• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: May 20, 2016
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  1. May 25, 2016
    Enterro lo que quedaba de selena gomez
    este album demostro que ariana es la patrona de selemierda en to2 los sentidos
    el 2do mejor album de ariana despues de yours arte claro esta :*
  2. May 30, 2016
    Really like the album! Ariana Grande slays on this album and her other albums with her high vocal range and beautiful singing! Songs like Let Me Love You, Be Alright, Everyday and Dangerous Woman. This is an album worth listening to!
  3. Jun 20, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El Abum Es Perfecto Cada Cancion Es Genial En Especia (Let Me Love You,Leave Me Lonely , Dangerous Woman Y Touch It)
    Sin Pensarlo Hubo Un Cambio Perfecto De Los Otros Dos Discos
  4. Aug 7, 2017
    while her voice lacks the tone range of her first two this is her most personal back on her roots with expand on edm pops and rnb with trace on hip hop a album filled compare to my everythings hungry hits this is ari going back from wht my truly defined grandes vocal and hits with a story she also provides tht the songs hve a focus definely her best material a gd worthy work
  5. Nov 17, 2017
    No entiendo porque "Dangerous Woman" tiene tan buena puntuación, es completamente genérico y repetitivo, además de tener una temática sobreexplotada y unas líricas bastante malas.
  6. Aug 10, 2018
    This album is simply pure pop perfection. A gem that did not deserve to be released, as no one would be worthy enough to listen to such a masterpiece. Absolutely stunning and ground-breaking. This is one of those rare albums that has 0 flaws. The best song on this amazing album is Step On Up.
  7. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana proved that she is a pop princess with this Album! She really runs pop! Love this album!
  8. Aug 19, 2018
    She snapped on this album. She really does run pop. We love an amazing album!
  9. Aug 22, 2018
    I like it. It's a great album and it is more mature than her past work. I think that it should have been on no. 1 on Billboard 200.
  10. Nov 27, 2018
    Amazing album. Almost everything is perfect. None of these tracks is a skip. Her vocal is one of the best in the industry. Production is good. The lyrical content still needs to improve.
    Moonlight 10/10(cute and perfect intro)
    Dangerous Woman 9/10(MV is not good... the song itself is good but wonderful) Be Alright 9/10(production is good but the melody is not so good) Into You
    Amazing album. Almost everything is perfect. None of these tracks is a skip. Her vocal is one of the best in the industry. Production is good. The lyrical content still needs to improve.
    Moonlight 10/10(cute and perfect intro)
    Dangerous Woman 9/10(MV is not good... the song itself is good but wonderful)
    Be Alright 9/10(production is good but the melody is not so good)
    Into You 10/10(pop perfection)
    Side To Side (feat. Nicki Minaj) 9.5/10(great, Nicki's verse improves this track)
    Let Me Love You (feat. Lil Wayne) 8/10(fair, Wayne's verse doesn't work)
    Greedy 9/10(good but sounds like a remix of an old song)
    Leave Me Lonely (feat. Macy Gray) 9.5/10(vocal is incredible but for me Macy sounds too different from Ariana)
    Everyday (feat. Future) 9/10(good track but too commercial, Future sounds not good)
    Sometimes 9.5/10(melody is great and the guitar works perfectly)
    I Don't Care 9.5/10(a huge grower)
    Bad Decisions 9.5/10(love it personally)
    Touch It 10/10(one of the best tracks, deserves much better)
    Knew Better / Forever Boy 9/10(Knew Better is 9.5 and Forever Boy is 8.5)
    Thinking Bout You 10/10(love the production and the vocal)
    She really has the potential to be a diva and create a wonderful album. Although Sweetener is not good enough, Thank u, next will be wonderful.
  11. May 22, 2019
    she can never do a bad album i’m sure of it! she definitely hasn’t yet!!!!!
  12. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. es la indiscutible princesa del pop, la patrona de seleperro gomez, ninguna se le iguala Expand
  13. Aug 24, 2019
    Lixo de álbum
    Péssimo, péssimo, péssimo. Sem sombra de dúvidas é um dos piores álbuns que já ouvi. Lembras bobas e infantis, sem conceito, nada de importante pra história.
  14. Aug 30, 2019
    this album definitely flopped. nobody remembers it in 2019. we all laughed, didn't we?
  15. Jan 10, 2020
    Dangerous woman é aquele famoso álbum onde a princesa do pop mostra sua face mais hot, eu amei.
  16. Feb 12, 2020
    Reina del pop, Aridiosa, arimesias, arijesús, ariarte, ariversarilidad, aritalento
  17. Aug 29, 2020
    A solid album from one of pop's best is the best way to describe it. A must listen
  18. Jul 28, 2020
    So much hype around this album and this artist but with very little attraction for me.
  19. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana Grande nos demuestra una vez mas su talento y la gran aplicación vocal. Expand
  20. Aug 28, 2020
    Glorioso, artístico, dançante, poderoso.
    Dangerous Woman é definitivamente um álbum pop INCRÍVEL. Todas as faixas trazem sensações diferentes e inesperadas. É um álbum bem construído e trabalhado, coeso e maduro.
  21. Aug 29, 2020
    Definitely Ari´s best album ever, all the songs are incredible catchy and joyful, Greedy deserved single treatment.
  22. Oct 28, 2020
    This is the album, we can't expect more from the new pop princess. All songs are art, there aren't any. It's the best album of all time, I love it.
  23. Jun 1, 2021
    Pop perfectionnnn! such fresh rhythms and out of this world songs from Grande
  24. Aug 27, 2016
    Eu serei sucinto em descrever a principal classificar o novo álbum da Ariana Grande: um dos melhores trabalhos do ano. Em Dangerous Woman, o seu terceiro álbum em apenas três anos, Ariana atinge a sua maturidade artística com uma coleção, quase, perfeita da mais fina mistura de pop/R&B.

