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Generally favorable reviews- based on 511 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 62 out of 511
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  1. Aug 28, 2023
    This was Really a good Posthumous album, the way his Label/Family handled this was amazing, it generally was made for his legacy and didn't seem like a cash grab like most posthumous Records

    :FAVORITE TRACKS: that's on me, Blue World
  2. Aug 20, 2023
    this album just changed my life. thank you mac
    and probably my favorite and most outstanding album
  3. May 18, 2023
    this is pure art, this album made me cry, and think about a lot of things..
  4. May 5, 2023
    words don't describe how good this album is, the greatest album of all time.
  5. Feb 5, 2023
    easy 10 wtf this is perfect i cried so hard and came all over myself when good news played top 10 song of all time
  6. May 16, 2022
    This album is absolutely gut-wrenching, it gets you every time. Mac was a genius, Rest In Peace.
  7. Jan 6, 2022
    One of my favorite posthumous albums, Circles by Mac Miller is an amazing journey of Mac's legacy and musical satisfaction left on others. This album does a great job of implementing his greatness even after his death, a general emotional journey that compares to the likes of Blonde. Overall 9/10, amazing album.
  8. Dec 29, 2021
  9. Aug 18, 2021
    Beautiful, true art. A perfect track listing, the sounds mix incredibly good so it isn't "only a sad record", the instruments sound great and are very well chosen, and of course Mac Millers voice sounds incredibly good, it has a real modern jazzy vibe, with very overthinking lyrics.
  10. Jun 25, 2021
    Lindo Álbum com uma belíssima produção, mas acho que a maior proeza desse projeto seja o fato de Mac Miller ter reconhecido suas limitações como cantor e ter usado a produção ao seu favor, fazendo assim que o seu vocal nesse álbum ficasse simples e perfeito.
  11. Jun 14, 2021
    Great Album. I love how it didn't really rip off the style of Swimming, but had a different one instead :) Very unique experience
  12. Apr 11, 2021
    An easy-going, soulful record that discusses Mac's troubles he battled with. Offering a fulfilling, but still heart-breaking goodbye to an artist that seemed to just start understanding where he really wanted to take his music.

  13. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10
  14. Mar 1, 2021
    This album is truly a masterpiece. Mac Miller has grown before our eyes. So many beautiful lyrics. This album has helped me through severe depression, we miss you easy mac with the cheesy raps. RIP
  15. Feb 24, 2021
    Best posthumous album of all time 10/10
    Best posthumous album of all time 10/10
    Best posthumous album of all time 10/10
  16. Feb 3, 2021
    Just beautiful. The writing is mature, the instrumentals are great. Mac's singing isn't perfect, but is has a lot of charm. Highly recommended.
  17. Jan 12, 2021
    Mac Miller at his most musical yet. No genre in particular, possibly his furthest he's ever been from rap. Beautiful, haunting and a Polaroid of musical genius left for us.
  18. Jan 7, 2021
    What a fantastic send off for Mac Miller. Everything about this album is beautiful. Production and vocals are absolutely amazing. Best tracks are "Circles", "Blue World", "Good News", "Woods", and "Hand Me Downs". Rest In Peace Mac Miller.
  19. Dec 18, 2020
    I have always been a Mac fan, but 'Swimming' really made me love and appreciate his music more. It so unfortunate that he passed away shortly after Swimming, because it is so far his best piece of art. So i was really nervous about this posthumous album, but John Brion and everybody involved really did an amazing job. This albums is so good and a perfect follow up after Swimming. Forever Mac.
  20. Dec 7, 2020
    actually that album deserves a solid 90 and more. bc it's a masterpiece. like, the best work from him. still cannot believe he's gone. i hope he's feeling good up in the heaven..... i love u
  21. Dec 5, 2020
    Circles - 7/10
    Complicated - 7,5/10
    Blue World - 8/10
    Good News - 7,5/10
    I Can See - 6,4/10
    Everybody - 7,5/10
    Woods - 6,5/10
    Hand Me Downs - 7,5/10
    That's on Me - 6,5/10
    Hands - 6,5/10
    Surf - 7/10
    Once a Day - 6/10

