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Universal acclaim- based on 152 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 10 out of 152
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  1. Sep 18, 2020
    The fourth album of the group shows a lot of growth. The difference between their debut album and CALM is very clear, the more mature lyrics, the different sounds, everything collaborates and makes this album one of the best of the year.
  2. Apr 10, 2021
    This work is what 5 Seconds of Summer needed, to evolve and reach perfection. A romantic, great, melancholic and fun album. The best that this band could give us. A masterpiece
  3. Jul 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this album so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much ❤️ Expand
  4. Apr 14, 2020
    An album with no skips. The diversity in this album is so unique and so unbelievably good.
  5. Apr 14, 2020
    a very diverse album featuring a new sound not only for the band but for this generation! incredibly talented group.
  6. Apr 14, 2020
    very good album, that shows their evolution. very diverse, everyone can find a song that suits them
  7. Apr 14, 2020
    This album is PHENOMENAL. Even thought there was lots of complications with the charts because of billboard, this album was truly magnificent. All of the songs tells a a story and overall is beautiful!
  8. Apr 14, 2020
    This album is totally PHENOMENAL. I haven't seen an album as good as this in a long time.

    Work of art.
  9. Apr 14, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece, like literally one of the bests definitely, so good. Best years and wildflowers are from another galaxy
  10. Apr 14, 2020
    My favorite album of the boys. A wonderful and amazing release with many emotions to share and just an incredible sound.
  11. Apr 14, 2020
    Beautifull lyrics, amazing sound, mindblower vocals, everything is PERFECT!!
  12. Apr 14, 2020
    CALM is an amazing and versatile album. Melodically it is wonderful, no song on the album sounds like the others. It has beautiful lyrics that narrate situations that any of us can easily experience, so you can feel identified without any problem. It is an album that really got you and has songs for any mood. Without a doubt, it is a real pleasure to listen to this album, you will neverCALM is an amazing and versatile album. Melodically it is wonderful, no song on the album sounds like the others. It has beautiful lyrics that narrate situations that any of us can easily experience, so you can feel identified without any problem. It is an album that really got you and has songs for any mood. Without a doubt, it is a real pleasure to listen to this album, you will never regret giving it a chance. Expand
  13. Apr 14, 2020
    I love this album so much!! Can’t get enough of it! They did so good on this album.
  14. Apr 15, 2020
    Bloody brilliant album!! Rock out to Teeth and No Shame and also cry along to ballads like Lover of Mine, Best Years, and High. Amazing! These lads have done it again.
  15. Apr 15, 2020
    absolutely incredible, they’ve worked so so hard for this and don’t deserve all the chaotic mess going on right now #billboardcountthe10k
  16. Apr 15, 2020
    This album is incredible, it brings a mix of emotions every moment! And I hope everyone feels good listening to him, because it really brings and makes us feel *calm*.
  17. Apr 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Literally such a good album 27849/10. I would recommend it to anyone. It’s amazing! Expand
  18. Apr 15, 2020
    This album is perfect! The vocals, instrumentals and lyrics are so beautiful and powerful. Saved the year!!
  19. Aug 7, 2020
    Amoooo con locura este álbum, me encanta que cada canción tenga su propia escencia
  20. Jul 26, 2020
    It's a great álbum, the sounds are relaxing and have energy at the same time, diferents styles of songs, my favorite songs are wildflower, teeth, Red dessert and lonely heart. Highly recommend
  21. Jul 28, 2020
    Álbum do ano! É um dos poucos q eu gosto na totalidade! Liricamente perfeito e musicalmente impecável. Vocais surreais e instrumental de primeira. Cada vez melhor, se tornando uma das melhores bandas da geração, mas infelizmente as pessoas n estão prontas pra dar o devido valor.
  22. Aug 28, 2020
    Feliz por ellos, realmente exploraron su faceta más madura y la producción del álbum es del otro mundo ily
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    Eu achava que era impossível melhorar depois do Youngblood, mas fui completamente surpreendida, esse álbum é maduro, coeso e agradável em níveis que eu não consigo descrever! Lover of mine é uma verdadeira obra prima e merece envelhecer como vinho.
    Só senti falta de mais solos, amo a voz dos meninos tal quanto a do Luke e elas definitivamente fazem falta.
  24. Aug 31, 2020
    Their fourth album clearly displays their lyrical maturity and their skill of experimenting with instrumentations and new sounds. Each song is solid and delivers unique out-of-world experience. This album has songs of every genre- from heavy industrial style to trap style RnB . It has the perfect stadium rocker opening track and a perfect lyrically genius Beatlesique closing track. CriticsTheir fourth album clearly displays their lyrical maturity and their skill of experimenting with instrumentations and new sounds. Each song is solid and delivers unique out-of-world experience. This album has songs of every genre- from heavy industrial style to trap style RnB . It has the perfect stadium rocker opening track and a perfect lyrically genius Beatlesique closing track. Critics should start genuinely start appreciating their art. Expand
  25. Aug 31, 2020
    CALM by 5 Seconds Of Summer is an exquisite album that's truly one of a kind. Every track in this album tugs at your heartstrings and stays with you forever. The diversity and the sheer perfection infused in every track is a big testament to 5SOS's immensely mindblowing and phenomenal prowess. 5SOS literally radiates sheer power. You can literally feel the passion and the convictionCALM by 5 Seconds Of Summer is an exquisite album that's truly one of a kind. Every track in this album tugs at your heartstrings and stays with you forever. The diversity and the sheer perfection infused in every track is a big testament to 5SOS's immensely mindblowing and phenomenal prowess. 5SOS literally radiates sheer power. You can literally feel the passion and the conviction they've put into every song, every aesthetic, the music videos, the lyrics, the instruments, the variations, and the messages they convey through this beautiful album. CALM is a true masterpiece of an album and deserves all the good stuff out there Expand
  26. Oct 1, 2020
    Salvaron el 2020 con este magnífico álbum los chicos merecen un grammy Y más.
