• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Nov 16, 2018
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  1. Nov 18, 2018
    New Mariah and she is still relevant. She worked with many new producers but still you can tell this album is on her leadership. Sound very Mariah with trendy and modern beats. Also She was using very various tones not necessarily high note vocal showcase in the end which makes easy to sing along. Every songs has a catch hook and very consistent. I wish She added one more up tempo songNew Mariah and she is still relevant. She worked with many new producers but still you can tell this album is on her leadership. Sound very Mariah with trendy and modern beats. Also She was using very various tones not necessarily high note vocal showcase in the end which makes easy to sing along. Every songs has a catch hook and very consistent. I wish She added one more up tempo song would make this album perfect. Expand
  2. Nov 19, 2018
    This is what happens when you let Mariah be Mariah. As the sole executive producer of the album, and presumably the one making all the decisions maybe for the first time in her career, the elusive chanteuse delivers a tight and compact offering that flows from one song to another without being under the guise of a concept album. It's perhaps the most sonically cohesive 10-track set she hasThis is what happens when you let Mariah be Mariah. As the sole executive producer of the album, and presumably the one making all the decisions maybe for the first time in her career, the elusive chanteuse delivers a tight and compact offering that flows from one song to another without being under the guise of a concept album. It's perhaps the most sonically cohesive 10-track set she has put out with the ease of a music legend with nothing to prove but with the urgency and agency of a legacy act with everything to prove. It's equal parts contemporary and nostalgic, often in the same song, and that's what makes it a unique accomplishment. Expand
  3. Nov 20, 2018
    Caution sounds like Mariah Carey at her most relaxed at doing what she loves, most assured in her artistry, perhaps most unconcerned about charts and sales. There are no pretensions or endeavours to recreate past critical successes such as Butterfly or Daydream (for they simply cannot be topped).

    There is a strong sense here that the songs are justly served, showcasing Mariah’s mature
    Caution sounds like Mariah Carey at her most relaxed at doing what she loves, most assured in her artistry, perhaps most unconcerned about charts and sales. There are no pretensions or endeavours to recreate past critical successes such as Butterfly or Daydream (for they simply cannot be topped).

    There is a strong sense here that the songs are justly served, showcasing Mariah’s mature and clever songwriting without it being upstaged by showy belts and runs and whistle notes. Most tracks have a feel-good, groovy vibe about them, all certainly have a great deal of heart and soul (as do all Mariah songs), with some of the most memorable hooks and lyrics in her more recent career.

    It is substance without being heavy, playful without levity, cohesive from beginning to end. The quality is high throughout, and there is not a whiff of superfluity or insincerity about it. This stunning body of work is the result of a true artist’s evolution and it seems only a matter of course—this is exactly what Mariah Carey in 2018 would or even should sound like.
  4. Nov 20, 2018
    That is how you create a legendary and cohesive body of work especially 28 years in your career. After 14 studio albums, Mariah proves in her 15th one that she still got the magic with her voice, production skills and songwriting.
  5. Nov 20, 2018
    This is her best album since Butterfly. Every song harmonizes with each other yet Mariah achieved what only she can: she’s not repetitive. This is a fresh new album for everybody who loves r&b music. Vocals are on point, lyrics are fun but there are some deep ones too.
  6. Nov 20, 2018
    Mariah never ceases to amaze me. She constantly reinvents herself and stays with the trends without copying anyone or anything. Her voice sounds great and her lyrics are top notch, as always. This album does not disappoint! A+ !!!
  7. Nov 21, 2018
    After years of trying to recapture the organic brilliance of Butterfly and The Emancipation of Mimi, Mariah not only exceeds expectations with Caution, she breaks new ground and markedly sets the tone for the next chapter in her career.

    Caution is a masterclass in restrained elegance with expertly written lyrics that put Mariah, the songwriter, in the driver seat. Gone are the vocal
    After years of trying to recapture the organic brilliance of Butterfly and The Emancipation of Mimi, Mariah not only exceeds expectations with Caution, she breaks new ground and markedly sets the tone for the next chapter in her career.

