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Generally favorable reviews- based on 427 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 52 out of 427

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  1. DaveyH
    Nov 25, 2008
    This album is not bad. Its actually worth listening to. If you have only heard Appetite for Destruction you will be disappointed if you think it will be just as good. Its not as good but compared to most music out there today it is great! The first time I listened to it I was to it I was quite disappointed but I couldn't get some of the songs out of my head. Many of the songs take a This album is not bad. Its actually worth listening to. If you have only heard Appetite for Destruction you will be disappointed if you think it will be just as good. Its not as good but compared to most music out there today it is great! The first time I listened to it I was to it I was quite disappointed but I couldn't get some of the songs out of my head. Many of the songs take a couple plays through before you will start to appreciate the intricacy of the music. The way the different parts fit together for many of the songs is great. Keep Listening and you will find you will love this album. I like it better then the Use Your Illusion albums. Keep Listening! Collapse
  2. JesseB
    Nov 25, 2008
    New and interesting reinvention of G'nR with some of the classic sound retained. Most songs gradually reach a plateau without really going anywhere brilliant, but there are a few standouts that rise above what's in typical rotation on today's radio. It's an album that has the ability to grow on the listener. Second listen for me is more enjoyable than the first. Only New and interesting reinvention of G'nR with some of the classic sound retained. Most songs gradually reach a plateau without really going anywhere brilliant, but there are a few standouts that rise above what's in typical rotation on today's radio. It's an album that has the ability to grow on the listener. Second listen for me is more enjoyable than the first. Only time will tell how good this album really is in comparison to the classic G'nR, but it's still an interesting solid direction, if not feeling a little half-cooked and repetitive in places. For being in development for so long you might be expecting to be blown away. Maybe you will be. For me though in listening it so far hasn't reached that "epic" level I was anticipating after all this time. Expand
  3. JonC.
    Nov 25, 2008
    Much better than any "rock" album out today, sure it's not the old school GnR, so just enjoy it for what it is.
  4. CoryP
    Nov 25, 2008
    Any critic that gives this album a low score is not judging it on the merit's of the music. So many critics can't get past how long it took to make or that it's not original GNR. Fact is AXL's voice is as powerful & menacing as ever. The guitar work is brilliant & goes places that Slash couldn't take it. The Rockers will knock your socks off & the ballads are Any critic that gives this album a low score is not judging it on the merit's of the music. So many critics can't get past how long it took to make or that it's not original GNR. Fact is AXL's voice is as powerful & menacing as ever. The guitar work is brilliant & goes places that Slash couldn't take it. The Rockers will knock your socks off & the ballads are simply epic. Unlike the Illusion albums, you can listen straight through without skipping any songs. This album is a welcome relief to the "by the numbers", pop-rock crap that is out there today. Give this album a chance. You will not be dissapointed! Expand
  5. SirkK.
    Nov 25, 2008
    Not one bad song on this album,definetly worth the wait and much better then the Illusions albums.
