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Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 44
  2. Negative: 2 out of 44

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  1. Apr 5, 2013
    .Cosmic Egg is a great follow up to Wolfmother's debut album. Andrew Stockdale is promising. The whole band is awesome. They always remind me of great bands, especially Led Zep. The album as a whole is cool. Eyes Open, Back Round and Violence Of The Sun are not that good, for me. Aside from those songs, the album is awesome. It's not creative or innovating but it is acclaimed as a classic.Cosmic Egg is a great follow up to Wolfmother's debut album. Andrew Stockdale is promising. The whole band is awesome. They always remind me of great bands, especially Led Zep. The album as a whole is cool. Eyes Open, Back Round and Violence Of The Sun are not that good, for me. Aside from those songs, the album is awesome. It's not creative or innovating but it is acclaimed as a classic awesome rock album. I especially enjoy New Moon Rising, Sundial, 10000 Feet and In The Morning. It is great. Expand
  2. Jan 5, 2011
    At first it doesnt sound brilliant, but it turns out to be pretty good. Oh and its pretty funny how the only person who rated this low is named MikP obviously a brainwashed fanboy who rates things without listening to them and just follow what Patton says blindly.
  3. LuizF.
    Feb 3, 2010
    This album is not so great than first one, but pleases me and is such a pleasure to know this guys, long life Wolfmother.
  4. Avery
    Dec 21, 2009
    Some songs suck. but about four or five shred and are beautiful (esp. 'white feather' and 'phoenix'). i like those much much much more than their earlier more garagey/post-punk stuff. imo, music should make you want to have sex and feel like you're already having sex. it should make you want to drive fast. rock is not sassy. it's not a source of social Some songs suck. but about four or five shred and are beautiful (esp. 'white feather' and 'phoenix'). i like those much much much more than their earlier more garagey/post-punk stuff. imo, music should make you want to have sex and feel like you're already having sex. it should make you want to drive fast. rock is not sassy. it's not a source of social insight. it's entertainment. a good rock song should give you a rush like looking at megan fox gives you a rush. if you want intelligence and innovation, go read wittgenstein and richard dawkins. i like beck. beck is innovative and sometimes even soulful and searching. but he doesn't rock. nobody rocks anymore. audioslave rocks. i'm not a music person. i haven't paid much attention to music since Kid A (radiohead is an amazing creative smart band, but they don't rock), and, even then, i tend to associate with wall street types. i'm a gym rat who drinks pinot noir. wolfmother's guitarist can play. when a man can play heavy, he should play heavy. it is really refreshing to hear some music that shakes walls yet has some sweet glam sheen to its sound. smashing pumpkins were like that, but wolfmother's singer sounds much better and their music has far more propulsion (finally a decent drummer). this isn't groundbreaking music, but it rocks. and it's more important to rock than to be hip, creative, and relevant. Expand
  5. GordonG
    Nov 25, 2009
    With albums like this there is still hope for the future of Rock. An amazingly mature and superbly produced album. Many tracks are "familiar" but still original. All the best of classic rock themes, with none of the crap. Stockdale was obviously the heart, soul and main talent of Wolfmother 1, but with the new line-up the band is tighter more cohesive, with just the right touches of With albums like this there is still hope for the future of Rock. An amazingly mature and superbly produced album. Many tracks are "familiar" but still original. All the best of classic rock themes, with none of the crap. Stockdale was obviously the heart, soul and main talent of Wolfmother 1, but with the new line-up the band is tighter more cohesive, with just the right touches of Progressive Rock thrown in. This album is epic and the best of anything produced anywhere in the world today. As for being called commercial pop, those critics obviously have cloth ears or just haven't listened to it. Buy it . It will be a classic album of the future..NO QUESTION! Oh, and turn it up to 11. Expand
  6. DanH
    Nov 18, 2009
    If Black Sabbath and Deep Purple had a love child, this would be their moody adolescent offspring. Tons of music for your money; some tracks are great, all are worth listening to.
  7. TommyS
    Oct 30, 2009
    Good album all around. not the best, not the worst. not bad for a totally new band. three new members have added a good touch, though i miss the original vibe.
  8. JimmyC
    Oct 28, 2009
    Really cohesive as an album and a complementary punch in the gut to the 1st album's punch in the face!
