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Generally favorable reviews- based on 511 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 62 out of 511
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  1. Jan 7, 2021
    What a fantastic send off for Mac Miller. Everything about this album is beautiful. Production and vocals are absolutely amazing. Best tracks are "Circles", "Blue World", "Good News", "Woods", and "Hand Me Downs". Rest In Peace Mac Miller.
  2. Apr 11, 2021
    An easy-going, soulful record that discusses Mac's troubles he battled with. Offering a fulfilling, but still heart-breaking goodbye to an artist that seemed to just start understanding where he really wanted to take his music.

  3. Jun 25, 2021
    Lindo Álbum com uma belíssima produção, mas acho que a maior proeza desse projeto seja o fato de Mac Miller ter reconhecido suas limitações como cantor e ter usado a produção ao seu favor, fazendo assim que o seu vocal nesse álbum ficasse simples e perfeito.
  4. Dec 29, 2021
  5. Jan 6, 2022
    One of my favorite posthumous albums, Circles by Mac Miller is an amazing journey of Mac's legacy and musical satisfaction left on others. This album does a great job of implementing his greatness even after his death, a general emotional journey that compares to the likes of Blonde. Overall 9/10, amazing album.
  6. Aug 28, 2023
    This was Really a good Posthumous album, the way his Label/Family handled this was amazing, it generally was made for his legacy and didn't seem like a cash grab like most posthumous Records

    :FAVORITE TRACKS: that's on me, Blue World
  7. Jan 18, 2020
    What a great way to close a very promising and emotionally filled career of an artist. Expanding the boundaries of rap music, renovating its sounds and innovative to its core. Maybe his best work if combined with his second to last album "Swimming". One of the best rappers of the 2010s who will be missed. I hope he will be survived by many artists who will continue his so fine kind of rap music.
  8. Jan 22, 2020
    Great send-off to an immaculate talent that will be sorely missed. Circles provide sweet and mellow tracks that a very in line with Mac's previous projects.

    Instead of a pure hip-hop album, Mac shares a more chill vibe with slower cuts like the opening track. And with this album representing the work that was to come from Mac, it is a real tragedy to listen to knowing he was only going
    Great send-off to an immaculate talent that will be sorely missed. Circles provide sweet and mellow tracks that a very in line with Mac's previous projects.

    Instead of a pure hip-hop album, Mac shares a more chill vibe with slower cuts like the opening track. And with this album representing the work that was to come from Mac, it is a real tragedy to listen to knowing he was only going to improve and his skills.
  9. Jan 17, 2020
    I usually dislike posthumous albums, but this... this is something else... It's lovely, Mac's voice compliments the instrumentals so nicely. I'm not sure what Mac wanted this album to be for sure, but I think he would be proud of this. You can tell that there was care and thought put into this album, it wasn't just thrown together like a lot of posthumous albums we see are. It's great.I usually dislike posthumous albums, but this... this is something else... It's lovely, Mac's voice compliments the instrumentals so nicely. I'm not sure what Mac wanted this album to be for sure, but I think he would be proud of this. You can tell that there was care and thought put into this album, it wasn't just thrown together like a lot of posthumous albums we see are. It's great.

