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Generally favorable reviews- based on 427 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 52 out of 427

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  1. seanc
    Feb 23, 2009
    I love this Cd, i have listened to it almost every day since it came out . I think it is the most complete rock album since Pink Floyds "dark side of the moon" ; dont believe all the negative publicity the CD has received. Every song is unique and original and memorable. I also think that the guitar and keyboard playing as well as the mixing of the album is first rate and each song sounds I love this Cd, i have listened to it almost every day since it came out . I think it is the most complete rock album since Pink Floyds "dark side of the moon" ; dont believe all the negative publicity the CD has received. Every song is unique and original and memorable. I also think that the guitar and keyboard playing as well as the mixing of the album is first rate and each song sounds perfect. Congratulations GNR and best of luck in the future. Expand
  2. JamesH
    Jun 15, 2009
    At its lowest ("This I Love", "Scraped", the title track, and "Sorry"), "Chinese Democracy" is a narcissistic, overdone, overdue, and overbearing mess. But at its finest ("Better", "Street of Dreams", and "Prostitute"), the album suggests that, yes, the 15-year wait was worth it after all.
  3. JohnsonH
    Jul 18, 2009
    This CD is so good i have listened to it so many times.
  4. ShawnM
    Sep 11, 2009
    A perfect record, absolutely flawless.
  5. NeilP
    Sep 21, 2009
    I feel 13 again, as if I've just heard rock and roll for the first time.
  6. joek
    Nov 23, 2008
    Axl is back to show the music world what it's been missing for the last 20 years. Axl's vocals alone are something to behold. He is simply one of the greatest song-writers of our time.
  7. BigTime
    Nov 23, 2008
    Great record from start to finish. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
  8. EvanT.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Not old guns. But this is still good music.
  9. JK
    Nov 23, 2008
    Killer production value, great songs, uncompromised integrity, and most importantly, worth the wait!!!
  10. EricaJ.
    Nov 23, 2008
    This is the best album I've heard in a long time. It gave me goosebumps. There Was a TIme...Madagascar...Prostitute...all unbelievable songs. The only one that is even "just okay" is Sorry.'s better than a lot out there.
  11. RodrigoL.
    Nov 23, 2008
    I agree it's not perfect, but goddamn it, Chinese Democracy gets closer than anything i've ever heard. I just love six tracks on it and there's only one I really don't like that much.
  12. JoeP.
    Nov 24, 2008
    It is crap. Guns and Roses has done godd stuff in the past, but this is awful. I think any good reviews are people just wanting it to be good. If it wasn't under the name Guns and Roses, nobody could listen past the first song.
  13. Luke
    Nov 24, 2008
    Of course, the indie critics will loathe this album. Little do they know that their own brand of "good" bands are way more forgettable than this single release. When I listened to "Chinese Democracy" last evening, I was blown away at all of the angles for individual songs. I admire anyone who can put music like this together. Kudos to Axl Rose; it is a grand achievement.
  14. PaulM.
    Nov 24, 2008
    I originally voted 9 because i did not want to look like a star struck fan. I used to be. but I was so cynical about this album I didnt think I could enjoy it whether it was good or not. It's unreal. It blew me away and I was dancing about the kitchen all night long. I can't recommend it. Negative reviews in my view are people trying to look like they have decent musical taste I originally voted 9 because i did not want to look like a star struck fan. I used to be. but I was so cynical about this album I didnt think I could enjoy it whether it was good or not. It's unreal. It blew me away and I was dancing about the kitchen all night long. I can't recommend it. Negative reviews in my view are people trying to look like they have decent musical taste and are too cool to like what should be a bad album. Buy it, it rocks. Expand
  15. RyanZ.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Axl turns in a quality rock record that holds up after repeated listens. Who would have thought Chinese Democracy would actually be any good? But here we are.
  16. MichaelC
    Nov 24, 2008
    Didnt know what to expect. Very nice to see a great album from a band I once loved. In all fairness I really hoped this would be good. The news is that it is good.