    Caution is a masterclass in restrained elegance with expertly written lyrics that put Mariah, the songwriter, in the driver seat. Gone are the vocal theatrics of her last effort along with any true attempts at Top 40 success, allowing the music to breathe without any commercial agenda. This frees Mariah up to experiment and boy, does she ever do that here. From the fire-starter that is GTFO to the sonic groove of Giving Me Life featuring the also-legendary Slick Rick, it is evident that Mariah is playing the industry game with a new hand of cards.

    At 48, this is exactly the type of album an artist of Mariah's caliber should be making - one that reaffirms a legacy and changes the conversation about a talent that has been severely unappreciated in recent years. Well done, Mimi!
  8. Nov 20, 2018
    Mariah Carey has delivered us a truly masterpiece. Beating through all rumors and speculations on her abilities, she show us, once again, that she is a music genius. Mariah reinvent her music once more, and give us an album with delicious vocals and perfect lyrics and great aesthetical R&B sounds.
  9. Nov 21, 2018
    This is such a solid R&B album that I can't get enough of it! After 28 years that included several dramatic ups and downs, Mariah delivered an album that is incredibly focused! Each of the (only) 10 tracks shows a different side of her, although the album sounds incredibly consistent. She completely builds on her current strengths, proving that whistles and belting is not the only thingThis is such a solid R&B album that I can't get enough of it! After 28 years that included several dramatic ups and downs, Mariah delivered an album that is incredibly focused! Each of the (only) 10 tracks shows a different side of her, although the album sounds incredibly consistent. She completely builds on her current strengths, proving that whistles and belting is not the only thing she can do. With superb songwriting (yes, people forget she is a singer-songwriter!), sexy low tones and soft high tones in her voice, Mariah showed us in CAUTION that she still got it after almost 30 years. She doesn't sound like she sounded in 1990, instead, she sounds how she should sound today. No one sounds or looks or performs the same for 30 years. People change. Mariah is an amazing musician, and as she gets older and wiser, her music grows with her. I know I will continue listening to this album on repeat for a LONG time. Expand
  10. Nov 21, 2018
    Mariah has an art of staying current with the times while still staying true to herself and her craft. This album is a a must listen for any fan of true artistry.
  11. Nov 22, 2018
    This is the Mariah Carey I missed most: vulnerable, sexy and completely involved emotionally and vocally in her work. It's like a Butterfly in a modern key.
  12. Nov 23, 2018
    A consistent and solid RNB album, fresh and so contemporary, 30 years into her career Mariah is still delivering better bodies of work than her current fellow pop colleagues, legend status.
    Highlights : Caution, No No, One More 'Gen, With You
  13. Nov 24, 2018
    The Best album, amazing vocals and lyrics, The Queen is back, the years go by and she's still the best!! Thank's MC!
  14. Nov 24, 2018
    This Album is Amazing! Ms. Carey manages to stay current without forgetting her glorious past.
  15. Nov 24, 2018
    Only Mariah can outdo Mariah like this. It's fresh but welcoming and comfortable. It's music at its best. Songwriting, melodies and arrangements on point.
  16. lha
    Nov 24, 2018
    Mariah's best album since 2005. Fresh, cohesive and addictive....Caution!!!
  17. Nov 25, 2018
    This is the best R&B album of the last decade.
    Amazing production that creates a hunting, atmospheric vibe. The song Giving me life is literally a masterpiece, a work of art. And let's not delude ourselves: Mariah Carey is master of her craft, one of the best singer-songwriters of all time.
  18. Nov 25, 2018
