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Generally favorable reviews- based on 67 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 67
  2. Negative: 13 out of 67
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  1. Sep 7, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The critics hate it because it's not ✨perfect✨ like SD or MCIS, but for me, it's UNSPEAKABLY perfect.
    The best songs for me are:

    Save Your Tears, Telegenix, Purple Blood, Ramona and CYR.
  2. Jul 4, 2023
    Hugely underrated. Possibly the best Pumpkins album of this millennium. Haters gonna hate.
  3. Jun 6, 2023
    This is actually a damn good album if you discard expecting to hear SD2 or MCIS2. This grew on me a hell of a lot.
  4. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well friends and enemies of modern music: After some spins i gotta say that this is really good stuff.
    On many songs Corgan's voice sounds decent in the filler...
    Purple Blood has some typical SP vibe going. Save your Tears, Colour of Love, Haunted have a really good drive too
  5. May 22, 2021
    To the critics.... and the colour of your love is grey
    It's not my favourite Pumpkins album but it's still the best album I've heard this year
  6. Mar 24, 2021
    Long time Smashing Pumpkins fan here. This album blows. Look, this party sadly came to a screeching halt after Machina. Zeitgeist, Oceania, Monuments, Shiny and now CYR are all profoundly uninspired albums that bear no resemblance with the Pumpkins' exceptional earlier material.
  7. Jan 22, 2021
    This album is unfortunately one of the deepest disappointments I've had this year.
    Once again Billy Corgan proves that his ambition far exceeds his talent and clearly no one in the band knows how to say to him: "Stop it."
    Cyr is a double album although it doesn't have an excessive length, however, it's so monotonous that you feel that it's much longer than it is and than it really
    This album is unfortunately one of the deepest disappointments I've had this year.
    Once again Billy Corgan proves that his ambition far exceeds his talent and clearly no one in the band knows how to say to him: "Stop it."

    Cyr is a double album although it doesn't have an excessive length, however, it's so monotonous that you feel that it's much longer than it is and than it really should.

    If this set was missing, something that something was an editor.
    Someone who should have said: There's a lot of disposable stuff here.

    But it didn't happen and the album is pretty boring.
    A total disappointment that makes me think a lot about that long sequel that Corgan announced to Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.
    Because if this is a preamble to what's to come, then I'm very scared.

    Notable Tracks

    > Cyr
    > Wyttch
    > Minerva
  8. Jan 7, 2021
    CYR is a fantastic album from start to finish. It is a progressive album that seems aimed at people that like creative unique music. It is the closest to innovation O can remember since the album Adore. It is also a great album to listen to during a workout thanks to the great drumming. Overall a 10 out of 10 album by a unique band.
  9. Jan 1, 2021
    This is yet another solid record from the modern era of the Smashing Pumpkins. Katie Cole and Sierra Swan's vocal harmony work so well with Billy's lead vocals; it's honestly mesmerizing to hear how their voices interact with each other and how dynamic they are together. The drum machine can be a bit tiring on some songs on the album, but sometimes that's what drives a few songs forward.This is yet another solid record from the modern era of the Smashing Pumpkins. Katie Cole and Sierra Swan's vocal harmony work so well with Billy's lead vocals; it's honestly mesmerizing to hear how their voices interact with each other and how dynamic they are together. The drum machine can be a bit tiring on some songs on the album, but sometimes that's what drives a few songs forward. There were a few songs that I don't fully understand yet, but overall I think the Pumpkins nailed it with this record. I also think that this is an improvement from their previous album "Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1 / LP: No Past. No Future. No Sun.", which is my least favorite Smashing Pumpkins record.

    Overall score: 8-9/10
  10. Nov 27, 2020
    I originally gave this a 9 but I’m having to come back and upgrade to 10.

    These 20 tracks all reward repeated listening and then some. I appreciate not everyone will give them that chance (and to read some of the other reviews here it’s clear most can’t be bothered) but if you just stick this album on repeat you’ll find parts of the melodies beginning to penetrate your waking life
    I originally gave this a 9 but I’m having to come back and upgrade to 10.

