• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 12, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. Q Magazine
    May 29, 2015
    William's slick pop-R&B effectively smothers Snoop's signature drawl. [Jul 2015, p.113]
  2. May 14, 2015
    There isn’t anything outright offensive to the senses, but if you are a bit of curmudgeon Bush might strike you as a little corny.
  3. May 12, 2015
    All of the things that made Snoop Snoop--his effortless, laconic flow, clever wordplay, and narrative skills--are almost completely absent.
  4. May 12, 2015
    It's a quick listen, clocking in at less than 45 minutes, and the 10 tracks are laid-back--perhaps too much.
  5. May 11, 2015
    For the most part, Bush is another re-hashed and tweaked Snoop album. It is expanding into new territory, but delivering the same result.
  6. May 11, 2015
    As tame as Bush’s formula is, there are times when it works.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 80 out of 98
  2. Negative: 8 out of 98
  1. Jun 15, 2015
    Solid effort from the big boss dogg! Great production from Pharrell gives it a unique sound that bends the hip hop genre in ways that we haveSolid effort from the big boss dogg! Great production from Pharrell gives it a unique sound that bends the hip hop genre in ways that we have never seen. Only knocks are that the sound/content stays pretty much the same all the way through and though his credentials as an MC are untouchable, he can't really sing too well. Nonetheless, there is great vibe to the music, and considering that this is the same dude that came in the game as a gangsta rapper, the fact that he barely rapped on this project at all and it is still enjoyable marks a great example of artist growth. Full Review »
  2. Jun 13, 2015
    Yes, the songs are all similar. Yes, Snoop got lazy and so did Pharell. But that doesn't mean the songs are bad. They're all extremelyYes, the songs are all similar. Yes, Snoop got lazy and so did Pharell. But that doesn't mean the songs are bad. They're all extremely listenable. There are plenty of great funk influences to be found hidden amongst Pharell's layered production. Snoop flows through each track like a puff of smoke, and some of the features are particularly good. I wish they did more with Stevie Wonder, but what he did do was ground "California Roll" in an element of soul. Personal favourite on here has to be "This City" - the lyrics aren't out-of-this-world but the instrumental is by far the best you'll find on the entire album. Full Review »
  3. May 22, 2015
    Talk about G-Funk. Nate Dogg just got dethroned. This album is a non-stop Funk ride, and I can't help but tap my feet when listening to it.Talk about G-Funk. Nate Dogg just got dethroned. This album is a non-stop Funk ride, and I can't help but tap my feet when listening to it. Almost all the songs would go great at a party, or cruising down the street in your SIX-FO. Full Review »