    Caution reveals a mature version of the excellent songwriter/singer who mesmerized fans throughout 28 years of a solid career. Mariah suppressed the well known whistles and high notes and highlight the ability to make her low notes sync with the chilling vibe of the album. It's a must-listen-to album!
  19. Dec 6, 2018
    Crítica do blog Saga Das Músicas: ‘Caution’ é um daqueles álbuns que ouvimos em um dia chuvoso, enquanto bebemos um café ou navegamos na internet. Não há nenhuma faixa que seria uma “Hero” ou “We Belong Together” parte 2, mas é ainda sim um álbum muito completo, que tem o objetivo de passar sentimentos reais de forma a gerar empatia com o público. Nas palavras da própria Mariah:
    “os fãs
    Crítica do blog Saga Das Músicas: ‘Caution’ é um daqueles álbuns que ouvimos em um dia chuvoso, enquanto bebemos um café ou navegamos na internet. Não há nenhuma faixa que seria uma “Hero” ou “We Belong Together” parte 2, mas é ainda sim um álbum muito completo, que tem o objetivo de passar sentimentos reais de forma a gerar empatia com o público. Nas palavras da própria Mariah:
    “os fãs só querem me ouvir me expressar, falar do coração e cantar do coração”. Acho que sua missão foi cumprida.
  20. Dec 8, 2018
    Mariah shows her great vocation for composition, this is mariah carey, vocal greatness, composer and producer of her own songs. Thank you for continuing to make music. Great
  21. Jan 12, 2019
    After 4 years, Mariah returns with an album that is fresh and cohesive. Every song on the album works with each other to create an overall vibe, and she is not singing out of her comfort zone but rather focusing on her strengths. Her signature whistle notes are present on a few tracks, but her voice truly shines on songs like “Giving Me Life” that utilize primarily her lower register. ItAfter 4 years, Mariah returns with an album that is fresh and cohesive. Every song on the album works with each other to create an overall vibe, and she is not singing out of her comfort zone but rather focusing on her strengths. Her signature whistle notes are present on a few tracks, but her voice truly shines on songs like “Giving Me Life” that utilize primarily her lower register. It creates a dark, atmospheric sound that Mariah has not previously explored. The artists she chose to collaborate with on this album also bring something fresh to the table, especially Blood Orange. No one could have guessed that they would collaborate, but they have created one of the Lambily’s favorite songs to date with an outro that is as epic as something from a Prince album. There are no skips on this album, plenty of bops, and a few melancholic moments here and there. Each song evokes a different mood, and that is what Mariah does best: she doesn’t create songs for the times, she creates songs for moods, and in doing so her music transcends space and time. Expand
  22. May 8, 2019
    Caution is Mariah's best album since Butterfly. On Caution Carey proves you don't have to reinvent yourself to reassert yourself. Highlights include the infectious title track, the Pricean Giving Me Life featuring Slick Rick, and the nostalgic 8th Grade.
  23. Feb 21, 2019
    Amazing RnB album
    Amazing beats
    Amazing lyrics
    Amazing production
    Good and smooth vocals
  24. Oct 6, 2020
    Caution is the diva resurrection of Mariah Carey after The Emancipation of Mimi. There aren't bad moments in the album, all the songs are shining by their own with a classic R&B sound.
    The Distance, Givin' Me Life, Portrait and 8th Grade are masterpieces.
  25. Apr 12, 2019
    This album really was the best made album of 2018 hands down! Not only does it showcase that Mariah still has her Golden Pipes, but it also shows her resilience as an artist and a cultural innovator! Loved every track of it!
  26. May 12, 2019
    The fact that Mariah Carey released an album as experimental, yet cohesive as Caution 30 years into her career proves that she's still the reigning Queen of R&B!

