• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Sep 15, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 35
  2. Negative: 4 out of 35
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Nov 4, 2022
    Wow, mindblowing. To be honest, it took me some time to understand its greatness. But when I did, I could not stop listening to this. I feel like this album stands on its own and no one will ever be able to recreate something like this. Top Picks For You and Outside broke me. Easily both top 5 songs from 2021. Amazing mindboggling album
  3. Dec 12, 2021
    Honestly, I just listened to this album. It feels like Kid A without the charisma to me. It's not a bad album by any means, but it's not something I could listen to. The album has some deep themes, but you can't understand any of them because the vocals are too distorted! When the album sounds good, it sounds truly beautiful! But it rarely meets that potential, if ever. The finalHonestly, I just listened to this album. It feels like Kid A without the charisma to me. It's not a bad album by any means, but it's not something I could listen to. The album has some deep themes, but you can't understand any of them because the vocals are too distorted! When the album sounds good, it sounds truly beautiful! But it rarely meets that potential, if ever. The final track however is very good, I just wish the rest of the album met that quality. Expand
  4. Dec 10, 2021
    This is the AOTY and decade so far. It is mind blowing how weird it is but doesn't sacrifice the catchiness from their older albums. I cannot stop listening to it. The beats on this sound like they have created a new genre. The lyrics are amazing. Perfect album.
    top 3 tracks: outside, superman that, knees
    no bad tracks
    RIP Stepa J. Groggs
  5. Dec 5, 2021
    What an album this was. I should not even say it's an album, but more of a lifechanging experience. I have never heard anything remotely like this. This is a big change up from their last album, and it was definitely for the better. I cannot describe how this album makes me feel, being that it is a complete roller coasters of emotions. The production of Parker Corey on this album isWhat an album this was. I should not even say it's an album, but more of a lifechanging experience. I have never heard anything remotely like this. This is a big change up from their last album, and it was definitely for the better. I cannot describe how this album makes me feel, being that it is a complete roller coasters of emotions. The production of Parker Corey on this album is unbelievably stunning, delivering glitch-esque instrumentals while Ritchie and Groggs tie it all together with extremely creative and heartfelt lyrics. This is truly a benchmark in the history of hip hop, and to think how much more amazing music will come with this album as it's influence truly gives me hope for the future of music. Expand
  6. Oct 11, 2021
    I left this album a changed man. The whole album was like micky d’s sprite weird as hell but **** amazing.
  7. Oct 6, 2021
    I'm working what I just heard. Hip-hop? Experimental? Alternative? Music? A regret? I don't know what the heck that was, but I'll just say that for mentioning "5G", this record got me. Hands down, Injury Reserve did what they did to commemorate their colleague and the world in the best way they know how to do it.

    fav tracks: "Superman That", "Knees", "Postpostpartum", "SS San Francisco"
    I'm working what I just heard. Hip-hop? Experimental? Alternative? Music? A regret? I don't know what the heck that was, but I'll just say that for mentioning "5G", this record got me. Hands down, Injury Reserve did what they did to commemorate their colleague and the world in the best way they know how to do it.

    fav tracks: "Superman That", "Knees", "Postpostpartum", "SS San Francisco" & "Top Picks for You"
    KEY-TRACK: "Wild Wild West"
  8. Sep 25, 2021
    This album is amazing. I’m not usually one to praise experimental albums blindly, but Injury Reserve on By The Time I Get To Phoenix definitely do it right. The production on this album straddles the lines between hip hop and non hip hop, and yet is still executed amazingly well. Every riff and chord is filled with emotion. The album encompasses a downward spiral and just the feeling ofThis album is amazing. I’m not usually one to praise experimental albums blindly, but Injury Reserve on By The Time I Get To Phoenix definitely do it right. The production on this album straddles the lines between hip hop and non hip hop, and yet is still executed amazingly well. Every riff and chord is filled with emotion. The album encompasses a downward spiral and just the feeling of dread and disappointment, in the most beautiful way possible. The vocals on this album aren’t to be scoffed at either, impressive seeing IR expand their range. There is no bad or even mediocre song on this album. Knees and Top Picks For You are standouts, though. R.I.P Groggs. Expand
  9. Sep 22, 2021
    This is such a depressing and introspective album.

    It reminds me a lot of death grips industrial sound but it has that distinct injury reserve style to it. Thematically this album is more similar to NIN's the downward spiral. This sounds like an album from the future. While not every track works for me, I can respect the sound that each track goes for. This is one of my favourite
    This is such a depressing and introspective album.

    It reminds me a lot of death grips industrial sound but it has that distinct injury reserve style to it. Thematically this album is more similar to NIN's the downward spiral. This sounds like an album from the future. While not every track works for me, I can respect the sound that each track goes for.

    This is one of my favourite hip-hop albums this year, and that's saying a lot (so many good ones so far).

    RIP Groggs
  10. Sep 22, 2021
    What might be this decades the money store Injury reserves experimental sound and themes of gripping darkness are all something new smart and admireable
  11. Sep 22, 2021
    This record is honestly amazing, this feels like a mix of something death grips would compose and something completely new.
    The composition and overall feeling of the song "knees" is just incredible
    With that being said, stream this album, and support Injury Reserve! RIP Groggs Fav Tracks: Knees, Wild Wild West, Top Picks For You, PostPostPartum Least Fav Track: (idkkkk uhmmm,
    This record is honestly amazing, this feels like a mix of something death grips would compose and something completely new.
    The composition and overall feeling of the song "knees" is just incredible
    With that being said, stream this album, and support Injury Reserve!
    RIP Groggs

    Fav Tracks:
    Knees, Wild Wild West, Top Picks For You, PostPostPartum

    Least Fav Track:
    (idkkkk uhmmm, if i had to pick one, i'd say Outside, but only the intro)
  12. Sep 22, 2021
    This honestly just blew my mind. This album broke the barrier of what music can be. This feels like a downward spiral with insane production accompanied by some intense vocal performance. If you are a fan of experimental music definitely give this one a listen.

    Best song is Knees

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. The Wire
    Dec 20, 2021
    Much like Mantronix, Injury Reserve’s strengths lie in their overall freshness, and the way they play with and reinforce hiphop’s borders. Phoenix is full of post-genre dynamics. ... Phoenix is a punch-drunk affair that finds Injury Reserve hurtling forward with a determined anguish. [Oct 2021, p.49]
  2. Nov 3, 2021
    By the Time I Get to Phoenix has arrived, an album loaded with deep emotion and detailed texture that makes every track feel revelatory.
  3. Sep 23, 2021
    On By the Time I Get to Phoenix, they reintroduce themselves as wide-eyed explorers, a rep that suits their fascination with rap’s mechanics, its margins, and its future.