    Ainda é difícil acreditar que aquele jovem cantora/atriz que ficou conhecida devido a sua
    Eu serei sucinto em descrever a principal classificar o novo álbum da Ariana Grande: um dos melhores trabalhos do ano. Em Dangerous Woman, o seu terceiro álbum em apenas três anos, Ariana atinge a sua maturidade artística com uma coleção, quase, perfeita da mais fina mistura de pop/R&B.

    Ainda é difícil acreditar que aquele jovem cantora/atriz que ficou conhecida devido a sua participação em uma série voltada ao público teen poderia se tornar em tão pouco tempo um dos maiores nomes do pop mundial. Acontece que Ariana trilhou um caminho impressionante: primeiro, veio o surpreendente muito bom debut Yours Truly em que "imitava" grandes nomes da música, logo em seguida a cantora se solidifica com a modernização da sua sonoridade com o bom My Everything e agora comprova o seu talento e evolução com essa perola pop chamada Dangerous Woman. A equação para esse resultado é até simples, mas extremamente complicada de se colocar em prática: a união do talento de Ariana com um excepcional gerenciamento de carreira. Tudo isso é visto nitidamente no novo trabalho e é o que dá o tom ao álbum.

    Em um ano com vários álbuns conceituais, Dangerous Woman segue a linha do bom velho álbum pop com faixas feitas para virarem singles e outras que estão lá apenas para "preencher" espaço. Todavia, não acredite que isso seja uma qualidade menor, pois a construção do álbum é um dos seus grandes triunfos. Existe uma fluência desde a primeira faixa até as últimas das versões especiais que transforma Dangerous Woman uma experiência agradável e cativante de se ouvir. Além disso, a produção acerta em continuar a investir na sonoridade que vem consagrando Ariana, mas com algumas adições importantes que fazem a total diferença na evolução da cantora.

    Nas mãos de relativamente poucos produtores, entre eles Max Martin, Dangerous Woman torna-se uma coleção certeira de faixas pop/R&B que trafegam entre as influências mais antigas e as contemporâneas de maneira sutil e harmônica. A atmosfera do trabalho resulta, então, em uma estética elegante, sexy sem ser vulgar e com batidas refinadas e de um amadurecimento gigantesco, mostrando o atual momento na vida de Ariana. Não imagine que por ser um álbum comercial Dangerous Woman irá conter músicas com acabamentos feitos apenas para ter apelo de vendas, pelo contrário, pois, além do cuidado visível com a instrumentalização, existe a preocupação em criar uma identidade para cada faixa. Flertando com reggae, gospel, hip hop e vários estilos de música eletrônica, a produção buscou entregar experiências novas para a sonoridade da cantora sem perder de vista o caminho percorrido pela cantora. As escolhas feitas para incrementar o álbum são outro fator de elogios.

