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Universal acclaim- based on 188 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 188
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  1. May 14, 2021
    This album had superb production and the direction for St Vincent is completely different (each era, as always); once again proving she is likely the defining TRUE artist and musician of her generation.

    Predicting another Best Alternative Album win at the GRAMMYs in 2022.
  2. May 14, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Annie do it again! An amazing cohesive album and probably her best album.
    At the holiday party es mind blowing
  3. May 20, 2021
    WOW! This album is really good, very cool 60s and 70s vibes! I adore the production and instrumentation
  4. May 24, 2021
    I don’t remember the last time I heard an entire album without skipping a single track.
  5. May 17, 2021
    Best St. Vincent album since Actor. She's back doing what she does best, shredding on the guitar and writing beautiful (albeit quirky) melodies. I didn't love the last couple albums, despite some strong tracks on both. This is a consistently masterful album - not a bad track on it. It's a slight throwback to the 70's but it also sounds modern. A really impressive set of songs!
  6. May 19, 2021
    Daddy's home, and Annie's back. I mean, oh my god, what a beautiful revelation of an album it is! Especially after MASSEDUCTION. The songs on this are catchy and dark, and always sonically unique. I just love St. Vincent. Thank you for this album, Annie!
  7. May 14, 2021
    This is incredible, the album of the year, amazing, spectacular, never the same, queen of everything.
  8. May 16, 2021
    this album is literally collapse after collapse. If you're not streaming it, do it right now.
  9. May 14, 2021
    Daddy’s home-review by me!

    Pay your way in pain-10/10⭐️ Down and out downtown-10/10⭐️ Daddy’s home-9/10 Live in the dream-10/10⭐️ The melting of the sun-10/10⭐️ Humming(1°)-10/10⭐️ The laughing man-9.5/10⭐️ Down-10/10⭐️ Humming(2°)-10/10⭐️ Somebody like me-10/10⭐️ My baby wants a baby-9.7/10⭐️ …at the holiday party-10/10⭐️ Candy darling-10/10⭐️ Humming(3°)-10/10⭐️ Overall:100⭐️
    Daddy’s home-review by me!

    Pay your way in pain-10/10⭐️
    Down and out downtown-10/10⭐️
    Daddy’s home-9/10
    Live in the dream-10/10⭐️
    The melting of the sun-10/10⭐️
    The laughing man-9.5/10⭐️
    Somebody like me-10/10⭐️
    My baby wants a baby-9.7/10⭐️
    …at the holiday party-10/10⭐️
    Candy darling-10/10⭐️

