• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jul 17, 2012
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Universal acclaim- based on 1141 Ratings

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  1. Jul 26, 2014
    This album does a fine job in both music production and lyric production as well. My favorite track of the album has got to be Super Rich Kids. I would recommend anyone to listen to this album.
  2. Apr 29, 2015
    Pretending to be able to fully review this album in a few lines would be an insult to music as a form of art. This neo-soul, PR&B, jazz whatever album puts Frank Ocean on top of his own pyramid. Its title is a reference to grapheme–color synaesthesia, its songs are about life, religion, lust, love, sex and much more. There are so many details on this sonically unconventional andPretending to be able to fully review this album in a few lines would be an insult to music as a form of art. This neo-soul, PR&B, jazz whatever album puts Frank Ocean on top of his own pyramid. Its title is a reference to grapheme–color synaesthesia, its songs are about life, religion, lust, love, sex and much more. There are so many details on this sonically unconventional and substantial material, it’s hard to find a flaw. Perfectly mastered voice, insanely great jams and profound mind studies. It can be catchy without ever being too simple, very sentimental without manipulating. It’s a subtle movie, but unlike Life after Death, this one is closer to Kubrick more than Scorsese style. The first tracks feel almost a bit lighter than the final ones but the album is a masterpiece overall and no other artist was able to top this in 2012.

    Best track: Pyramids
    Exact Score: 9.5
  3. Jun 1, 2018
    Great GreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreat
  4. Aug 9, 2016
  5. May 25, 2017
    Frank Oceans genius is shown off on his debut studio album "channel ORANGE". He fills the space with heartfelt ballads, and trap fueled anthems of depression and pain. Ocean is humbled and merely just consumed by his art in every track. Through his perfectionist mentality, you see he is not in the game for money or other side benefits. It is an exhausting album, but this is one of the fewFrank Oceans genius is shown off on his debut studio album "channel ORANGE". He fills the space with heartfelt ballads, and trap fueled anthems of depression and pain. Ocean is humbled and merely just consumed by his art in every track. Through his perfectionist mentality, you see he is not in the game for money or other side benefits. It is an exhausting album, but this is one of the few times you will love to be so emotionally wrung out. Expand
  6. Nov 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Intense but I think I liked it. At this point just listen to it so you don't feel left out. Expand
  7. Sep 12, 2017
    On CO it seemed that Frank sticked to an alternative R&B style, using synths, basses and some particular programmed beats, it made a remarkable record with slow beat and ambient synth songs but also keeping a fresh touch wich includes some jazzy, funk influenced sounds to some of its songs. Listening to the lyrics, its obvious that there is a heavy story telling songwriting that are notOn CO it seemed that Frank sticked to an alternative R&B style, using synths, basses and some particular programmed beats, it made a remarkable record with slow beat and ambient synth songs but also keeping a fresh touch wich includes some jazzy, funk influenced sounds to some of its songs. Listening to the lyrics, its obvious that there is a heavy story telling songwriting that are not necessarily experiences lived by Frank and although some topics are similar in his songs, each story doesnt seem to be related. The fact that the instrumentals create a dynamic R&B urban record, ficticious stories are something interesting for the listener. Lyrics words are in some way related to hip hop backgrounds which make obvious that this record is a modern R&B record.
    Although the record is aimed for pop music because some songs have a love atmosphere, they talk about quite different stuff. Frank sticked to a conservative vocal approach, but in an epic way, the quality of the vocals have the same effort than the instrumentals.
    Never thought of a mostly slow paced album that could be an enjoyable summer album. This album is an example of vocal, production and songwriting quality.
    Favorite songs: Thinking bout you, Sweet life, Crack rock, Pyramids, Pink Matter, Forrest Gump.

    Based on the 1 month writing process that Frank and Ho had and that all songs were single worthy songs (liked all songs) and the different styles that the record treats, I would give it a 95
  8. Dec 19, 2018
    'channel ORANGE', the debut studio album from Frank Ocean, is one of the best R&B albums ever created. A standout in a dying genre, this record was named after the colour that Ocean perceived when he first fell in love (thanks to his grapheme-color synesthesia). This breakout project features gorgeous & emotional vocals which boast incredible range; Ocean has been gifted with a unique,'channel ORANGE', the debut studio album from Frank Ocean, is one of the best R&B albums ever created. A standout in a dying genre, this record was named after the colour that Ocean perceived when he first fell in love (thanks to his grapheme-color synesthesia). This breakout project features gorgeous & emotional vocals which boast incredible range; Ocean has been gifted with a unique, powerful and iconic voice. Crisp production and fantastic storytelling are all built by Ocean atop influences from Stevie Wonder and Prince. Everybody needs to hear this album at least once.

