• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Aug 22, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33

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  1. jakew
    Aug 27, 2006
    I also love it, fuck pitchfork
  2. nazat
    Aug 25, 2006
    i love it fuck pitchfork
  3. May 15, 2017
    Great album and a definite classic (pun intended) with amazing tracks such as Loud Pipes, Gettysburg, Lex, Kennedy. There is not one bad song on this album.
  4. LawrenceP
    Sep 4, 2006
    Pitchfork really needs to stop trying hard. This is a fun, exciting and funky ride.
  5. Dan
    Aug 26, 2006
    What I love about Classics is (like Ratatat's s/t album) how I have a different favorite track everytime I listen to it. To me, this is a perfect follow-up album; retaining the duo signature sound, but diversifying it and exploring new territory, all the while remaining catchy and satisfying.
  6. Jan 7, 2015
    This album is great. Most of the songs a fantastic (Gettysburg, Nostrand, Loud Pipes, Kennedy, and pretty much every song!) This album is all around fun to listen to. This is definitely one of the best albums of all time. It's not getting a 10, but let me tell you, it is VERY close to one.
  7. Dec 18, 2018
    You know an album is good when you can listen to the tracks one after another and it runs smoothly. Classics does just that. I feel like it brings me to a weird but comfortable zone.
  8. robertg
    Sep 3, 2006
    I like this album alot more than the critics. This may make my top 15 of the year. Really good and it doesn't sound like anything else out there. Tacobel stand is a great song and one of the strongest album closers of the year.
  9. Nov 8, 2013
    Pitchfork is being too hard on this one. This album offers a lot of great songs, like Loud Pipes and Wildcat.
    Definitely an 8. Not a nine, but very close to it. Very.
  10. PaulG
    Oct 1, 2006
    Classics is one hell of a fun album to listen to. However, despite all its subtle charms and not-so-seemingly-active production processes (even though we all know they're there...), it does seem to dwindle in interest holding capabilities quite dramatically towards the end. Though "Nostrand" is one of the sweetest tracks I've heard this year. Lovely.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Classics is more varied in texture and tempo and tone than its predecessor. But aside from "Lex", a pretty obvious "Seventeen Years" rehash, and "Wildcat", which samples actual fucking panther roars, there are no curtain raisers, just a whole lot more suggestion.
  2. Outwardly it's a fun album, triumphant and full of majestic refrains and riffs... but there's still something in it,... that makes it somehow all very sad.
  3. While sometimes Classics sees the group straying from their conceptual center, it’s never without Ratatat’s unmistakable identity and indelible gentle humor.