  6. TUF
    Nov 25, 2008
    Forgetting the history, the time taken and the $$ spent, let's judge this as a stand alone album. That being the case Kudos to Axl for daring to be different, in these days where a band thinks they're stretching themselves if they add some reverb to an overdriven guitar! Here we have an album that stretches the imagination of what G&R could sound like. Hell, it's Forgetting the history, the time taken and the $$ spent, let's judge this as a stand alone album. That being the case Kudos to Axl for daring to be different, in these days where a band thinks they're stretching themselves if they add some reverb to an overdriven guitar! Here we have an album that stretches the imagination of what G&R could sound like. Hell, it's longwinded, over produced and overthought but you can't help but get caught up in the majesty of the effort, the hooks that are everywhere on this album and hey, lets not forget Axl's voice, a soaring, screeching lullaby of sounds that emotes all the hurt & pain a man could feel. A classic aural pleasure that will stand the test of time... welcome back to the jungle, you've been missed. Expand
  7. bennyk
    Nov 25, 2008
    Slash fans and jaded cynics will try to tell you it's the worst thing ever. Fanboys will try to tell you that it's the best thing over and the magical elixir that cures cancer, however the truth is somewhere in the middle. There's some incredible stuff on this record: "Sorry"; the long winding Pink Floyd/Black Sabbath complete with a great solo, "Better"; a crossover Slash fans and jaded cynics will try to tell you it's the worst thing ever. Fanboys will try to tell you that it's the best thing over and the magical elixir that cures cancer, however the truth is somewhere in the middle. There's some incredible stuff on this record: "Sorry"; the long winding Pink Floyd/Black Sabbath complete with a great solo, "Better"; a crossover pop/rock hit to be, "This I Love"; where Axl is at his most honest, channeling Andrew Lloyd Webber, "Prostitute"; a great, powerful U2 meets GN'R track with some great drum work and the standout "There Was A Time"; hands down the best track on the album and very possibly in the Top 5 GN'R songs ever. In the end, it's just an CD, but it's a landmark event in rock history and one of the finest pieces of art ever released. There are a couple of missteps (the dull IRS, too technical Riad N' the Bedouins, and a couple of odd mixing choices). But like it or not, the material is stronger than the lies that they tell you. Recommended. Expand
  8. AdamA
    Nov 24, 2008
    Eh. Not worth the wait. Nothing astonishing or memorable.
  9. RajR
    Nov 24, 2008
    First things first. This album, of some 14 or so years in the making, will never live up to any unrealistic expectation that there is floating around.. It can't.. and nothing ever could. Evaluate this album not with your bias as to what you think Axl Rose's character is, how you might think it is a fraud to call this band "Guns N' Roses" or whatever else you can think of... First things first. This album, of some 14 or so years in the making, will never live up to any unrealistic expectation that there is floating around.. It can't.. and nothing ever could. Evaluate this album not with your bias as to what you think Axl Rose's character is, how you might think it is a fraud to call this band "Guns N' Roses" or whatever else you can think of... This album is an excellent piece of metal, through and through. The more times you give it a thorough listen, the more the tracks grab you. This album doesn't shift the very foundation of metal music, nor should it have to. It is a solid effort from a group of talented musicians. I am a huge Guns N' Roses fan, and I knew from the beginning not to expect Chinese Democracy to be a "Use Your Illusion 3", this is different, yes, but it rocks... Hard. Expand
  10. NikM.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Axl' s voice just sucks, it mainly relies on cheap drum beats, and the only good thing is the guitar work Buckethead provided. Sorry, it isn't a masterpiece by any means
  11. SpacemanSpiff
    Nov 24, 2008
    Somme good solid hyper songs, some soft, empty balads. Good riifs and good melodies. But overall, overproduced.
  12. BryanM.
    Nov 24, 2008
    I was really stoked for this album - though, to be honest, I really never though it would be released even when I saw it's pre-release sale on itunes. What I thought was going to be a kick-A$$ album was not that at all. It was an album that should've been released in the 90's before most of their/his target audience grew up and moved on. I'm going to give it 2-3 more I was really stoked for this album - though, to be honest, I really never though it would be released even when I saw it's pre-release sale on itunes. What I thought was going to be a kick-A$$ album was not that at all. It was an album that should've been released in the 90's before most of their/his target audience grew up and moved on. I'm going to give it 2-3 more tries before I place it next to my old Limp Bizkit CD's! Expand
  13. WowB.
    Nov 24, 2008
    2 marks for getting it out, but that's all. this isn't progressive, edgy or anything else - it's simply the pretensions of someone who barely managed to make some decent songs in the 90s thanks to coppin riffs and style from johnny thundres et al. methinks nostalgia is clouding some people's vision here - this is utter trite, over produced, souless pap from someone who 2 marks for getting it out, but that's all. this isn't progressive, edgy or anything else - it's simply the pretensions of someone who barely managed to make some decent songs in the 90s thanks to coppin riffs and style from johnny thundres et al. methinks nostalgia is clouding some people's vision here - this is utter trite, over produced, souless pap from someone who perhaps should have stayed hidden - at least then we'd have the hope that he may defy expectations. avoid at all costs. Expand