    The artwork is so simplistic that it stands out and just works. My absolute favourite tracks are 'Thinkin Bout You', 'Sierra Leone', 'Pyramids', 'Lost', 'Bad Religion', 'Pink Matter', 'Forrest Gump' and 'End'. Overall I would rate 'channel ORANGE' a 9.5/10 - and the only reason that I didn't give this a 10/10 is because Ocean outdid himself on his second studio album 'Blonde', which is my favourite album of all time.
  9. Jun 8, 2020
    Frank Ocean is an amazing artist, his music just make people feel. This is, in my opinion his best album. He touch on a lot of different themes with his impecable penmanship and amazing voice. It's a shame how he can't seem to get any major mainstream buzz, he truly deserves it. I didn't use to like other music than only rap, however artists like Frank showed me that other music can beFrank Ocean is an amazing artist, his music just make people feel. This is, in my opinion his best album. He touch on a lot of different themes with his impecable penmanship and amazing voice. It's a shame how he can't seem to get any major mainstream buzz, he truly deserves it. I didn't use to like other music than only rap, however artists like Frank showed me that other music can be amazing as well. Favorite track: Super Rich Kids Expand
  10. Jun 9, 2019
    best album everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  11. May 25, 2021
    Ocean's 2012 LP would be a masterpiece if it weren't for the lackluster feature verses, which don't fit the tracks at all. Besides that, channel ORANGE is a great storyteller with diverse tracks and interludes.

    FAV TRACK: Lost
    LEAST FAV TRACK: Super Rich Kids
  12. Jan 17, 2021
    As far as first albums go this is what every artist should strive for. Frank talks about growing up in LA with his incredible songwriting and lyrics while performing the with great vocals. Channel Orange is the ideal Frank Ocean.
  13. Mar 5, 2023
    This is one of the best albums of ALL TIME. Frank Ocean never disappoints!

    A lot of songs on here are very slow, but this is one of these albums that grows on you. You have to give it more than one listen! The production on this album is fantastic, but the vocals are what really pulls me in. Frank Ocean's falsetto and runs are heavenly; guaranteed to give you goosebumps. This album
    This is one of the best albums of ALL TIME. Frank Ocean never disappoints!

    A lot of songs on here are very slow, but this is one of these albums that grows on you. You have to give it more than one listen! The production on this album is fantastic, but the vocals are what really pulls me in. Frank Ocean's falsetto and runs are heavenly; guaranteed to give you goosebumps.

    This album is timeless and just gets better with every listen.
  14. Feb 6, 2022
    Um projeto que reflete toda genialidade de um artista que não gosta de se prender a fórmulas repetidas e convencionais, assim eu descreveria Channel Orange e o seu criador Frank Ocean. Entregando complexidade e individualidade em cada faixa, Frank faz com que Channel Orange se destaque de maneira brilhante e automaticamente gera qualquer hype para futuros projetos.
    Um destaque para os
    Um projeto que reflete toda genialidade de um artista que não gosta de se prender a fórmulas repetidas e convencionais, assim eu descreveria Channel Orange e o seu criador Frank Ocean. Entregando complexidade e individualidade em cada faixa, Frank faz com que Channel Orange se destaque de maneira brilhante e automaticamente gera qualquer hype para futuros projetos.
    Um destaque para os instrumentais que são geniais, cheios de camadas, samples que são perfeitamente bem encaixados e o uso de instrumentos não tão comuns aos nossos ouvidos fazem desse álbum algo genial que se diferencia totalmente dessa atual indústria desgastada.