  17. RomeoR.
    Nov 24, 2008
    It's like the classic cliche... does the artists music overshadow the artists personal life?... for most, no... it will not. A large amount of people will have opinions about the record before hearing any of the songs, another amount decided if they would love or hate this record long before it hit shelves on Nov 23rd 2008, and many will compare it to the age old "Appetite for It's like the classic cliche... does the artists music overshadow the artists personal life?... for most, no... it will not. A large amount of people will have opinions about the record before hearing any of the songs, another amount decided if they would love or hate this record long before it hit shelves on Nov 23rd 2008, and many will compare it to the age old "Appetite for Destruction" or dare they say "Lies" However where this album may have it's shortcomings... and perhaps "long-comings" It should eventually be accepted as a good disc.. and much better than the last cover "Incident" G N R had way back when as well. Over-production is probably the fairest argument you will hear or read.. however.. that being said.. for what it takes away in some spots.. it does eventually give back in others.. say what you say about the new Guns N Roses.. but it stands 17 mountain tops higher in song writing quality and re-play value than 96% of the music you hear on your number #1 Rock Radio. Expand
  18. NikM.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Axl' s voice just sucks, it mainly relies on cheap drum beats, and the only good thing is the guitar work Buckethead provided. Sorry, it isn't a masterpiece by any means
  19. RajR
    Nov 24, 2008
    First things first. This album, of some 14 or so years in the making, will never live up to any unrealistic expectation that there is floating around.. It can't.. and nothing ever could. Evaluate this album not with your bias as to what you think Axl Rose's character is, how you might think it is a fraud to call this band "Guns N' Roses" or whatever else you can think of... First things first. This album, of some 14 or so years in the making, will never live up to any unrealistic expectation that there is floating around.. It can't.. and nothing ever could. Evaluate this album not with your bias as to what you think Axl Rose's character is, how you might think it is a fraud to call this band "Guns N' Roses" or whatever else you can think of... This album is an excellent piece of metal, through and through. The more times you give it a thorough listen, the more the tracks grab you. This album doesn't shift the very foundation of metal music, nor should it have to. It is a solid effort from a group of talented musicians. I am a huge Guns N' Roses fan, and I knew from the beginning not to expect Chinese Democracy to be a "Use Your Illusion 3", this is different, yes, but it rocks... Hard. Expand
  20. JesseB
    Nov 25, 2008
    New and interesting reinvention of G'nR with some of the classic sound retained. Most songs gradually reach a plateau without really going anywhere brilliant, but there are a few standouts that rise above what's in typical rotation on today's radio. It's an album that has the ability to grow on the listener. Second listen for me is more enjoyable than the first. Only New and interesting reinvention of G'nR with some of the classic sound retained. Most songs gradually reach a plateau without really going anywhere brilliant, but there are a few standouts that rise above what's in typical rotation on today's radio. It's an album that has the ability to grow on the listener. Second listen for me is more enjoyable than the first. Only time will tell how good this album really is in comparison to the classic G'nR, but it's still an interesting solid direction, if not feeling a little half-cooked and repetitive in places. For being in development for so long you might be expecting to be blown away. Maybe you will be. For me though in listening it so far hasn't reached that "epic" level I was anticipating after all this time. Expand
  21. JonathanE
    Nov 25, 2008
    When people listen to this album, they need to put aside comparisons to the "old" Guns N' Roses. It's a new band, with new members, new songwriters, and not to mention it's two decades later. Of course the music isn't going to sound like vintage GnR. I'm happy it doesn't. There are about six Great songs, seven Good songs, and two duds. "Better" is When people listen to this album, they need to put aside comparisons to the "old" Guns N' Roses. It's a new band, with new members, new songwriters, and not to mention it's two decades later. Of course the music isn't going to sound like vintage GnR. I'm happy it doesn't. There are about six Great songs, seven Good songs, and two duds. "Better" is outstanding, "There Was A Time" has an incredible chain of guitar solos, "I.R.S." is the most "rock n' roll" the album gets. The two duds, in my opinion, are the last two songs. "This I Love" is basically Axl's opera, and it really doesn't work. And by "Prostitute," the complex string arrangements just get old to the ear. Other than those two, the album is filled with interesting (If the World), head-banging (Chinese Democracy), System of a Down-esque (Riad N' The Bedouins), and sweet (Catcher in the Rye) melodies. The major problem with the album as a whole is the intense overproduction. Sometimes, especially for a hard-rock band, I just want to hear Axl, two guitars, a bass, and a drumset. But very constantly, Mr. Producer Axl Rose gets almost too many ideas for each song, resulting in, occasionally, arangements that are simply too much. But a solid 8/10 is fair for this album. Expand
