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Generally favorable reviews- based on 427 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 52 out of 427

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  1. Aug 10, 2023
    Honestly in my opinion the best GnR album. Controversial but that’s what I believe!!
  2. Jun 29, 2022
    This is truly the magnum opus of all music. Ever since the creation of music, humans have been pleading for an album as great as this. The best song off the album is the title track, which truly showcases peak music. That song is when the album reaches it's peak (the whole album is peak by the way). In the song, lead singer Axl Rose says "We live in a Chinese Democracy" before hitting a 17This is truly the magnum opus of all music. Ever since the creation of music, humans have been pleading for an album as great as this. The best song off the album is the title track, which truly showcases peak music. That song is when the album reaches it's peak (the whole album is peak by the way). In the song, lead singer Axl Rose says "We live in a Chinese Democracy" before hitting a 17 octave screech as Slash plays the most melodic solo of all time. If you hate this album, it goes to show that you have quite a low IQ since you need over 9000 IQ points to understand Axl Rose's musical genius Expand
  3. Jan 25, 2021
    This album has got me through alot of times! Songs like The Street Of Dreams, Catcher In The Rye and This I Love are absolute masterpieces!!!! Please give this album a chance!!!!!!
  4. Jul 13, 2017
    I have been a Dj since I was 14, I learned a long time ago that every Album (and I mean vinyl) needs to be listened to in it's entirety. When I first listened to this album I was disappointed. However, while listening to it the third time around I found this album while yes it isn't what everyone was waiting for, it is however one of the best albums I have ever heard. This by a man who hasI have been a Dj since I was 14, I learned a long time ago that every Album (and I mean vinyl) needs to be listened to in it's entirety. When I first listened to this album I was disappointed. However, while listening to it the third time around I found this album while yes it isn't what everyone was waiting for, it is however one of the best albums I have ever heard. This by a man who has well over 6,000 cd's. Yes, it is NOT the Guns N Roses we all grew up with, but then again, every band changes over time. Consider the fact that most bands kick from the 80's/90's can barely produce a number one hit. While most bands have become pop wannabe artists, Bon Jovi/Poison/Motley Crue and even Metallica have pretty much **** the bead (and yes I know Metallica is in no way POP. While Axel's G n R, is NOT* the G n R we grew up with, yet Mr. Bailey did really make an amazing album. That said, Chinese Democracy is one of the best albums I have ever heard. I only give it a nine simply because I am always hoping for something better. I have this album both on vinyl and cd, and I bought both for a reason. Finally, keep in mind that the music industry has nearly completely fallin' apart. I'm sure that 30% of the sales this album hasn't received have been downloaded illegally, and that sucks for Axel Rose, because we will never know the true number of how many people really have this record. Yes, he took over a decade and yes it is the most expensive album ever, but man does it kick some serious ass! Expand
  5. Mar 7, 2017
    Love Chinese Democracy. The album starts off with the relentless title track and the album is filled with some excellent ballads with some great lyrics by Axl. Definitely recommend this album.
  6. Oct 10, 2016
    Let's get right to it: The first Guns n' Roses album of new, original songs since the first Bush administration is a great, audacious, unhinged and uncompromising hard-rock record. In other words, it sounds a lot like the Guns n' Roses you know. At times, it's the clenched-fist five that made 1987's perfect storm, Appetite for Destruction; more often, it's the one sprawled across theLet's get right to it: The first Guns n' Roses album of new, original songs since the first Bush administration is a great, audacious, unhinged and uncompromising hard-rock record. In other words, it sounds a lot like the Guns n' Roses you know. At times, it's the clenched-fist five that made 1987's perfect storm, Appetite for Destruction; more often, it's the one sprawled across the maxed-out CDs of 1991's Use Your Illusion I and II, but here compressed into a convulsive single disc of supershred guitars, orchestral fanfares, hip-hop electronics, metallic tabernacle choirs and Axl Rose's still-virile, rusted-siren singing. Expand
  7. Apr 28, 2015
