• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Jul 1, 2016
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 141 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 141
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  1. Jul 1, 2016
    California covers a wide variety of previous styles from the band, keeping them fresh while venturing into new territories. Matt Skiba brings a new energy that can only be rivaled by their late 90's-early 2000's golden days. Mark Hoppus still sounds as good as he did 20 years ago and he brings his sickest bass lines in the band's history. What else can be said of Travis Barker that hasn'tCalifornia covers a wide variety of previous styles from the band, keeping them fresh while venturing into new territories. Matt Skiba brings a new energy that can only be rivaled by their late 90's-early 2000's golden days. Mark Hoppus still sounds as good as he did 20 years ago and he brings his sickest bass lines in the band's history. What else can be said of Travis Barker that hasn't been said already? And John Feldman brings a polished production reminiscent of Enema of the State or Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. Overall, this album is a consistent blast of energy, super catchy melodies, experimentation, somber moments and excellent performances from everyone involved. I have no problems ranking it as my new #1 favorite Blink album! Expand
  2. Jul 3, 2016
    This is the album that Blink-182 needed to release for years to come. I know some diehard fans are going to have bias feelings towards Tom's departure. But, I frankly believe it was the drastic change the band needed in order to survive. Tom DeLonge was far too concerned with moving forward with Angels & Airwaves, which he can gladly do without the pressure of trying to keep both bandsThis is the album that Blink-182 needed to release for years to come. I know some diehard fans are going to have bias feelings towards Tom's departure. But, I frankly believe it was the drastic change the band needed in order to survive. Tom DeLonge was far too concerned with moving forward with Angels & Airwaves, which he can gladly do without the pressure of trying to keep both bands going with only having the full desire for just one of them. I take nothing away from Tom's songwriting ability, but I personally believe Matt Skiba just happens to be better at songwriting and was looking forward to the "new and improved" Blink-182. After listening to California for the first time (I haven't stopped listening to it much since I got ahold of it), it immediately took me back to when I heard Take Off Your Pants & Jacket for the first time. In my opinion, it's the band's best record since that album. Every song brings something different to the table while consisting of some continuity. Call me crazy, but Mark Hoppus and Matt Skiba are a match made in Heaven. California just has the classic sing-a-long Pop Punk vibes that Blink-182 had back in the late 90's and early 2000's. It was obvious on both self-titled and Neighborhoods that Tom was pulling away from Blink-182 and was ready to stick a fork in his contribution to the band. That was notably clear for both albums since they recorded each one separately. This was the first album in god knows how long that they actually recorded together in the same studio. You can tell by listening to California that they had a blast writing and recording this album; which is something Mark and Travis haven't had with Blink-182 in a long time. They're both just happy as much as I am that the band is alive and well.

    I wish Tom DeLonge the very best with his future musical endeavors; whether that be continuing in Angels & Airwaves or not, but I am very interested in seeing where this new look Blink-182 goes from here. Matt Skiba joining forces with Mark and Travis is the best thing to happen to this band in a very long time.
  3. Jul 20, 2016
    California and The Egress of Tom DeLonge
    By Joshua Moyer Upon hearing of Tom DeLonge's exodus from Blink-182, I was struck with a flood of emotions; anger, skepticism, denial. However, once I listened to Blink's 7th studio album California, I found myself hit with a different emotion: gleeful acceptance. Now believe you me, there exists no greater fan of Tom DeLonge's
    California and The Egress of Tom DeLonge

    By Joshua Moyer

    Upon hearing of Tom DeLonge's exodus from Blink-182, I was struck with a flood of emotions; anger, skepticism, denial. However, once I listened to Blink's 7th studio album California, I found myself hit with a different emotion: gleeful acceptance. Now believe you me, there exists no greater fan of Tom DeLonge's involvement with Blink-182 than myself. I've modeled my playing style and guitar tone after his. I own his signature Seafoam Green Stratocaster. I've purchased the same pedals he uses. I've bought everything he and Blink have ever recorded. I love this man. I would hug him, possibly kiss his cheek if I ever met him. That having been said, I could not be happier with Tom's willing (or unwilling) departure from Blink-182.

    Over the first weekend following the release, I had a chance to listen to California in one sitting while I mowed my lawn. 42 minutes and 36 seconds later, the album was over. This is where I did something weird - instead of hitting repeat while I continued to mow, I decided to weigh the album against another album. Which album, you ask? Neighborhoods, the last Blink album on which Tom DeLonge contributed. And I realized something, Blink-182.1 may be my new favorite band!