    These 20 tracks all reward repeated listening and then some. I appreciate not everyone will give them that chance (and to read some of the other reviews here it’s clear most can’t be bothered) but if you just stick this album on repeat you’ll find parts of the melodies beginning to penetrate your waking life unbidden. And once you reach that point each listen gives you something more, be it the fantastic electronic production, the haunting sidles of guitar sound, the blending of Corgan’s voice with the backing singers and instrumentation, or just the emotion hidden away beneath the polished exterior.

    A great record.osingers,or
  11. Nov 28, 2020
    It might not be "Adore" but Cyr hits very much where I was expecting, when divided into two, the album becomes much more digestible and ends up being a very solid work when compared to anything made by the Pumpkins when Billy Corgan ran it on his own
  12. Dec 15, 2020
    I'm absolutely into this record, I think that this is great step forward for the band. They've always gone against the grain and done what they want, this album is no different. Less an album than a 20-song load to be listened however you want. Go SP.
  13. Dec 10, 2020
    I've been listening to various tracks from this since last September. Very few of them clicked initially and to be honest I was a little dismayed when I heard a few of them for the first time. Gradually, the majority of the tracks have grown on me and I've heard more and more elements reveal themselves with each listen. When the whole album was released in November, many of the previouslyI've been listening to various tracks from this since last September. Very few of them clicked initially and to be honest I was a little dismayed when I heard a few of them for the first time. Gradually, the majority of the tracks have grown on me and I've heard more and more elements reveal themselves with each listen. When the whole album was released in November, many of the previously released tracks came into their own in the context of the album. This is the most interesting Smashing Pumpkins or Billy Corgan release since 2012's "Oceania" and is certainly an improvement on the last 2 Smashing Pumpkins albums which were decent but safe. "Cyr" isn't without its faults of course. It is too long for sure and could have been trimmed by 30% or so. Out of 20 songs I would say there are only 2 dodgy tracks, maybe another 5 or 6 tracks that could be regarded as filler while we are left with about a dozen really good songs. Quality control has never been a strong point of Corgan's but I prefer the ambition of the sprawling 72 minute album heard here than the sub 40 minute comfort zone we got on "Shiny..." and "Monuments to an Elegy". I'm a strong believer in the saying "the music you like isn't **** People are entitled to their opinions but in this world full of negativity, shouting, hiss and background noise you need to turn the tunes up to drown in all out. Ultimately music comes down to enjoyment and connection. If it has a positive impact on the moment your listening to it then it's a gift. "Cyr" achieves that more often than not and for a band full of 50 somethings, who have seen and conquered it all, the willingness to push themselves miles out of the comfort zone and come through it relatively successfully is to be applauded and probably gets the release and extra mark. Standout tracks include "The Colour of Love", "Cyr", "Wrath", "Ramona", "Anno Satana", "Purple Blood", "Save Your Tears", "The Hidden Sun" but all these songs sound better in the context of the album. It sounds even better on double vinyl on good speakers rather than through your phone on spotify. Expand
  14. Dec 7, 2020
    Best album 2020. Smashing pumpkins at them best. Billy corgan is still an amazing song writter
  15. Dec 5, 2020
    Horrible . This is not the Smashing Pumpkins ive seen in concert and listened to on cd.
  16. Dec 5, 2020
    effeminate voice of billy corgan without solid and heavy background of rock rythm section shows how limited his capabilities are. Cyr has no smashing pumpkins spirit at all: there are no James Iha guitar (which previosly impressed Steve Vai himself) - no Jimmy Chamberlin drums - (one of the best drummers in the World) only plastic, irritating patterns (very dissapointing). 20 songs -effeminate voice of billy corgan without solid and heavy background of rock rythm section shows how limited his capabilities are. Cyr has no smashing pumpkins spirit at all: there are no James Iha guitar (which previosly impressed Steve Vai himself) - no Jimmy Chamberlin drums - (one of the best drummers in the World) only plastic, irritating patterns (very dissapointing). 20 songs - one big joke - SHAME. Someone could say, that it was Billy choice - yes, it was his personal choice, not band voice, again - but despite the the overall weak sound, all songs are dull, repetitive, boring. Corgan again acted as a fool (blessed) dictator, refusing to use James talent and Jimmy’s genius SHAME! Expand
  17. Dec 4, 2020
    Definition of rock journalism: People who can’t write, doing interviews with people who can’t think, in order to prepare articles for people who can’t read. - Frank Zappa. first listen to the album then yes drew your conclusions. An album by a band that keeps itself relevant.Beautiful songs in my simple opinion
  18. Dec 4, 2020
    I'm a big fan of this album. It certainly has some "single quality" tracks, such as Cyr, Ramona, and Purple Blood. The more I listen to it, the more the other songs elevate for me as well. In the past, the Pumpkins would attack you with guitars and a catchy or emotional chorus. With this album, that certainly does happen on occasion, but I think often times I find myself really enjoyingI'm a big fan of this album. It certainly has some "single quality" tracks, such as Cyr, Ramona, and Purple Blood. The more I listen to it, the more the other songs elevate for me as well. In the past, the Pumpkins would attack you with guitars and a catchy or emotional chorus. With this album, that certainly does happen on occasion, but I think often times I find myself really enjoying the verses, pre-chorus, or bridges of the songs more. There are even occasions where just little instrumental flourish changes the direction of the song and just takes the song to a level I just don't hear when I'm listening to something on the radio.

