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Universal acclaim- based on 286 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 23 out of 286
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  1. Jul 17, 2020
    She is back after 5 years with Halcyon vibes again. Brightest Blue is the best album of her.
  2. Jul 17, 2020
    The first half of the album is as solid as it comes. Start, Woman, How Deep Is Too Deep and Power are the highlights of the albums
  3. Jul 17, 2020
    An absolute banger One of the best albums of the year A true masterpiece that everyone should listen to it
  4. Jul 17, 2020
    Incredible album!! Personal faves are Love I’m Given, Start and Power! Wish it was a little bit longer though
  5. Jul 17, 2020
    Not gonna lie, I was afraid of being disappointed after Delirium, but this is the masterpiece we needed after all. It reminds me of Halcyon in some aspects, but here we can also see that Ellie has evolved as an artist. Brightest Blue just shows how she gathered everything she experimented in music during these past years and made it something original.
  6. Jul 17, 2020
    AN ABSOLUTE TRIUMPH. Brightest Blue thrills from start to finish. What overall shines through is Ellie's maturity in her singing and her lyrics.

    The only minor setback worth mentioning is the lack of transitions with the inclusion of three interludes (however 'Cyan' serving more as a quasi-extension to 'How Deep Is Too Deep')
  7. Jul 17, 2020
    Ellie Goulding's new recording "Brightest Blue" reveals the artist as a multifaceted personality, making it clear that many feelings were hidden from the eyes of other people, on this album Ellie opens her soul to the listener.
    Throughout the first part of the recording, Ellie talks about the different sides of love, with a sense of feminism and insecurity about her love. the sound goes
    Ellie Goulding's new recording "Brightest Blue" reveals the artist as a multifaceted personality, making it clear that many feelings were hidden from the eyes of other people, on this album Ellie opens her soul to the listener.
    Throughout the first part of the recording, Ellie talks about the different sides of love, with a sense of feminism and insecurity about her love. the sound goes from instrumental ballads with vocals in the upper register, to experimental compositions with effects on the singer's voice, as well as atmospheric noises that add more immersion.
    The second part of the album introduces Ellie's alter ego, it is dedicated to the toxicity of relationships. After all, the world has not only tender and exciting, but also tough and psychologically difficult relationships.
    This record has all the potential to be Ellie's best work, but unfortunately "Love Me Like You Do" remains the best composition of Goulding's career.
  8. Jul 17, 2020
    Practically this is Ellie's most perfectly elaborated work to date, the sound is so pure, a jewel that everybody should give a listen to, and in my personal opinion the best album released this year so far.
  9. Jul 17, 2020
    Ellie Goulding returns to her honesty in a raw and beautifully orchestrated record. Candid tracks such as ‘Woman’ and ‘Bleach’ gives the record a pace which makes you stop and breathe with poetic lyricism while tracks such as How Deep is Too Deep and Love I’m Given see’s Ellie toy with her EDM magnificence which were so well displayed in previous albums. The Overture of the albumEllie Goulding returns to her honesty in a raw and beautifully orchestrated record. Candid tracks such as ‘Woman’ and ‘Bleach’ gives the record a pace which makes you stop and breathe with poetic lyricism while tracks such as How Deep is Too Deep and Love I’m Given see’s Ellie toy with her EDM magnificence which were so well displayed in previous albums. The Overture of the album brilliantly builds the exciting atmosphere into the EG.0 side which although are split apart from the album are a welcome and familiar sound for listeners. The time Ellie has spent perfecting her craft and the music on this album shows a clear understanding of strengths in past records and creates an impeccable experience for the listener. Expand
  10. Jul 17, 2020
    Ellie after a long time is back to her roots with this beautiful mix of her first 3 albums.
  11. Jul 17, 2020
    Beautiful album from top to bottom. Well produced, excellent vocals and incredibly written. “Love i’m given” is an instant hit and songs including “Flux” and “New heights” are classic Goulding. A truly special album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Jul 23, 2020
    Brightest Blue's main disc is Goulding's deepest emotional journey yet, a triumph of empowerment and self-discovery.
  2. Jul 22, 2020
    While Blue is thoughtful and beautiful, it’s a drag to sit through. The interludes have more personality than the full-length songs.
  3. Jul 21, 2020
    For the most part, she doesn’t have the chops or soul of contemporaries like Florence Welch, who sings of similar subject matter with a real torch, and who shares a collaborator in Joseph Kearns, who produced almost every song on Brightest Blue. At Kearns’s behest, the album takes a relatively new tack for Goulding, trading the garish for the palatable, but it’s no less grating as a result.