
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Naturally, the double-album's peaks occur when both members' ideas intersect.... With these moments, Hella back up their ambition with impressive amounts of ingenuity and elbow grease, creating a White Album for disgruntled Gen Xers still finding solace in shoeboxes full of NES cartridges.
  2. At nearly two hours long, Church Gone Wild/Chirpin Hard is anything but a precise masterstroke. It is, however, a flawed, majestic account of what can happen when a band splits down the middle to compose on their own terms, with no artistic differences and no coalescing of ideals.
  3. Church Gone Wild/Chirpin Hard may not be exactly groundbreaking or revolutionary, but it's the kind of idiosyncratic release that reminds experimentalism to laugh when something's funny.
  4. Under The Radar
    Both haphazardly ramshackle and calculatedly sublime. [#9]
  5. Urb
    Combined, you have the best blotter soundtrack ever. [Jun 2005, p.78]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jun 22, 2022
    Zach's half is by far the best half to the point where the latter half seems pointless.
  2. RandolphR.
    Sep 6, 2008
    A true testament of the endless sea of talent that is Spencer Seim and Zach Hill.
  3. CatfishRivers
    Feb 14, 2006
    Mindblowing...reminds me of late era don caballero, trans am, and the boredoms ... it even has a bit of My Bloody Valentine sloshing about in Mindblowing...reminds me of late era don caballero, trans am, and the boredoms ... it even has a bit of My Bloody Valentine sloshing about in there. Sometimes all the noise is just stacked so sublimely that it sounds like breaking through into some unknown mental space. I totally dig this. Full Review »