    Right - 7/10
    Floating - 6,5/10
  22. Dec 2, 2020
    Incredibly beautiful album. The production work is perfect. It is so sad that Mac's best work was his last.
  23. Nov 10, 2020
    What you really want to see in an artist's career is growth. Mac Miller started up as a punk kid who then grew up to be one of raps premier talents. After the announcement of this album, I was really iffy on the quality, as posthumous albums are rarely finished and usually packed with filler tracks and features. This album is completely different. You can tell that these tracks were mostlyWhat you really want to see in an artist's career is growth. Mac Miller started up as a punk kid who then grew up to be one of raps premier talents. After the announcement of this album, I was really iffy on the quality, as posthumous albums are rarely finished and usually packed with filler tracks and features. This album is completely different. You can tell that these tracks were mostly finished before his untimely passing. Most of the songs on this album are slow ballads about self reflection, and it really makes sense as a next step for mac. His last album, 2018's Swimming, has a very similar tone yet included more rap and rhyme schemes that makes this album a more evolved and simplified step forward. Overall, one of the best albums of 2020 and the best posthumous album in recent years. RIP mac :( Expand
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    Ja perdi as contas de quantas vezes corri para esse álbum. Mac era um artista incrível e faz muita falta.
  25. Jul 28, 2020
    It’s a little long, but other then that it’s amazing. “Good News” is one of the best songs ever made. I also like how chill this album is.
  26. Jul 18, 2020
    This is a very beautiful and serene listen every time. The composition of his vocal melodies and instrumentals is eargasmic. Lyrics are deep and meaningful. Not every track flows well, "Surf" is a little washed out and boring. "Circles" is one of his best works and a great send-off. My favorite track is "Everybody".
  27. Jul 16, 2020
    I didn't use to like Mac Miller's music, I still don't care too much for his earlier stuff. When he died, I tried listening to Swimming, but I just didn't get the appeal. When he dropped Good News a couple of weeks before Circles, I was sceptical, didn't see how I would like that song. Then I listened to it. Such a beautiful song, beautiful instrumental and beautiful, yet sad lyrics. YouI didn't use to like Mac Miller's music, I still don't care too much for his earlier stuff. When he died, I tried listening to Swimming, but I just didn't get the appeal. When he dropped Good News a couple of weeks before Circles, I was sceptical, didn't see how I would like that song. Then I listened to it. Such a beautiful song, beautiful instrumental and beautiful, yet sad lyrics. You can tell from Miller's voice that he is a man full of regret and sadness. After this, I was excited for the album, when it dropped, I stayed up all night and listened to it. Other than the opening track, closing track and I can see, i loved every track. Whether he is rapping, or singing, he really showcased great penmanship on Circles. It's so sad that we will never see another album. Mac truly grew into something beautiful. May he rest in peace. This is one of the best posthumous albums I've ever heard, and a worthy closer for his career. Expand
  28. May 30, 2020
    Best rap álbum of the year and one of the best in general too, deserves a lot more
  29. May 28, 2020
    The only Mac album that can really go against swimming, this album deserves to be the best of the year! Mac Miller always innovating and improving every year, I miss you
  30. May 13, 2020
    This is his best record with Swimming.The songs are beautiful yet heartbreaking.It is the best record i heard for some time.Rest easy,Malcolm.❤️

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Feb 3, 2020
    Despite the sadness that clearly surrounds this project there is plenty of positivity: the production of the album is impeccable, and the overwhelming message that shines through is of hope for the future.
  2. Jan 30, 2020
    Mac’s sixth studio album is a surreal experience that’s filled with opaque contemplation and tragic connotations. ... Loneliness may be our greatest fear other than death. Mac was able to explicitly re-establish this idea through reflective songwriting and gentle crooning. His genius and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. “Circles” is a stark reminder of that.
  3. Jan 21, 2020
    He finds beauty and peace in allowing himself to experience his own emotions. It’s an honest, matter-of-fact account of the grey areas of his life and mind. On Circles, Mac shows the unexpected joy that can be found in the darkest of times.