    This has to be one of the most sonically diverse albums I've heard in a long while; despite being fundamentally rooted in both traditional ('With You') and contemporary R&B ('A No No'), the album incorporates genres as varied
    The fact that Mariah Carey released an album as experimental, yet cohesive as Caution 30 years into her career proves that she's still the reigning Queen of R&B!

    This has to be one of the most sonically diverse albums I've heard in a long while; despite being fundamentally rooted in both traditional ('With You') and contemporary R&B ('A No No'), the album incorporates genres as varied as EDM ('GTFO'), Psychedelia ('Giving Me Life') and Trap ('Stay Long Love You') into its sonic landscape, with Mariah saving a traditional, introspective and show-stopping ballad on her struggles with mental illness ("Portrait") as the album's closing track.

    Despite being so eclectic, the album still retains a cohesive and fluid sound! It isn't surprising that Mariah sang, wrote and produced all the songs on the album!

    When comparing 'Caution' to the works of other active artists in Pop, R&B and Hip-Hop, it's obvious that Mariah is still one step ahead of everyone else. She is one of the few living legends left who still makes it a point to push boundaries, which is a testament to her status as a risk-taker and innovator.

    I'd really be surprised if this album wasn't nominated for the 2020 Grammys. It has Best R&B Album, Best Traditional R&B Performance ("With You") and Best R&B Song ("A No No") written all over it!
  27. Jun 22, 2019
    I was spellbound a few minutes into the album! She got me hooked to those R&B bangers like crazy. 'The Distance', 'Giving Me Life' and GTFO are my favourites!
  28. May 27, 2019
    She can deliver a true and modern R&B with great lyrics, "Caution" by Mariah Carey is a masterpiece and nobody can say the opposite.
  29. Jun 1, 2021
    The queen of r&b AND pop completely did it with this album like seriously, all these years into her career and she's still making excellent bodies of work. Songs like "Portrait" Stay Long Love You" "Giving me life" are honestly some of THEE best songs she's released this decade.
  30. Jun 11, 2019
    Caution is Mariah’s 15th studio album, released almost 30 years into her career, and it sounds like something a new artist would be releasing. Mariah displays her immense vocal ability on this album, yet, it doesn’t seem as though she’s showing off. As usual, the whole album was written by Mariah and only a few others, displaying Mariah’s immense abilities as a songwriter. Highlights ofCaution is Mariah’s 15th studio album, released almost 30 years into her career, and it sounds like something a new artist would be releasing. Mariah displays her immense vocal ability on this album, yet, it doesn’t seem as though she’s showing off. As usual, the whole album was written by Mariah and only a few others, displaying Mariah’s immense abilities as a songwriter. Highlights of the album include Caution, Giving Me Life, 8th Grade, and Portrait. Simply put, this album is r&b perfection. Expand
  31. Jun 14, 2019
    Best R&B album of the year!! And one of the best Mariah albums ever. Highlights: Giving me life, A No No, Caution and GTFO.
  32. Jun 16, 2019
    Her best since The Emancipation Of Mimi. Current sounding, fresh, sexy and smart!
  33. Jun 19, 2019
    A very solid piece of art. Although it's just 10 songs, but the whole album is complete and flawless. Her vocals are on point, singing and songwriting are fantastic!
  34. Jun 23, 2019
    Masterpiece! Mariah is a legendary & iconic artist in music history. A true entertainer.
  35. Jun 24, 2019
    This is one of the Best R&B albums to be released this decade!! I can't stop playing it!
  36. Jun 24, 2019
    There's a reason Mariah Carey is the Gold Standard and Caution is yet another notch on that belt. A brilliant album in every sense, my only complaint is it's too short lol The writing, production, vocals everything is pure brilliant.
    Mariah is literally the last of the true Legends and she deserves all the recognition and appreciation for being the irreplaceable genius that she is. The
    There's a reason Mariah Carey is the Gold Standard and Caution is yet another notch on that belt. A brilliant album in every sense, my only complaint is it's too short lol The writing, production, vocals everything is pure brilliant.
    Mariah is literally the last of the true Legends and she deserves all the recognition and appreciation for being the irreplaceable genius that she is. The Songbird Supreme remains unparalleled!
  37. Jun 24, 2019
    Amazing!! One of the best albums of the last year! She is 30 years into her career yet she still slays! A legend
  38. Jun 26, 2019
    Amazing RnB Album.Pure RnB.Brings you back to the 90's.Amazing production.Really cohesive album.Must listen
  39. Jul 11, 2019
    Mariah has done it again with her 15th studio album. The album is so fresh and true to her sound all at the same time. The track list is well set up and it’s very cohesive. Lyrically, sonically and the musicality is perfection. The album has current sounds and of course her showcasing vocals during the ballads.
  40. Jul 22, 2019
    It’s my favorite album it’s a masterpiece defo recommend , great songs great set list I’m obsessed with it !!! , it deserves people to hear it it’s amazing I’m serious I love itttttt
