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Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
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  1. Mar 4, 2021
    I love this album so much, it reflects a lot of the issues i suffer personally, and being able to find a place of confort to music and being capable of really comprehend what my problems are is amazing to me...

    Production-wise it can be a little monotonous at times, but there's moments inside of each song that makes them distiguishable from each other, so you can comprehend all the
    I love this album so much, it reflects a lot of the issues i suffer personally, and being able to find a place of confort to music and being capable of really comprehend what my problems are is amazing to me...

    Production-wise it can be a little monotonous at times, but there's moments inside of each song that makes them distiguishable from each other, so you can comprehend all the stories Sophie is trying to tell

    Personal faves are "bloodstream", "up the walls" and "yellow is the color of her eyes"
  2. Jul 10, 2020
    I really liked "Clean", so much so that I went and got "Collection" which I also enjoyed. I haven't listened to either of those records much since the initial few weeks after I got them and had almost forgotten about Soccer Mommy until I saw a review for album number 2, "Color Theory". The melodies are present again but any edge from the debut seems to be lost. "Circle the Drain" is aI really liked "Clean", so much so that I went and got "Collection" which I also enjoyed. I haven't listened to either of those records much since the initial few weeks after I got them and had almost forgotten about Soccer Mommy until I saw a review for album number 2, "Color Theory". The melodies are present again but any edge from the debut seems to be lost. "Circle the Drain" is a decent ear worm and there is a lovely aesthetic to the production of the whole album. The songs are solid enough but there is little on the album in terms of material that grabs the listener and makes a lasting impression. The songs aren't particularly long but most of them still hang around for longer than necessary. The whole album could do with more energy and variety. I want to like this more than I do and perhaps in time it might further grow on me but at the moment I'm left underwhelmed. Expand
  3. May 20, 2020
    Es un buen álbum ella simplemente nos transporta con muy buenos sonidos a su mundo, no hay malos tracks todos se complementan uno del otro a pesar del reciclaje de efectos en este álbum es muy bueno, se notan las vibras con artistas cómo ¨Clairo¨ y ¨Girl in Red¨ la estética del álbum es muy buena, no sé si es su debut pero para serlo es un álbum con bastante calidad, a pesar de su buenaEs un buen álbum ella simplemente nos transporta con muy buenos sonidos a su mundo, no hay malos tracks todos se complementan uno del otro a pesar del reciclaje de efectos en este álbum es muy bueno, se notan las vibras con artistas cómo ¨Clairo¨ y ¨Girl in Red¨ la estética del álbum es muy buena, no sé si es su debut pero para serlo es un álbum con bastante calidad, a pesar de su buena critica este álbum merece más. Expand
  4. Apr 21, 2020
    ( 82/100 )

    La solides del estilo de Sophie Allison rinden frutos una vez más en "Color Theory". Gabe Wax produce una vez más para lograr un ambiente que logra una sensación de "vieja juventud" cuya música es activa, sensible, seria, con un romance cauteloso y consciente, y un sentido de emancipada madurez. Claro, hay un tonos nostálgicos y melancólicos que, afortunadamente, solo buscan
    ( 82/100 )

    La solides del estilo de Sophie Allison rinden frutos una vez más en "Color Theory". Gabe Wax produce una vez más para lograr un ambiente que logra una sensación de "vieja juventud" cuya música es activa, sensible, seria, con un romance cauteloso y consciente, y un sentido de emancipada madurez. Claro, hay un tonos nostálgicos y melancólicos que, afortunadamente, solo buscan la reconciliación y el bienestar personal. En general, el álbum es un proyecto que presenta a una Sophie dedicada a madurar y usarlo a su favor.
    The solid style of Sophie Allison achieves once again in "Color Theory". Gabe Wax produces once more fro Sophie to achieve an "old youth" ambient which music is active, sensible, serious, with a careful and conscious romance and an emancipated sense of maturity. Of course, there are nostalgic and melancholic tunes that, fortunately, it only searches for personal reconciliation and wellbeing. In general, the album is a project that presents Sophie as someone focused on mature and use it in her favor.
  5. Mar 6, 2020
    It's touching, charming, heartfelt and spliced with chromatic flourishes that make it feel lived in and pure.
  6. Feb 28, 2020
    This is a sister album to King Krule’s Man Alive! in tone and orchestration, and just as good as it too. Don’t be put off by the slurring Nashville accent: Sophie Allison is pop without the pomp, rock without the snarl, folk without the whimsy. Be dragged in.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Mar 25, 2020
    A work of tightly-focused determination.
  2. Mar 9, 2020
    It’s a heavy, at times uncomfortable listen, but one that feels intensely relatable. It finds strength in the somber and the morose by paining it in bright colors and wonderful riff work. Once you’re drawn in, you won’t want to turn away, no matter how dark the journey becomes.
  3. Mar 2, 2020
    Chalk Color Theory up as a sophomore slump - a misstep she’s not likely to repeat - and the most aggressively OK album of 2020.