    damn you Axl Rose! Such a brilliant unique talent and you kept it from me for all these years. I've listened to this album hundreds of times and it gets me in pure ecstasy every time. His voice has gone even more freaky over the years and I love it even more than i did in the 90's. The songs sounds very melodramatic and this album is very different from the earlier work without losingdamn you Axl Rose! Such a brilliant unique talent and you kept it from me for all these years. I've listened to this album hundreds of times and it gets me in pure ecstasy every time. His voice has gone even more freaky over the years and I love it even more than i did in the 90's. The songs sounds very melodramatic and this album is very different from the earlier work without losing touch with the GnR-feel. I love it. It makes me dream and feel sentimental and happy. For me it's a new chapter in their crazy story that doesn't disappoint. It's different but not less good than the 80's and 90's work. Must have! Expand
  8. Feb 11, 2013
    I'm an avid fan of Appetite for Destruction and the raw essence of GNR's original 80's lineup (lets face it...who isn't? So right away I openly concede Chinese Democracy (CD) is not of that revolutionary ilk... But well... Duh! Given Appetite is one of the world's all time top 5 albums ever, a once in a generation freak of a record and given the original line-up that so forcefully gave itI'm an avid fan of Appetite for Destruction and the raw essence of GNR's original 80's lineup (lets face it...who isn't? So right away I openly concede Chinese Democracy (CD) is not of that revolutionary ilk... But well... Duh! Given Appetite is one of the world's all time top 5 albums ever, a once in a generation freak of a record and given the original line-up that so forcefully gave it life are now, but for Axl, long gone... well... how could it ever be? Yet it is from that unrealistic expectation that most music industry elites (critics) have passed what seems, objectively at least, to be generally unfair collective judgment. Revealingly though, their view is not that of the great unwashed... nor is it mine!

    Chinese Democracy (CD) is a beautifully composed, fantastically diverse and powerfully mature rock album that successfully manages to rock your socks-off on one hand and gently caress the depths of your emotions on the other! In this sense, its Use Your Illusions lineage is clearly evident, as is Axl's significant contribution to that lineage. The quality of this album cannot objectively be denied or dismissed and the fact it often has been, says far more about the prejudices of industry elites than anything they've ever said about this Album. Chinese Democracy (CD) is a real gem with great rock tracks cut straight from the traditional GNR-mold (Chinese Democracy, Shackler's Revenge, Better, Scraped, Raid N' The Bedouins). But its true brilliance lies in its embrace of a far more deeply embedded purpose than mere appeasement of addicts hooked on that old-school GNR sugar hit! From soaring rock anthems (Street of Dreams, There Was a Time, Madagascar) to expressive rock ballads (Catcher in The Rye, This I Love, Prostitute) to deeply introspective musical reflections (If the World, Sorry, I.R.S.) Axl has finally revealed the true source of his genius vulnerability and insecurity in all its guises. This sophisticated concoction Axl's designer drug for a new century is far more complex, discerning, introspective, longer lasting on the palette and immensely satisfying on a much deeper level than anything he's done before. But only after it is played over and again, will the intricately cut angles and facets of this huge rock of an album reveal the fill depth of its brilliance and sparkle... All you need is just a little patience! So whilst GN’R was never just W. Axl Rose alone, what Chinese Democracy proves above all else, is that without the flamboyent presence, creative genius, and powerful life-force of this enigmatic front man, GNR is nothing. In short: Chinese Democracy is a must buy for all those Guns N' f?@#ing Roses fans who've stuck with em through all the f?@#ing s$!t... and for all those opposed... well...I give it 8/10... suck on that... Yeaaaaaah!
  9. Jan 7, 2013
    Don't believe the hate. If you can look past the dislike for Axl as being difficult to work with (or whatever the hell is popular to say about him) then it is an absolutely *phenomenal* album. He may not have softened with age but that's also what makes this album so great. It's not just anger, but rage, that defines this album and it's also what gives Axl more integrity than prettyDon't believe the hate. If you can look past the dislike for Axl as being difficult to work with (or whatever the hell is popular to say about him) then it is an absolutely *phenomenal* album. He may not have softened with age but that's also what makes this album so great. It's not just anger, but rage, that defines this album and it's also what gives Axl more integrity than pretty much anyone in recent rock history. I'm not one to say that 'rock is dead' or that 'there is no good new music' because the last decade has seen tons of good music from both veterans and newcomers; but if I had to choose my favorite album since 2000 then this would be it.

    It's not the same music but I love it as much as I did Appetite when I was 11 in 1988. Old timers may feel a bit of shock over the changes but the music is just as good. Just give it a few listens and you'll find yourself driving way faster than you should.
