• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: Apr 21, 2023
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Universal acclaim- based on 211 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 211
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  1. Sep 6, 2023
    Agust D trilogy is one of a kind!! Min Yoongi is truly a genius for wrapping it up with an absolute masterpiece like D-Day! It is definitely a no-skip album. From the first track D-Day to the last track Life Goes On, it was indeed A RIDE LIKE NO OTHER! The rawness and soulfulness you got to experience from Agust D’s first mixtape is still there which makes Agust D stand out from otherAgust D trilogy is one of a kind!! Min Yoongi is truly a genius for wrapping it up with an absolute masterpiece like D-Day! It is definitely a no-skip album. From the first track D-Day to the last track Life Goes On, it was indeed A RIDE LIKE NO OTHER! The rawness and soulfulness you got to experience from Agust D’s first mixtape is still there which makes Agust D stand out from other artists! Agust D really outdid himself with the self-written and self-produced title track Haegeum, which is my current favorite and also Snooze is a true gem! You will never ever find a song like that from any other artist!! This song felt like a warm hug from him to those who look up to him which is I think only a true artist who is honest to his artistry and the relationship with his fans can do and Agust D is definitely THAT artist! Expand
  2. May 21, 2023
    Perfect album I enjoy all the songs it’s definitely no skip album my favorite is snooze, polar night, amygdala, haegeum, life goes on, d-day, huh, sdl, people pt2, dawn
  3. Sep 3, 2023
    Agust D completes his trilogy with D-Day which is full of strong, inspired, and raw songs that dare to address topics that are usually left unspoken and unexamined in a country where ones does not show such "weaknesses." The strength, vulnerability, healing, and comfort that the listener experiences through the songs is guided by the artist who deeply understands the emotions (anger, hope,Agust D completes his trilogy with D-Day which is full of strong, inspired, and raw songs that dare to address topics that are usually left unspoken and unexamined in a country where ones does not show such "weaknesses." The strength, vulnerability, healing, and comfort that the listener experiences through the songs is guided by the artist who deeply understands the emotions (anger, hope, anxiety, bravery, etc) he is conveying and the listener at all times knows that there is someone out there who understands what they may be going through and that they are not alone. D-Day is a beautiful album that is able to make you feel and experience your feelings with every listening and leaves the listener with the feeling of releasing a long held breath. Expand
  4. Sep 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is really really really masterpiece. D-DAY is "No Skip" album. All the tracks on D-DAY's album are extraordinary. You will definitely like it Expand
  5. Sep 3, 2023
    O álbum é perfeito, muito bem feito, muito bem produzido, letras magníficas, literalmente álbum do ano
  6. Jul 30, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Actually listened to this album many times over trying to find its strengths and understand the project, but i can't say it left a great impression on me. Lyrically some songs like Amygdala, People Pt.2 and Snooze stand out, they have great meaning and were touching. Other songs like HUH?! or Haegeum really didn't convince me much at all, it felt like smthg Agust D has already done, but made less impressively.

    It's production-wise that I was the most underwhelmed. I think he has a good ear for guitar melodies & placements, so I liked all the guitar and especially electric guitar parts in the whole project. Haegeum's instruments were interesting in the intro, especially the bass, but the song gets so repetitive that it doesn't convince me in the end. I don't think the songs were that memorable, might be harsh criticism but after seeing his documentary I feel like it explains just how underwhelming the album felt to me, like this might truly be an album born out of artistic burn out, at least compared to his previous release D2 it does Feel different, maybe like it lacks direction, or new inspiration, maybe because he was trying for a more "professional" and "polished" album, who knows. My biggest disappointment with the album was the vocal treatments. There's So much voice effects that each song ends up feeling gratting to me, honestly I feel like it ruins a lot of the album, and like it won't age that well either. Especially harsh because in other songs he's put up in the past, I found his voice matched pretty well w the vocal effects (im talking 'autotune') but in this album, I can't find it good. Overall, I wasn't really floored by his rap either, it didn't particularly feel new or changing, his singing did get better but it's not to the point where it feels like it carries emotion as much as a singer would, so that didn't particularly get me hooked either. He's proved in previous works like Set me Free that his voice Could be emotional, but its something I missed in this album where the vocal effects take over to try and bring out the texture/emotion his voice couldn't give the songs. Maybe that's his personal taste, maybe it's actually that he can't always access this emotional state of singing/rapping unless the emotion is Really overwhelming (artists, you know, it can be pretty tricky), who knows. But my point stands that, musically the project feels quite "simple" in terms of sound, which isn't bad, but it means that a lot of the emotion relies on his vocal performance, & since that didn't convince me, the project just ended up not moving me overall, even just in terms of sound.