  14. RomeoR.
    Nov 24, 2008
    It's like the classic cliche... does the artists music overshadow the artists personal life?... for most, no... it will not. A large amount of people will have opinions about the record before hearing any of the songs, another amount decided if they would love or hate this record long before it hit shelves on Nov 23rd 2008, and many will compare it to the age old "Appetite for It's like the classic cliche... does the artists music overshadow the artists personal life?... for most, no... it will not. A large amount of people will have opinions about the record before hearing any of the songs, another amount decided if they would love or hate this record long before it hit shelves on Nov 23rd 2008, and many will compare it to the age old "Appetite for Destruction" or dare they say "Lies" However where this album may have it's shortcomings... and perhaps "long-comings" It should eventually be accepted as a good disc.. and much better than the last cover "Incident" G N R had way back when as well. Over-production is probably the fairest argument you will hear or read.. however.. that being said.. for what it takes away in some spots.. it does eventually give back in others.. say what you say about the new Guns N Roses.. but it stands 17 mountain tops higher in song writing quality and re-play value than 96% of the music you hear on your number #1 Rock Radio. Expand
  15. MichaelC
    Nov 24, 2008
    Didnt know what to expect. Very nice to see a great album from a band I once loved. In all fairness I really hoped this would be good. The news is that it is good.
  16. RyanZ.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Axl turns in a quality rock record that holds up after repeated listens. Who would have thought Chinese Democracy would actually be any good? But here we are.
  17. PaulM.
    Nov 24, 2008
    I originally voted 9 because i did not want to look like a star struck fan. I used to be. but I was so cynical about this album I didnt think I could enjoy it whether it was good or not. It's unreal. It blew me away and I was dancing about the kitchen all night long. I can't recommend it. Negative reviews in my view are people trying to look like they have decent musical taste I originally voted 9 because i did not want to look like a star struck fan. I used to be. but I was so cynical about this album I didnt think I could enjoy it whether it was good or not. It's unreal. It blew me away and I was dancing about the kitchen all night long. I can't recommend it. Negative reviews in my view are people trying to look like they have decent musical taste and are too cool to like what should be a bad album. Buy it, it rocks. Expand
  18. AlexP
    Nov 24, 2008
    The problem with those less than steller critic reviews is that, if this were a debut album, they would give it a 100, but instead they must compare unfavorably to time that have past ( a long time ago ). Its only not perfect because ironically Axl's perfectionism. A great rock record.
  19. Luke
    Nov 24, 2008
    Of course, the indie critics will loathe this album. Little do they know that their own brand of "good" bands are way more forgettable than this single release. When I listened to "Chinese Democracy" last evening, I was blown away at all of the angles for individual songs. I admire anyone who can put music like this together. Kudos to Axl Rose; it is a grand achievement.
  20. GavinW.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Over produced as expected, but what a fantastic album. So much better than the Illusion albums and everything a proper rock album should be.
  21. JoeP.
    Nov 24, 2008
    It is crap. Guns and Roses has done godd stuff in the past, but this is awful. I think any good reviews are people just wanting it to be good. If it wasn't under the name Guns and Roses, nobody could listen past the first song.
  22. RF
    Nov 24, 2008
    Better than expected. A few overproduced tracks, but less filler than the Illusions. Superior to 99% of the crap that's come out in the past few years.
  23. MarkB
    Nov 24, 2008
    How can any artist live up to 17 years of anticipation, expectation, and hype? Axl and the band did a pretty darn good job of it.
