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  1. Sep 3, 2021
    What a snooze fest. Even his biggest hype fan (DJ Akademics) fell asleep listening to this collection of boring ideas. Worst album of the year.
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    Certified sleeper boy, Travis Scott feature only thing earning it a 1, Drake the McGregor of the rap game no heart left in it
  3. Sep 3, 2021
    No artistic growth, the whole album is a Kanye diss and the tracks that aren’t were leaked before or just not good material. To be attacking Kanye in this way, it is important to note that Drake has never made an album as good as MBDTF and he’s older than Kanye was when he made that album.
  4. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oof

    Well let's start. Firstly I would like to say the album cover doesn't bother me in the since that it attempts humor and fits the vibe. However that may be the problem. The humor here (She say she a lesbian, well me too) is, at the very least hit or miss. The vibe and humor can't carry itself over its long length even with it's amazing features (Scott, Project Pat, Jay-Z), and the bars, although they flirt with classic status, never really reach the mark. The beats (seriously lacking 40s touch) are actually really nice, but nothing trailblazing.

    Now let's talk the beef. Being neither Team Kanye or Team Drake seemed like it would benefit me in this review but honestly makes it harder. With Donda was misshapen, flawed, cconfusing and over long, CLB seemed like a clear cut winner before the rope was cut. However it seems that CLB not only follows suit and falls to same traps that Donda does (minus controversial features), it also is just as self indulgent. The subliminals here grow as stale as they did on Donda. Drake and Kanye need to get a room already. But instead of engaging in tantric sex, they should Collab again. All things said and done, CLB, in all respects and fairness is a very very VERY average Drake album. Which is a disappointment considering anything average from Drake feels like a slap in the face. This album gets a 2.
  5. Sep 3, 2021
    Same old sh*t. I can't believe I wasted my time listening to this
    Only lil baby and cudi raised the level of this album a bit, the rest is a sleeping pill
  6. Sep 3, 2021
    Just another Drake's pop album, there's no good track. A few verses (from others rappers) are the only thing worth of your time.
  7. Sep 4, 2021
    So bland. Drake hasn’t evolved in the past 6 years. In fact his albums have got gradually worse each time since Nothing Was The Same.
  8. Sep 6, 2021
    An album with lack of creativity. Very weak. One of the worst I've listened to, from the trap/rap genre.
  9. Sep 6, 2021
    Following the mediocre release of Scorpion we get Certified Lover Boy their were signs of what to expect from the album with its prerelease rollout with a laughingly bad album cover and a release of cringe inducing merch to go along side with the most embarrassing quotes on them. This was by far the worst LP released from Drake. Whereas we have gotten very mediocre projects in recent yearsFollowing the mediocre release of Scorpion we get Certified Lover Boy their were signs of what to expect from the album with its prerelease rollout with a laughingly bad album cover and a release of cringe inducing merch to go along side with the most embarrassing quotes on them. This was by far the worst LP released from Drake. Whereas we have gotten very mediocre projects in recent years including Views and Scorpion. Certified Lover Boy is a truly bad album. One that feels very bloated just for the sake of streaming numbers. Your main focus as an artist especially one who has been able to financially achieve what Drake has is to create the best body of work you possibly can. Not to release a bloated track list just for the sake of streaming numbers it’s truly pathetic to see artists especially of this caliber to sacrifice the quality of an LP just for more streams and is hopefully a trend that will end soon. With that said we see no growth from Drake here. Just the recycled style he has used for years but this time far less entertaining. Filled with cringey bars, uninspired performances, and tracks that sound very phoned in by drake. Drake has been heavily accused of using ghostwriters in the past but I have a feeling they were used seldom to none here with truly awful bars throughout. Drake gets constantly outshined by features here which is sometimes a good thing but is far too often the case on this project. Before the release of the album Drake took to restarting a beef with Kanye West one that feels he started for clout with his new album releasing. The beef got more intense with the realization that both Kanye and Drake were both releasing albums within a week apart. It looks like Drake will be winning the numbers game which he is great at. But when it comes down to the quality of music, Donda was a far better project. Drake even took to leaking a unreleased Donda track featuring Andre 3000 as a proclaimed diss towards Kanye. Much to his dismay the unfinished track sounds better than most of the tracks on Certified Lover Boy. So hopefully the next time Drake releases a project he’ll not focus on beef but on actually making a good album because this was very far from it. In conclusion Certified Lover Boy is another Drake album that we continue to see on the trajectory of loss of quality of music overtime only this time we see a more big loss of quality than usual, if we’ll see this pattern keep on continuing we’ll remember Drake as an artist who made some catchy hits and solid first projects but also an artist who refused to take risks and chose to stay with the same repetitive formula that never evolved until it was ran into the ground. I’m feeling a light 3 out of 10 on this project. Expand
  10. Sep 3, 2021
    Extremely mediocre album. Most songs sounded very similar and the features could've been way better. This albums lacked originality and shows that drake is incapable of being versatile with his music today.
