
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 8, 2020
    It's a concoction that shouldn't work but does. ... Disarming. [Jan 2021, p.82]
  2. 80
    By turns arched, ambitious, intriguing and expressive this sprawling 20 song set recalls the band’s earlier epics with melodies that boast the same elevated intensity that’s driven their signature sound from early on.
  3. Dec 2, 2020
    Rather than a through-line back to the Pumpkins’ trip-hoppy Adore, Cyr often sounds like Corgan was going for a new-wave sound that recalls Talk Talk, and unfortunately he has neither the singular vision he had in the Nineties nor the melodic savvy of Talk Talk’s Mark Hollis to pull it off. Instead, most of the songs, all filled with neo-goth romantic lyrics, stumble and fumble over meandering melodies with no sing-along choruses to buttress them.
  4. Dec 1, 2020
    Good intentions, interesting sounds, and a handful of great songs; compromised by an inflexible house style. It makes listening to the album from start to finish an experience that is occasionally rewarding – especially with a decent set of headphones – but ultimately, well … trying.
  5. Dec 1, 2020
    None of Corgan’s definitive qualities as a musician—symphonic grandeur, needling immediacy—translate to his production, which burdens CYR with out-of-the-box anonymity; a Smashing Pumpkins album that sounds like it was handed off to a guy at the Genius Bar. The production’s clinical competency only highlights the assembly-line songwriting of CYR’s back half.
  6. Dec 1, 2020
    Corgan’s attempt at making a contemporary album was mostly successful, though, with the band delivering hook-laden music that is full of great pop moments with enough experimentalism and gritty moments to keep it interesting.
  7. Nov 30, 2020
    The singer’s m.o. has long been to cram each project with every creative idea he has—an approach that, though effective during the Pumpkins’s heyday, now largely results in diminishing returns. It would be time better spent fleshing out songs that are too often merely shadows of ideas.
  8. Nov 30, 2020
    Does it need to be quite as much of a lengthy binge as it is? Maybe not. But second helpings of something that’s fundamentally good are never a bad thing. And in the moment that Smashing Pumpkins currently find themselves – three-quarters reunioned, confident, dare one even say comfortable – there’s joy to be heard throughout, as they turn over rocks and see what they can find.
  9. Nov 30, 2020
    CYR may be a good record, but even with its overblown 20-song length it leaves the listener wanting more, given the context of this band’s capabilities.
  10. Nov 30, 2020
    Almost all these songs are dynamically stolid and melodically immemorable to the point of interchangeability; the drum parts are phenomenally disappointing coming from a musician as talented as Jimmy Chamberlain; Corgan’s voice still sounds like old tarmac with inconsistent numbers of cars passing over it; and every song follows an identical progression from midtempo verse to homogenous chorus.
  11. 60
    20 songs that alternate between good and dreary.
  12. Nov 30, 2020
    Of the 20 phoned-in songs here, 19 are at best inessential, at worst actively irritating.
  13. Nov 30, 2020
    CYR is a record that so obviously chasing mainstream appeal yet sabotages itself by being too long a self-indulgence.
  14. Nov 30, 2020
    The electronic approach doesn’t work for every song, and a little more humanity and ambience would have been charming, but the appeal of the whole grows as nuances reveal themselves with repeated listens.
  15. Nov 30, 2020
    It’s refreshing to see that the band aren’t content to solely focus on nostalgia trips, and there are some great moments here - the dark driving force of ‘Wyttch’ stands out - but with such a hefty run time, it’s difficult to really tap into the heart of ‘Cyr’.
  16. Nov 30, 2020
    It's another epic statement rife with troubled beauty, presented from a slightly different angle but true to the spirit of longing and restless wonder that has defined the Smashing Pumpkins for over 30 years.
  17. Nov 25, 2020
    Most of the material just hovers around the same tempo, tone, lyrical style and sound dynamics, robbing the listener of any sort of emotional peaks or valleys that are so important when floating a double album. It's simply a shame that the execution of Cyr fails to match the naked ambition Corgan's concepts promised.
  18. 60
    For the most part, the songs furrow a similar path throughout the 20 tracks and, unlike most double albums, which are either loaded with fillers or come in two bloated parts, ‘CYR’ feels like a single complete record crammed full of pop anthems. Pumpkin detractors may well hate this record’s simplicity, and they’d be right to criticise it for sounding same-y to a point. But there’s no denying Corgan’s ability to craft a tune.
  19. Nov 24, 2020
    ‘Cyr’ is, of course, far too long and more pretentious than a Met Gala soiree, but the innate contradiction between the essence of The Smashing Pumpkins and the music they have decided to make does keep the listener engaged for much longer than it has any right to.
  20. Mojo
    Nov 24, 2020
    Corgan's floatier tunes and chocolate-box lyrics actually suit this sound palette well, but, as so often in pop - and Corgan's - history, a 10-track single LP would've nailed it better. [Jan 2021, p.86]
  21. Uncut
    Nov 24, 2020
    When they succeed, it's on more traditional Pumpkins territory. ... Otherwise, Cyr sounds like an underwhelming misadventure. [Jan 2021, p.32]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 67 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 67
  2. Negative: 13 out of 67
  1. Dec 2, 2020
    Plenty of critics are paid to write that a double album is “too long” before they’ve even heard it. Even more critics are paid to pan thePlenty of critics are paid to write that a double album is “too long” before they’ve even heard it. Even more critics are paid to pan the Pumpkins or Billy Corgan personally based on the fact every album isn’t Siamese Dream and Billy refuses to continually answer dumb questions. Anyway, CYR is essentially the Pumpkins’ pop record, and it’s a damn good pop record. If you can’t open your mind to that idea, you probably won’t like it. But the song writing is brilliant, and the songs hook you in with every listen. Well worth the investment. Full Review »
  2. Nov 29, 2020
    Branching out further into the unknown territory, the smashing pumpkins have produced a synth pop record with plenty of hooks and incredible lyrics
  3. Nov 27, 2020
    Billy has written some very strong melodies here. This is the second best post Machina record next to Oceania.