  22. JoeyD.
    Nov 25, 2008
    What ever happened to the quest to make the greatest album ever? Where's the next Led Zeppelin IV or the next Exile On Main St? I can't even begin to say how refreshing it is to hear someone trying again. To those who say that this is an Axl Rose solo album: Shut up. Tommy Stinson (As made famous by The Replacements), Robin Finck (As made famous by Nine Inch Nails), and What ever happened to the quest to make the greatest album ever? Where's the next Led Zeppelin IV or the next Exile On Main St? I can't even begin to say how refreshing it is to hear someone trying again. To those who say that this is an Axl Rose solo album: Shut up. Tommy Stinson (As made famous by The Replacements), Robin Finck (As made famous by Nine Inch Nails), and Buckethead (As made famous by Guitar Hero) all contribute fantastic amounts to this album. While this still sounds quite a bit like the old Guns N' Roses, that's because Axl Rose is still behind the wheel. The astonishing thing is that there are no stupid songs at all. Axl's lyrics are sarcastic, biting, and actually pretty damned smart. A few months ago, I reviewed the eleven leaks as an album and I gave them a C+. Boy, has my mind changed. All of these songs are worth listening to, and I've seen each listed as a favorite from one reviewer or another, but my favorites are the ones where Axl does what he sets out to do. There Was A Time, Street Of Dreams, and Catcher In The Rye all have that fantastic, grandiose sound to them that you know Axl was struggling to get over these fifteen years. Axl's vocals are better than they ever have been. He varies what he does and barks out every word in the most effective way possible. I've gotten goosebumps listening to Street Of Dreams near the end thanks to his passion that you can hear. Now, Slash was my favorite guitarist, and I miss him, so I need to address how the guitarists are doing. There are some great riffs in Chinese Democracy and Riad N' The Bedouins, but the solos are what I'm worried about. Some of the solos are unremarkable, and while there are some very good solos (Street Of Dreams, This I Love), the absolute best is Buckethead's in There Was A Time. Instead of trying to sound like Slash, which sometimes accidentally happens in this album, Buckethead just plays like Buckethead does at his best here. It's fucking fantastic, and it matches a lot of Slash's performances. Despite Axl's narcissism and the overblown sound, every song here is good and a lot of songs here are outstanding. The album has its faults, yes, but if I had to use one word to describe the album, it would be "satisfying." The album ends on a note the leaves you feeling like Axl finished what he set out to do, and after all this waiting, it was worth it. Considering that we've been waiting for fifteen years and I had already heard all but three of these songs, I think that's telling. A+ Definitely Listen To: Chinese Democracy Street Of Dreams There Was A Time Catcher In The Rye Riad N' The Bedouins Madagascar This I Love Prostitute. Expand
  23. JamesO.
    Nov 25, 2008
    Way overproduced; the guitar tone is so pro-tooled to death so that it has absolutely no life. The riffs are boring and trite. Very much a cookie-cutter album with little in the way of originality or freshness. Avoid at all costs, unless of course you like seeing Axl Rose trying to rehash the glory days of Guns 'N Roses without GnR (aka the rest of the band).