  41. Jul 22, 2019
    Classy and contemporary at the same time. Mariah shows us how to be relevant still after 30 years in music. Get yours now!
  42. Jul 22, 2019
    one of the best album of this decade...mariah hasn't nothing to prove after all this time. i can listen to this hundred of times without skip any song
  43. Aug 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's SO great! It haves the today's sound but still with Mariah's essence. Of course it have some fillers, but in general it's pretty great. And The Distance it's one of my favorites songs from her Expand
  44. Sep 1, 2019
    Mariah was in her rightful element. Pure R&B, irresistable samples and hooks and engaging melodies and harmonies.
  45. Sep 2, 2019
    Any of these 10 songs could be chosen as a single from this masterpiece. No fillers at all! Even though some say otherwise, Mariah reinvented her sound here and did what almost no one can do 30 years into their career. Just admit she is the songwriter, singer and producer of the century. All hail the legend!
  46. Sep 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing.......................... best album ever.......... loved it.... proceed with caution... Expand
  47. Sep 14, 2019
    your favourites just couldn't do it like miss Mariah can; a writer, singer and producer. No one else in popular music has been gifted with all 3, especially at the standard Mariah has set the bar at.
  48. Jan 9, 2020
    Caution é um album muito bom. Mariah conseguiu trazer um sonoridade das musicas dela de 2009, mas ao mesmo tempo sendo moderno.
    O grande problema do álbum, na minha opinião, é a ordem das faixas. GTFO como faixa 1 não foi muito bom. Essa faixa deveria estar quase no fim do album, e deveria começar com Caution.
    O album em si tem muitas musicas que tinha potencial para ser hit, o que
    Caution é um album muito bom. Mariah conseguiu trazer um sonoridade das musicas dela de 2009, mas ao mesmo tempo sendo moderno.
    O grande problema do álbum, na minha opinião, é a ordem das faixas. GTFO como faixa 1 não foi muito bom. Essa faixa deveria estar quase no fim do album, e deveria começar com Caution.
    O album em si tem muitas musicas que tinha potencial para ser hit, o que faltou foi impulso. Além disso o dia de lançamento não foi muito bem pensado, pois All I want for Christmas is You ofuscou o album, deixando-o de lado. Uma dica que eu daria é pra que ela não lançasse musicas entre meados de outubro e fim de dezembro e se preocupar só com AIWFCIY.
  49. Oct 29, 2019
    Its a Cohesive, Show-stopping, and straightforward with no fillers. Its her best work in These 2 Decades ( Spare me lambs, TEOM was cute but it sounded so lackluster and Common with no new sound. MJBlige did justice and use new sound with Be Without You, anyways...) She back to basic RnB with new sound and new producers. So proud, I hope and will win At least 3 Grammys. Mark my wordIts a Cohesive, Show-stopping, and straightforward with no fillers. Its her best work in These 2 Decades ( Spare me lambs, TEOM was cute but it sounded so lackluster and Common with no new sound. MJBlige did justice and use new sound with Be Without You, anyways...) She back to basic RnB with new sound and new producers. So proud, I hope and will win At least 3 Grammys. Mark my word peasants. Potrait and Without You should at least nomminated for grammy Expand
  50. Nov 15, 2019
    this album is a masterpiece. nearly 30 years into her career and mariah carey is stilling pumping out amazing quality music. she’s an icon and continues to prove so with every release she has. her talent is unparalleled and can only be defined as life changing and mountain moving. her songwriting paired with her producing almost out perform her vocals, and if you know mariah carey, youthis album is a masterpiece. nearly 30 years into her career and mariah carey is stilling pumping out amazing quality music. she’s an icon and continues to prove so with every release she has. her talent is unparalleled and can only be defined as life changing and mountain moving. her songwriting paired with her producing almost out perform her vocals, and if you know mariah carey, you know it’s hard to do that! congratulations on another masterpiece mariah. you never disappoint. all killer and never any filler! Expand
  51. Nov 16, 2019
    This album is quite good, but I feel like the collabs kind of ruin some of the songs. This should've been a solo album
  52. Nov 15, 2019
    Queen of Music! Not one skip just full on vocals! Mariah is such a legend and deserves all the praise fir such great music!
  53. Nov 15, 2019
    This is purely her best album to date, a perfect combination of classic R&B Mariah with a modern twist and flavour that is different than ever before. Even though she was vocally more reserved on this album, her vocal range is intact as she still hits her iconic whistle notes, as well as exploring the deeper and lower part of her voice more than ever, she also gives us a lot of highThis is purely her best album to date, a perfect combination of classic R&B Mariah with a modern twist and flavour that is different than ever before. Even though she was vocally more reserved on this album, her vocal range is intact as she still hits her iconic whistle notes, as well as exploring the deeper and lower part of her voice more than ever, she also gives us a lot of high belting, especially hidden in the background. If you haven't already, please listen to this masterpiece! Expand