    My second biggest disappointment was with the featured artists... These are All artists I've listened to and loved. But I feel like in every song, their potential has been cut so Short, to the point where I listened to each song and could literally feel the potential of it being more interesting than the actual sound I was listening to. I feel like Agust D really just asked them for a part, cut it exactly how he envisionned for the song, added it, and moved on without asking them to listen or add their input, and imo it cuts off so Much of the potential for harmonies, added singing, added adlibs, emotions. Instead I feel like IU's part in People Pt.2 cuts the song too harshly, and like it just shouldn't even be there. And the same goes for Woosung, harsh cut to his singing, absolutely no transition, no other part, no background singing. Maybe j-hope was sparred more from this treatment, his part is pretty long, it sounds good, and some of his adlibs still roam free here and there, but I feel like honestly he could've particpated even more in the overall song and it would've sounded even better. I wish all participants had more freedom to add their own spark to each song. They have the talent, it could've sounded way more cohesive.

    My favorite song overall ended up being SDL which I really didn't expect but I like his flow in it, and I like Adora's voice who has very pretty harmonies, it feels like a whole song with sense and a calm feeling & a little bit of groove - the song is pretty short and doesn't really grow past its intended vibe but I still enjoyed it. Big up to his rap parts in People Pt.2 which did sound good and calming, and to the Interlude, a very pretty song with a great build up and a story musically that I didn't feel in any other song the same way. I'll look out for his next projects and stay curious, though I have a feeling like D-2 might stay his most impactful project in terms of my musical/personal tastes. We'll see !
  7. May 23, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album has 10 songs and each one of them is better than the last. The transition of the mood from the first song to the last is something to call out. It starts more fast-paced and mellows down to softer tones. I have new found love for rap genre and I am glad that D-Day was my initiation! Expand
  8. Jun 21, 2023
    Great album, its fun sad and deep at the same time. This album really helped me and the lyrics are amazing.
  9. Jun 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. D day, siento que es un álbum que a través de sus letras refleja la madurez del rapero. Mi canción favorita es amígdala, más que una canción es un soporte emocional que me acompaña todos los días, asimismo es un abrazo al alma para todos los que hemos tenido traumas y estamos sanando. Expand
  10. Jun 16, 2023
    This album is amazing. I love his lyrics. He is an true and sincere artist.
  11. Jun 16, 2023
    Excellent loved it the album of the year absolutely. Agust d is the best
  12. Jun 15, 2023
    Great album!!! Not usually a person who buys albums but my sister recommended and I enjoyed it from start to finish. Definitely will be checking more of his discography and tuning in! Favorite tracks were Haeguem, SDL, and Life goes on. Agust D is a very cool artist and I would definitely rate it a 10/10. Also the music videos are definitely cool especially since apparently it’s a trilogy!
  13. May 31, 2023
    Agust D a.k.a. SUGA of BTS confirms himself as a versatile artist. The album is produced by him and shows a variety of songs, well crafted and interesting both musically and thematically.

    So we have the upbeat track D-Day, the rap songs Haegeum and HUH?1!, the more intimistic tracks SDL, People Pt 2 and Life goes on, the emotional Amygdala and Snooze, the instrumental Interlude: Dawn, the
    Agust D a.k.a. SUGA of BTS confirms himself as a versatile artist. The album is produced by him and shows a variety of songs, well crafted and interesting both musically and thematically.

    So we have the upbeat track D-Day, the rap songs Haegeum and HUH?1!, the more intimistic tracks SDL, People Pt 2 and Life goes on, the emotional Amygdala and Snooze, the instrumental Interlude: Dawn, the political Polar Night.

    Album’s themes are deep with reflections about freedom of speech, overload of informations in this digital era, depression, loneliness, meaning of love, cost of fame and global exposure, the fatigue and possibility to grow and to heal.

    There are also some amazing collaborations: Rose’s Woosun, the late Oscar winning composer Rjuichi Sakamoto (Snooze) and the band mate J-Hope (UHU?!).