  24. JeffN.
    Nov 26, 2008
    14 solid, diverse, well-thought out tracks. I like how almost all of the bad reviews focus entirely on how long it took (as if there's a rule) and the reviewer's own pre-conceptions and biases regarding the lineup and what they expected it to sound like. It is a solid rock n' roll album top to bottom. I don't hear that too often anymore.
  25. ChrisA.
    Nov 27, 2008
    I am an all-time GnR Fan and first didn't like Chinese Democracy at all, as especially the first songs rather sound like NiN than the classic 90s GnR. BUT the more often I hear it, the better I like it. Finally new melodys to hum from the Gunners (okay from Axl) aside the ones I have in mind sind 1989. Therefore: 8 out of 10! GIVE IT A CHANCE!
  26. PeterN.
    Nov 27, 2008
    I've never been a huge GNR fan, but after hearing some of the songs on the radio and myspace I just had to get myself the best birthday present in years. It's massive.
  27. JessicaD.
    Nov 27, 2008
    This album is far so good i love it. its just as good as the other albums. my fave song though is Madagascar and this i love and Chinese democracy.
  28. JamesP
    Nov 27, 2008
    This is better than anyone could have hoped. I was expecting a dated pile of spaghetti incident po faced hair metal posturing bollocks, but AXL, my friend you have delivered the goods in spades. Yes, this might leave the younger generation cold (i'm only 28), but then again the youngun's listen to crap like Metro Station. This is a multi-layered, almost timeless hardrock-pop This is better than anyone could have hoped. I was expecting a dated pile of spaghetti incident po faced hair metal posturing bollocks, but AXL, my friend you have delivered the goods in spades. Yes, this might leave the younger generation cold (i'm only 28), but then again the youngun's listen to crap like Metro Station. This is a multi-layered, almost timeless hardrock-pop masterpiece... almost worth the wait mate! Expand
  29. MustafaO.
    Nov 28, 2008
    I wasn't expecting to like this album, let alone buy it. But from the off it totally blew me away. Not all the songs are great, but then again I don't know of an album where all the songs ARE great. This is a fine album, somewhere in between Appetite and Illusions... Easily the best thing I've heard in years.
  30. ricks
    Nov 28, 2008
    Great,regardless of the fact that the band is a complete forgery now,axl still kicks ass and that's all that i care about.still better than 90%of the crap released these days.
  31. SeanA.
    Nov 28, 2008
    This CD is extremely enjoyable and gets better with each listen. It is not Guns N Roses best CD, but a new path in their music with amazing guitar, keyboards, and vocals.
  32. NaNa
    Nov 29, 2008
    As to put it in the words of "all music", "It's a good album, no more no less". Sure some people want to love it more than it deserve as well as there entire batons hipster waiting to laugh about it. The truth is though that although some track hint at this or at that, if taken altogether one must realize that there is quite nothing like it today in rock music. And that's for me As to put it in the words of "all music", "It's a good album, no more no less". Sure some people want to love it more than it deserve as well as there entire batons hipster waiting to laugh about it. The truth is though that although some track hint at this or at that, if taken altogether one must realize that there is quite nothing like it today in rock music. And that's for me it's it's well more than enough to make the experience worth (albeit 2/3 songs too long). If the glass is half full or half empty, "I guess you'll see it for yourself". Expand
  33. BillB.
    Nov 29, 2008
    Better, street of dreams, i.r.s., rhiad n bedouins, catcher in the rye are great songs! the rest of the tracks all have something unique in them - great solo here, cool chorus there, but fall short of the excellence. if this album was made by a new band critics would hail it as a new classic, but since it's guns first new album in 17 years it's going to get ripped on by all the Better, street of dreams, i.r.s., rhiad n bedouins, catcher in the rye are great songs! the rest of the tracks all have something unique in them - great solo here, cool chorus there, but fall short of the excellence. if this album was made by a new band critics would hail it as a new classic, but since it's guns first new album in 17 years it's going to get ripped on by all the hipsters, but seriously - it's really good. Not great. Unfortunately. So close to being an AWESOME ALBUM it's hard not to be disappointed. It's worth a listen or two if you're a rock music fan. Expand
  34. Mar 27, 2011
    The Good: It's a Guns N Roses album that wasn't recorded in the 80s or 90s.
