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Universal acclaim- based on 275 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 17 out of 275

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  1. Aug 9, 2015
    In a very short critique, "Compton" is a pretty good hip hop album but as a Dr. Dre album, I expect better. Dr. Dre is known as an innovative perfectionist, but most of all, Dr. Dre is a trend setter. Unfortunately, Dr. Dre follows more trends on this album then paving the way with his unique production style.

    It is almost hard to knock the production because it is so well made, but it
    In a very short critique, "Compton" is a pretty good hip hop album but as a Dr. Dre album, I expect better. Dr. Dre is known as an innovative perfectionist, but most of all, Dr. Dre is a trend setter. Unfortunately, Dr. Dre follows more trends on this album then paving the way with his unique production style.

    It is almost hard to knock the production because it is so well made, but it is not necessarily ground breaking or innovative either. There is a lot going on in regards of the musical side of things which is quite a lot different the simple funky re-created samples we are used to. The best tracks are the ones that use the well established Dre formula of having a more repetitive simplistic beats ("One Shot One Kill" and "Just Another Day") instead of the bombastic instrumentals with a number of different sounds and beat changes.

    It is hard to knock the album because it is in fact well made, but between Dre changing his vocal frequency, uninteresting autotuned hooks, and trend following instrumentals instead of genre paving production makes this Dre's worst album.
  2. Aug 12, 2015
    I mean Yh it's good and everything but it's very far from chronic and 2001 level. People say give it time and don't compare it to them but how can you not. If he makes us wait 16 years for the **** it can't just be solid even if he didn't spend all that time working on it. If the whole album was as good as genocide and deep water I think then it would be acceptable because those songs areI mean Yh it's good and everything but it's very far from chronic and 2001 level. People say give it time and don't compare it to them but how can you not. If he makes us wait 16 years for the **** it can't just be solid even if he didn't spend all that time working on it. If the whole album was as good as genocide and deep water I think then it would be acceptable because those songs are two of the best songs I've heard all year. Also, there seems to be a lack of Dre on the album, theres even 2 songs he's not even on. However, it's still a good record with plenty of lyrical throwbacks to spot, mostly great beats as dre is known for and sick features especially from Kendrick Lamar, King Mez and Xzibit (OH MY **** GOD ITS SO GOOD TO HEAR XZIBIT AGAIN). Eminem feature felt a bit unnecessary though and where is Hittman :'( Expand
  3. Aug 8, 2015
    Much has been said about the 16 years since Dre's last album. So far, nothing has been said about his age. Andre Young is fifty years old. He has apparently agonised over this record for years. For some time it became little more than a rumour, a figment of hip-hop's imagination, a dying wish from a lost age of rap. And then, all of a sudden it appears when least expected.

    Whatever form
    Much has been said about the 16 years since Dre's last album. So far, nothing has been said about his age. Andre Young is fifty years old. He has apparently agonised over this record for years. For some time it became little more than a rumour, a figment of hip-hop's imagination, a dying wish from a lost age of rap. And then, all of a sudden it appears when least expected.

    Whatever form it took through the years, the finished product is sorely lacking. It sounds like exactly what it is; a middle-aged mans version of what he believes rap should sound like today; the disappointing thing being, it fits in alongside so many other uninspiring, bland releases from similar artists today. Where once Dre was a leader, an artist who could sculpt new classics out of old, those edges have been dulled and there is very little to get excited about on his last album release. He criticised 'Detox' as an album he didn't think lived up to his own expectations and as the creator, he owns the right to that criticism. But there was clarity in some of that work because he was still submerged within the industry enough to understand the standards that met the bar he had raised in the past.

    On 'Compton' he hits the sweetest spot with 'Genocide', a raw, abstract, hard hitting beat torn up by Kendrick, followed by 'It's All On Me' which hints at glories of old and then the soulful 'All In A Day's Work', led by honest vocals of Anderson. Mostly the album sounds nondescript, indistinctive, just like a musician who has been concentrating on several other projects outside of the music world for the best part of a decade and a half. Dre's lyrics speak of being done with the game, the weight of expectation hanging on his shoulders. A decade ago, maybe. In 2015, not so much. People gave up waiting and the scene evolved, for better or for worse. Dre's music is no longer a torch bearer inside the game, his name speaks of stone cold classics from the past, not of a man forging a way forward. That remains in the hands of the next generation as always. Ask a midteen about him and you'll be pointed back to his collaborations with Snoop.

    Sales of the album will be interesting to watch. After so long away the best thing to do would've been to remain prominent in the business world, rather than stepping back in time and falling into a bland middle ground. 'Compton' isn't a bad record, nor is it a good one. It just lingers in the worst kind of middle-ground unbefitting of a legend like Dr Dre. There will be a lot of hype and excitement surrounding this album as always on the net but once the dust settles and it fails to peak the imagination of the masses, it will go down as the weakest and most unimaginative of his releases.
  4. Aug 20, 2015
    the album was good but was not what i expected from dr dre it sounded more like an deductive version of Good Kid mad city . the beats in songs like Its All On Me where the type of beats we where expecting from the legend . a modern beat with a touch of old school , but he failed to deliver in most of the songs. so my rating is bases on dr dre standard
  5. Dec 20, 2015
    I didn't suppose that he would give us an album in this year. Everyone waited for 'Detox', but we have got 'Compton'. It's interesing music, but I'm not a big fan of this album. :)
  6. Dec 29, 2020
    I have a strong feeling that this isnt the true "Detox" album that we as fans overhyped/anticipated. he claims to have "renamed" the detox to "Compton" how creative. its so hard to follow up with his two masterpieces Chronic and Chronic 2001 (Not including all the NWA **** that dont count). he released "Kush" as part of the REAL Detox project but its been damn near 10 years since thatI have a strong feeling that this isnt the true "Detox" album that we as fans overhyped/anticipated. he claims to have "renamed" the detox to "Compton" how creative. its so hard to follow up with his two masterpieces Chronic and Chronic 2001 (Not including all the NWA **** that dont count). he released "Kush" as part of the REAL Detox project but its been damn near 10 years since that singles release. he might not ever drop it. dont hold your breath because somethings telling me Dre isnt either. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. The Source
    Oct 20, 2015
    Compton gives every indication that Dr. Dre is as potent now as he was in the 20th century's final decade. [#267, p.91]
  2. Uncut
    Sep 28, 2015
    Compton is a solid reminder of both Dre's skills and the depth of his contacts book. [Nov 2015, p.75]
  3. Sep 9, 2015
    There are innovative and fresh beats and voices, and the record rarely falters.