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Universal acclaim- based on 123 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 123

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  1. Aug 29, 2019
    Criminally underrated, this unique album from Brand New is easily one of the best.
    The album is home to some of the band's most aggressive songs such as "Vices" and "Gasoline", but it balances it out quite nicely with loads of slower, and just as great, songs. Jesse's screams sound as great as his soft singing, and he finds a great balance in the album. The guitars suit their song, with
    Criminally underrated, this unique album from Brand New is easily one of the best.
    The album is home to some of the band's most aggressive songs such as "Vices" and "Gasoline", but it balances it out quite nicely with loads of slower, and just as great, songs. Jesse's screams sound as great as his soft singing, and he finds a great balance in the album. The guitars suit their song, with some great riffs, and the bass is as heavy as Brand New ever went.
    The lyrics are also another highlight, and the album somehow manages to be even more angry, dark and despondent than 'The Devil and God' and by "Noro" he seems to have lost faith in everything. It's as exceptional as ever.
    A few songs on the album are a bit... worse than the rest, not to say they're bad, or anywhere near that, but they just don't compare. Tracks 4-6 are certainly good, hell I really like "You Stole", but they're just not on the level that this album and this band usually offers.
    Overall, this is one of the darkest and angriest albums the band has. It's unfairly underrated for coming in the middle of their two biggest albums, and also being their last one for 8 years. But believe me, this album is quite the trip.
    Favourites: At the Bottom, Noro, Vices
    Least Favourites: Be Gone, Gasoline
  2. Mar 16, 2014
    First time i heard the album i hated it! But seriously NORO got stuck in my head a long with a few other songs... It has a sound that grows on you. You notice something different each time you listen to a song! Good but has its flaws.
  3. Sep 17, 2013
    My least favorite album by my favorite band, but I have no complaints. It takes a while to get into, especially for a long time fan of the Brand New, but once it happens, you begin to appreciate it for what it is and the progression that has made its way from the pop punk beginnings to the sprawling and even haunting hard alternative rock of the present. I'm more interested to see whereMy least favorite album by my favorite band, but I have no complaints. It takes a while to get into, especially for a long time fan of the Brand New, but once it happens, you begin to appreciate it for what it is and the progression that has made its way from the pop punk beginnings to the sprawling and even haunting hard alternative rock of the present. I'm more interested to see where the band goes from this point than I am in any other musical current event. Expand
  4. Sep 25, 2011
    Brand new move slightly away from the utter depth of last album (tdagarim), opting for a more feral , grunge influenced sound., and its brilliant. best tracks - bought a bride, noro, vices, but all quality
  5. Jun 12, 2011
    The natural progression from TDAGARIM, brilliant album structure and songs such and Vices, Sink, In a Jar and the haunting Noro make this a must buy. Best listened to as a whole the album is a Journey only tainted by the 'radio single' At The Bottom, easily the worst song on the album
  6. KimW.
    Oct 3, 2009
    Took a few listens, but now I love it.
  7. LeviH.
    Sep 26, 2009
    Sort of a bastard child between albums two and three, and suffers from the inevitable disjunction in styles. Ultimately, though, and album which has large potential to grow into your subconsious. You may not love every song, but you will probably find yourself humming your favorites without meaning to.
  8. JLR.
    Sep 26, 2009
    Its not a bad album. Its a good album but it doesn't have that special something that made brand new's past albums simply amazing... feels kind of lifeless to me.
  9. HalstonR.
    Sep 25, 2009
    This is exactly what brand new needed to do.
  10. CameronS.
    Sep 25, 2009
    Amazing, not quite as good as devil and god.
  11. ZacharyA.
    Sep 25, 2009
    This is their best album. It's dense, noisy, but beautiful at the same time. good to know that their releasing music for themselves.
  12. joeb.
    Sep 24, 2009
    At first, when i heard this album, i was inclined to agree with everyone that it wasn't par brand new or whatever. BUT you have to take into account that the first three albums were made up of songs written mostly by jesse (with only a couple exceptions). this new album is almost entirely vinnie's work. once i took that into account, i was able to appreciate the album a lot At first, when i heard this album, i was inclined to agree with everyone that it wasn't par brand new or whatever. BUT you have to take into account that the first three albums were made up of songs written mostly by jesse (with only a couple exceptions). this new album is almost entirely vinnie's work. once i took that into account, i was able to appreciate the album a lot more. maybe vin's not the BEST writer around, but this is still a strong album, and i love the art and the experimentation in it. Expand
  13. PatS.
    Sep 24, 2009
    Hold your judgment until you give it a couple listens. It was kind of an unwelcome shock the first time around, but now I've really gotten into it. Doesn't quite manage to surpass the masterpiece that was TDAGARIM, thought
  14. RedM.
    Sep 24, 2009
    They surprise every time. Not as brilliant as "The Devil and God", but almost. Still I'm enjoying the continued evolution and can't wait to listen to this CD over and over and...
  15. MikeC.
    Sep 24, 2009
    Brand New changes up it's style yet again, and it does not fail to dissapoint. Even less mainstream, and it is arguably their best album yet. Songs like Daisy, In a Jar, Sink, Noro, and Vices all emit a post hardcore symphony. Definitely worth checking out if you liked Devil and God or Deja Entendu, or even if your just a fan of the genre. Do not pass up on this album.
  16. RileyW.
    Sep 23, 2009
    The best album to date. The hardcore screaming... everything about it is just awesome!
  17. DaveA.
    Sep 23, 2009
    It didn't stick with me originally but the more I listen to it, the deeper and better I realize it is.
  18. chadn.
    Sep 23, 2009
    It's abstract, and a grower. If you like TDAGARIM then this is an album for you. Just listen and let it take you away.
  19. Gitykins
    Sep 23, 2009
    An extremely good album that needs time to grow. You may not enjoy it the first time through, but the 3rd and 4th listens kick you in the gut with great melodies, intricate and assaulting beats, and heartfelt vocals.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Brand New may not be completely comfortable with the slow stuff, but Daisy's willingness to experiment is what makes the album so interesting, even as its furious rock songs continue to pack a punch.
  2. It's hard for many Brand New superfans to admit, but it's entirely possible that the band simply wrote a good album this time around, not a great one.
  3. Not so much a cohesive statement as an investigation of future stylistic destinations.