  11. Sep 6, 2021
    Simply basic album. Which is far from what I expected. there are so many weird lyrics that i can't describe
  12. Sep 3, 2021
    Absolutely disgusted by the title and album cover and the meaning. Basically a celebration of not only promiscuity but an album cover of many different pregnant woman who would ultimately give birth to fatherless children which is the biggest plight facing black americans today. What a shameful thing to promote.
  13. Sep 3, 2021
    Absolutely tragic this. Same beat recycled over and over with drake rinsing his previous albums dry. What a waste of features.
  14. Sep 3, 2021
    Closest rap music came to ambient (though ambient is sometimes emotionally touching, which is simply not the case here). Boring to tears, standard beats, lazy bars, zero energy.
  15. Sep 3, 2021
    I think of all the albums Drake has dropped nothing has topped Nothing was the same. He's been just gliding on tracks cause he knows it'll sell no matter what
  16. Sep 3, 2021
    Yikes this might as well been the same track for the entire album. Drake has not dropped a good project since IYRTITL
  17. Sep 4, 2021
  18. Sep 3, 2021
    drake this was not it im really dissapointed nothing special sounds the same
  19. Sep 3, 2021
    That **** was trash. IMO……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  20. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake just keeps coming out with the same boring never evolving albums to keep his fan base broad because all he cares about is money. So therefore he makes shallow music.
  21. Sep 3, 2021
    This is really awful and boring at the same time just like all his 3 previous albums.
  22. Sep 3, 2021
    this is his worst album. all songs are the same and boring. drake has become an artist who doesn't bring new things anymore.
  23. Sep 3, 2021
    Its midcore as most of drakes new projects it will do numbers but no one will praise it as good album in future
  24. Sep 3, 2021
    just awful. so disappointed. I literally fell asleep while listening to this. sorry but man, I'm unstanning u.
  25. Sep 3, 2021
    Boring and predictable, a typical Drake album absolutely nothing to write home about.
  26. Sep 3, 2021
    When i see the score i thought it was because of te beef with kanye then i listen to de album and holly **** is bad, i really was expecting more, jay z is the best thing in this album.
  27. Sep 4, 2021
    The first song, "Champagne Poetry", is very good, reminds me a lot of Take Care, Drake's 2011 album (his best record, in my opinion), especially it's intro "Over My Dead Body". Despite that, the album is awful, i almost fell asleep TWICE. Nothing new, just the same old Drake trying to make hits, and definitely making it, as his music is easily digestible by the average audience. No moreThe first song, "Champagne Poetry", is very good, reminds me a lot of Take Care, Drake's 2011 album (his best record, in my opinion), especially it's intro "Over My Dead Body". Despite that, the album is awful, i almost fell asleep TWICE. Nothing new, just the same old Drake trying to make hits, and definitely making it, as his music is easily digestible by the average audience. No more than two out of 21 songs on the album will make to my gym playlist, and I'll probably skip them. Expand
  28. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Drake's worst job so far. An album without coherence, with very basic and repetitive lyrics, does not convey anything. Wasted collaborations. He doesn't dare to take risks, so listening to the full album becomes monotonous and very boring. Expand
  29. Sep 3, 2021
    Realmente mas de lo mismo de Drake, mucho relleno creo que es muy flojo este album, tal parece que Drake solo se dedica hacer lo que desde 2012 hace.
  30. Sep 3, 2021
    Another album for tiktok, Drake couldn’t fit all this collabs, he could do an another aoty but only did one more album
  31. Sep 3, 2021
    literally one of the worst albums i've ever listened, **** so boring and repetitive
  32. Sep 3, 2021
    Fell asleep while listening to it, then bumped Donda and got the energy and motivation to run a Marathon and get my life together. 0/10. Also, cringy ass themes for a 33 year old
  33. Sep 3, 2021
    Horrible repetitive album from Drake.