    The Bad: It's a Guns N Roses album that wasn't recorded in the 80s or 90s...
    The Ugly: The only member of the original band left is Axl. Slash's presence is sorely missed on Chinese Democracy. It's a bland album, uninspired, and sounds almost like a cover band for GNR that made a half-assed attempt to record their
    The Good: It's a Guns N Roses album that wasn't recorded in the 80s or 90s.
    The Bad: It's a Guns N Roses album that wasn't recorded in the 80s or 90s...
    The Ugly: The only member of the original band left is Axl. Slash's presence is sorely missed on Chinese Democracy. It's a bland album, uninspired, and sounds almost like a cover band for GNR that made a half-assed attempt to record their own original music. There will be no classics remembered from Chinese Democracy. It's a throw away album. If you buy it, it will probably get lost on purpose or be thrown away. Its 90% garbage. And I'm not biased by old GNR albums either, Nine Inch Nails is a band that keeps re-inventing itself a little bit every album and in my opinion one of very few rock bands to come out of the 80s and succeed through the 90s and 00s, still going strong into 2011. Axl could take a lesson or two from Trent Reznor, don't make fans wait for hours to see rock shows and don't spend a decade crafting such a terrible, terrible album, blaming everyone else along the way for the fifteen year delay, filing suit after suit over honestly fairly petty crap. Axl needs to grow up, call up Slash, bring back the old band, do the reunion tour, and then MAYBE record new material, or just let the GNR name die a less painful death and just go away.
  35. Apr 16, 2011
    This is an incredible album. On this album, we find some of the most articulate music and masterful writing ever created by Axl Rose. In many ways, this album goes beyond anything that Guns N' Roses have done previously in their career, and it explores brand new territory that would not have been possible with the old lineup. I think that Axl and his new group of musicians have managed toThis is an incredible album. On this album, we find some of the most articulate music and masterful writing ever created by Axl Rose. In many ways, this album goes beyond anything that Guns N' Roses have done previously in their career, and it explores brand new territory that would not have been possible with the old lineup. I think that Axl and his new group of musicians have managed to create something brilliant in 'Chinese Democracy'; intelligent, diverse, well-constructed, well-produced, powerful, soulful music that rises above mediocrity and into the realms of pure brilliance. From the aggressive music of the title track, to the emotion of "There Was a Time", I love every moment and every aspect of this album.

    I now see why Axl took so long to create this album - he was perfecting it, and making it flawless. And this pays off with the final product - what I consider to be a masterpiece. It's just too bad that people allow this album's rough history to blind them from the actual quality of the music. And it's sad to see so many people resenting this album simply because it doesn't sound like "classic Guns." I strongly suggest all rock music listeners to open your ears and your minds to the exceptional music of 'Chinese Democracy'.
  36. Jan 7, 2013
    Don't believe the hate. If you can look past the dislike for Axl as being difficult to work with (or whatever the hell is popular to say about him) then it is an absolutely *phenomenal* album. He may not have softened with age but that's also what makes this album so great. It's not just anger, but rage, that defines this album and it's also what gives Axl more integrity than prettyDon't believe the hate. If you can look past the dislike for Axl as being difficult to work with (or whatever the hell is popular to say about him) then it is an absolutely *phenomenal* album. He may not have softened with age but that's also what makes this album so great. It's not just anger, but rage, that defines this album and it's also what gives Axl more integrity than pretty much anyone in recent rock history. I'm not one to say that 'rock is dead' or that 'there is no good new music' because the last decade has seen tons of good music from both veterans and newcomers; but if I had to choose my favorite album since 2000 then this would be it.

    It's not the same music but I love it as much as I did Appetite when I was 11 in 1988. Old timers may feel a bit of shock over the changes but the music is just as good. Just give it a few listens and you'll find yourself driving way faster than you should.