    It’s difficult to name a favorite song because this is an album all to discover with no skip tracks.
  14. May 28, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The songs are not new to me. It's the same as his old songs. Different meaning maybe but not better. I was not impressed by this new album. I wouldn't recommend it personnally. Expand
  15. May 23, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum en solitario, no hay ningún skip. Excelente trabajo por un verdadero artista. Expand
  16. May 23, 2023
    The song d-day is very catchy the beat is ass shaking
  17. May 23, 2023
    A real masterpiece! From an hip-hop vibe to a more chill one and also a R&B one. You can find stronger sounds like in the songs Haegeum, HUH and D-day, but also very calming and comforting words in the song People pt2 and Snooze or very raw and honest lyrics in the song Amygdala. The vibes of SDL are so immaculate in my opinion, the base and the vocals make it the perfect song for a sunsetA real masterpiece! From an hip-hop vibe to a more chill one and also a R&B one. You can find stronger sounds like in the songs Haegeum, HUH and D-day, but also very calming and comforting words in the song People pt2 and Snooze or very raw and honest lyrics in the song Amygdala. The vibes of SDL are so immaculate in my opinion, the base and the vocals make it the perfect song for a sunset car ride. Life goes on brings me so much confort so a big thanks to Agust d/Suga/Min Yoongi for this honest and beautiful project, I’m so proud of him! Expand
  18. May 23, 2023
    The greatest album and the greatest rapper, listen to the album a lot and Stream the album. Let's give him lots of love
  19. May 23, 2023
    He once again prove that he is not only a talented producer and a great composer also a very insightful lyricist . Love the albums concept , let’s focus on the present and not be swamp by overload of information specially in this day & age where we can be connected but at the same time not at all . The álbum not only show us a wide variety of genres ( he sings really good despite beingHe once again prove that he is not only a talented producer and a great composer also a very insightful lyricist . Love the albums concept , let’s focus on the present and not be swamp by overload of information specially in this day & age where we can be connected but at the same time not at all . The álbum not only show us a wide variety of genres ( he sings really good despite being known so far to be a great rapper) , the songs as a whole invite us to question ourselves if we are living this life right ..

    My favorites : Amygdala , People Pt2 , Snooze & Polar Night . Don’t want to leave out the beautiful rendition of Life goes on or Interlude: Dawn

    This album is reflective of modern times , and show us a new spectrum and the fans we certainly can see he will be doing music for a long time, not only with his group but also as a solo is really promising .

    And I think what we saw so far with this trilogy it’s the tip of the iceberg .
  20. May 21, 2023
    Exploring a person's life through art is always fascinating. Agist D's trilogy faithfully fulfills that role.
  21. May 23, 2023
    Raw, personal, and vulnerable. He really put everything out there for everyone to see, and somehow made it work fantastically. He makes rap seem like a form of poetry.
  22. May 23, 2023
    This album is to free yourself from restrictions and leave behind the pain and fears of the past, to move on with life and be happy.
    AGUSTD says that we are not alone, that we can heal our scars
  23. May 23, 2023
    I expected Agust D to give me something better than D2 because that's just how he is. He continues to evolve as an artist. However, he still managed to exceed my expectations. The album consists of songs that contains various topics and messages. His lyricisim always fascinates me. It is very admirable for him to talk about his past struggles in full detail. I appreciate him for sharingI expected Agust D to give me something better than D2 because that's just how he is. He continues to evolve as an artist. However, he still managed to exceed my expectations. The album consists of songs that contains various topics and messages. His lyricisim always fascinates me. It is very admirable for him to talk about his past struggles in full detail. I appreciate him for sharing his story. Thank you for trusting us. Congratulations Agust D for putting out the best album in the world Expand
  24. May 23, 2023
    A very special album with amazing lyrics. I love how agust d songs comforts me and make me feel like i’m not alone.
  25. May 22, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. D-Day is an autobiographical album that is introspective, critical of the times and unravels his pain with music. It's an amazing piece of art that feels the pain of his creation! Expand
  26. May 22, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very deep and thoughtful album…the production in somgs like Snooze, Dday, Haegeum and Polar Night are really good. Lyrically it’s a very thought-provoking album that talks about liberation. Agust D’s rap and vocals were both great. Overall an album that will last in your soul for a long time Expand
  27. May 21, 2023
    No soy un gran fan del rap pero disfrutó este álbum por completo. Para mi, es uno de los mejores álbumes en la industria. Mi álbum favorito de un artista en el Kpop (entre grupos y solistas). Las letras son impresionantes pero incluso sin saberlas funciona bien, totalmente disfrutable.
  28. May 21, 2023
    An emotional, raw and beautiful ending to a great trilogy showcasing once again an artist's vulnerability as a source of inspiration.
  29. May 21, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Another masterpiece from the king of swag himself. The tracks add a lease of life and the stories which were carved into the deepest thoughts of Suga. Expand
  30. May 21, 2023
    Perfect art from the first track to the end of D-Day.
    Fantastic beats and intractable subject lyrics drive me crazy.

Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. May 19, 2023
    Though not as hardcore as D-2 or youthfully raucous as Agust D, D-Day is the most emotionally mature offering from Suga's alter ego to date, carrying him another step forward in his evolution.
  2. Apr 21, 2023
    The story he set out to tell ends up linear and cohesive, remarkably so, even for people who don’t speak Korean and experience the album first solely as a sonic journey. ... This collection is a body of work people will turn to for years to come.
  3. 100
    A rich and varied album that courses from atmospheric instrumentals (‘Interlude : Dawn’) to the smooth groove of ‘SDL’, on ‘D-DAY’ Agust D is an unstoppable, thought-provoking force, wrapping up his trilogy in peak form.