  10. May 14, 2021
    Essa Mulher realmente sabe como entregar um bom trabalho, esse sem dúvidas é um dos melhores desse ano e amo a forma que me surpreende a cada momento. A produção inspirada nos anos 70's ficou prefeita, toda a estética uma maravilha. Parabéns Annie vc merece toda a aclamação possível!!!!
  11. May 14, 2021
    Under the slightly over production is an album with some of the best song writing in years
  12. May 14, 2021
    Aoty content for sure, St. Vincent never disapoints when it comes to good music, greatfull for her existence in the music industry
  13. May 16, 2021
    Amooo álbum perfeito. St. Vincent lendária em tudo que se propõe a fazer. Obrigado por tudo
  14. May 26, 2021
    The best album of 2021 so far, magnificent and fun. Annie Clark is a queen.
  15. Jun 12, 2021
    Que álbum fantástico, sua energia é de tranquilidade e de uma forma nostálgicas de grandes álbuns do século passado. Digno de vencer Album of the Year no Grammy's.
  16. May 14, 2021
    probably the best album of this year. the production is on another level. everybody say thank u st. vincent
  17. May 18, 2021
    It's something that pushes you off the edge into deep thoughts, you get lost behind the beautiful and intriguing instrumentation on this album. Definitely something I'll keep playing.
  18. May 15, 2021
    i loved the album, is so good. st vincent shifts her sound yet again in a diferent direction
  19. May 14, 2021
    We finally found out who Daddy actually is. It's Annie herself, learning to deal with all kinds of situations on her own and taking control, even when she'd rather probably let someone else deal with those little difficult periods that everyone has in life. Through the animated sound of the seventies she captures her emotions in a completely new manner. Even though some of the songsWe finally found out who Daddy actually is. It's Annie herself, learning to deal with all kinds of situations on her own and taking control, even when she'd rather probably let someone else deal with those little difficult periods that everyone has in life. Through the animated sound of the seventies she captures her emotions in a completely new manner. Even though some of the songs contain some very introspective themes she's never talked about before, it all comes out very chill and vibey. Expand
  20. May 14, 2021
    stupid New York Times didn't get the point that these songs are supposed to sound like they're free, improvised, chill and not engineered. i hate criticis that can't understand the intention of the art.
  21. May 14, 2021
    As always St. Vincent albums have many inventive sounds that are amazing one of my favorite tracks off this album was Down. Arguably the best album of 2021 so far. Hopefully she gets a Grammy for this she deserves it. Also kudos to Jack Antonoff who has been an amazing producer in recent years and working with St. Vincent on this album was a match made in heaven.
  22. May 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Melhor álbum, aclamado! Vamos nos deleitar com esse rico banquete que annie Clark nós serviu. Daddy St vincent. Expand
  23. May 15, 2021
    St. Vincent never disapoints, probably one of the best albums of the year with textures from the early 70s but sounding fresh and innovative like each of her works.
  24. May 15, 2021
    It might be a different sound for Clark, and it takes time getting used to it to die-heart fans. But, it feels like a warm hug. It’s so well crafted and written, for me it’s her best work yet.
  25. May 15, 2021
    The best of St. Vincent! The album transports you to a 70's sound that is beyond the conventional
  26. May 15, 2021
    Great album, likely the album of the year. Critic reviews are focusing too much on the drama surrounding the album, not the actual music, which is incredible.
  27. May 15, 2021
    This was the first St. Vincent album that I listened to (had only previously listened to 2 songs) so I did not know what to expect going into the album. But I loved it so much, especially how psychedelic/bluesy it is. Probably the favourite album I've listened to in 2021 so far.
  28. May 16, 2021
    Um dos melhores trabalhos da Annie (me arrisco a dizer ser o melhor, tarefa quase impossível dada a discografia impecável). Esse álbum te transporta desde o primeiro segundo para os anos 70 e para um universo próprio cheio de personalidade e vida. Cada detalhe nos vocais, na produção e escrita... A Annie tem o talento de criar álbuns atemporais e que não se desgastam e "Daddy's Home" não éUm dos melhores trabalhos da Annie (me arrisco a dizer ser o melhor, tarefa quase impossível dada a discografia impecável). Esse álbum te transporta desde o primeiro segundo para os anos 70 e para um universo próprio cheio de personalidade e vida. Cada detalhe nos vocais, na produção e escrita... A Annie tem o talento de criar álbuns atemporais e que não se desgastam e "Daddy's Home" não é exceção. Destaques: Live in the dream, My Baby Wants a Baby e Down and Out Downtown. 1000/10. Expand
  29. May 18, 2021
    It's a masterpiece, hands down! St vincent used the sounds of the 70s and brought them up to the present in perfect shape. Undoubtedly one of her best works!
  30. May 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Uno de los mejores álbumes del año, y el segundo mejor álbum de Annie en su discografía Thank you St. Vincent Expand
  31. Jun 4, 2021
    Amazing vocals, lyrics and production one of her most beautiful and personal albums.
  32. Nov 13, 2021
    one of the best albums this year, love you annie! the psychedelic feel is just incredible in this album. the melting of the sun is a highlight for sure.
  33. May 15, 2021
    Daddy's Home has got a lot to say, it's about the feeling and the stories more than it is about weirdness, guitar shredding or innovation. Annie goes, as per usual, to a whole another direction [dimension] on her discography and even if she didn't top herself this time, she didn't disappoint giving us a solid, flowy and a whole mood record for ages.
  34. May 27, 2021
    A very beautiful, relaxing, new direction. I enjoyed the Masseduction era, but felt overblown by rigid aesthetic and sounds. Was happy to see Annie take a left turn into new instrumentation. "Down" "Live the Dream" and "...At the Holiday Party" are my favorites! But there isn't a single track I don't enjoy. I think the only thing keeping it from a solid 10 is the tracklist orderA very beautiful, relaxing, new direction. I enjoyed the Masseduction era, but felt overblown by rigid aesthetic and sounds. Was happy to see Annie take a left turn into new instrumentation. "Down" "Live the Dream" and "...At the Holiday Party" are my favorites! But there isn't a single track I don't enjoy. I think the only thing keeping it from a solid 10 is the tracklist order itself- doesn't flow and the 3 interludes are muffled and don't add anything. Actually reorganized the tracklisting in a spotify playlist and removed the interludes and it i now see this album in its 10-rating glory. :) Expand
  35. Jun 19, 2021
    A clear tribute and challenge for psychedelia ("Live In The Dream"), Candy Darling (the song of the same title), patriarchal impositions on women ("My Baby Wants a Baby") and the social frustration of success ( "... At The Holiday Party"). Annie Clark is back more prepared than ever, bringing with her promising, dreamy and splendid products to enjoy as the world returns to her naturalA clear tribute and challenge for psychedelia ("Live In The Dream"), Candy Darling (the song of the same title), patriarchal impositions on women ("My Baby Wants a Baby") and the social frustration of success ( "... At The Holiday Party"). Annie Clark is back more prepared than ever, bringing with her promising, dreamy and splendid products to enjoy as the world returns to her natural state without COVID-19. The instrumentals are from another orbit, frankly; impeccable harmonizations between Annie, her backup singers and her guitar. BRAVO!