  24. PeteR
    Nov 24, 2008
    Don't let the negative reviews fool you. Most of them don't cover the album AT ALL and instead focus on how Axl is a prick. That's not a review of the album, that's an Axl Rose review. It's so pathetic really. Truth is this album is epic. By epic I mean you'll be playing it 5 or 10 years from now. Too bad you can't say the same for all that manufactured Don't let the negative reviews fool you. Most of them don't cover the album AT ALL and instead focus on how Axl is a prick. That's not a review of the album, that's an Axl Rose review. It's so pathetic really. Truth is this album is epic. By epic I mean you'll be playing it 5 or 10 years from now. Too bad you can't say the same for all that manufactured junk that comes out today. The album grows on you after every listen. It's almost like you have to listen to it beginning to end to get the whole effect. Expand
  25. GuibeP.
    Nov 24, 2008
    The Album is plain Rokc And Roll, with Axl hittin all the high usual notes, with ease. The songs are big rock walls, ready to punch your ears!
  26. g.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Listened to it only at Myspace so far but I can't wait to buy this. It's definitely GN'R despite the fact that of the old band only Rose remains. Those who liked GN'R back in the 90s will most probably like it now too, and like it a lot. A great return.
  27. TarquinO.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Much worse than I was expecting - horrible production, silly guitar solos that feel totally out of context and daft lyrics. Give Slash a call Axl.
  28. MantleL.
    Nov 24, 2008
    I think the album is still a very nice one in the year-2008. this album have new record tech.I am very happy for Axl that he can still singing sonorous and the notes Slash played is a masterpiece because it combine the diffucult music theory in metal method but peformance in pop way. It would definitely the best living textbook for all the rocker who wants solo hard !! Hard rock is I think the album is still a very nice one in the year-2008. this album have new record tech.I am very happy for Axl that he can still singing sonorous and the notes Slash played is a masterpiece because it combine the diffucult music theory in metal method but peformance in pop way. It would definitely the best living textbook for all the rocker who wants solo hard !! Hard rock is arcually not so papular now.(because the musician is SOFT:-)) We can realize that GNR they are trying hard to let the rock'n'roll music have a new way to survive. Expand
  29. AlanS.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Axl Rose still has it!! I was even one of the sceptics about this album but its rocks, simple as that. Hope to god a world tour is on the cards!
  30. JimmyT
    Nov 24, 2008
    Fantastic album, well worth the wait! There is pretty much no filler on this album! All killer! Swirling like a storm Chinese Democracy blows your speakers out but ends on a peaceful fadeaway (Estranged-esque) on brilliant track "Prostitute". Pick this up now!
  31. RodrigoL.
    Nov 23, 2008
    I agree it's not perfect, but goddamn it, Chinese Democracy gets closer than anything i've ever heard. I just love six tracks on it and there's only one I really don't like that much.
  32. LucasW.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Yea I agree with Steve R, People should just listen to the album for what it is and not be stuck in the mentality that its not as good because the original members arent there. Because it is a great album!
  33. MusicM.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Axl Rose may own the Guns N Roses name, but this album, assembled in the studio with a rotating cast of backing musicians is effectively his first solo album. Other than his distinctive vocals, there isn't much to connect this to the original band, nearly all of whom were fired over a decade ago. Anyone expecting the "classic" GNR sound, or a genre-defining album like "Appetite For Axl Rose may own the Guns N Roses name, but this album, assembled in the studio with a rotating cast of backing musicians is effectively his first solo album. Other than his distinctive vocals, there isn't much to connect this to the original band, nearly all of whom were fired over a decade ago. Anyone expecting the "classic" GNR sound, or a genre-defining album like "Appetite For Destruction", will be sadly disappointed. This is meticulously crafted, studio polished, pomp-rock/metal with none of the grit or swagger that made the original band superstars. Too many of the songs are focused on the self-doubts and paranoia of the reclusive singer, and ultimately the whole album gets tiresome. If you are a die-hard fan who believes that the Use You Illusion albums didn't have any filler and that "My World" is a great song then you probably have this album already. Everyone else can avoid this without missing anything of consequence. Expand
  34. EricaJ.
    Nov 23, 2008
    This is the best album I've heard in a long time. It gave me goosebumps. There Was a TIme...Madagascar...Prostitute...all unbelievable songs. The only one that is even "just okay" is Sorry.'s better than a lot out there.