    Favorite Tracks: Good News, Blue World, Everybody, Surf, Complicated
  10. May 6, 2020
    Encased in lush, warmingly touching instrumentation, exquisite charm and mellow introspection, Circles is everything a posthumous album should be: fulfilling an artist's intended vision and completing the important final touches to a closing chapter when they're spiritually not with us. With much delicate care, it is truly the appropriate finale of Mac Miller's career.
    As an outsider who
    Encased in lush, warmingly touching instrumentation, exquisite charm and mellow introspection, Circles is everything a posthumous album should be: fulfilling an artist's intended vision and completing the important final touches to a closing chapter when they're spiritually not with us. With much delicate care, it is truly the appropriate finale of Mac Miller's career.
    As an outsider who finds difficulty in truly investing myself in Mac's music, Circles serves as perhaps that rare moment of psychological immersion where I truly feel as if I'm walking in the shoes of the artist: a broken man in trouble, coping with inner demons looking for a safe space to find emotional and mental redemption. I can only imagine just how close to heart this record will really hit with fans, those who may regard him as a hero who've gone through the same experiences, the same struggles, the same pains. On Circles, Mac Miller presents what is perhaps his most confidential, down-to-earth and elegantly intimate set of bittersweet, sentimental songs yet.
    What Circles perhaps demonstrates is a man beginning to find himself again in an alien world and reaching for a light in the distance. It seemed as if things were taking a turn for the better with Circles. Given the context surrounding Mac's untimely death, it makes the story and concept behind the album infinitely more saddening and tragic, to know that in the end, Mac never got to see the light of day.
    Putting aside the tragedy of Mac Miller, I am in awe with the sharp amount of focus and the alluring, unprecedented elegance in the production and aesthetic of Circles. Never before have I been this invested and engaged in a Mac Miller project. Filled with incredible, soulfully immersive funky neo-soul energy and charmingly reminiscent pop-rap style, Circles is an undoubtedly gorgeous and chillingly rhythmic journey. Even in its rather rough and incomplete stage, this record rarely loses its groove and enthralling passion.
    To put it simply, this is a record one cannot take for granted. It is a rare, beyond-the-grave moment of aspirational sincerity, a moment of therapy and "zen" for a man who is perhaps finally at peace with himself. Circles is a fine delicacy of a record that serves as Mac Miller's most focused, undoubtedly mature, beautifully arranged, introspective, and generally, his best work as well in my humble opinion. Respect to Mac Miller, he knew not to leave his fans without a final genuine farewell message.
  11. Jan 24, 2020
    I cannot say that I was not terrified by the prospect of another posthumous album after the flailing disgust I felt at the multiple XXXtentacion projects dropped over the past few years. However, I'm very happy to report that this was nothing short of a gorgeous record. The seamless blending of the production and vocals makes the holes left by Malcolm's unfortunate passing unnoticeable,I cannot say that I was not terrified by the prospect of another posthumous album after the flailing disgust I felt at the multiple XXXtentacion projects dropped over the past few years. However, I'm very happy to report that this was nothing short of a gorgeous record. The seamless blending of the production and vocals makes the holes left by Malcolm's unfortunate passing unnoticeable, and the truly chilling and calming words spring to life aboard the fantastic and ear-grabbing synths and orchestras. Truly soaring in stature, it feels as though Malcolm is giving us as the listener, a true goodbye, fitting of a truly remarkable artist. Expand
  12. Jan 17, 2020
    I was very happy to hear that Mac Miller's estate was releasing a posthumous album. Let's just say it did not disappoint in the slightest. The sound of the album is more laid-back than his previous releases and is very much focused on singing and not as much rapping. The lyrics are hauntingly foreshadowing and predictive which make the album even more powerful. It seems like Miller isI was very happy to hear that Mac Miller's estate was releasing a posthumous album. Let's just say it did not disappoint in the slightest. The sound of the album is more laid-back than his previous releases and is very much focused on singing and not as much rapping. The lyrics are hauntingly foreshadowing and predictive which make the album even more powerful. It seems like Miller is writing from the afterlife which is an almost spiritual experience. If you weren't listening to the lyrics then it would seem almost like easy listening but it is definitely not that if you do. While this is not necessarily my favorite album from Miller (who is one of my favorite artists) it is very impressive and powerful especially since it is a posthumous release.

    Favorite Tracks: Good News, Hand Me Downs, Hands, Once A Day

    Least Favorite Tracks: Surf, I Can See
  13. Jan 17, 2020
    It's good, not insanely new and revolutionary, but it's good. This is not completely a rap album, so you shouldn't expect it to be. It's production is really fresh and atmospheric. The use of strings and synths really portray the mood of the album. The lyrics make it beautiful and depressing knowing that he knew himself well enough and expected the worst from his use of substances.
  14. Jan 20, 2020
    A well written, produced, and cohesive record. Mac's lyrics paint the saddening and melancholy picture of his mindset during the creation of this record. Brion's production use of synths and string instruments is almost too appropriately paired with Mac's lyricism. Circles is a raw, beautiful, and sonically soothing, yet heartbreaking end to such a young and exceptional artist's career.
  15. Jan 19, 2020
    Circles is a light and sensitive album which shows the beauty of Mac Miller's talent. Every word, verse and hook mean more after his death as we are given an insight into Mac's thoughts before his untimely death. This is a perfect companion to Swimming as both shows very similar styles. This sounds very like a Mac Miller album. Jon Brion and other producers, as well as Mac's family, haveCircles is a light and sensitive album which shows the beauty of Mac Miller's talent. Every word, verse and hook mean more after his death as we are given an insight into Mac's thoughts before his untimely death. This is a perfect companion to Swimming as both shows very similar styles. This sounds very like a Mac Miller album. Jon Brion and other producers, as well as Mac's family, have done a great job in bringing this album together. Expand
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Truthfully, I would rate this album between an 8 and 9, but I chose 8 because that’s probably closer. I loved Swimming, and I was really excited when I heard this album is a continuation of sorts to Swimming. This project does a great job of making the listener feel close to Mac, and it is very personal. Some of the songs are heartbreaking, but at the same time, it gives me a good sense of closure. Mac’s singing and lyrics are great, the production is great, and I can listen to it all the way through with no complaints. There are a couple of weaker tracks, and it’s not perfect, but it feels complete. I loved this album, and it is one of his best imo. RIP Mac Expand
  17. Jan 22, 2020
    Incredibly melancholy, yet beautifully arranged, every moment is absolutely blissful while staying simultaneously downtrodden
  18. Jan 22, 2020
    Its like if Mac was talking to us from heaven, good production and the emotion i this project is very deep.
  19. Feb 19, 2020
    Posthumous records are often misguided money grabs or sound so far off from - from what we think - was the artist’s direction. Certainly not the case here - Circles felt pure and authentic.