    fav tracks: "Down", "The Laughing Man", "Pay Your Way In Pain", "Somebody Like Me" & "Down And Out Downtown"
    KEY-TRACK: "Daddy's Home"
  36. Jun 16, 2021
    A produção impecável principalmente nas músicas que puxam mais pro psicodélico e amei como as letras no geral falam sobre imperfeições e problema do cotidiano de uma forma tão relacionável
  37. May 16, 2021
    St. Vincent has shown that the best is yet to come, however, this is amazing, an instant classic.
  38. May 14, 2021
    Its so good, this album really transports you to the 70's its just awesome k
  39. May 18, 2021
    This is a refreshing release for St Vincent. After a string of very good avant-garde pop-rock albums, it was time for her to go back to live instrumentation. Her creativity put into her last records now is looked through an analogue scope that makes the album reach almost the same heights, while also gaining "familiarity" quality on the other side showcasing the 70's music that inspiredThis is a refreshing release for St Vincent. After a string of very good avant-garde pop-rock albums, it was time for her to go back to live instrumentation. Her creativity put into her last records now is looked through an analogue scope that makes the album reach almost the same heights, while also gaining "familiarity" quality on the other side showcasing the 70's music that inspired the record. Agressive songs, smooth psychedelic songs, epic progressive ballads, catchy vintage pop songs, accelerated songs, etc. You have it all Expand
  40. May 24, 2021
    Wow! Definitely a contender for album of the year. Production is amazing and also very experimental... definitely not your classic rock sound.

    Some songs are a bit slow and sleepy, however the faster paced/more upbeat sounding songs really get your head moving. Some songs on here are a bit chaotic, but in a good way.

    Overall a fantastic album. St Vincent always delivers.
  41. Sep 17, 2021
    Elegant, jazzy, classy. A really mature album where St Vincent talks about her life, her daddy and her struggles. The first song "Pay Your Way in Pain" is an album highlight and one of the best song of the year.
  42. May 22, 2021
    My original rating was a 7/10. I am changing it to 8/10.
    On first listen, I liked the album, but thought it was a little slow and boring. Over the past few days, the record has grown a lot on me. This album is so smooth and lush. Excellent production from Jack Antonoff.
    My favorite songs are: Pay Your Way In Pain, Live In The Dream, The Melting of the Sun, The Laughing Man, My Baby
    My original rating was a 7/10. I am changing it to 8/10.
    On first listen, I liked the album, but thought it was a little slow and boring. Over the past few days, the record has grown a lot on me. This album is so smooth and lush. Excellent production from Jack Antonoff.

