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Universal acclaim- based on 286 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 23 out of 286
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  1. Jul 27, 2020
    This should be the album that brings Ellie Goulding the kind of popularity in the U.S. that she has in the UK. It's her Ray of Light or The Emancipation of Mimi or Dirty Computer: new depth but also more hooks.

    Although the album is filled with shimmery pop from start to finish, the Brightest Blue side does seem more heartfelt, while the shorter E.G.0. side is pure fun. There is no
    This should be the album that brings Ellie Goulding the kind of popularity in the U.S. that she has in the UK. It's her Ray of Light or The Emancipation of Mimi or Dirty Computer: new depth but also more hooks.

    Although the album is filled with shimmery pop from start to finish, the Brightest Blue side does seem more heartfelt, while the shorter E.G.0. side is pure fun. There is no place across the album that I want to skip a song. And even with 19 tracks, I wish there were more.

    I appreciate that the opening track features a gay artist (serpentwithfeet) using the appropriate pronoun for his significant other.
  2. Jul 17, 2020
    Ellie Goulding delivered one of her best work, probably the best. She deserves a Grammy for Brightest Blue. The lyrics of each song are so personal and touching. Love I'm Given is one of the best tracks she ever made.
  3. Jul 17, 2020
    Ellie after a long time is back to her roots with this beautiful mix of her first 3 albums.
  4. Jul 17, 2020
    Ellie Goulding returns to her honesty in a raw and beautifully orchestrated record. Candid tracks such as ‘Woman’ and ‘Bleach’ gives the record a pace which makes you stop and breathe with poetic lyricism while tracks such as How Deep is Too Deep and Love I’m Given see’s Ellie toy with her EDM magnificence which were so well displayed in previous albums. The Overture of the albumEllie Goulding returns to her honesty in a raw and beautifully orchestrated record. Candid tracks such as ‘Woman’ and ‘Bleach’ gives the record a pace which makes you stop and breathe with poetic lyricism while tracks such as How Deep is Too Deep and Love I’m Given see’s Ellie toy with her EDM magnificence which were so well displayed in previous albums. The Overture of the album brilliantly builds the exciting atmosphere into the EG.0 side which although are split apart from the album are a welcome and familiar sound for listeners. The time Ellie has spent perfecting her craft and the music on this album shows a clear understanding of strengths in past records and creates an impeccable experience for the listener. Expand
  5. Jul 18, 2020
    incredible, emotional, fun
    One of her best to date!
    My favorite tracks are Woman, Tides, Brightest Blue, Love I'm Given and How Deep is Too Deep
  6. Aug 1, 2020
    aoty, aoty, aoty best album ever in the world i lov her new music so much, is the queen of alternapop
  7. Jul 17, 2020
    An absolute immaculate masterpiece through and through. I personally loved 2015's Delirium and Brightest Blue did not disappoint. It was 5 years in the making but you can hear the vocal progression and also improved lyricism. Best tracks are Power, Love I'm Given and Brightest Blue.
  8. Jul 17, 2020
    This album is amazing, really! I couldn't skip any song, a real masterpiece. it'll be a Grammy nominated for sure
    "woman" is such a powerful song with a lot of meanings! I guess she could pass all the feelings that she was feeling. I love it
  9. Jul 17, 2020
    AN ABSOLUTE TRIUMPH. Brightest Blue thrills from start to finish. What overall shines through is Ellie's maturity in her singing and her lyrics.

