
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Oct 4, 2017
    Though melancholy, the album never wallows or gets stuck or even treads water, largely due to all the movement constantly happening in the vocal and piano lines. It feels like an exploration rather than a sealed-up document of the past.
  2. Sep 22, 2017
    In truth, the only weakness to Choir Of The Mind is its length – at 13 tracks and clocking in at just under an hour, it’s a long time to spend with an album that’s so resolutely downbeat. Yet there’s a lot to admire with Haines’ second solo effort (not least the quality of her production) and it makes a decent calm counterpoint to the swirling storm of Metric.
  3. Magnet
    Sep 18, 2017
    Choir Of The Mind is more often introspective and engrossing. [No. 146, p.57]
  4. Sep 14, 2017
    It may take Haines another ten years to make her third solo album, but hopefully when she does it will be as richly melodic, subtly dynamic, and emotionally powerful as this one is.
  5. Uncut
    Sep 13, 2017
    Tracks such as "Nihilist Abyss," "Fatal Gift" and "Minefield Of Memory" grapple with the "deceptive deal" of experience, while her elliptical melodies recall Elliott Smith in Figure 8 mode. [Oct 2017, p.30]
  6. Sep 13, 2017
    Bigger production values and more group playing than her previous piano/vocal introspection. Haines delivers urgency and depth without having to shear off her throat lining, and can convey vulnerability and uncertainty with a brave face. [Oct 2017, p.81]
  7. Sep 13, 2017
    It all drifts along at an unhurried pace, but if you've been waiting a decade for more of Haines' most intimate music, you'll be rewarded for taking the time to let Choir of the Mind sink in.
  8. 85
    It's a beautiful piece of work from an artist who is destined to walk among Canada's elite singer/songwriters.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Sep 21, 2017
    A soft haunting melodic album created with fresh and entrancing lyrics on a grand piano. This is the first time listening to Emily Haines &A soft haunting melodic album created with fresh and entrancing lyrics on a grand piano. This is the first time listening to Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton but I'll definitely be back for more of her experimental music. Full Review »