  37. Jul 29, 2012
    I think this recording shines in utter atmospheric beauty. Apart from the ever present hate from mr rose he's a genius. He has really become a crime by not making music for all these years. This one's so craved for that it's doomed to fail but then i realise it's pearl of passion! Best album of 21 century to date.
  38. Apr 28, 2015
    damn you Axl Rose! Such a brilliant unique talent and you kept it from me for all these years. I've listened to this album hundreds of times and it gets me in pure ecstasy every time. His voice has gone even more freaky over the years and I love it even more than i did in the 90's. The songs sounds very melodramatic and this album is very different from the earlier work without losingdamn you Axl Rose! Such a brilliant unique talent and you kept it from me for all these years. I've listened to this album hundreds of times and it gets me in pure ecstasy every time. His voice has gone even more freaky over the years and I love it even more than i did in the 90's. The songs sounds very melodramatic and this album is very different from the earlier work without losing touch with the GnR-feel. I love it. It makes me dream and feel sentimental and happy. For me it's a new chapter in their crazy story that doesn't disappoint. It's different but not less good than the 80's and 90's work. Must have! Expand
  39. Feb 11, 2013
    I'm an avid fan of Appetite for Destruction and the raw essence of GNR's original 80's lineup (lets face it...who isn't? So right away I openly concede Chinese Democracy (CD) is not of that revolutionary ilk... But well... Duh! Given Appetite is one of the world's all time top 5 albums ever, a once in a generation freak of a record and given the original line-up that so forcefully gave itI'm an avid fan of Appetite for Destruction and the raw essence of GNR's original 80's lineup (lets face it...who isn't? So right away I openly concede Chinese Democracy (CD) is not of that revolutionary ilk... But well... Duh! Given Appetite is one of the world's all time top 5 albums ever, a once in a generation freak of a record and given the original line-up that so forcefully gave it life are now, but for Axl, long gone... well... how could it ever be? Yet it is from that unrealistic expectation that most music industry elites (critics) have passed what seems, objectively at least, to be generally unfair collective judgment. Revealingly though, their view is not that of the great unwashed... nor is it mine!

    Chinese Democracy (CD) is a beautifully composed, fantastically diverse and powerfully mature rock album that successfully manages to rock your socks-off on one hand and gently caress the depths of your emotions on the other! In this sense, its Use Your Illusions lineage is clearly evident, as is Axl's significant contribution to that lineage. The quality of this album cannot objectively be denied or dismissed and the fact it often has been, says far more about the prejudices of industry elites than anything they've ever said about this Album. Chinese Democracy (CD) is a real gem with great rock tracks cut straight from the traditional GNR-mold (Chinese Democracy, Shackler's Revenge, Better, Scraped, Raid N' The Bedouins). But its true brilliance lies in its embrace of a far more deeply embedded purpose than mere appeasement of addicts hooked on that old-school GNR sugar hit! From soaring rock anthems (Street of Dreams, There Was a Time, Madagascar) to expressive rock ballads (Catcher in The Rye, This I Love, Prostitute) to deeply introspective musical reflections (If the World, Sorry, I.R.S.) Axl has finally revealed the true source of his genius vulnerability and insecurity in all its guises. This sophisticated concoction Axl's designer drug for a new century is far more complex, discerning, introspective, longer lasting on the palette and immensely satisfying on a much deeper level than anything he's done before. But only after it is played over and again, will the intricately cut angles and facets of this huge rock of an album reveal the fill depth of its brilliance and sparkle... All you need is just a little patience! So whilst GN’R was never just W. Axl Rose alone, what Chinese Democracy proves above all else, is that without the flamboyent presence, creative genius, and powerful life-force of this enigmatic front man, GNR is nothing. In short: Chinese Democracy is a must buy for all those Guns N' f?@#ing Roses fans who've stuck with em through all the f?@#ing s$!t... and for all those opposed... well...I give it 8/10... suck on that... Yeaaaaaah!