    From jump street, Neighborhoods starts out wrong. Drummer Travis Barker comes in with a killer drum beat, totally indicative of what made Blink-182 a platinum selling band. And I think to myself, "Oh here we go! Give me that sweet, simplistic, yet wonderfully crafted Blink guitar lick! Oh boy! Here it comes..." However a new sound floods through my earbuds... a synthesizer. A big swelling synth and then these little chirpy guitar strums and I think to myself, "Ugh! What is this?!" And so it goes. The whole album, save two songs. Synths, hallow sounding treble guitar tones, and no real lasting guitar riffs. It sounded more like Tom's other project, Angels And Airwaves; featuring Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker. And at this moment I realized: this is what Blink-182 would have become if Tom DeLonge had not left.

    In an interview in early 2015, founding member and bassist Mark Hoppus said, "I just wish Tom does whatever makes him happy and stops holding Blink-182 back from what we all agree we're going to do: play shows, record music... and have a good time doing it." And that's exactly what Blink-182 has done. Barker stated in an interview with NME.com that they'd "scrapped all initial tracks from their fourth coming (California) album." 16 tracks in total, all ones written and partially recorded during the final stages of DeLonge's involvement with the band. The result: the album they should have released in 2005.

    California has it all, and then some! From incredibly catchy choruses to eerily DeLonge-like guitar playing, this album is near perfection! The album kicks off with the track “Cynical”, a fast-passed intro to everything good about the genre of Pop Punk. I found myself singing the incredibly catchy "She's Out of Her Mind" hours after only one listen. The first single from the album "Bored to Death" sounds like it's from their 2001 album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. Taking a musically matured turn is the track "Los Angeles." Easily a new personal favorite, it features a minor tonality and a little more distortion than a typical Blink-182 song. The track "San Diego" has a palpable nostalgia that makes even myself feel like I grew up in San Diego having never even visited. The title track "California" showcases musical growth and unofficially caps off the album I've wanted Blink to produce since the self titled album of 2003.

    It really does pain me to admit this, but Blink-182 is better off without Tom DeLonge and Tom DeLonge is better off without Blink-182. I believe both parties were holding each other back from the growth they both desired. For me, California feels like a harkening back to days long gone while simultaneously setting up a bright new future for Blink-182 and washing away any denial, anger and skepticism I once held. I'm so excited for Blink-182.1 and what's to come.
  4. Nov 2, 2016
    Simply put, this is the best album Blink 182 have released since 2000. The departure of Tom Delonge is and always will be saddening, but it is clear his passion lives elsewhere now. It must be said however, that the new arrival, Matt Skiba, has captured the magic of Blink perfectly and in my opinion every song is fantasticly written and performed. This is Blink 182. You can't get betterSimply put, this is the best album Blink 182 have released since 2000. The departure of Tom Delonge is and always will be saddening, but it is clear his passion lives elsewhere now. It must be said however, that the new arrival, Matt Skiba, has captured the magic of Blink perfectly and in my opinion every song is fantasticly written and performed. This is Blink 182. You can't get better than this!! Expand
  5. May 27, 2017
    California and The Egress of Tom DeLonge !!Matt Skiba brings a new energy that can only be rivaled by their late 90's-early 2000's golden days, their songs on this album were pretty short like "Built This Pool" and "Brohemian Rhapsody" were very short songs that were under a minute and they are not really a song. However, the other songs like "Bored To Death", "No Future" and
    California and The Egress of Tom DeLonge !!Matt Skiba brings a new energy that can only be rivaled by their late 90's-early 2000's golden days, their songs on this album were pretty short like "Built This Pool" and "Brohemian Rhapsody" were very short songs that were under a minute and they are not really a song. However, the other songs like "Bored To Death", "No Future" and "Teenage Satellites" were beautiful amazing songs on this album and other songs on this album are very good. A pretty goo
  6. Feb 25, 2017
    This album is indefinitely worth the hype! Blink 182's California could be the best album of 2016. Bored to Death was awesome song, Tom De Longe done a great job with this album. It has potential!
  7. Jul 5, 2016
    You know, sometimes in life, you do not have a choice. We didn't have a choice whether we would get a new blink 182 album with the whole old crew. So the options would have been, no album, or this album.