    Ao total são quatro colaborações em Dangerous Woman e todas delas funcionam perfeitamente, apesar de não terem a mesma qualidade individual. Ao lado do rapper Future, Ariana entrega a sombria e sexy R&B/hip hop com toques de eletrônico Everyday. Em Let Me Love You, a surpresa fica por conta do R&B contemporâneo Let Me Love You com a presença de Lil Wayne que, apesar de continuar com todos os seus "tiques" irritantes, funciona muito bem. Agora, os outros momentos são dois dos melhores momentos do álbum: Side to Side com a Nicki Minaj e Leave Me Lonely com Macy Gray. Na terceira parceria com a rapper, Ariana entrega uma deliciosa mistura de pop com reggae que quebra expectativas com as escolhas inusitadas como, por exemplo, Ariana se mostrando mais sexual e Nicki não fazendo apenas um verso rap no meio, mas, na verdade, cantar uma parte da canção. Em Leave Me Lonely, uma poderosa e dramática soul music em que a participação marcante de Macy ajuda a criar uma canção avassaladora. Outra escolha importante é não dar Ariana uma "baladona" simplesmente para ela mostrar o seu poder vocal. A cantora pode fazer isso de outras maneiras como, por exemplo, mostrando a sua versatilidade em várias faixas. E nesse quesito, Ariana continua a ser a melhore cantora jovem da atualidade.

    Ao saber usar todo o seu poder vocal nos momentos certos, Ariana abre portas para explorar todas as nuances que a sua voz possui. Em Dangerous Woman, a cantora encarna uma mulher poderosa que, dona de si, sensual e, principalmente, completamente ciente do seu instrumento e como usa-lo seja ao mostrar o seu lado delicado ou nos que precisam de todo o seu alcance vocal. Essa vibe de empoderamento feminino é uma das temáticas do álbum que contém as melhores letras da carreira da cantora, refletindo o momento da cantora sem perder o apelo radiofônico. O exemplo de tudo é uma faixa que, não apenas se transformou na melhor da carreira de Ariana, mas, até o momento, uma das melhores de 2016: a genial dance pop Into You que merece se transformar no sucesso do ano. Além das faixas já citadas outros momentos de destaque do álbum são o single homônimo Dangerous Woman, a soul/eletrônica Be Alright, a divertida Greedy e o seu toque de anos noventa, a pop Touch It, a dois em uma Knew Better/Forever Boy com um recado claro para algum ex-namorado e a "old school" Jason's Song (Gave It Away). Dangerous Woman ajuda a transformar Ariana Grande na artista que ela prometeu ser quando surgiu e vai além ao a colocar com uma das maiores forças femininas do pop. E isso tudo em apenas três anos.
  25. Jun 1, 2016
    Desde que se lançou mundialmente no seu ''Yours Turly'' de 2013, Ariana Grande, que então flertava com R&B e soul music, recebia comparações com grandes vocalistas contemporâneas como Mariah Carey e Christina Aguilera.
    No seu 3º álbum de estúdio, ''Dangerous Woman'', Grande permanece dentro do terreno bem sucedido do ''My Everything'' lançado há 2 anos atrás, em 2014, onde ela flerta
    Desde que se lançou mundialmente no seu ''Yours Turly'' de 2013, Ariana Grande, que então flertava com R&B e soul music, recebia comparações com grandes vocalistas contemporâneas como Mariah Carey e Christina Aguilera.
    No seu 3º álbum de estúdio, ''Dangerous Woman'', Grande permanece dentro do terreno bem sucedido do ''My Everything'' lançado há 2 anos atrás, em 2014, onde ela flerta ainda com os vestígios de R&B do primeiro disco, mas com muito mais faixas de distintos gêneros e uma nova persona pop de Britney Spears. Seguindo rumo contrário ao de Beyoncé com seu ''Lemonade'' ou ''Anti'' da barbadiana Rihanna, onde as artistas optaram por trazer álbuns polidamente conceituais, Ariana faz aquele tradicional pop de tocar nas rádios e enjoar. Mas o que a permite, que aqui se prova uma artista versátil, é que o álbum convence e traz uma enxurrada de boas faixas e potenciais hits.
    O álbum começa muito bem, com faixas como ''Moonlight'', ''Be Alright'' e a ótima e diferente ''Leave Me Lonely'' que conta com a participação de Macy Gray, mas o brilho do disco se perde da metade pro fim.
    Ariana ainda não é perigosa, mas ''Dangerous Woman'' serve pra marcar a moça em uma fase de construção efetiva de uma personalidade musical, personalidade essa que já era conquistada em ''My Everything'', mas aqui o diferencial é que a artista não fica dividida entre ser madura e inexperta, aqui ela tem certeza e tem desejos. Os seus passos são curtos, porém firmes.