    Very shallow music and nothing different showing he clearly hasn't grown sonically from his previous work and will accept mediocre as he knows the charts and shallow music fans will eat it up.
  34. Sep 3, 2021
    This album is just as bad. Even the features could revive it
  35. Sep 3, 2021
    I don’t think I’ve heard something so horrible befors. Mediocre production and Drake being the worst he has ever been. I feel bad for the featured artists for taking part in this disaster of an album.
  36. Sep 3, 2021
    Donda blows this out of the water. So much better. CLB is dull, very few good tracks.
  37. Sep 3, 2021
    Corny album by corny guy. Drake has failed to grow as an artist and do something new. It’s been a decade of the same song over and over again. I wish for him to evolve, but what’s to be expected when an adult man refers to himself as a boy.
  38. Sep 3, 2021
    Made me fall asleep halfway through the project lazy and lacking substance it's clear drake dosent care about quality anymore because he knows it will sell
  39. Sep 3, 2021
    Album drags Made me fall sleep Such a disappointment
    Makes views look like an actual classic
  40. Sep 3, 2021
    Beat choice was great, flows were odd to say the least some lyrics are just comically bad “she said she was a lesbian, me too”. some features phoned in their bars or just took over the song completely. The two songs that shined above the rest would be yebbas heart and IMY2, but that’s mostly because of the energy and heart of the featured artists.
  41. Sep 3, 2021
    m i d
  42. Sep 3, 2021
    this **** so bland. Certified boring boy. Scorpion 2.0. Laziest project of 2021
  43. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its the Same beat Same flow along all the album. Its Quite boring to be honest. The all ideology is problematic Also : **** apology . Expand
  44. Sep 3, 2021
    Disappointed to say the least.
    Not sure if its because im not in love nor hate my ex but its been the same ol thing.
  45. Sep 3, 2021
    I'm sorry, but this one is disappointing and the album cover is complete trash, I could make the same album cover in like 1 minute
  46. Sep 3, 2021
    My ears, oh god my ears. This was a genuinely painful experience. I don’t know why I expected it to be decent.
  47. Sep 3, 2021
    Since Views , Drake decline a little by little. this album is good but i think, he could delete 4-5 songs on the album. I appreciate the vibe of most of the songs. i think 7/10 is good for this album
  48. Sep 3, 2021
    Mesma música de sempre. Não inovou em nada nesse álbum.
    Como fã de Drake me decepcionei nessa. Não consegui ouvir mais de 3 músicas porque são todas iguais
  49. Sep 3, 2021
    Really disappointing album. Drakes has played it safe here. No interesting storytelling or one liners really, same old production. Drakes needs to pick more interesting beats.
  50. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake has done it once again. Coming off the bloated and sonically uninspired Scorpion, he's managed to out-do himself and somehow drop an album that's even worse.

    CLB brings nothing new to the table, relying heavily on much of Drake's old tried and true formulas. If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? The issue here though is that fixing is actually much-needed, as Drake somehow not
    Drake has done it once again. Coming off the bloated and sonically uninspired Scorpion, he's managed to out-do himself and somehow drop an album that's even worse.

    CLB brings nothing new to the table, relying heavily on much of Drake's old tried and true formulas. If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? The issue here though is that fixing is actually much-needed, as Drake somehow not only plays it safe but also has become a caricature of himself, producing tracks more vapid and cringe-worthy than ever. It's clear as day, that the once ambitious artist who previously put out Nothing Was the Same and Take Care is no longer with us and instead has been replaced by a complacent money-milker who's primarily concerned with maximizing sales and having memorable Instagram captions now that he's at the top.
