
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jan 30, 2020
    Perhaps the album doesn't sound like country music, but Corgan has assembled the album with country ideals, keeping the music and emotions direct but also relaxed, and that rigorous stylistic aesthetic makes Cotillions one of his better solo albums.
  2. Dec 3, 2019
    The concept of ‘Cottilions’ definitely deserves some applause. It’s a big, brave project for anyone to take on, and rather than disappoint or fail, it impresses, and in some places, it shines.
  3. Dec 3, 2019
    Corgan delivers some of the lightest, most affecting songs he’s made in years. Unfortunately, comfort also breeds indulgence, which leaves Cotillions’ 37 excellent minutes of music rattling around within an unearned 61-minute runtime that winds up walking the record in circles.
  4. Dec 6, 2019
    Cotillions does have its fair share of bloat, though—at 17 tracks and clocking in over an hour, its instrumental parallels can often feel redundant once it concludes. Nevertheless, his recent "unplugged" projects suggest he’s found fulfillment carving his own path rather than overthinking how to capture the spirit of our times.
  5. Dec 3, 2019
    For all its surface simplicity, Cotillions is saddled with its own peculiar Corganian paradox: the lightest, breeziest songs of his career add up to a demanding slog of a record.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Dec 8, 2019
    It's a bit lazy to say Corgan's voice is something you either love or hate but it is such a defining feature of his work that it has a hugeIt's a bit lazy to say Corgan's voice is something you either love or hate but it is such a defining feature of his work that it has a huge bearing on whether or not this album is something you will enjoy listening to. I'm a lifelong fan so it's not a factor for me. While both albums are stripped down, "Cotillions" is a very different album to its predecessor "Ogilala". Both take many listens to break down and truly appreciate the sublime song writing and both suffer from some Corgan self indulgence.However, while "Ogilala" is a slow and lonely affair, "Cotillions" has a warmer glow and has a genuine country/bluegrass feel to it. It's a proper left turn for the leftiest of lefties. The story goes that Corgan spent a month travelling the backroads of America upon turning 50 a few years back and wrote this album on the way. This sounds like backroad America and is Corgan's strongest solo album. There is no classic song here but instead a very strong collection of songs by one of America's most prolific and greatest songwriters. Admittedly with 17 songs and passing the hour mark overall, the second half of the album struggles to keep hold of the listener. An 11 track album would have been an outstanding album but for me the more the merrier when it comes to King Billy Corgan. Full Review »
  2. May 28, 2020
    an easy album with sooo generic riffs. Good for listening when eating. Mediocre! where is the mastemind behind The Smashing Pumpkins?
  3. Dec 22, 2019
    This isn't an album you can easily rate after one listen. Like most of Corgan's work there is a lot to unpack here - subtleties that youThis isn't an album you can easily rate after one listen. Like most of Corgan's work there is a lot to unpack here - subtleties that you might not catch until you've played a song for the 3rd or 4th or 20th time, but once you let the song evolve it can't be heard the same again. What might be passed off as a meandering attempt at a simple yet beautiful folk album at first glance soon blossoms into a deep multilayered experience that I've come to believe is among his most profound. Full Review »