  35. JM.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Streamed this steaming piece of overdue dogshit on Myspace. Couldn't make it past 5 or 6 tracks before I started to feel nauseous. Thanks for nothing Axl.
  36. JK
    Nov 23, 2008
    Killer production value, great songs, uncompromised integrity, and most importantly, worth the wait!!!
  37. PeterT.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Very good album composed and crafted by an artist as opposed to studio hacks. A lot of artistic integrity on display though it's probably not for everyone or even every GNR fan.
  38. EvanT.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Not old guns. But this is still good music.
  39. BigTime
    Nov 23, 2008
    Great record from start to finish. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
  40. joek
    Nov 23, 2008
    Axl is back to show the music world what it's been missing for the last 20 years. Axl's vocals alone are something to behold. He is simply one of the greatest song-writers of our time.
  41. bobt.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Simply an amazing work by Axl, and the other contributors. This song contains 4 of the greatest songs you'll ever hear: "Sorry," "Street of Dreams," "There Was a Time," and "Catcher in the Rye". Any album than can produce classics like these deserves at least and 8 out of 10. It's not straight-forward rock like Appetite for Destruction was - it's more complex and more Simply an amazing work by Axl, and the other contributors. This song contains 4 of the greatest songs you'll ever hear: "Sorry," "Street of Dreams," "There Was a Time," and "Catcher in the Rye". Any album than can produce classics like these deserves at least and 8 out of 10. It's not straight-forward rock like Appetite for Destruction was - it's more complex and more mature that that. Expand
  42. TequilaD.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Ich glaube das Problem ist einfach das man zuviel von Rose erwartet. Und er wahrscheinlich auch von sich selbst. Er ist kein Supersongwriter. War er nie. "Appetite For Destruction" ist nicht größer als "Raw Power" oder "Damaged". Auf diesen schmalen Schultern lastete dann die Ambition ein Album aufzunehmen das die Qualität eines "Daydream Nation", "OK Computer" oder Ich glaube das Problem ist einfach das man zuviel von Rose erwartet. Und er wahrscheinlich auch von sich selbst. Er ist kein Supersongwriter. War er nie. "Appetite For Destruction" ist nicht größer als "Raw Power" oder "Damaged". Auf diesen schmalen Schultern lastete dann die Ambition ein Album aufzunehmen das die Qualität eines "Daydream Nation", "OK Computer" oder "Revolver" bieten soll? Nur weil es eine 15 jährige (zugegeben mordsspaßige) Entstehungsgeschichte zu erzählen hat erwarten das die Leute so? Na dann. Je näher der Release rückte desto pessimistischer wurden die Previews obwohl die meisten Songs seit Äonen bekannt waren. Zu allem Überfluss flennt die Meute auch noch dem fetten Zylinderträger nach. Izzy war der Mann, Leute. Schaut euch die Credits an. Supertyp. Das auf was ich mich am meisten freute fehlt und somit die größte Enttäuschung: Eine Making Of DVD. Album ist ansonsten ne knappe 8/10. Grandioses Scheitern nennt man so etwas wohl. Und so etwas ist immerhin noch interessanter als der Stand By Safety Rock seiner alten Bandmitglieder. Albumhighlight Better 2:15-3:07. Expand
  43. RobC.
    Nov 23, 2008
    Any critic who rates this album poorly either doesn't know anything about rock music or they have an egenda. This is not a perfect album, but it is damn good. The songs have a tendency to grow on you, and maybe some of these critics who are looking for instant hooks aren't capable of listening with forethought. It's sounding better as I listen to it more.
  44. SteveR
    Nov 23, 2008
    This album probably won

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. The first Guns n' Roses album of new, original songs since the first Bush administration is a great, audacious, unhinged and uncompromising hard-rock record.
  2. 70
    An outrageously overblown pop-metal extravaganza, Chinese Democracy feels like a perfect epitaph for all the absurdity and nonsense of the George W. Bush era--one final blowout before Principal Obama takes our idiocy away.
  3. 40
    Soundwise, Chinese Democracy is all over the place.