  51. Sep 3, 2021
    Am not the biggest Drake fan out there, but expect a level of quality that just wasn't there. After a disappointment from Scorpion, this brought Drake to new lows. Tracks like way 2 Sexy seem catered towards TikTok viral videos - reminiscent of "Ringtone Rappers". The features from Cudi, Thug, Jay Z, and Travis are easily the highs of this album. The lows are the misogynistic lyrics, theAm not the biggest Drake fan out there, but expect a level of quality that just wasn't there. After a disappointment from Scorpion, this brought Drake to new lows. Tracks like way 2 Sexy seem catered towards TikTok viral videos - reminiscent of "Ringtone Rappers". The features from Cudi, Thug, Jay Z, and Travis are easily the highs of this album. The lows are the misogynistic lyrics, the length without a cohesive purpose and lack of memorable songs. Somehow Drake put out a 21 song album without any club hits. One where any of the "best" songs wouldn't feel out of place on any of his previous albums. A star like Drake not creatively progressing at all in his career shows a lack of care, or interest in the music world. It is clear money is the goal - there's nothing wrong with that, but its a disappointment to fans of good music. Expand
  52. Sep 3, 2021
    Another L from drake this got no chance against donda, more underwater sounding filters and boring production that we’ve come to expect from drake, nothing different or new or really standout do better drake
  53. Sep 3, 2021
    The level of creativity is so low
    Possibly his worst album Even the big amount of features didn't carry it
    I'm so disappointed
  54. Sep 3, 2021
    O início é muito bom, mas depois da quinta faixa soa repetitivo, primacialmente por que o foco do album é nas rimas e o drake tem uma voz meio cansada pra musicas rimando
  55. Sep 3, 2021
    That was hard to get through. The most boring Drake has ever sounded in my recent memory. Uninspired and bored he goes. I honestly had more fun with that Donda album. It had enough weirdness to keep me awake. I guess Drake and Kanye decided they are not going to give Kwndeick any problems this year
  56. Sep 3, 2021
    an album for which we waited a long time and it is not the result I expected, the collaborations are good and honestly they are the ones that save the album, similar songs and nonsense
  57. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. lousy album, my ears are bleeding. drake went down a lot on this last album, i expected more Expand
  58. Sep 3, 2021
    Terrible, terrible, terrible! Don’t listen to this rubbish, drake is a culture vulture always has been!
  59. Sep 3, 2021
    Motonous trash. Never have I ever before fell asleep listening to a newly released album, highly anticipated at that?
    F out of here! They played y'all, this artist is riding on the wave of the hate the other artist receives
  60. Sep 3, 2021
    His most stale, boring, uninspired piece of work yet. Thats really saying something too being that it’s Drake. Drakes comfortability being at the position he’s at in the industry really bleeds on this thing.
  61. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Just the same as always, kinda boring, the features are good but come on, it can be better Expand
  62. Sep 3, 2021
    Tiene dos que tres tracks recatable, lo demás es igual, sin reinventarse y sonar siempre igual
  63. Sep 3, 2021
    Maybe CLB is OK but has no soul for me... I couldn't catch the vibe. I have a few songs i like in CLB but don't like enough to listen a second time. Also listening the whole album didn't serve me a good experience.
  64. Sep 3, 2021
    I mean, wtf was this? Worst exerience in a while. This mf only does mid music for girls every album
  65. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake missed for the first time ever. To be clear, I'm not trashing the album because I'm a Kanye fan boy. I was in the top .08% listeners to drake last year on Spotify. He's my favorite artist between him and the Weeknd. This album was painful. There's no way drake listened to this and thought it would be good. I feel like he's trolling us. Even Dark Lane Demo Tapes was better than this,Drake missed for the first time ever. To be clear, I'm not trashing the album because I'm a Kanye fan boy. I was in the top .08% listeners to drake last year on Spotify. He's my favorite artist between him and the Weeknd. This album was painful. There's no way drake listened to this and thought it would be good. I feel like he's trolling us. Even Dark Lane Demo Tapes was better than this, and that was a mixtape technically.

    There was no meditative, introspective drake. No 6pm in New York. No NWTS vibes.

    This album was dull and weird. Between the Jamaican dancehall sound with the Nigerian artist, and the ridiculous amount of features, for the first time in my life, I heard a bad drake album. There were some tough rap songs like Knife Talk. But where were the "Jaded" or "Not You Too". Where were the "Tuscan Leather" or "Furthest Thing"

    Really, really disappointed in this.l "album" if you want to call it that. End of an era. Makes me sad for real.
  66. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake put a lowpass filter on every track, felt like a chore to listen to, I guess Kanye won
  67. Sep 3, 2021
    Worst album by Drake. I don’t know what Drake was thinking? Feels like he don’t want to prove him self anymore.
  68. Sep 3, 2021
    Boring. Not even the features can save it. All the songs sound the same and have the same tone to them.