  10. Jul 29, 2012
    I think this recording shines in utter atmospheric beauty. Apart from the ever present hate from mr rose he's a genius. He has really become a crime by not making music for all these years. This one's so craved for that it's doomed to fail but then i realise it's pearl of passion! Best album of 21 century to date.
  11. Apr 16, 2011
    This is an incredible album. On this album, we find some of the most articulate music and masterful writing ever created by Axl Rose. In many ways, this album goes beyond anything that Guns N' Roses have done previously in their career, and it explores brand new territory that would not have been possible with the old lineup. I think that Axl and his new group of musicians have managed toThis is an incredible album. On this album, we find some of the most articulate music and masterful writing ever created by Axl Rose. In many ways, this album goes beyond anything that Guns N' Roses have done previously in their career, and it explores brand new territory that would not have been possible with the old lineup. I think that Axl and his new group of musicians have managed to create something brilliant in 'Chinese Democracy'; intelligent, diverse, well-constructed, well-produced, powerful, soulful music that rises above mediocrity and into the realms of pure brilliance. From the aggressive music of the title track, to the emotion of "There Was a Time", I love every moment and every aspect of this album.

    I now see why Axl took so long to create this album - he was perfecting it, and making it flawless. And this pays off with the final product - what I consider to be a masterpiece. It's just too bad that people allow this album's rough history to blind them from the actual quality of the music. And it's sad to see so many people resenting this album simply because it doesn't sound like "classic Guns." I strongly suggest all rock music listeners to open your ears and your minds to the exceptional music of 'Chinese Democracy'.
  12. NeilP
    Sep 21, 2009
    I feel 13 again, as if I've just heard rock and roll for the first time.
  13. ShawnM
    Sep 11, 2009
    A perfect record, absolutely flawless.
  14. davep
    Sep 5, 2009
    Great album. there was a time is pure class.
  15. DuduC.
    Aug 22, 2009
    It's very different from the past and one must accept this, however, great songs ar still present on this album with the best being "This I love", first time I heard it a tear came down.
  16. AbbasM
    Aug 3, 2009
    Well...i was waiting to hate it when it came out but after listening to it it's butt kicking, face-melting,gigantic power-ballad rock n' roll at its best. And Axl still has THE voice.
  17. JohnsonH
    Jul 18, 2009
    This CD is so good i have listened to it so many times.
  18. JamesH
    Jun 15, 2009
    At its lowest ("This I Love", "Scraped", the title track, and "Sorry"), "Chinese Democracy" is a narcissistic, overdone, overdue, and overbearing mess. But at its finest ("Better", "Street of Dreams", and "Prostitute"), the album suggests that, yes, the 15-year wait was worth it after all.
  19. BT
    May 7, 2009
    sounds terrible after first few listens. Gets better after 5-10. Then becomes a absolute epic album afterwards. Close to all the tracks you'd never skip.
  20. WillB
    Mar 28, 2009
    All the songs are awesome. I knew GNR wouldn't disappoint with theis disk! My hat is off to Axl. Rock on.
  21. W.AxlR.
    Mar 17, 2009
    A flawless album. Will be in my top 5 for ever.
  22. seanc
    Feb 23, 2009
    I love this Cd, i have listened to it almost every day since it came out . I think it is the most complete rock album since Pink Floyds "dark side of the moon" ; dont believe all the negative publicity the CD has received. Every song is unique and original and memorable. I also think that the guitar and keyboard playing as well as the mixing of the album is first rate and each song sounds I love this Cd, i have listened to it almost every day since it came out . I think it is the most complete rock album since Pink Floyds "dark side of the moon" ; dont believe all the negative publicity the CD has received. Every song is unique and original and memorable. I also think that the guitar and keyboard playing as well as the mixing of the album is first rate and each song sounds perfect. Congratulations GNR and best of luck in the future. Expand
  23. dans
    Feb 17, 2009
    with this album, axl has really won my respect. its much easier to give the listeners exactly what they expect but instead he has chosen to take interesting chances and try experiments that surprisingly work out for the most part. the negative talk surrounding this album has nothing to do with the music which is powerful, moving and rocks really darn hard. not just that, it also has that with this album, axl has really won my respect. its much easier to give the listeners exactly what they expect but instead he has chosen to take interesting chances and try experiments that surprisingly work out for the most part. the negative talk surrounding this album has nothing to do with the music which is powerful, moving and rocks really darn hard. not just that, it also has that special quality you see so rarely in music today: intelligence. There Was a Time makes a strong claim to being the best Guns N Roses song ever made. Expand
  24. PaudieM
    Feb 10, 2009
    A stunning masterpiece of musical arrangements. Axl is on top form vocally and the guitars are amazing. Prostitute is possibly the most perfect song on the album.