    1. Moonlight 90/100
    2. Dangerous Woman 80/100
    3. Be Alright 90/100
    4. Into You 85/100
    5. Side To Side (feat. Nicki Minaj) 60/100
    6. Let Me Love You (feat. Lil Wayne) 75/100
    7. Greedy 75/100
    8. Leave Me Lonely (feat. Macy Gray) 90/100
    9. Everyday (feat. Future) 80/100
    10. Sometimes 65/100
    11. I Don't Care 75/100
    12. Bad Decisions 50/100
    13. Touch It 75/100
    14. Knw Better / Forever Boy 60/100
    15. Thinking Bout You 50/100

  26. Dec 25, 2016
    Dangerous Woman is much better album than My Everything. Songs that really stands out for me are: Moonlight (such a beautiful song), Dangerous Woman, Side to Side, Greedy, Thinking About You and Focus (I count as this song appears on the album). Perfect album!!!
  27. May 21, 2016
    Dangerous Woman is Grande's finest album to date. After trying with different sounds in her previous album, Grande maybe found what her sound is. With a 90's vibe and R&B sounds that may remind someone to Mariah Carey, this album shows what Grande can do.
  28. May 22, 2016
    An unbelievably good package with something for everyone, from the smooth reggae of 'Side to Side' to the powerhouse ballad "Leave Me Lonely" Ariana delivers an impeccably crafted record.
  29. May 28, 2016
    a more matured return for Ariana Grande, with what is essentially her best album to date. Dangerous Woman essentially combines a darker sounding sense of catchy pop to make an album of more... togetherness, rather than throw in a few smash-hits alongside tracks of lesser quality and in some senses memorability such as her last album 'My Everything'. She doesn't fail to strike a good movea more matured return for Ariana Grande, with what is essentially her best album to date. Dangerous Woman essentially combines a darker sounding sense of catchy pop to make an album of more... togetherness, rather than throw in a few smash-hits alongside tracks of lesser quality and in some senses memorability such as her last album 'My Everything'. She doesn't fail to strike a good move more than the fair share of times on this one, nice one. Expand
  30. May 21, 2016
    This album gave me life! Song are not so commercial as in My Everything, and after all, Dangerous Woman delivers song that are catchy and with an outstanding quality. You Go Ari!
  31. May 21, 2016
    Just... speechless omg Touch It, Bad Decisions, Sometimes there's no way out to describe the atmosphere these songs got me into what an amazing body of work.
  32. Dec 22, 2017
    Dangerous Woman was a fun album. The first cut of the album well the title song was pretty good, nothing to complain about and then the album came out and I said the same exact thing. Overall it's a pop album. It's not extraordinary but it's a pretty fun time.
  33. Oct 12, 2017
    Ariana's vocal performance is just as powerful here as it has always been, and blend that with strongly produced songs that hit just the right notes and the album delivers just what every Ariana fan wants.
  34. Oct 3, 2016
    It starts with Moonlight that showcases what Grande should be, it lives up within its 5 or 6 first tracks, then it flies lower and finally terribly hits the ground.
  35. Jun 4, 2016
    After a great pop album Ariana Grande gets more sexy and wild in this album.I really enjoyed 2014's My Everything.She delivers very strong vocals in this album.Title track "Dangerous Woman" is the most promising song she ever made.The vocals,guitar riffs,beats everything about this song is perfect.Songs like "Be Alright","Into You" and Nicki Minaj featured "Side To Side" are great popAfter a great pop album Ariana Grande gets more sexy and wild in this album.I really enjoyed 2014's My Everything.She delivers very strong vocals in this album.Title track "Dangerous Woman" is the most promising song she ever made.The vocals,guitar riffs,beats everything about this song is perfect.Songs like "Be Alright","Into You" and Nicki Minaj featured "Side To Side" are great pop tunes.Unfortunately this album has too many fillers.Songs like "Leave Me Lonely","Bad Decisions","Everyday" doesn't go well with Ariana Grande's style and they sound pointless.Overall this album is a great follow up to My Everything and it sounds promising. Expand