  69. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake unfortunately disappoints tremendously by releasing the same ol algorithm rap. If you’ve heard other drake albums, you’ve heard this album. If he tried to innovate even slightly I’d have gave this album at least a 4. But a drake fan will most likely love this album and more power to them. Just bothers me that it seems he’s not progressing as an artist. For unoriginality alone, heDrake unfortunately disappoints tremendously by releasing the same ol algorithm rap. If you’ve heard other drake albums, you’ve heard this album. If he tried to innovate even slightly I’d have gave this album at least a 4. But a drake fan will most likely love this album and more power to them. Just bothers me that it seems he’s not progressing as an artist. For unoriginality alone, he gets a 0 from me. Expand
  70. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake albums haves been something I looked forward to every time they are announced. But this album is disappointing
  71. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The absolute most boring album this guy has ever dropped. I'm truly disappointed. Literally every single song on the album is so incredibly dog **** I can't even believe he would have released them. They all sound like they should be onna B side or something. Truly, truly terrible. Do better. Expand
  72. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maybe Drake’s least inspired effort to date. The album sounds like a collection tracks that didn’t make the cut on some of his older classics. An attempt to recapture the sound that vaulted him to stardom that’s just lacking. No classic, repeatable tracks. Boring, unoriginal production. Trying too hard to drop Instagram captions as lines. The peak seems over. Expand
  73. Sep 3, 2021
    Por supuesto que se pudo haber ahorrado un álbum si solo un par de canciones estarían geniales, todo lo demás es plano y pretencioso
  74. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Trash. Drake's living in his own deluded world. Hasn't been decent since 2015. Expand
  75. Sep 3, 2021
    Drakes first few albums are much better, he sounds uninspired on this project. This album suffers most from being incredibly boring
  76. Sep 3, 2021
    Trash album. Really a disappointment. Boring and uninspired. Certified Hot garbage
  77. Sep 3, 2021
    I am just so sick of Drake making the same music pieces that he has been making since 2016 with even more cornier lyrics. More he follows this formula of his the more cornier and shallow he gets. I don't think he even cares about the artistry that his craft is intertwined with anymore.
  78. Sep 3, 2021
    He gave us the same album again with more artist that bought nothing to it. Really didn't expected much from Drake as of recent months to years he's been putting out the same songs over and over.
  79. Sep 4, 2021
    I went into this pretty optimistic thinking that drake would bring something new to the table and when the first track, Champagne Poetry went on I was hopeful and optimistic however by the 7th track, which i don't remember the name of because i thought i was still on the 2nd track, I became extremely bored and tired of this repetitive attitude drake has adopted with his music. FranklyI went into this pretty optimistic thinking that drake would bring something new to the table and when the first track, Champagne Poetry went on I was hopeful and optimistic however by the 7th track, which i don't remember the name of because i thought i was still on the 2nd track, I became extremely bored and tired of this repetitive attitude drake has adopted with his music. Frankly disappointing. Expand
  80. Sep 3, 2021
    Otra chatarra del rapero mas simplón del planeta, toda su música suena igual, no trasciende, no influye y no progresa en lo absoluto.
  81. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ué??? Não era esse álbum que ia surrar o donda? Tô ainda tentando achar a surra que esse album com conceito machista e com o r.kelly creditado deu no donda. Expand
  82. Sep 3, 2021
    ''CERTIFIED LOVER BOY'' sounds like a playlist of unreleased songs from drake's latest albums
  83. Sep 3, 2021
    Bland boring old Drake back at it, this time with no for sure radio hits. Feels phoned in. Skip this one.
  84. Sep 4, 2021
    Donda > CLB Every day
    Casual Drake nothing else
    I'm sure this album will be one of the most overrated album ever.
  85. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly, it's boring to me. Literally nothing new... Maybe he should experience a little more... IDK but that's just my opinion. Expand
  86. Sep 3, 2021
    Dudes been doing the same **** since 2015, same beats, same lyrics, same flows, same repetitive drake. Pure snooze fest.
  87. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake and Kanye should retire from music so should most men in the music industry. If you want to cleanse your ears after hearing this, listen to Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus!
  88. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake Had a 3 year break from album spree. this album sounds like a compilation of scraped songs that didn’t make it to a romantic movie soundtrack . What makes this outrageous is the fact that he pushed it back with 9months raising more anticipation only to give us a below mid & boring themed project even travis scott could save. i will give it 3/10 because of effort and because he isDrake Had a 3 year break from album spree. this album sounds like a compilation of scraped songs that didn’t make it to a romantic movie soundtrack . What makes this outrageous is the fact that he pushed it back with 9months raising more anticipation only to give us a below mid & boring themed project even travis scott could save. i will give it 3/10 because of effort and because he is drake ❤️. Expand
  89. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake needs growth. He is talking about the same topics he rapped about a decade ago.