  54. Nov 15, 2019
    I've never been a fan of Mariah but this album is R&B perfection.she managed to go back to her roots.I love it
  55. Nov 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The solid album with more quality, 10 track she stay with her work without presure. She os not trying making a hit but solid body of work album, "8th Grade" and "With You" two track on this album are perfect sample of Mariah Carey stay on R&B jam classic Expand
  56. Nov 16, 2019
    One of her best albums. Her sound, the production, everything. This album deserves Grammy's because it's a cohesive body of working.
  57. Jun 12, 2020
    Mariah Carey is old enough to stop growing on her music, but she keeps growing and growing. The album had the length it needed. The songs are pure R&B masterpieces, when she could have stuck to other type of more commercial music. The Distance, Portrait, Giving Me Life are exactly what everyone needed with this album. Congratulations, Mariah.
  58. Dec 18, 2019
    Just an amazing album from an amazing artist. Legendary just as each song she has wrote.
  59. Jan 10, 2020
    Easily in the top 3 best albums in 2018. Mariah is still killing it 3 decades into her career with a beautifully written and produced body of work with chill vibey songs like Giving me life and With you and a non-chalant no f's given GTFO
  60. Oct 16, 2021
    Carey's 15 studio effort proves that she is an industry chameleon; having the ability to change herself, and her music in a way that best fits the demand and the sound of the whatever period and climate of the music industry is; while also retaining her identity and unique touch. Something that she has established throughout decades of her illustrious career.
  61. Apr 1, 2020
    An absolutely well made album. Cohesive from top to bottom, full of bops, showing Mariah's vocal ability and her talent when it comes to write and produce.
  62. Apr 1, 2020
    top 3 best albums from Mariah ! if it wasn't for the nostalgia of Butterfly and the prime vocals of Daydream, Caution would be her best album.
  63. Apr 5, 2020
    Absolutely beautiful and hidden gem in her discography. Deserves so much more.
  64. Apr 9, 2020
    A very cohesive album with a modern sound yet still preserving the essence of the classic Mariah we all love
  65. Apr 29, 2020
    Melhor álbum da carreira, letras, melodias, tudo maravilhoso! Mariah se dedicou muito.
  66. Jan 6, 2023
    Muito bom o álbum, uma obra muito lírica, muito coeso, no lirismo muito suave, um tom suave das melodias.
  67. May 30, 2020
    Caution! Deite-se, ouça e se delicie com o que há de mais charmoso na voz de Mariah Carey no álbum "Caution"
    Pra alguns pode ser que se leve tempo para se adaptar ao álbum e isso é normal.
    Afinal é uma nova proposta vocal para a maior voz de todos os tempos
  68. May 31, 2020
    Another comeback by Mariah, an album full of fresh and nice songs. This is a uge but underrated album. You should listen to this.
  69. May 31, 2020
    This album is wonderful Mariah delivered a cohesive album. She is amazing Caution is the best R&B album of last time
  70. Jul 10, 2020
    This album really enraptures the magic that is Mariah Carey. Every single track on Caution is absolutely stunning and shines us in an unique way different from the other, yet still sounding coherent and harmonious as a whole. Caution takes multiple listens to truly hear all of the layers and complexity of the songs, and makes you really marvel at how good it is.
  71. Jul 24, 2020
    Such an underrated masterpiece. Genius songwriter, every single track written and produced by Mariah herself. Managed to switch genres flawlessly and adapt to another type of music.
  72. Jul 24, 2020
    Miss Mariah Carey has not failed us in terms of serving vocal. Using falsetto technique isn't the same as whispering and much more harder to control. It's a chill album. 8th Grade stands out the most for me. She can still keep up with modern R&B music while remaining her own fabulous style.
  73. Aug 13, 2020
    Es un álbum en el cual se pudo adapta a la música que está de moda y canciones como With you son muy buenas y merecen más reconocimiento
  74. Jul 25, 2020
    One of my favorite album from her. All the tracks are hot, fresh and bop. “A No No” is my diva mood although it’s a tiny bit bland for me but, it was saved by the remix that features Shawni. “Runway” is fire! no one can deny it’s catchy and relating lyrics blends well with sampled “Butterfly”.
  75. Dec 26, 2020
    This album should deserve more because all song in this album she wrote frome herself and it's her style.
  76. Aug 2, 2020
    finally we see The Mariah Carey appreciated by the critics. In this album we see MC navigate womanhood in a new and different way, you can hear and feel the maturity in the lyrics and in the melody, showing different parts of her: playful, sensual but also reflective.
    I think we can all agree that this RnB masterpiece is up there with Daydream and Butterfly.
    Hoping for a new release soon!
  77. Aug 10, 2020
    Amazing R&B album. I was not expecting something this good. Excellent production. 10/10.