  36. Nov 8, 2016
    A superb album. Refined, sophisticated pop. Vocal control is immense. Grande has got a slew of potential top 5's under her sleeve. I personally feel this effort is far more commendable than her debut.
  37. May 23, 2016
    This album is near perfect. Where as My Everything was an unfocused (but still good) pop record, Grande picks up where she left off from her debut, but with more progression in her sound, maturity and confidence. And of course, that voice of hers is pitch perfect as usual. It's a must listen for sure!
  38. Aug 15, 2016
    This album is first-rate, Ariana is more focus on her career, her vocals is **** good, whoever said her is at worst? Congratulations Ariana, you're incredible. Don't forget, come back to Brasil.
  39. Oct 2, 2017
    Ariana has one of the best pop albums ever between her co-workers of the same era, showing a lot of maturing and putting her in another level. She’s incredible vocally and has showed how she plays, dangerously, with DW.
  40. Dec 23, 2016
  41. May 23, 2016
    Completamente maravilhado com a qualidade das suas novas músicas, cada umas com sua peculiaridade e um pouco de tudo acompanha o novo álbum. Fico feliz que artistas como a Ariana Grande vem ganhando cada vez mais o seu espaço na industria musical.
  42. May 20, 2016
    Just beautiful, the album is full of deep and emotional songs. It's easy to see how much Ariana worked for this album and how beautiful and artistic is.
  43. Jul 17, 2016
    Grande's third LP sucessfully delivers a woman whose main purpose it's to have fun, delivering slow (and sexy as hell) jams and club bangers, fillers asided.
  44. Oct 14, 2019
    This is a great narrative built through a sense of attraction coming from someone else. Great is shown to have great vocal skills with "Touch It" the apex of their cohesive work.
  45. May 28, 2016
    A girlish album which mostly caters to the needs of teenagers. I'm not so impressed with the album beacuse she promised so much in "My Everything". She may say she's "musically obsessed" but she hasn't proved her abilities yet. She needs to do something in a more artistic way rather than selling these regular pop sounds. I want more. Something is still missing that was abundant in "MyA girlish album which mostly caters to the needs of teenagers. I'm not so impressed with the album beacuse she promised so much in "My Everything". She may say she's "musically obsessed" but she hasn't proved her abilities yet. She needs to do something in a more artistic way rather than selling these regular pop sounds. I want more. Something is still missing that was abundant in "My Everything". "Just A Little Bit of (Her) Heart" is all that's needed in the album. Anyway, it's Ariana's beautiful and exceptional vocal delivery which shines throughout the album. Her vocals are the heart and soul of the album. The perfect harmonies add to the beauty of the album.
    Favourite Tracks - "Dangerous Woman", "Thinking Bout You", "Moonlight", "Be Alright", "I Don't Care", "Into You".
    Jewel of the album - "Thinking Bout You"
  46. May 25, 2016
    An excellent pop album, that proves that Ariana became a mature woman, with this album full of great tracks, the only one I didn't enjoy to listen is "I Don't Care", I'm really glad it has a higher metacritic score than Tankvival and Dead Petz.
  47. May 24, 2016
    Grande's third album is definitely a big step for her. Dangerous Woman shows Grande's soaring vocals and a new, mature side of her (that we haven't really seen), while giving the listeners what they paid for. Grande's third album is a success to critics and her audience.
  48. Jun 27, 2021
    NOTE: Review originally posted on May 20, 2016 with a 10/10 score. Revised June 27, 2021 with a 7/10 score.