    And that said, I'd take this album over no album ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. I have a good time listening to it. Thanks for bringing back good old memories guys. Tom might be missing, but you
    You know, sometimes in life, you do not have a choice. We didn't have a choice whether we would get a new blink 182 album with the whole old crew. So the options would have been, no album, or this album.

    And that said, I'd take this album over no album ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. I have a good time listening to it. Thanks for bringing back good old memories guys. Tom might be missing, but you guys managed to capture the feel of Blink 182 and thats what counts for me. I can feel it
  8. Sep 20, 2019
    A massive return to form following Neighbourhoods. A tad overproduced is the only thing i coud find wrong with this album, with nods to sounds from right across their career such as the Dude Ranch inspired Cynical kicking things off. From front to back it ups the melody, ups the immediacy and ups the fun: welcome back Blink.
  9. Jul 1, 2016
    This album falls right in line with Blinks evolution of their music. Mixing the Mature sound of the Self Titled Album with some of the quirks from Take off your Pants and Jacket. California is just what i wanted after Neighborhoods. Matt Skiba's addition to Blink is great. He gives them some need rejuvenation to their sound. I cant wait to see them later this summer!
  10. Jul 6, 2016
    Well first of all, Mark, Travis and the whole lot themselves said they were trying to go back to the basics and recapture the magic that made blink who they are, and please stop me if I'm wrong, but aren't lazy, immature lyrics what made them so big in the first place? It's also understandable that they didn't try to venture too far and experiment with more "mature" lyrics as some of y'allWell first of all, Mark, Travis and the whole lot themselves said they were trying to go back to the basics and recapture the magic that made blink who they are, and please stop me if I'm wrong, but aren't lazy, immature lyrics what made them so big in the first place? It's also understandable that they didn't try to venture too far and experiment with more "mature" lyrics as some of y'all were calling for them to. There's a new member in Matt for Christ's sake. It would be unwise to change so much in such a short time since fans of the band would probably complain. Heck, people were calling for Matt's head even before the first single off the album came out. As far as I'm concerned, Jon Feldmann did his job in the studio. Giving the band a much needed sense of direction ever since Jerry Finn passed away. The band themselves spoke out against Neighborhoods which in hindsight was still a good album but was characterized by infighting and odd recording procedures. Sure Sober and Left alone were a bit over produced and sounded much more pop-ish but they're still good tracks in their own right. The album really brings out the best of blink which is fast paced tunes and catchy hooks filled with lyrics of teenage years, family, home and their experiences. It contains tracks like Cynical, She's Out Of Her Mind, Rabbit Hole and the Only thing that Matters which are quick and catchy just like a lot of other blink songs. The record also shows they can get serious when it matters in California and Home Is Such a Lovely Place which are reminiscent of Stay Together for the Kids or even, I Miss You. It also contains the joking side they're well known for in Bohemian Rhapsody and Built This Pool (for those who say that joke fell flat and younger Mark was funnier, well joke's on you; he actually played that song a really long time ago on his show, Hoppus On Music). There's even Los Angeles, a more experimental track which would not feel out of place on Self-Titled and reminds me of Feeling This. Teenage Satellites' lyrics and No Future's tune both sound like something off Enema and don't even get started on their prolonged "Na Na Na" and "woah"s and repeated lyrics in choruses. Those are things that have been a staple in Blink's music from the very beginning (see All the Small Things and Family Reunion). Plus the lyricism of San Diego is all about Mark's life experiences, another one of their lyric staples (see Stay Together for the Kids which was about Tom's parent's divorce) . Of course we would have liked to hear Matt more but with Tom gone, someone has to become the primary singer right? And Mark becomes just that and let's Matt handle the other parts, just like Mark did before Tom's departure. All in all the record does just what they set out to do, go back to their roots and incorporate the things that they're already known for. All this cynicism and dislike is definitely unwarranted. Expand
  11. Jul 12, 2016
    This album is a triumphant return to form for blink. It acts as a sampling of the sounds that have made up all of their most popular albums and serves as a fantastic summer album.
  12. Jul 14, 2016
    California is the direction that Blink should be headed. This is the right album to be released, and it is only going to get better from here. Matt Skiba is well introduced to the fans and has not disappointed at all, as exemplified by the tracks Left Alone and Teenage Satellites. Skiba's charisma also helped the choruses of tracks such as Cynical and San Diego. As for Mark and Travis,California is the direction that Blink should be headed. This is the right album to be released, and it is only going to get better from here. Matt Skiba is well introduced to the fans and has not disappointed at all, as exemplified by the tracks Left Alone and Teenage Satellites. Skiba's charisma also helped the choruses of tracks such as Cynical and San Diego. As for Mark and Travis, everything that should be said about them is already said. They are still the Mark and Travis we liked. Aside from the whoas and na nas which I think is overused in the entirety of the album, there is no negatives to say for the album. Blink-182 is definitely back! Expand
  13. May 2, 2017
    It's a pretty good album from Blink-182. California contains some good songs like "Cynical", "Bored To Death", "Left Alone", and "She's Out Of Her Mind".
  14. Sep 20, 2017
    California is blink 182 hitting the refresh button and coming out with a new sound that has the same blink 182 feel. Cynical, Bored to death, She's out of her mind, sober, kings of the weekend, no future are just a few examples of the many great songs that make this album. Iv always never really been a fan of blink 182 with only liking a very few songs over their 6 albums but this albumCalifornia is blink 182 hitting the refresh button and coming out with a new sound that has the same blink 182 feel. Cynical, Bored to death, She's out of her mind, sober, kings of the weekend, no future are just a few examples of the many great songs that make this album. Iv always never really been a fan of blink 182 with only liking a very few songs over their 6 albums but this album has changed my mind about them. Expand
  15. Mar 10, 2018
    Not a perfect album but Blink 182's best album to date. Both the original and deluxe songs are great collections of songs and the album is unfairly criticized because of Tom Delonge's absence.