    The album starts in an incredibly minimalistic& empty space. Each track is a progression out of that empty space with soft-spoken melodies to a layered, folk, Paul McCarthy inspired record. It sounds
    Posthumous records are often misguided money grabs or sound so far off from - from what we think - was the artist’s direction. Certainly not the case here - Circles felt pure and authentic.

    The album starts in an incredibly minimalistic& empty space. Each track is a progression out of that empty space with soft-spoken melodies to a layered, folk, Paul McCarthy inspired record. It sounds like the soundtrack to the journey from depression to self-love and acceptance.

    I didn't really care for the album my first time through - I was just too thrown off by the sharp shift from Mac's usual sound. But once you accept that this is an indie-folk record and not a hip hop album, then you start to hear the blossoming effect.

    Circles in simple and soft, yet captivating and heavy.

    Or you could watch this review on my YT channel @paijebreaks
  20. Jul 18, 2020
    This is a very beautiful and serene listen every time. The composition of his vocal melodies and instrumentals is eargasmic. Lyrics are deep and meaningful. Not every track flows well, "Surf" is a little washed out and boring. "Circles" is one of his best works and a great send-off. My favorite track is "Everybody".
  21. Jul 28, 2020
    It’s a little long, but other then that it’s amazing. “Good News” is one of the best songs ever made. I also like how chill this album is.
  22. Dec 5, 2020
    Circles - 7/10
    Complicated - 7,5/10
    Blue World - 8/10
    Good News - 7,5/10
    I Can See - 6,4/10
    Everybody - 7,5/10
    Woods - 6,5/10
    Hand Me Downs - 7,5/10
    That's on Me - 6,5/10
    Hands - 6,5/10
    Surf - 7/10
    Once a Day - 6/10

    Right - 7/10
    Floating - 6,5/10
  23. Mar 22, 2020
    ( 75/100 )

    Después de la triste noticia de su fallecimiento, es un poco inevitable voltear atras un poco y recordar su discografía. "Swimming" del 2018 de repente pareció una advertencia que se tomó con cierto animo gracias a una producción tanto madura como creativa y atractiva. "Circles", gracias a la influencia de Jon Brion, Guy Lawrence, Eric "E. Dan" Dan y DAVID x ELI se siente aún
    ( 75/100 )

    Después de la triste noticia de su fallecimiento, es un poco inevitable voltear atras un poco y recordar su discografía. "Swimming" del 2018 de repente pareció una advertencia que se tomó con cierto animo gracias a una producción tanto madura como creativa y atractiva. "Circles", gracias a la influencia de Jon Brion, Guy Lawrence, Eric "E. Dan" Dan y DAVID x ELI se siente aún más madura, solida y congruente con ciertos toques de personalidad necesarios. Realmente, la música de Miller siempre ha buscado satisfacer sus propias visiones y por eso realmente no aspira a la sorpresa, novedad o creatividad, pero no por eso su música es mala, simplemente es un cool recordatorio de una esencia que era necesaria que existiera en el mundo de la música.