  78. Aug 24, 2020
    Excellent album, beautiful melodies mariahs melodies are on fire, shes proven again to be a force to be reckoned with even 30 years into her career.
  79. Aug 28, 2020
    Incredible, amazing body of work, lyrically beautiful, so refreshing but the same time it has old vibes of R&B and that's amazing.
  80. Feb 4, 2021
    With this album, Mariah redeems herself from some past not so good moments in her career, proving that after so many years, she still can deliver a beautiful album.
    Top Track: With You
    Worst Track: Stay Long Love You ft Gunna
  81. Dec 13, 2022
    Imagine giving that level of music and vocals 30 years into the game… challenging your own classics.. with nothing short of a perfect album.. only the goat, mother of lambs, could do it..
  82. Nov 5, 2020
    The perfect R&B album. So many hits accompanied by the greatest vocals of all time
  83. Mar 22, 2021
    Caution reflects a modernization of Carey's image, departing from the image used since Emancipation of Mimi, and it would've been very successful if her record label promoted it. Reflects a try of connecting with the modern general public with its colors and very fresh sounds. In this record, Mariah experiments much more with her now greater low register, and less with her overexploitedCaution reflects a modernization of Carey's image, departing from the image used since Emancipation of Mimi, and it would've been very successful if her record label promoted it. Reflects a try of connecting with the modern general public with its colors and very fresh sounds. In this record, Mariah experiments much more with her now greater low register, and less with her overexploited high register that has been used since her career beginning. This album shows that a shorter and more concise record turns out to be better and with higher quality than a longer one as it was The Elusive Chanteuse (2014). In comparison with that record, this one, musically sounds more fresh with its beat drops and suits the modern scene of R&B and hip-hop, reflected in songs like One More Gen and Caution. This is her best body of work since The Emancipation of Mimi, and she had to do a lot of work since that album release to got the opportunity to make this album. Congrats Mariah. Expand
  84. Jan 18, 2021
    This a short but outstanding LP! MC has been around and it's the GOLD standard. It's her best album since The Emancipation Of Mimi for sure. #WithYou #GTFO #GivingMeLife are outstanding but the rest of the album is the same. May be MC shortest record but lyrically speaking she's still one of the best songwriters. Vocals were not showing her fully range but at this point, who cares? SheThis a short but outstanding LP! MC has been around and it's the GOLD standard. It's her best album since The Emancipation Of Mimi for sure. #WithYou #GTFO #GivingMeLife are outstanding but the rest of the album is the same. May be MC shortest record but lyrically speaking she's still one of the best songwriters. Vocals were not showing her fully range but at this point, who cares? She have the most beautiful voice in history, she can do whatever she wants and people should appreciate her for reinvented herself all the time. If you haven't got the chance, listen the album and BUY IT! Expand
  85. Mar 21, 2021
    One of her best albums. LOVEEE IT. The Distance & GTFO two of my favorite songs of all the time
  86. Apr 2, 2021
    I can simply say that it is R & b perfection packed into 10 songs, one of the best projects in Carey's life and in the music industry in general.
  87. Jul 13, 2021
    This album is SO good. I dare to say this is her best work since butterfly (Emancipation is good but a few tracks ruined it in my opinion). Thank god for the Devonté Hynes collaboration, Giving Me Life changed my vision on R&B music forever! This is Mariah's more experimental album while still having some vulnerable songs as always. One of her best, and being her last album this good we'reThis album is SO good. I dare to say this is her best work since butterfly (Emancipation is good but a few tracks ruined it in my opinion). Thank god for the Devonté Hynes collaboration, Giving Me Life changed my vision on R&B music forever! This is Mariah's more experimental album while still having some vulnerable songs as always. One of her best, and being her last album this good we're excited af for the next one!! Expand
  88. Aug 22, 2021
    I would call this Mimi’s best outputs since the Emancipation album. The diva once again shows her versatility and the ability to shift sound while still maintaining the lyricism and R&Besque Carey trademark. A highly underrated album.
  89. Nov 16, 2021
    This album is just magnificent. The lyrics to these songs are out of this world. Hands down the best album of 2018.
  90. May 28, 2022
    Wow! Such a banger for her 15th album! An R&B staple icon such as Mariah can not and will never be beat! This album showcases her vocals, songwriting, and everything that is fundamental Mariah!
  91. Aug 7, 2022
    To put it in words, "Caution", is carey's best modern-day R&B effort, with most tracks out of the 10 from the tracklist being some of her greatest of the 2010s, and possibly, to date! Caution should be an essential listen to all new lambily, and will be remembered for its iconic place in her discography.