    The overuse of the Nanana's and Woah-oh's and the pointless and unfunny "joke" songs are the main valid criticisms of the album
  16. Jul 2, 2016
    Feels like classic Blink. Enjoyed this album much more than their last one. Skiba makes a great addition to the band. The short songs like 'Built This Pool' are great. Only complain is it needs more dick jokes.
  17. Jul 2, 2016
    I'm not sure how this Blink album fails to meet anyone's expectations. It sounds exactly like every other album that Blink has ever made. Which is kind of the point of Blink in the first place, isn't it? You want a seven course musical meal, go download a Wynton Marsalis discography. Blink is audio comfort food, like pizza by the slice. I'm happy they're back, and I look forward to more ofI'm not sure how this Blink album fails to meet anyone's expectations. It sounds exactly like every other album that Blink has ever made. Which is kind of the point of Blink in the first place, isn't it? You want a seven course musical meal, go download a Wynton Marsalis discography. Blink is audio comfort food, like pizza by the slice. I'm happy they're back, and I look forward to more of their melancholy silliness in the future. Expand
  18. Jul 7, 2016
    This is the first release for Blink 182 post Tom Delonge. Does it sound different? Yes. Is it a bad change? Depends on who you ask. The detractors of this album will say it is not real Blink 182. I personally believe this album sounds more "Blink 182" than either of their past two efforts. Does Matt Skiba bring something to this album? Definitely. Upon first listen through, I found myselfThis is the first release for Blink 182 post Tom Delonge. Does it sound different? Yes. Is it a bad change? Depends on who you ask. The detractors of this album will say it is not real Blink 182. I personally believe this album sounds more "Blink 182" than either of their past two efforts. Does Matt Skiba bring something to this album? Definitely. Upon first listen through, I found myself kind of bored with the whole album. All of the criticisms of the band's decision to move on without Tom had worn me down. I thought what I was hearing was a by the book "pop-punk" record, released to capitalize on the nostalgia of aging 20 somethings. A few days later, I could not get the songs out of my head. I attribute this to the absolutely on point vocals by Matt Skiba, especially during choruses. While the lyrics in my opinion are lacking in the depth department, the greatest success of this album is its dedication to making the songs so damn easy to sing along with. On the opening "Cynical" Skiba yells with intensity "What's the point of saying sorry now?/ Lost my voice while fighting my way out." These kind of chanting choruses are a common theme in this album. There isn't much to say about Mark or Travis that hasn't been heard before, and you won't find too much new to discuss here. Their performances on this album are very tight and clean, and the production is very well done. I have had this album on repeat for a few days now, and I believe it might be on repeat for many to come. At the very least I'd recommend that any skeptic would at least give it a chance. If you put aside the drama, and listen to the music, it might just surprise you how much you like this one. Expand
  19. Jul 1, 2016
    Without Tom DeLonge, I never thought Blink-182 will never the same without him. But when Matt Skiba joined the band and they recorded the album. Then the album finally released. It was pretty much worth the wait. Their songs are pretty catchy and head-banging. But some of their songs on this album were pretty short like "Built This Pool" and "Brohemian Rhapsody" were very short songs thatWithout Tom DeLonge, I never thought Blink-182 will never the same without him. But when Matt Skiba joined the band and they recorded the album. Then the album finally released. It was pretty much worth the wait. Their songs are pretty catchy and head-banging. But some of their songs on this album were pretty short like "Built This Pool" and "Brohemian Rhapsody" were very short songs that were under a minute and they are not really a song. However, the other songs like "Bored To Death", "No Future" and "Teenage Satellites" were beautiful amazing songs on this album and other songs on this album are very good. A pretty good band's work! Expand
  20. Jul 13, 2016
    Being a huge fan of 90´s records, I must say that here the band finally shows some of their essence.
    It’s a good album, not perfect, but ok. Let´s hope this is the beginning of a new era for Blink 182, even without Delonge (good for Skiba).

