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Universal acclaim- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 31
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 31
  3. Negative: 3 out of 31
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  1. Jun 2, 2023
    Maybe it's unfair from me to keep expecting Noel to drop gems like his first 2 albums were. However this is truly the most boring, dull and bland music I've ever heard from Noel. At least he was experimenting with Who Built the Moon so you could live under the illusion that once he returns to his genre he will flourish, however it sounds like someone who has made some average covers or ripMaybe it's unfair from me to keep expecting Noel to drop gems like his first 2 albums were. However this is truly the most boring, dull and bland music I've ever heard from Noel. At least he was experimenting with Who Built the Moon so you could live under the illusion that once he returns to his genre he will flourish, however it sounds like someone who has made some average covers or rip off songs (but performed even worse by Noel) from british bands he used to love in the 70s & 80s. He will always be an idol of mine but if this is what Noel's solo career has become he's better off getting Oasis back together for 1 last tour to rake in the cash and drive off into the sunset and retire from music. I'd say Council Skies and Dead to the World are definitely bareable to listen to, the rest of the album is extremely mediocre to straight up terrible
  2. Jun 2, 2023
    pretty boring album with 2 mediocre songs and the rest isn't good. big let down

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Jun 2, 2023
    Despite a handful of the elder Gallagher’s irresistible everyman anthems, much of Council Skies is unambitious and generic to the point of tedium.
  2. 80
    Its 10 tracks offer a timely reminder of just why Oasis resonated so widely, empowered by a melodious and snappy songwriter with plenty of heart and soul.
  3. Jun 2, 2023
    The way these splashes of color and invention intertwine with the carefully sculpted ballads result in a testament to Gallagher's enduring craft that's unusually satisfying.