    Meu top 5 faixas:
    Thinkin Bout You
    Super Rich Kids
    Sierra Leone
  15. Feb 17, 2022
    so nao é 10 pq existe blonde so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  16. May 2, 2022
    My personal favorite R&B album of all time. While not perfect, and with a few more skits than I would like, I still find enjoyment in every listen. The music really takes you somewhere. It's like you're sitting in a chair on the beach drinking a martini looking up into the sky, but when the song Crack Rock kicks in the sky is on fire and the chair is on fire and the beach is on fire andMy personal favorite R&B album of all time. While not perfect, and with a few more skits than I would like, I still find enjoyment in every listen. The music really takes you somewhere. It's like you're sitting in a chair on the beach drinking a martini looking up into the sky, but when the song Crack Rock kicks in the sky is on fire and the chair is on fire and the beach is on fire and you're melting. Expand
  17. Jun 15, 2022
    Channel Orange is one of those piece's of music that seems nostalgic the first time you hear it.
  18. Nov 29, 2022
    An album that can be overestimated. Ten years later, it still looks sophisticated.
  19. Jul 22, 2012
    A very enjoyable listen, and gets better with repeated listens as well. Ocean's vocal resemblance to Stevie Wonder is easily dismissed, and the production is interesting and the lyrics engrossing. Most of all, it's soulful as all get out. Don't believe the haters, this is good stuff.
  20. Oct 21, 2012
    channel Orange is an ambitious, perfectly produced record that lives up to all the hype it received when it was released. Each track is layered with perfect harmonies and smooth flow from Ocean. The reason it's so appealing to me is because Frank Ocean's vocal ranges are incredibly powerful and so honest that it's so easy to fall in love with this album. The lyrics are among the best thischannel Orange is an ambitious, perfectly produced record that lives up to all the hype it received when it was released. Each track is layered with perfect harmonies and smooth flow from Ocean. The reason it's so appealing to me is because Frank Ocean's vocal ranges are incredibly powerful and so honest that it's so easy to fall in love with this album. The lyrics are among the best this year and his life is literally spilling out at you through these tracks. All In All, Frank Ocean's channel Orange is the best R&B record this year and among the best of the year. B+ Expand
  21. Jul 29, 2012
    "Pyramids" has to be one of Frank's best songs. After hearing this 10 minute long story with beautiful complex beat I thought the album would be much better than "Nostalgia,ULTRA". While this album does show off even more of Ocean's amazing writing skills it lacks the melodic hooks that made "Nostalgia" even more of an amazing effort. That's not to say there aren't any, "Thinkin' Bout You""Pyramids" has to be one of Frank's best songs. After hearing this 10 minute long story with beautiful complex beat I thought the album would be much better than "Nostalgia,ULTRA". While this album does show off even more of Ocean's amazing writing skills it lacks the melodic hooks that made "Nostalgia" even more of an amazing effort. That's not to say there aren't any, "Thinkin' Bout You" is probably the best example considering the mind-blowing falsetto. So my opinion on the whole thing is that it's a great debut but it's extremely overrated because of personal letter from artist that made it's way onto internet a couple of days before the release of album. My favourite tracks are (in no particular order): "Pyramids", "Lost", "Crack Rock", "Bad Religion" & "Pink Matter" . Expand
  22. Oct 24, 2012
    You know when its three o'clock in the morning and you're at a party and most people are asleep and you're still pretty drunk and you want to listen to some late night chill music? well listen to this album. Its just a sexy album. I don't think his voice is really anything to marvel at, but he gets those falsettos very well and its hard not feeling drawn in by his tone. pink matter is soYou know when its three o'clock in the morning and you're at a party and most people are asleep and you're still pretty drunk and you want to listen to some late night chill music? well listen to this album. Its just a sexy album. I don't think his voice is really anything to marvel at, but he gets those falsettos very well and its hard not feeling drawn in by his tone. pink matter is so good. its the perfect sexy/hazy ballad and andre 3000 kills his verse in it. other than that, Pyramids is the centerpiece and is done so well. I love the second half of the song when it slows down. If you like slow jamz, Frank Ocean is for you Expand
  23. Jul 18, 2012
    I'm hardly an R&B fan, but just listening to the album you can tell that this kid has talent. I am a fan of rap, am familiar with Odd Future, and do not generally like their releases, but this album is very well done. I personally only like a few songs from the album, but as a whole, this album deserves the praise it is getting.
  24. Jul 21, 2012
    An RnB classic that people will be listening to for years to come. Better than anything usher, chris brown, r kelly, the weeknd, ne yo, and others are putting out. He doesn't have the strongest voice....but his melodies are insane
  25. Jan 29, 2013
    Demonios, la publicidad es poderosa, y aunque no soy fan de este genero, (Fan de Mr. oizo, Autechre, etc.)
    me parece un album que funciona, gracias a la maravillosa voz de Ocean. Tiene gran profundidad la musica, la produccion es impecable con una calidad excelente. Pero no todo es color de rosa en este disco, que a mi parecer esta un poco sobrevalorado gracias a la reciente confesion de
    Demonios, la publicidad es poderosa, y aunque no soy fan de este genero, (Fan de Mr. oizo, Autechre, etc.)
    me parece un album que funciona, gracias a la maravillosa voz de Ocean. Tiene gran profundidad la musica, la produccion es impecable con una calidad excelente. Pero no todo es color de rosa en este disco, que a mi parecer esta un poco sobrevalorado gracias a la reciente confesion de la bisexualidad de Frank O.
    Los temas que toca son repetitivos y sus letras no tan profundas como su calificacion sugiere. El "AMOR" abarca un 90% de su album, y cansa un poco lo mismo en todas las canciones.
    Si bien no es para comprarlo, una escuchada claro que vale la pena.
  26. Apr 9, 2013
    It does get repetitive, but that's the style he was going for. He is a great singer and this album was produced like a Kanye album! This album had a perfect mix of R & B and Pop.
  27. Jun 14, 2013
    A bit too much filler on this thing, but the vast majority of this album is a beautiful. A tad overrated as some of the tracks just aren't that compelling. The production is definitely unique though
  28. Aug 3, 2013
    Has it's gems, would give it an 8.5 if i could, but its not up there enough for me to give it a 9, has great tracks like Thinkin bout you, Pyramids, Super Rich Kids, Pink Matter,Forrest Gump, definitely worth a listen.
  29. Nov 26, 2013
    NOTE: An 8 from me means I really liked it. I don't toss 10s around.