  27. Nov 6, 2020
    The best album of 2020 and 5sos' best album so far. CALM is incredible and every song on it is so well produced. The vocals, instrumentals, lyrics and the album cover are spectacular.
  28. Nov 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums i’ve ever heard. Lover of mine and Red Desert are my favorites. Expand
  29. Nov 24, 2020
    an all round incredible album! it shows a lot of growth from 5sos, the lyrics, vocals and overall production of every single song is perfection.
  30. Nov 24, 2020
    Absolutely beautiful album. CALM brought 5SOS a new avenue for their creativity and they really pulled it off! From bass heavy songs like ‘Teeth’ to the beautiful acoustic song ‘High’, they’ve really tried everything. I would definitely recommend this album to anyone who wants a slightly retro feeling with a modern twist. The instrumental parts are fantastic and the lyrical aspect of theAbsolutely beautiful album. CALM brought 5SOS a new avenue for their creativity and they really pulled it off! From bass heavy songs like ‘Teeth’ to the beautiful acoustic song ‘High’, they’ve really tried everything. I would definitely recommend this album to anyone who wants a slightly retro feeling with a modern twist. The instrumental parts are fantastic and the lyrical aspect of the album is really out of this world. Best new album of 2020 in my opinion! Expand
  31. Nov 24, 2020
    The best album I've heard in a long long time. It is so diverse and mature. I love the influence in each of the songs and the message they are sending. Just a phenomenal work from 5sos. I can't wait for their next release
  32. Nov 25, 2020
    It’s such a great album! Very diverse. There’s really not a bad song on here! I listen to it all the time!
  33. Jan 5, 2021
    Isn't like their last albuns, like Youngblood was totally different from Sounds Good Feels Good, Calm is totally different from Youngblood, amazing lyrics and aesthetic, they are really underrated with their talent!
  34. Apr 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. By listening to CALM for almpst a year now, i found my self vibing into every tracks that 5sos has installed for us. Some of the sonh might sound from someone's discogrpaphy or has being inspired them, but as long as you love 5sos i know u gotta enjoy this album as far as i do, Expand
  35. May 13, 2021
    this album is amazing. just gonna say that. i'm vibing with every song on this album; there's no skips.
  36. Jul 8, 2023
    Evolution, good letters and sounds. This band shows us their musical and lyrical power. Thank you for bringing us this great album to light.
  37. Apr 14, 2020
    in this album 5SOS cement their musical maturity that was introduced by their previous album 'Young blood' . They experiment with their vocals by reviving queen inspired operatic harmonies whilst bringing a nostalgic vibe with their instrumentation and tackling mature topics from the dark side of music industry to dealing with an abusive relationship. The only downfall of the album isin this album 5SOS cement their musical maturity that was introduced by their previous album 'Young blood' . They experiment with their vocals by reviving queen inspired operatic harmonies whilst bringing a nostalgic vibe with their instrumentation and tackling mature topics from the dark side of music industry to dealing with an abusive relationship. The only downfall of the album is that some lyrics are cliche. Expand
  38. Aug 24, 2020
    i'm not a 5SOS fan but i got to say in this one and in "Youngblood" the guys really killed it. it's so nice to see how they keep to innovate their sound and reivent themselves. i Just hope that in the next album they got less songwriters? but definitely worth listen to it. favs: red desert,best years,easier and lonely heart.
  39. Jul 2, 2020
    Amazing. I started listening without high expectations but they captured me right from the first song. The production is, in my opinion, complex and crestive. Also, the exploration they make and the contrast between the different feelings and sounds of the songs is great. Got chills with Lover of Mine, Red Desert and Lonely Heart. My only complaint: Wildflower and Old Me sounded a littleAmazing. I started listening without high expectations but they captured me right from the first song. The production is, in my opinion, complex and crestive. Also, the exploration they make and the contrast between the different feelings and sounds of the songs is great. Got chills with Lover of Mine, Red Desert and Lonely Heart. My only complaint: Wildflower and Old Me sounded a little generic to me. Expand
  40. Nov 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it’s just so good, there’s old school vibe in it and there’s alot of sad song lyrically. red desert is my favorite. Expand
  41. Apr 27, 2020
    I am generally happy with the album. My one complaint would be that the songs can sound similar, and some are a little bland and generic. But it's definitely worth a listen.
    Top tracks: Red Desert, No Shame, Wildflower

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Rolling Stone
    Apr 9, 2020
    Their fourth record lacks the innocent fun of their first hits. [Apr 2020, p.87]
  2. Apr 9, 2020
    Calm is the sound of a band whose influences have continued to evolve right along with them and their fans.
  3. Apr 9, 2020
    CALM is a refreshing evolution from the days of their self-titled debut. Their latest effort is by no means perfect, but the album is a testament to their growth.