    With 20 songs on the album, I do think there is a little something for everyone, even older fans. That being said, if you're looking for Siamese Dream, you won't find it here. In my opinion, that's a a good thing. I love SD and Mellon Collie, and those albums shaped my early teenage years... but I can always go back and revisit those. This album's songs are all quality tracks, even though there are 3 or 4 I wouldn't necessarily choose to listen to often on their own, on a full album listen, there probably isn't anything here I would skip either.

    Lyrically, I think this album is intricate, poetic, and beautiful (though not 100% of the time obviously). I enjoyed Monuments to an Elegy, but I felt it suffered from simplified and even sometimes repetitive lyrics (something I feel was intentional), and I feared if that continued, future albums could suffer. I'm happy to say that Shiny and Oh So Bright Vol 1. started to head back into a more complicated lyrical structure, and Cyr has taken that step towards that even further, to my delight. Not only does that make Cyr a more solid listening experience for me, but it makes Monuments a more enjoyable departure style album for me, that kind of bridges this new era with the old kind of nicely.

    I think Cyr's beauty is in it's overall structure. It's an album where I think you can lock yourself in your room, or basement, throw the vinyl on with some headphones and just stare at the lyrics as you journey through it. Shiny was probably a little too short for that, and again, while I enjoyed Monuments (Tiberius and One and All especially), it lacked that cohesiveness for me. I got this same feeling I get with Cyr that I do with Oceania, and before that, Machina. Oceania maybe lacked some of those "single" style songs that Pumpkins have been known to crank out, but it's solid from beginning to end. Like Cyr, I could just shut out the world and get lost in Oceania.

    I know Cyr will be an album that continues to feel like a departure for people who want more of that aggressive fuzz, and the chaotic and savage vocal barrages the Pumpkins gave us in the 90's... but remember, more is on the way too. Diversity is a good thing, and I think when the Pumpkins finally cease to produce music, if we are all being honest with ourselves we will be able to look back at perhaps one of the most diverse catalogs in music from a single artist and just say "wow", even if you aren't a fan of all it.

    I'm pleased with this effort, and I do think it's perhaps the strongest since Machina, even though a few songs on some of the more recent albums hit higher highs for me. I'm certainly excited for what else is in the near future, and how it will further diversify the musical offerings we get from one of the hardest working bands in the industry.

    I think the music we listen to in our most formative years will always be what we compare new music too. Back then, we looked for ways to relate, found ways to do it, and latched on. Perhaps because we felt misunderstood, or sad, or whatever it was for whoever you were at the time. Maybe we aren't relating to things like that anymore. Maybe we are older, more defined to even ourselves and unable to feel that way again because we are no longer constructing ourselves to that extent. Nostalgia is a double edged sword. Admire that sword, but do not wield it. You can enjoy the old and the new, but you by no means have to.