  40. Nov 9, 2013
    One of the worst perfomances in rock'n'roll scene since the Guns n Roses appeared the first time. Guitars sound like the last breath of a broken radio many layers mixed together end as bad as would be expected. Axl Rose use to be the worst part of band. Buy something better. If you want to hear some great rock legends, buy AC/DC or Nirvana. Chinese Democracy is a pale ghost ofOne of the worst perfomances in rock'n'roll scene since the Guns n Roses appeared the first time. Guitars sound like the last breath of a broken radio many layers mixed together end as bad as would be expected. Axl Rose use to be the worst part of band. Buy something better. If you want to hear some great rock legends, buy AC/DC or Nirvana. Chinese Democracy is a pale ghost of repetitiveness made by people without new ideas. It's better to burn out than to fade away. Expand
  41. Jul 13, 2017
    I have been a Dj since I was 14, I learned a long time ago that every Album (and I mean vinyl) needs to be listened to in it's entirety. When I first listened to this album I was disappointed. However, while listening to it the third time around I found this album while yes it isn't what everyone was waiting for, it is however one of the best albums I have ever heard. This by a man who hasI have been a Dj since I was 14, I learned a long time ago that every Album (and I mean vinyl) needs to be listened to in it's entirety. When I first listened to this album I was disappointed. However, while listening to it the third time around I found this album while yes it isn't what everyone was waiting for, it is however one of the best albums I have ever heard. This by a man who has well over 6,000 cd's. Yes, it is NOT the Guns N Roses we all grew up with, but then again, every band changes over time. Consider the fact that most bands kick from the 80's/90's can barely produce a number one hit. While most bands have become pop wannabe artists, Bon Jovi/Poison/Motley Crue and even Metallica have pretty much **** the bead (and yes I know Metallica is in no way POP. While Axel's G n R, is NOT* the G n R we grew up with, yet Mr. Bailey did really make an amazing album. That said, Chinese Democracy is one of the best albums I have ever heard. I only give it a nine simply because I am always hoping for something better. I have this album both on vinyl and cd, and I bought both for a reason. Finally, keep in mind that the music industry has nearly completely fallin' apart. I'm sure that 30% of the sales this album hasn't received have been downloaded illegally, and that sucks for Axel Rose, because we will never know the true number of how many people really have this record. Yes, he took over a decade and yes it is the most expensive album ever, but man does it kick some serious ass! Expand
  42. Jan 25, 2021
    This album has got me through alot of times! Songs like The Street Of Dreams, Catcher In The Rye and This I Love are absolute masterpieces!!!! Please give this album a chance!!!!!!
  43. Jun 29, 2022
    This is truly the magnum opus of all music. Ever since the creation of music, humans have been pleading for an album as great as this. The best song off the album is the title track, which truly showcases peak music. That song is when the album reaches it's peak (the whole album is peak by the way). In the song, lead singer Axl Rose says "We live in a Chinese Democracy" before hitting a 17This is truly the magnum opus of all music. Ever since the creation of music, humans have been pleading for an album as great as this. The best song off the album is the title track, which truly showcases peak music. That song is when the album reaches it's peak (the whole album is peak by the way). In the song, lead singer Axl Rose says "We live in a Chinese Democracy" before hitting a 17 octave screech as Slash plays the most melodic solo of all time. If you hate this album, it goes to show that you have quite a low IQ since you need over 9000 IQ points to understand Axl Rose's musical genius Expand
  44. Aug 10, 2023
    Honestly in my opinion the best GnR album. Controversial but that’s what I believe!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. The first Guns n' Roses album of new, original songs since the first Bush administration is a great, audacious, unhinged and uncompromising hard-rock record.
  2. 70
    An outrageously overblown pop-metal extravaganza, Chinese Democracy feels like a perfect epitaph for all the absurdity and nonsense of the George W. Bush era--one final blowout before Principal Obama takes our idiocy away.
  3. 40
    Soundwise, Chinese Democracy is all over the place.