• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Oct 22, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 33
  2. Negative: 4 out of 33
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  1. Jun 26, 2023
    It took me years of coming back to revisit this one to realize that I believe it's their best album since sing the sorrow. There isn't a track I actively want to skip.
  2. Dec 23, 2015
    Honestly, this album unfortunately seems like a step back for AFI but also a step forward. It still isn't as good as Sing the Sorrow but it is better than the previous two album. It also has some very good songs such as I Hope You Suffer. I would recommend buying only the songs that appeal to you when getting this album.
  3. Mar 13, 2014
    this album is great,davey havok shows what is the best in the A fire inside,musics like a deep slow panic is perfect,i hope you suffer and the weakest song in the album,and 17 crimes shows the style of classic afi,
    ultimately Burials is the second best album of the band,not only defeat the sing the sorrow
  4. Oct 23, 2013
    This album is a very different type of AFI. It is VERY atmospheric and, much like a NIN album, takes focus and multiple listens to fully appreciate. This has some of the bands best writing and performances to date. The songs are catchy, emotive, and stick with you. Even the songs that seem underwhelming at first listen have grown on me after repeated listens. I highly recommend this album to fans.
  5. Oct 23, 2013
    Lol look at that terrible Rolling Stones review, that's why no one even buys their magazine or supports them anymore!
    I'm not a magnificent writer either but damn at least I can write more than four lines....
    The Sinking Night kicks the album off with roaring drums and of course superb AFI singing (there's not too much to say about the intro it's just good and that's about it :)) I Hope
    Lol look at that terrible Rolling Stones review, that's why no one even buys their magazine or supports them anymore!
    I'm not a magnificent writer either but damn at least I can write more than four lines....
    The Sinking Night kicks the album off with roaring drums and of course superb AFI singing (there's not too much to say about the intro it's just good and that's about it :))
    I Hope you Suffer is next, it's the first single from the album, it's got vicious unclean vocals mixed with yet again a marvelous vocal performance by mister Davey Havok. It's also probably the heaviest on the album.
    A Deep Slow Panic is up next, to me this sounds like something The Cure would have created if they were AFI in 2013. It's overall a beautiful and well written song.
    So far the album is shaping to be my favorite of the year.. let's continue.
    No Resurrection continues a good streak, it's got an old-AFI instrumentation vibe with a very unique vocal pitch in the chorus (i believe it's the chorus?).
    17 crimes is next, it's probably my least favorite on the album after another song which will be mentioned in the review but it's very poppy and overall not honestly that good so it's a total miss for me.
    The Conductor is next, this song sounds theatrical but epic and fun at the same time. I love it!
    Heart Stops, this song sounds similar to Green Day to me (I'm not really sure why, maybe it's the instrumental?) but it's still a catchy song.
    Rewind is next, this song took a few listens to get through my "liking" system but as of now my admiration for the song has skyrocketed.
    Next up is The Embrace, which was featured (With 17 crimes) on Mortal Instruments (the movie, i'm not 100% sure if I got that title correct but the movie looked like something I'd not want to see so please refrain from the hate comments if you liked the movie and I butchered it's title). Embrace is very unique, it's not a favorite but it's definitely not a miss. Decent song overall.
    Wild is next, I'm enamored upon the first listen and still am enchanted by it's beauty! It's got a tribal percussion, old school punk singing, and just overall is my favorite song on the album!
    Greater Than 84 is next, it's a decent song but one of my least favorites on the albums (I know the other AFI fans love this song but I'm just not too sure yet...)
    Anxious is next and I despise this song, I'm sorry fanbase that likes it but I can't stand it.
    The Face Beneath The Waves is next and I'll say that this is one of the best songs AFI has produced.
    Overall a well written, well played, well sung, and pleasure to my ears album!
  6. Oct 22, 2013
    Excellent album. This coming from a huge AFI fan, definitely check it out. This review is also a blast at Rolling Stone magazine. Please Metacritic do not support lacklustre, lazy reviews as 'respectable journalism/criticism'. This so called critic wrote a very poor, laughable review that is a mere 4 lines long?! How can you even rate that a 40? It shouldn't be considered a review, andExcellent album. This coming from a huge AFI fan, definitely check it out. This review is also a blast at Rolling Stone magazine. Please Metacritic do not support lacklustre, lazy reviews as 'respectable journalism/criticism'. This so called critic wrote a very poor, laughable review that is a mere 4 lines long?! How can you even rate that a 40? It shouldn't be considered a review, and unfortunately, and unjustly, skews the legitimate, well written pieces. Please read the actual article, I feel that in anyone's right mind, including this fantastic review site, that it should be ignored and forgotten. Again, to everyone else check out this incredible album. Cheers! Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Kerrang!
    Nov 19, 2013
    Burials is an album that finds darkness everywhere. [19 Oct 2013, p.54]
  2. Burials is an album you’ll want to replay, especially as the days get darker and the weather gets colder.
  3. Oct 22, 2013
    Burials is, barring a few missteps, a work of operatic melodrama set to bleak, bold, impeccable hooks. And that’s all it needs to be.