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  1. Jul 5, 2016
    All the beats and melodies are lifted from Blues and Reggae standards.

    "If we could dance like fire we'd never get burned" Yikes, that's what passes for a lyric Ben? After you've waded through the numerous tepid, obvious, and tedious songs on this album, you'll find a couple merely listenable items like Shine, Bones, and even the silly Pink Balloon. I can't honestly recommend this
    All the beats and melodies are lifted from Blues and Reggae standards.

    "If we could dance like fire we'd never get burned" Yikes, that's what passes for a lyric Ben?

    After you've waded through the numerous tepid, obvious, and tedious songs on this album, you'll find a couple merely listenable items like Shine, Bones, and even the silly Pink Balloon. I can't honestly recommend this album just for those 3 songs however, so only die-hard Ben Harper fans need give this a listen.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Apr 8, 2016
    When he's backed by the Innocent Criminals, Harper never seems to be trying too hard, and that's why Call It What It Is is a cut above many of his records.
  2. 91
    It’s a welcome homecoming. Recorded in separate sessions spanning the course of a year, the 11-song set is his most diverse collection in years.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 6, 2016
    The best songs here--the loose, Blaxploitation soul groove Bones; the Cat Stevens-like Deeper And Deeper--are those on which Harper sounds most relaxed and contemplative. [May 2016, p.86]