• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 95 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 75 out of 95
  2. Negative: 15 out of 95
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  1. Oct 15, 2022
    One of the most medicore pop albums of the decade, CHARLIE's 12 songs all tumble into the pile of genericity that powers this record to the end. It definitely lacks in personality and originality too. These are simply songs that would be played on the radio once or twice and then put away for good because all they are is songs with a tune and that's it. There's no heart here!
  2. Oct 31, 2022
    I see many 10/10 but those are all comments made by stans, not by real listeners.

    I see many people have the same reaction as I did. So I figured I’d post my review. I’m very straightforward, no hate here. I give this album a 3/10 -- A wasted potential. Why? The album is not the best one I've listened to. Lyrics are definitely common, easy to understand but they lack depth,
    I see many 10/10 but those are all comments made by stans, not by real listeners.

    I see many people have the same reaction as I did. So I figured I’d post my review. I’m very straightforward, no hate here.

    I give this album a 3/10 -- A wasted potential. Why?

    The album is not the best one I've listened to. Lyrics are definitely common, easy to understand but they lack depth, storytelling, and emotion. I assume it’s because the singer isn’t interested or is afraid to give too much of themselves. I don’t know the real reason but it definitely affected the whole vibe of the final product imo. By his whole "This is the most me" marketing I was expecting deeper lyrics, lyrics that aren't all about him losing a girl (maybe he should have named this album differently, not Charlie?), more bridges, better vocals, not 2 minute tiktok ringtones.

    Since he's often regarded as a genius, and I even took his songwriting course, obviously I was expecting more. Especially since he's proven to be better than this. Him saying in one of his interviews that "before he was only about getting that hit song out” makes no difference because this album is full of extremely short songs with little to no substance and an immense amount of autotune (THAT HE DOESN'T NEED) that's catered towards TikTok audience.

    It's not about conveying a message anymore. In my opinion, he made a mistake by taking Elton John's criticism so literally and running with it. It ruined his vibe, and his artist identity and now we have what's supposed to be a professional, well-crafted album come off amateurish. I know he can do better than this, but maybe he doesn't care.
  3. Oct 8, 2022
    I will never understand how someone with such complex knowledge of the music industry, music theory, and perfect pitch can make music like this. Most of the time, it didn’t even seem like he was trying to make a song. This album lacks any sort of real depth lyrically and musically. I’m a big fan of calling things I’m not a fan of mediocre, but this was beyond mediocrity, this was justI will never understand how someone with such complex knowledge of the music industry, music theory, and perfect pitch can make music like this. Most of the time, it didn’t even seem like he was trying to make a song. This album lacks any sort of real depth lyrically and musically. I’m a big fan of calling things I’m not a fan of mediocre, but this was beyond mediocrity, this was just laziness. The record felt rushed, and I really don’t think it should’ve been considering how long it’s been since his last album. Maybe Charlie should focus on the quality of music, instead of getting a viral moment on TikTok. Expand
  4. Oct 24, 2022
    Honestly, this is so soulless and gimmicky. I don’t know why I was expecting anything else, but damn this is garbage.
  5. Oct 8, 2022
    Generic and cheap pop, full autotune and stupid lyrics
    This album is absolutely TRASH
  6. Oct 12, 2022
    Love this album from the top to bottom. 100% recommended. His best LP to date and some of his best sounding work lies in this record. There are almost no skips on this record.

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. 80
    An album that turns a sound into a physical being, CHARLIE is packed full of personality and heart.
  2. 80
    While some of the songs slip into genericity, such as the forgettable There’s a First Time For Everything, others are 80s-inspired, synth-led earworms. Smells Like Me stands out as one of the album’s highlights, a masterclass in pop writing with an ultra-memorable hook.
  3. Oct 7, 2022
    Charlie offers hope to both the singer and to sympathetic listeners, closing this very relatable chapter of his life with optimism hard-won through this catchy pop package.