    The last album I listened to was Vampire Weekend's sophomore release, Contra, an excellent album, but which was bursting with lyrical content about anything and everything, whether it was Nicaragua, The Clash, old video games, or the breakup it was actually supposed to be about. Frank Ocean has interesting lyrical
    NOTE: An 8 from me means I really liked it. I don't toss 10s around.

    The last album I listened to was Vampire Weekend's sophomore release, Contra, an excellent album, but which was bursting with lyrical content about anything and everything, whether it was Nicaragua, The Clash, old video games, or the breakup it was actually supposed to be about. Frank Ocean has interesting lyrical content throughout this album as well, but it's much more concentrated on the theme. I can tell that this record overall was inspired by the homosexual relationship described in his "open letter", but he also goes into other relevant parts of his life and past, like being filthy rich and dealing with his unrequited first love. I've yet to understand whatever the hell is going on in "Pink Matter", though.

    This is musically an inferior album to Contra, though. While I do love the beats on tracks like "Thinkin Bout You", "Super Rich Kids", and "Lost", it's just not up to par on songs like "Sierra Leone", "Pilot Jones", and "Monks". I guess you could call it a "meh" album in this regard, because it is. This could possibly be my album of the year 2012 if it were better this way.

    But as a whole? Yeah, this album's pretty excellent. In spite of what I said earlier about its inconsistent production quality, that matters not too much because this is a lyric-based LP. And its good tracks can be extremely good, especially in the case of "Pyramids", very likely my favorite song of 2012 (although I'm well aware that I'm not the only one who thinks this, this is generally hailed as a modern classic). "Pyramids" is just one of those songs where you just have to take a step back and bask in its awesomeness. It's no epic, extended crescendo; it's not "Stairway to Heaven", it's not "Bohemian Rhapsody", it's not "Won't Get Fooled Again". It doesn't even follow the model of modern long songs like Green Day's "Jesus of Suburbia", LCD Soundsystem's "All My Friends", or Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around... Comes Around". It's completely different thing altogether, an entity unto itself. I don't think there's any song I've heard before that I can compare it to, which earns it even more respect than I already give it.

    It's also worth noting that Frank is an excellent singer, and his vocal ability is especially pronounced on songs like "Pyramids" and "Thinkin Bout You", actually my two favorite songs from the album. But like the former song, I can't think of anyone it reminds me of. When I hear the voice on a Frank Ocean song, I'll easily be able to recognize it as his.