    I do hope you find joy in this album though, and give it a few listens.
  19. Dec 2, 2020
    Plenty of critics are paid to write that a double album is “too long” before they’ve even heard it. Even more critics are paid to pan the Pumpkins or Billy Corgan personally based on the fact every album isn’t Siamese Dream and Billy refuses to continually answer dumb questions. Anyway, CYR is essentially the Pumpkins’ pop record, and it’s a damn good pop record. If you can’t open yourPlenty of critics are paid to write that a double album is “too long” before they’ve even heard it. Even more critics are paid to pan the Pumpkins or Billy Corgan personally based on the fact every album isn’t Siamese Dream and Billy refuses to continually answer dumb questions. Anyway, CYR is essentially the Pumpkins’ pop record, and it’s a damn good pop record. If you can’t open your mind to that idea, you probably won’t like it. But the song writing is brilliant, and the songs hook you in with every listen. Well worth the investment. Expand
  20. Dec 1, 2020
    Utterly disappointing output from a man who wanted his band back together. Jimmy playing drum machine beats and James no where to be found. Ploddy GCSE synths, bloated tracklisting and absolutely nothing to come back to apart from maybe the CYR track itself. What a waste of time for everyone involved. Production is ok though, hence 2 stars.
  21. Nov 30, 2020
    A bit monotonous. Should've been a single LP.
    Corgan's vocals and lyrics have grown to be grating throughout the mostly synth-driven tracks. While better than most of what he's produced in the past 20 years, it's still a far cry from the Pumpkins' previous greatness.
  22. Nov 30, 2020
    Several catchy tunes here, including "Wyttch" and "Colour of Your Love", as well as some more sensitive tracks such as "Birch Grove." No horrible, must-skip tracks. But overall, just a decent listen, nothing phenomenal.
  23. Nov 29, 2020
    Branching out further into the unknown territory, the smashing pumpkins have produced a synth pop record with plenty of hooks and incredible lyrics
  24. Nov 28, 2020
    Billy Corgan (at least I think it's him - has anyone seen him and Corey Feldman in a room together?) has stated that his goal with "Cyr" was to make a contemporary album. So why is it stuck in the Eighties? Despite the relative simplicity of the songs, the pretension level is often still a 10 when it comes to titles. Ooh, let's spell it differently, genius? (No.) And for every uptempoBilly Corgan (at least I think it's him - has anyone seen him and Corey Feldman in a room together?) has stated that his goal with "Cyr" was to make a contemporary album. So why is it stuck in the Eighties? Despite the relative simplicity of the songs, the pretension level is often still a 10 when it comes to titles. Ooh, let's spell it differently, genius? (No.) And for every uptempo gasser, there's at least one awkward ballad to blow the momentum. The much-heralded return of James Iha for the last album seems anticlimactic now, as he's buried in aging synths for some reason. Female backing vocals aside, the best things here are (1) Jimmy Chamberlain can still slam, though he doesn't get enough chances to show off that prowess, and (2) Corgan's voice is mostly stabilized - his annoying tendency to veer from baby stripper voice on soft notes to snotty whine on the loud ones has found a happier medium - still a bit brash, but you don't have to turn the treble down to 2 anymore. "I know I'm ruthless," Corgan sings on "Ramona", which would make more of an impact if it weren't such a lightweight mid-tempo thing. Bottom line: edit, Billy, edit. This could have been a great EP. You'll definitely play it more than once, though - otherwise the single is all you'll remember a week from now. Expand
  25. Nov 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is so bad. Reviewers comparing it to singles. But this is the band who put out Geek USA, Hummer, Obscured, Shame, The Camera Eye, I of The Mourning, Ruby, Porcelina, Mayonaise, Snail and over 100 more 10/10 songs. I f***ing love The Future Embrace btw.