    After the sad news of his decease is a little inevitable to look back a little and remember his discography. "Swimming" of 2018 suddenly appeared as a warning that was taken with certain joy thanks to a mature, creative and attractive production. "Circles", thanks to the influence of Jon Brion, Guy Lawrence, Eric "E. Dan" Dan y DAVID x ELI, it feels even more mature, solid, congruent and with some sparkles of necessary personality. Milles's music always have wanted to satisfy his own vision, and that's why it doesn't really aspirate to surprise, originality or creativity, but that doesn't mean that his music is bad, it's simply a cool remembering of an essence that was necessary to exist in the world of music.
  24. Feb 9, 2020
    It's incredibly refreshing to hear a posthumous album that isn't disingenuous, slimy, clearly made to capitalize on the artist's death and completely devoid of the artist's vision. It's obvious Mac knew what direction he wanted to go in before his passing and what's presented here on Circles is undeniably him. A good send off album for sure.
  25. Jan 21, 2020
    A much inferior album compared to its predecessor, 'Swimming', This album fails to live up to questionably high critical reviews. Parts of this album are very easy listening, and there are some enjoyable tracks. However, it lacks some originality when compared to previous efforts, and the sound of the modern industry.
  26. Jan 17, 2020
    A little bit plain and boring for my taste. The divine feminine and swimming were better.
  27. Jan 26, 2020
    The album offers a very specific mood for a very specific listener. Songs start to blend in with each other- Woods is a stand out for me but besides that this album is not great. RIP
  28. Jan 22, 2020
    Rest in peace to mac but lets agree all the high reviews are because of his death and if he wasnt dead it wouldnt get even 60 to be honest
  29. Jan 17, 2020
    Due to a large majority of the songs consisting of Mac doing more singing than rapping, It comes off as more of a folk/R&B album with production that's almost lo-fi like. Lots of acoustic guitars and minimalistic beats. The music is very intimate with Mac really pouring out his emotons in a lot of the tracks. But man, it's hard to get through...Not a bad album by any means but It's aDue to a large majority of the songs consisting of Mac doing more singing than rapping, It comes off as more of a folk/R&B album with production that's almost lo-fi like. Lots of acoustic guitars and minimalistic beats. The music is very intimate with Mac really pouring out his emotons in a lot of the tracks. But man, it's hard to get through...Not a bad album by any means but It's a little on the boring side for me personally. Expand
  30. Jan 23, 2020
    Who the **** is working on those reviews?!
    Are these guys working from a retirement home or wtf?
    Any time some body goes out with a boring record to death, with some existential birdshoot, it gets 80 or more. Just go hang yourself on the nearest tree ffs!
  31. Jan 23, 2020
    His worst album.. lyrics are not good at all..its not mac miller.. production is rough
  32. Jan 23, 2020
    I mean it's hard to put into words how bad this album is. I guess people are just being nice because the dude died....but this album is not good at all.
  33. Dec 10, 2020

    This album is very relaxing and calm. It feels exhausted. It feels posthumous. RIP Mac Miller. You were a beautiful artist. We hear the depression in your voice. "Good News" is the key song here and means so much more coming out this year. We all need and want to hear good news. Everything is going wrong. I also listened to the deluxe version and couldn't miss the unmistakable

    This album is very relaxing and calm. It feels exhausted. It feels posthumous. RIP Mac Miller. You were a beautiful artist. We hear the depression in your voice.
    "Good News" is the key song here and means so much more coming out this year. We all need and want to hear good news. Everything is going wrong.
    I also listened to the deluxe version and couldn't miss the unmistakable bass riffing of Thundercat. Happy to hear that legend on the album.
    The only problem with the album is that it all blends together and is a bit forgettable. But, that also compliments the chill vibe of album and serves as a great album to put on in the background or as something to just relax to.

    ALBUM ARTWORK: I love this cover. It's a beautiful and depressing portrait of Miller in monochrome. The photograph is iconic and memorable as it is. But, the doubled overlay makes the cover seem so much more concerned and confused and absent from the world. Just as he is absent from the world literally, the feeling of the music is out-of-body. Like we're chilling on a cloud or floating around like the low-opacity Miller on the cover. With the same spiritual theme, even though he's gone, it goes to show he lives inside us and still exists in spirit.
    Artwork rating: 11.5/12
  34. Jan 17, 2020
    I do not like it when somebody dies but they continue to release album which even NOT GOOD. You guys have to let fans have good memories of the artist.
  35. Jan 22, 2020
    Very bad album method and bust up songs are just finished with this album that is probably not his best
  36. Jan 22, 2020
    What a horrible situation for mac this is the worst album I've ever heard in my life
  37. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. My review doesn't have any spoilers. But the album is straight wack. "Music to be murdered by" is a gem Expand
  38. Jan 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Meh maybe he should of made a rock album cause rap was really never his thing kind of a whack album Expand
  39. Mar 8, 2020
    R.I.P. mac but this album still sucks awful it shouldn't b considered hip hop its dumb as f

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Feb 3, 2020
    Despite the sadness that clearly surrounds this project there is plenty of positivity: the production of the album is impeccable, and the overwhelming message that shines through is of hope for the future.
  2. Jan 30, 2020
    Mac’s sixth studio album is a surreal experience that’s filled with opaque contemplation and tragic connotations. ... Loneliness may be our greatest fear other than death. Mac was able to explicitly re-establish this idea through reflective songwriting and gentle crooning. His genius and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. “Circles” is a stark reminder of that.
  3. Jan 21, 2020
    He finds beauty and peace in allowing himself to experience his own emotions. It’s an honest, matter-of-fact account of the grey areas of his life and mind. On Circles, Mac shows the unexpected joy that can be found in the darkest of times.