  30. Sep 5, 2013
    A smooth, beautiful album featuring Frank's vocal and stylistic range that tells a Los Angeles love story and all the complications involved, from lack of mutualistic attraction to surprisingly falling in love with another man.
  31. May 19, 2014
    wow this album is great track after track frank delivers great vocals and interesting topics. this album doesn't lack at all production is great very catchy songs of this, some of my favourites are bad religion,super rich kids,and lost there just a few every track on this album is well done nothing felled rushed. very impressed with franks debut album.
  32. Oct 5, 2015
    This man is unbelievably versatile.. #OFWGKTA
  33. Jul 28, 2019
    Beautifully layered, produced extremely well... tremendous vocals, and an innovative style. Frank brings soul, funk, jazz, R&B, and whatever else to the table in a masterpiece widely hailed as a classic.
  34. Jul 18, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  35. Jun 4, 2019
    A utterly gorgeous album. I just hope he doesn't fade into mediocrity . My background is rock and metal but this view my head wide open
  36. Jul 21, 2023
    omg omg omg this album was sooooo good Bad Religion had me shook tbh even though i don't put it on a pedistol words can't describe how good it is favorite track is super rich kids
  37. Jul 29, 2012
    The praise this album is getting was already decided way before it was released. The listening public and the critics want this album to be good so they say it is. What Frank Ocean has produced is a fine album that doffs its cap to Stevie Wonder and a few other R&B legends. The modern twist on the production gives it a more updated feel too and actually captures some of the emotion inThe praise this album is getting was already decided way before it was released. The listening public and the critics want this album to be good so they say it is. What Frank Ocean has produced is a fine album that doffs its cap to Stevie Wonder and a few other R&B legends. The modern twist on the production gives it a more updated feel too and actually captures some of the emotion in Ocean's voice that older methods may have missed. But there are no hooks that are worth remembering. Considering that Ocean has written songs for Justin Bieber, there's a lack of loud chorus on here that may have given Ocean another dimension to exlpore and show off the fantastic vocal and instrumental production on this thing. 'Pyramids' would have been perfect as a shorter track because it's the most radio-friendly song on Channel Orange. People are literally spaffing their pants over this album when it barely deserves an erection Expand
  38. Sep 21, 2012
    I loved this album on first listen and enjoy it slightly less with the passage of time and plays. Another reviewer here refers to Ocean's genius and Janelle Monae. I experienced the same exhilaration with her last album and now can't bring myself to listen to it at all. Maybe genius' albums should have best before dates stamped on them.
  39. Dec 15, 2012
    I think I'm giving this the positive score it deserves. It's not a bad album by any means, and I appreciate the originality, but I can hear better elsewhere. To the people who are saying how creative this is, and how bold Ocean was willing to be, I'd like to give them a copy of Radiohead's OK Computer or Stevie Wonder's Songs In The Key Of Life. Those are albums that can change the futureI think I'm giving this the positive score it deserves. It's not a bad album by any means, and I appreciate the originality, but I can hear better elsewhere. To the people who are saying how creative this is, and how bold Ocean was willing to be, I'd like to give them a copy of Radiohead's OK Computer or Stevie Wonder's Songs In The Key Of Life. Those are albums that can change the future of music. This is an album that has some cool ideas, and a couple of really strong tracks for sure, but it's nothing to write home about. I guess the fact that it is different is what people are going so crazy about, because while there is a lot of skill shown here, it's not outstandingly competent when you compare it to some of the other artists who are out there. I should say, it sounds like I'm being hard on this album, but that's only because I'm relating it to how others are perceiving it. With no previous expectations about what to think of this album, I would come back with nothing but positive things to say. It is interesting, creative, and enjoyable. However, I think all of those positive things you can say about it, that I would also say about it, have been blown out of proportion. It's definitely worth the listen, for its unique sounds, nice vocals, and interesting lyrics, but I wouldn't exactly call it one for the ages, as it's being considered. Expand
  40. Jul 19, 2012
    The album has its high points and they are certainly high as far as modern R&B goes, but it isn't as tied down as Nostalgia/Ultra, which is the superior of the two. Highlights include: Pyramids, Lost, Bad Religion, and Thinkin Bout You. It's a must-listen for 2012, but won't be the best major label record Frank Ocean delivers hopefully.
  41. Nov 26, 2021
    Mid. Pyramids is the only very good song, imo overrated. Boring to listen to

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 46
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 46
  3. Negative: 0 out of 46
  1. Uncut
    Sep 14, 2012
    Sumptuous and sprawling, his major label debut comfortably backs up the hype. [Oct 2012, p.86]
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 20, 2012
    While Ocean's artistic ambition is impressive, it's his haunting candour that really casts a spell. [Sep 2012, p.106]
  3. Mojo
    Aug 8, 2012
    [A] rich and complex album. [Sep 2012, p.95]