    Anyone raving about this I'm pretty sure is a Corgan sycophant or hasn't heard any new music for some time. It's so weak. Why not check out some new music. [Link omitted per site rules]

    Meant to say check out The Microdance and Holy Fawn. Links not permitted here. Both bands have phemoninal songs s, tommes of varie, music with passjon, spirit and ambition. What we used to expect from SP.
  26. Nov 28, 2020
    Just absolutely dreadful. So disappointed. Almost as bad as Shiny, and that's saying something. Wyttch and Seek and You Shall Destroy - the worst rock songs if the century
  27. Nov 28, 2020
    1% pumpkins magic here. Songs are emotionless, uninspired, repetitive and outright desultory. This has nothing to do with genre, I adore plenty of their electronic music. Plus, it's not a double album. That is the band clutching at straws.
  28. Nov 27, 2020
    Mr. Corgan follows in the vein of his last double album, Cotillions, where he wrote one cool song and then recorded 20 different variants of it to make an album.

    The reason MCIS worked as a double was it's amazing diversity. Billy has long forgotten what that means over the years. This time he put together a cool synth-based attack, added female vocals, and then repeats it ad nausem. The
    Mr. Corgan follows in the vein of his last double album, Cotillions, where he wrote one cool song and then recorded 20 different variants of it to make an album.

    The reason MCIS worked as a double was it's amazing diversity. Billy has long forgotten what that means over the years. This time he put together a cool synth-based attack, added female vocals, and then repeats it ad nausem.

    The few times he picks up a guitar lack any sort of bite and almost come off embarrassing. The ship has long sailed on this band making anything of merit. Billy's inability to take criticism or ideas from ANYONE has turned SP into a circus act.
  29. Nov 27, 2020
    Billy decided to throw away the power of the life band and record almost everything by himself again. The difference between this record and the previous post break-up albums is that on Zeitgeist or Teargarden there were some interesting ideas ruined by horrible production. This is good production of a horrible idea. I don't mind the synths, but synth for SP means Saturnine or Eye. This isBilly decided to throw away the power of the life band and record almost everything by himself again. The difference between this record and the previous post break-up albums is that on Zeitgeist or Teargarden there were some interesting ideas ruined by horrible production. This is good production of a horrible idea. I don't mind the synths, but synth for SP means Saturnine or Eye. This is completely different band with boring uninspired Billys vocals. Expand
  30. Nov 27, 2020
    Something that defines post breakup Pumpkins is Billy singing "well". Melodically and sweetly. Away are the angst and power of the 90's albums. This album is mostly this kind of singing on top, with synthesisers and some cheesy backing vocals by guest female singers. James Iha's return is still unnoticeable, and Jimmy Chamberlin's drumming is robotical, devoid of any emotion. This formulaSomething that defines post breakup Pumpkins is Billy singing "well". Melodically and sweetly. Away are the angst and power of the 90's albums. This album is mostly this kind of singing on top, with synthesisers and some cheesy backing vocals by guest female singers. James Iha's return is still unnoticeable, and Jimmy Chamberlin's drumming is robotical, devoid of any emotion. This formula is repeated over 20 songs. The result is not a bad or unlistenable album, it's just remarkably dull. Expand
  31. Nov 27, 2020
    Billy has written some very strong melodies here. This is the second best post Machina record next to Oceania.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 8, 2020
    It's a concoction that shouldn't work but does. ... Disarming. [Jan 2021, p.82]
  2. 80
    By turns arched, ambitious, intriguing and expressive this sprawling 20 song set recalls the band’s earlier epics with melodies that boast the same elevated intensity that’s driven their signature sound from early on.
  3. Dec 2, 2020
    Rather than a through-line back to the Pumpkins’ trip-hoppy Adore, Cyr often sounds like Corgan was going for a new-wave sound that recalls Talk Talk, and unfortunately he has neither the singular vision he had in the Nineties nor the melodic savvy of Talk Talk’s Mark Hollis to pull it off. Instead, most of the songs, all filled with neo-goth romantic lyrics, stumble and fumble over meandering melodies with no sing-along choruses to buttress them.