
Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Jan 23, 2023
    ‘Bubblegum’ is the most creative, well-thought-out and simply fun project to come out of the UK alt-pop scene in quite some time. Biig Piig continues to improve, every release getting her closer and closer to the stratosphere – and even that won’t stop her rise.
  2. Jan 23, 2023
    Though Bubblegum is brief, at seven songs, Biig Piig’s sound brims with poise and promise.
  3. Jan 20, 2023
    The mixtape allows space for this experimentation, jumping from one emotion to the next, yet finds consistency in Biig Piig’s inability to stand still.
  4. 80
    By tying together contrasting sounds and stories into this brilliant collection, Biig Piig embraces the joy of reinvention.
  5. 70
    It’s more than a taster but leaves plenty of room for development in the future, maybe experimenting with different instrumentation and letting the songs stretch out and breathe beyond their sub three minute durations. Until then, let Bubblegum ever so sweetly tear you apart.
  6. Jan 20, 2023
    Her strongest effort to date with the new mixtape, “Bubblegum.” Her distinctively wispy voice and sinewy grooves have created a trademark sound — somewhere between Charli XCX and Pink Pantheress — that’s pop without being cheesy and dance-based without sacrificing melody or shunning melancholy.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Feb 7, 2023
    A phenomenal mixtape the flits between being happy and sad at the same time while riding on a wave of chill. It’s confident, understated andA phenomenal mixtape the flits between being happy and sad at the same time while riding on a wave of chill. It’s confident, understated and endlessly addicting. Full Review »
  2. Jan 23, 2023
    an enjoyable, fun, largely dance-y number that isn't afraid to catch you off guard with a stylistic switch up or two along the way which makesan enjoyable, fun, largely dance-y number that isn't afraid to catch you off guard with a stylistic switch up or two along the way which makes the mixtape all the more fun even if it is too short. 'bubblegum' successfully whets your palate without losing flavour and will likely have fans crossing their fingers hoping a full length album is in the pipeline. Full Review »