    Standout tracks: GTFO, With You, Giving Me Life, One Mo Gen, Stay Long Love You,
    To put it in words, "Caution", is carey's best modern-day R&B effort, with most tracks out of the 10 from the tracklist being some of her greatest of the 2010s, and possibly, to date! Caution should be an essential listen to all new lambily, and will be remembered for its iconic place in her discography.

    Standout tracks: GTFO, With You, Giving Me Life, One Mo Gen, Stay Long Love You, 8th Grade.

    Weakest tracks: Caution, Portrait.
  92. Jul 29, 2022
    Best r&b album of the 10s. VERY underrated. Top tracks are giving me life, caution and portrait in my opinion. Giving me life is such a throwback to 90s rnb. Caution too. And portrait is so personal, it’s beautifully written.
  93. Nov 28, 2022
  94. Mar 23, 2023
    Um dos melhores álbuns dela, extremamente agradável e bem produzido! Embora a capa seja cafona, o álbum serve muito
  95. May 29, 2023
    Um dos melhores e mais coesos trabalhos feitos por Mariah Carey. Bem produzido, boas composições, videoclipes, etc.

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Nov 26, 2018
    Previously, Mariah Carey has made it clear that she’s been through too much to care what anyone else thinks, shrugging off critics and denying all drama. On Caution, Carey has channeled that energy into the music itself.
  2. Nov 26, 2018
    She’ll employ of-the-moment producers to add current touches to her tracks, but the way she uses them on Caution results in her fine-tuning her aesthetic, not bending to current playlist-friendly trends.
  3. Nov 20, 2018
    A neat album of only 10 tracks. We find her in life-admin mode, clearing out any dispensable trash that she no longer has time or the inclination for. ... Sublime.