  90. Sep 4, 2021
    VERY BORING!!! drake continues to realise underwhelming music. the only reason he breaks record id because his name is drake.
  91. Sep 3, 2021
    Nothing was the same to everything sounds the same. No growth in the last 3 years and even bringing old flows like from “Lord Knows” we in 2021 already Drizzy!
  92. Sep 3, 2021
    Not what I expected fr, it was just average drake I expected more from this album after all the hype and delays even the album cover sucks
  93. Sep 4, 2021
    0 out of 10. Worst album I’ve ever heard. Drake, make better music or don’t drop music at all. This is pure garbage and I miss the person I was before I heard this. So much hype for such mediocre songs. Drake needs to be stopped. Anyways stream DONDA, a real masterpiece.
  94. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake once again comes through with an album that at its core is perfectly fine, if he hadn't already released it 2 times before. While most of the songs on this thing are decent and exactly what you would expect from a drake album, the fact that he hasn't innovated or tried doing anything new in years speaks to his artistic integrity.
  95. Sep 4, 2021
    Nothing special. same staff over and over again. He can make HUGE hits but not a good album.
  96. Sep 4, 2021
    This album is terribly brining. Nothing new or innovative is being done here, the artwork is juvenile and embarrassing; drake needs to find a way to stay relevant, or stop saying he’s at the top of the game.
  97. Sep 3, 2021
    Nothing new from drake on this album. Same lyrical topics and themes. Flows and melodies we have heard before. I do enjoy some of the production but is super lackluster and bloated. Considering we waited 9 months for it.
  98. Sep 3, 2021
    I’m a big Drake fan and has him in my top 15 favorite music artists/acts of all time. But it pains me to say that never has an album that has disappointed me while I had little to no expectations. CLB is the worst Drake’s album I’ve ever listened to. Even to the point where I kinda hated this album, not because it was horrible, but because it’s the same old Drake. I was bored to the pointI’m a big Drake fan and has him in my top 15 favorite music artists/acts of all time. But it pains me to say that never has an album that has disappointed me while I had little to no expectations. CLB is the worst Drake’s album I’ve ever listened to. Even to the point where I kinda hated this album, not because it was horrible, but because it’s the same old Drake. I was bored to the point of frustration, most of the features felt wasted (especially Future and Travis Scott), and even some of the songs would have been better if Drake was left out because the features were giving more than he did, there are no bangers, and the same stuff Drake has been talking since I was in middle school. Maybe I’m just really spoiled by Drake’s music from 2009 to 2015, but this album ain’t it and the weirdest part is that I kinda hated CLB so much that it made me appreciate Views and Scorpion more and I didn’t like those albums. Expand
  99. Sep 3, 2021
    There is maybe 1 or 2 songs at best, that i want to come back to and play multiple times.
    Such a disappointing album.
  100. Sep 3, 2021
    I usually like drake and while some of the songs on this album are catchy, they say a lot of nothing and his flow hasn’t changed. Drake has made the same album for the last 4 projects. Change it up

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 19, 2021
    It’s beige, hollow music and that’s what ultimately frustrates your dedicated rap listener because it doesn’t make sense why it’s so damn popular. When you throw the poor writing on top of this, and some real hit-and-miss production into the mix, “Certified Lover Boy” may well be Drake’s worst album.
  2. Sep 13, 2021
    Drake comes across as an artist who’s bought into his mythos and persona a bit too ardently. ... The production on Certified Lover Boy is svelte yet airless, filled with lots of solemn piano lines and muted snares but absent of big flourishes or attempts at pop crossover. It’s an approach that’s likely aiming for tasteful restraint, but the effect is languid and rather directionless.
  3. Sep 13, 2021
    Things start promisingly with the undulating Champagne Poetry dextrously reflecting on loneliness (“career is going great, but now the rest of me is fading slowly”), while Papi’s Home recalls early Kanye, of all people, with its sped-up samples and laid-back flow. Later, however, that playfulness calcifies into headline-grabbing stunts. ... This is an album destined to be filleted for various #mood playlists, anchored only by its creator’s untouchable fame.