    Highlight: Sober, Left Alone
  21. Jul 2, 2016
    How to describe this? When TOYPAJ came out, several critics brought it down, some giving it a 2/10- I think the metacritic was around 65. Sure, it wasn't what we were used to after Enema but 15 years on it's still an album any Blink fan knows the lyrics to.

    I've been listening to California several times from start to finish, and it's beautiful. The production allowed for a
    How to describe this? When TOYPAJ came out, several critics brought it down, some giving it a 2/10- I think the metacritic was around 65. Sure, it wasn't what we were used to after Enema but 15 years on it's still an album any Blink fan knows the lyrics to.

    I've been listening to California several times from start to finish, and it's beautiful. The production allowed for a rollercoaster of emotions as songs went from rejection to growing up. Drums heavy on a lot of the songs, guitar perfect and incredible bass licks. Maybe a bit bass and Mark heavy at times, but hey it seems to work. I've played a few songs at a party this weekend and people instantly knew it was Blink...it is! I think people need to realize that writing 10 Dude Ranch or Enema's in a row would be boring....we need variety. Mark, Matt and Travis are incredible song writers and this is proof!
  22. Jul 13, 2016
    It took a few listens, but I really grew into it. Matt Skiba helps this album a ton. I can really feel the enthusiasm in his vocals throughout most of the songs, and it's payed off. I can't say it's a perfect record(The critics score would probably be a few points higher if Sober was just taken off the album entirely) but it's exactly what diehard blink fans(And yes, I'm one of them)It took a few listens, but I really grew into it. Matt Skiba helps this album a ton. I can really feel the enthusiasm in his vocals throughout most of the songs, and it's payed off. I can't say it's a perfect record(The critics score would probably be a few points higher if Sober was just taken off the album entirely) but it's exactly what diehard blink fans(And yes, I'm one of them) want. Fun and energizing. Expand
  23. Sep 9, 2016
    Without Tom DeLonge, I never thought Blink-182 will never the same without him. But when Matt Skiba joined the band and they recorded the album. Then the album finally released. It was pretty much worth the wait. Their songs are pretty catchy and head-banging. But some of their songs on this album were pretty short like "Built This Pool" and "Brohemian Rhapsody" were very short songs thatWithout Tom DeLonge, I never thought Blink-182 will never the same without him. But when Matt Skiba joined the band and they recorded the album. Then the album finally released. It was pretty much worth the wait. Their songs are pretty catchy and head-banging. But some of their songs on this album were pretty short like "Built This Pool" and "Brohemian Rhapsody" were very short songs that were under a minute and they are not really a song. However, the other songs like "Bored To Death", "No Future" and "Teenage Satellites" were beautiful amazing songs on this album and other songs on this album are very good. A pretty good band's work! Expand
  24. Aug 21, 2019
    The songs are great but some looks like others and it also have a lot of simple songs making them look the same

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. 80
    California collects 14 hook-drenched punk-pop barnstormers that both reflect nostalgically on their youthful vigours (Bored To Death, Kings Of The Weekend, San Diego) and revisit them impressively (Teenage Satellites, No Future).
  2. 70
    California isn’t a perfect record, nor does it need to be. It displays a band getting back on the right page with great energy yet struggling a bit to find equilibrium.
  3. Jul 6, 2016
    The earnest California takes plenty of time to sprawl out, from wound-licking power ballads (“Home Is Such a Lonely Place,” “Hey I’m Sorry”) to high-shine navel-gazings that hew closely to past hits.