    My favorite songs are: Pay Your Way In Pain, Live In The Dream, The Melting of the Sun, The Laughing Man, My Baby Wants A Baby, and ...At The Holiday Party. The humming interludes are cool extras too, interlude 1 is so beautiful.

    I love how St. Vincent changes it up each album. I will be following her for a while.
  43. May 14, 2021
    A bit underwhelming but still entertaining and original. Too one-note, not enough guitar, and lacking Annie's signature weirdness. Better than Marry Me and possibly Actor, but weaker than the rest of her canon.
  44. Aug 19, 2021
    Not knowing what to expect with this album as it was my first from St. Vincent, I am throughly impressed and enjoyed the bulk of the album with the exception of the opener and the title track. The groove and vibe make me think of a smoky room in old school New Orleans. It’s sad without bringing you down. I love what she does with her vocals her as they can be classy, weirdo and everywhereNot knowing what to expect with this album as it was my first from St. Vincent, I am throughly impressed and enjoyed the bulk of the album with the exception of the opener and the title track. The groove and vibe make me think of a smoky room in old school New Orleans. It’s sad without bringing you down. I love what she does with her vocals her as they can be classy, weirdo and everywhere in between. I am going to enjoy listing to this one on repeat as well as exploring her other music. Pay Your Way In Pain - 6
    Down And Out Downtown - 8
    Daddy’s Home - 6
    Live In The Dream - 9
    The Melting Of The Sun - 8 Humming (Interlude 1) - N/A The Laughing Man - 8
    Down - 8
    Humming (Interlude 2) - N/A
    Somebody Like Me - 10
    My Baby Wants A Baby - 9
    …At The Holiday Party - 8
    Candy Darling - 9 Humming (Interlude 3) - N/A 89/110 81/100 B-
  45. Jul 4, 2021
    very very good album
  46. Sep 3, 2021
    I don't know if I like the songs but I like the songwriting and I like the production. I think it is great but not something I would listen to passively.
  47. Feb 18, 2022
    St. Vincent's sixth studio album "Daddy's Home" is a very personal and accessible record thanks to Annie Clark's humorous lyrics. It is musically versatile with elements of groovy funk, guitar rock and even modern electronic music. The impeccable production by Jack Antonoff is also perfectly balanced.

    Unfortunately, some songs need to be pushed in the right direction. In addition, it is
    St. Vincent's sixth studio album "Daddy's Home" is a very personal and accessible record thanks to Annie Clark's humorous lyrics. It is musically versatile with elements of groovy funk, guitar rock and even modern electronic music. The impeccable production by Jack Antonoff is also perfectly balanced.

    Unfortunately, some songs need to be pushed in the right direction. In addition, it is missing a certain sonic sharpness in some places. Overall not as spectacular as the critics say, but still a proper psychedelic record.

    My favorites:
    "The Melting of the Sun"
    "Down and Out Downtown"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    February 18, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Jun 28, 2021
    Weighed down by its own concept and bloated with references, there’s just no room left for emotional reckoning. In the end, we’re better off seeing Daddy's Home as purely an homage to the rich ‘70s funk and psychedelic music scene from somebody who only experienced it secondhand. It’s simply unable to withstand the added complexity of the personal narrative that we were promised.
  2. May 21, 2021
    Daddy's Home takes time to unfold in listeners' imaginations. It's much more of a mood than anything else in her body of work, but its hazy reconciliation of the good and bad of the past makes it as an uncompromising statement from her as ever.
  3. May 19, 2021
    It is her most personal record to date, telling the story of her father’s incarceration and her own fear of parenthood. It is delivered entirely in costume. The best and truest moments on Daddy’s Home are when Clark refuses to play wife or mother.