almost always blur back into a collective voice.