  25. daveu
    Feb 2, 2009
    Could have been better,,, but all in all a great offer by AXL and I wish him all the very best for future and hope to see them releasing one more soon.
  26. BillR.
    Jan 30, 2009
    Good Album. It took a little while to grow on me so listen to it a few times.
  27. GosB
    Jan 27, 2009
    As a hardcore fan of Guns 'n' Roses, ever since I heard the very first riffs of "Welcome to the Jungle", I have to say I am both pleased and disappointed by this album. If I weren't such a hardcore fan, I would have given "Chinese Democracy" a 6. Here's a warning to those G 'n' R fans who think every G 'n' R record should sound like "Appetite for As a hardcore fan of Guns 'n' Roses, ever since I heard the very first riffs of "Welcome to the Jungle", I have to say I am both pleased and disappointed by this album. If I weren't such a hardcore fan, I would have given "Chinese Democracy" a 6. Here's a warning to those G 'n' R fans who think every G 'n' R record should sound like "Appetite for Destruction": DO NOT buy this album -- it will only disappoint you. However, for those of us who appreciate the fact that G 'n' R has evolved since the '80s (and how), this album has a lot of pleasant surprises. Axl's vocals have never sounded better, and he deftly explores new vocal territory without ever losing his trademark vocal style. The production quality is the best ever for a G 'n' R album -- a far cry from earsplitting recordings like "Appetite" and "Live @#$! Like a Suicide." The songs are diverse and laden with nuance, and fans of the "Use Your Illusion" albums will appreciate the fact that Axl has retained the musical integrity that made "Illusion" I and II such great albums. However, while "Use Your Illusion" I and II were great albums, this one is merely good, and while I like "Chinese Democracy", I have to say I don't love it. For one thing, to say that "Chinese Democracy" is a little overproduced would be like saying that Ike Turner is a little bit bad-tempered. I realize that Axl is a perfectionist, but he really should learn that too much perfectionism robs a recording of its sponteneity. One of the things that made "Appetite" such a great record is that it stood out against the backdrop of overproduced, overcommercialized hair band albums of the day -- mostly because the band had blown their advance on drugs and were forced to complete the album on a shoestring, resulting in an edgy, underproduced recording that resonated with an audience fatigued by overproduced pop-metal bands like Poison, Ratt, and Motley Crue. Several months before this album dropped, I managed to get my grubby paws on some bootlegs of songs from the recording sessions, several of which didn't make the final cut. When I bought the CD, I was disappointed that some of the edgier, harder-rocking tunes like "Silkworms" and "Oh My God" had been axed, in favor of the inclusion of lackluster songs like "If the World", "Sorry", and "Prostitute" which will probably end up wearing out the skip button on my CD player so that I can enjoy the good tunes on this album like "Better", "There Was a Time" and "I.R.S." (Better yet, maybe I'll take those bootlegs and make my own version of this album.) Bottom line: If you enjoyed "Use Your Illusion" as much as I did, then you won't regret the purchase of this album. However, if you're secretly hoping that Axl will record another "Appetite for Destruction", then you'd do well to keep your money in your pocket and simply think of this record as "The Linguini Incident". Expand
  28. JDC
    Jan 27, 2009
    Not up to expectations but still very good. Grows on you the more you listen.
  29. TomN
    Jan 13, 2009
    4 or 5 songs blow me away. The others are simply good. Name another album out there that has 3 - 5 songs that blow people away....not many.
  30. RogerC.
    Jan 9, 2009
    Out of the shit I have leading up to this album I was expecting to be disappointed. I am completely amazed. Everyone that says negative things about this album, obviously is not hearing the music and focusing on other thing that have no relevancy. Axl did an extremely well job! All you other get a clue!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. The first Guns n' Roses album of new, original songs since the first Bush administration is a great, audacious, unhinged and uncompromising hard-rock record.
  2. 70
    An outrageously overblown pop-metal extravaganza, Chinese Democracy feels like a perfect epitaph for all the absurdity and nonsense of the George W. Bush era--one final blowout before Principal Obama takes our idiocy away.
  3. 40
    Soundwise, Chinese Democracy is all over the place.