  9. PrestonJ.
    Oct 27, 2009
    Purchased the Delux Edition of the album and have been thoroughly entertained and amazed from start to finish... Listened to the complete album about four times now.
  10. JohnD.
    Oct 27, 2009
    1. California Queen - weak vocals, great guitar 2. New Moon Rising - vocals good, lyrics a bit repetitive, guitar great 3. White Feather - first song on CD with a new sound, loved it, did just enough to get me excited 4. Sundial - intro, weak then explodes into awesomeness, the song follows suit, weak builds to awesome, back to weak then to awesome 5. In the Morning - vocals a bit too 1. California Queen - weak vocals, great guitar 2. New Moon Rising - vocals good, lyrics a bit repetitive, guitar great 3. White Feather - first song on CD with a new sound, loved it, did just enough to get me excited 4. Sundial - intro, weak then explodes into awesomeness, the song follows suit, weak builds to awesome, back to weak then to awesome 5. In the Morning - vocals a bit too polished, too produced. As always, guitar rocks. A slight taste of white unicorn in the middle. 6. 10.000 feet - sounds like that Motocycle Club CD. A decent, not good try at darker psychadelic rock. Faint layering of guitar in middle DOES NOT work. The 3 min. mark to end sounds superb. 7. Cosmic Egg - slow going beginning still sounds great. The distorted guitar works well, good song, kind of reminds me of something I'd tune out though. Solo is pretty standard, kind of weak really. Keyboards! Done well but not the same oomph as before. 8. Far away - weird intro. Kind of No Doubtish, more Aquaduct-ish. Rock ballad? Kind of Sister Christian. Boarderline changing tune. But wait! at 2 min mark song redeams itself. Catchy guitar. Definitely rock ballad. Shrill thing kind of annoying. A piano???? Where did that come from? 9. Pilgrim - Like it, very Beatles at the chorus, the song could hit a little harder. Wait! 2:50 mark . . . finally!!!!! Wolfmother!!!! Got the chills. Damn, then the Beatles chorus ruins it. Then Redemption!!! Wolfmother! Chills! 10. In the Castle - keyboards, nice. WOLFMOTHER! Finally hitting hard. Guitar is a knife. Drums finally arrive. And just when you think it's done . . . WOLFMOTHER! Didnt even notice is was nearly 6 min long. 11. Phoenix - I could see myself falling in love with this song after I hear it a few times. Right now, it's just OK. A little long for it's own good. First time I've thought 'OK get on with it.' 12. Violence of the Sun - wtf is this intro? It's like 1980s easy listening. Kind of like it though. It's morphing into rock of course. I bet this is a test of Stockdales at a rock opera. A much different sound than I'm used to from Wolfmother. Expand
  11. JamesR
    Oct 27, 2009
    Solid second serving from Wolfmother. They don't re-invent the wheel, and a lot of snobby critics can't seem to get past that. But if you actually listen to the record, you will be pleasantly surprised. Classic rockers please more than ever: "California Queen," "Sundial" and "Pilgrim". "In the castle" and "Phoenix" are deliciously psychedelic and chaotic. Be sure to pick up the Solid second serving from Wolfmother. They don't re-invent the wheel, and a lot of snobby critics can't seem to get past that. But if you actually listen to the record, you will be pleasantly surprised. Classic rockers please more than ever: "California Queen," "Sundial" and "Pilgrim". "In the castle" and "Phoenix" are deliciously psychedelic and chaotic. Be sure to pick up the delux edition. "caroline" may just be the best song stockdale has ever written. Would be great to see Stockdale really branch out and diversify on the next record. O yeah the 3 new members kick ass too. Expand
  12. RobinW
    Oct 26, 2009
    New band, again rocking hard!
  13. MatthewE.
    Oct 26, 2009
    Freakin' awesome!!! Better than Vegamite!!!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Cosmic Egg [is] a mature sophomore effort, particularly if it's just judged on all the sonic textures Wolfmorther serves up, but as the album closes with a series of meandering mysticism it's hard not to miss Stockdale's previous reliance on nasty repetitive riffs.
  2. Cosmic Egg is the kind of album you'd quite happily pop on for the first part of a road trip while you're full of enthusiasm, but it'd quickly get changed at the first toilet stop.
  3. You could argue Wolfmother’s ballsy and carefree hi-octane music is all just innocent fun, ideally washed down with a six pack of tinnies. Yet it’s utterly devoid of soul and intelligence.