    The only minor setback worth mentioning is the lack of transitions with the inclusion of three interludes (however 'Cyan' serving more as a quasi-extension to 'How Deep Is Too Deep')
  10. Jul 20, 2020
    Best project of hers. just beautiful lyrically. production... everything just perfect. masterpiece...
  11. Jul 17, 2020
    so good so mature so honest so growth so masterpiece so aoty so bang so beautiful
  12. Jul 18, 2020
    Fácil o melhor álbum dela. As letras com extrema profundidade e os vocais dela melhores que nunca dão um up numa sonoridade que a gente já conhecida vinda dela, mas que ao mesmo inova em alguns pontos, que só acrescente positivamente a obra!
    Eu estou indignado que as músicas mais pessoais e com as letras mais poderosas da carreira Flux e Power foram tão mal nos charts
  13. Jul 19, 2020
    Revival of Ellie Goulding! So amazed to see the authentic side of Ellie again! The album's title track Brightest Blue, Love I'm Given, Tides, Worry bout me are my favorites!
  14. Jul 17, 2020
    The first half of the album is as solid as it comes. Start, Woman, How Deep Is Too Deep and Power are the highlights of the albums
  15. Jul 17, 2020
    i didn’t know she could beat herself but brightest blue is even better than halcyon
  16. Jul 17, 2020
    Try THAT, love THAT, well done Ellie, you’re amazing!!!!!!!! Stay true to yourself, xoxo from Mexico
  17. Jul 19, 2020
    Ellie's fourth album "Brightest Blue" is the most honest and raw album to date. It is sonically cohesive and pleasing to the ears. In her own words this album is "Blue Evolution" which is all about revival, independence and letting go of toxic past gracefully.
  18. Jul 17, 2020
    Practically this is Ellie's most perfectly elaborated work to date, the sound is so pure, a jewel that everybody should give a listen to, and in my personal opinion the best album released this year so far.
  19. Jul 17, 2020
    O álbum tá muito perfeito,a estética,os instrumentais,tudo tá lindo ellie eu amei
  20. Aug 31, 2020
    Brilliant album it has a very outstanding production and every single song sounds so unique and Ellie's vocals are on point
  21. Jul 17, 2020
    might we found the AOTY after all! It's a completely Masterpiece, she's so brilliant and smart for doing this beautiful album. Ellie serving as always.
  22. Jul 17, 2020
    Is her best album. Brightest blue is a complete body of a masterpiece, she is brutally honest and confident to speak her feeling.
  23. Jul 18, 2020
    Sinceramente el mejor álbum de Ellie, valió la pena esperar 5 años, es tan porfundo el album
  24. Jul 17, 2020
    She is back after 5 years with Halcyon vibes again. Brightest Blue is the best album of her.
  25. Jul 17, 2020
    This album is painted with just pure perfection. Ellie served everything that her fans asked. 100/100 this album. The only mistake is that Ode To Myself is so short!!
  26. Jul 17, 2020
    This album is amazing.I loved every song of it.The lyricism,the instrumentals.It really is a work if art.
  27. Jul 18, 2020
    El nuevo álbum de Ellie demuestra un sonido totalmente diferente y maduro. Se aleja un poco de la música genérica comercial, pero eso le suma aún más puntos. Una delicia para el oído de principio a fin.
  28. Jul 17, 2020
    Best album of the years, she is the most iconic person in uk, im so proud to be her fan, she is the #1,
  29. Jul 17, 2020
    El concepto, las canciones, los interludios, los colores, las letras, TODO ES PERFECTO EN ESTE ÁLBUM, probablemente el mejor de Ellie musicalmente hablando. La espera valió tanto la pena.
  30. Jul 17, 2020
    Beautiful album from top to bottom. Well produced, excellent vocals and incredibly written. “Love i’m given” is an instant hit and songs including “Flux” and “New heights” are classic Goulding. A truly special album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Jul 23, 2020
    Brightest Blue's main disc is Goulding's deepest emotional journey yet, a triumph of empowerment and self-discovery.
  2. Jul 22, 2020
    While Blue is thoughtful and beautiful, it’s a drag to sit through. The interludes have more personality than the full-length songs.
  3. Jul 21, 2020
    For the most part, she doesn’t have the chops or soul of contemporaries like Florence Welch, who sings of similar subject matter with a real torch, and who shares a collaborator in Joseph Kearns, who produced almost every song on Brightest Blue. At Kearns’s behest, the album takes a relatively new tack for Goulding, trading the garish for the palatable, but it’s no less grating as a result.