    I have been a fan of Ariana since her Victorious days, and I've been waiting a while for this album. I was very pleased when I listened to this album. Each song is different from each other, but not totally different. This is her most mature album yet. My favorites are Sometimes,
    NOTE: Review originally posted on May 20, 2016 with a 10/10 score. Revised June 27, 2021 with a 7/10 score.

    I have been a fan of Ariana since her Victorious days, and I've been waiting a while for this album. I was very pleased when I listened to this album. Each song is different from each other, but not totally different. This is her most mature album yet. My favorites are Sometimes, Touch It, Greedy, and Thinking Bout You. Give this album a listen it's 100% worth it.
  49. Jun 14, 2016
    Solid pop album. I love Ariana's Voice. And she has some pretty decent music.
    Not very original or creative but it's a solid pop album that is well worth your time.
  50. Jun 15, 2016
    Ariana Grande has obviously grown since her previous album. This album shows a lot of maturity and artistic growth, wit many catchy hits provided. Although it may not have the same irresistible as My Everything, it still by far surpasses it. Best Songs: DW, Into You, Side to Side, Greedy, Bad Decisions. Worst Songs: Let Me Love You, Leave Me Lonely
  51. Jul 5, 2016
    Great, varied sounds and comparison with the album varied she looks more mature Ariana, except that it shows that been improving her vocal technique in general it to state outdoing itself, for example, on the first album had written 3 of 5 songs while now composed 11 of 15.
  52. Jul 31, 2016
    I am literally in love with this album ! All song are unique, catchy, we can easily dance with this album ! A real great work from Ariana ! Moonlight is a great intro then there is a powerfull trend thanks to Dangerous Woman, Greedy, Bad Decisions... ! And the featuring with Nicki Minaj on Side to Side is amazing !
  53. Nov 2, 2018
    Despite some amazing songs the album overall is a very mixed bag that ends up feeling very average with a large chunk of the album being very forgettable. Favourites on the album include Into You, Touch It and Thinking Bout You
  54. Oct 15, 2016
    After a not so good My Everything, Ariana kills it with Dangerous Woman. I was kind of disappointed with Focus, but she really wins the game with this album. Shes not afraid of trying new things and putting her touch on her songs. Dangerous Woman is mature, fresh and sassy. Ariana is more alive than ever and definetely this is the best album she ever made. Amazing voice, talented girl.After a not so good My Everything, Ariana kills it with Dangerous Woman. I was kind of disappointed with Focus, but she really wins the game with this album. Shes not afraid of trying new things and putting her touch on her songs. Dangerous Woman is mature, fresh and sassy. Ariana is more alive than ever and definetely this is the best album she ever made. Amazing voice, talented girl. Cant wait for the tour. Expand
  55. Dec 24, 2017
    I love it. Her vocals are wonderfully beautiful. I like every single song on this album.
  56. Aug 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best Ariana Grande album by date, and show she is now a grow woman.
    Best tracks:
    1 - Be Alright
    2 - Greedy
    3 - Side to Side (ft. Nicki Minaj)
    4 - Into You
    5 - Be Alright
  57. Aug 31, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is clearly one of the best albums of 2016, if not the best. It features different sounds and genres in each song, but all are connected with each other. It feels way more mature than every album Ariana has released.

    "Moonlight" is a sweet, feminine ballad and makes up for a great intro. But everything changes when "Dnagerous Woman" comes up. This empowering song justify the album's title; it feels dangerous. After the danger, "Be Alright" comes up and makes us relax, with it's house sounds. "Into You" follows up and with its production, it makes us want to dance non-stop to its beat. Definitely the best song on the album. At least this is what I was thinking of it, until "Side To Side" featuring Nicki Minaj came up. This song features a reggae sound which makes us want to move our head from side to side! A bop! "Let Me Love You" featuring Lil Wayne is a cool song, that works as an intermission from the dance beats. But this won't last too long, because "Greedy" is the next song. A dance-pop track, coming from the late 80's, with a catchy, but unfortunately a little boring, beat is what we need now! With "Leave Me Lonely" featuring Macy Grey, Ariana gives us a taste of what her voice can do and she delivers. "Everyday" featuring Future is a really cool song, but for some ears, the sound might seem a little "hard". For me is pure perfection! "Sometimes" follows up, a nice produced ballad that makes us want to fall asleep, even though if we listen to it a couple of times it may become our favorite. "I Don't Care" seems like a song that the album could have done without it. It's a ballad that is not catchy and boring. With "Bad Decisions" we get to know the **** version of Ariana and it actually is really impressing! "Touch It" features a really mature and different sound, that by the time I heard it, I wondered why this was not selected as the lead single of the album! Definitely worth listening. "Knew Better / Forever Boy" is a really gorgeous track, but I would rather they were two different songs. In order to close this era, Ariana chose "Thinking Bout You" a sweet vocal perfection, that really makes us hungry for new music!

    In a nutshell, "Dangerous Woman" is the best album Ariana has ever put out. Strong enough but yet not out of point, it is a perfection. Worth Buying.
  58. Mar 5, 2017
    What really came to me whilst listening to this album, is mostly Ariana Grande's maturity throughout this record. She's no longer trying to be a role model which in result, makes this album more believable in Ariana's messages about having sex everyday (Everyday) and her lovers (Thinking Bout You). What really surprised me in this album is subliminal curse words and references to society'sWhat really came to me whilst listening to this album, is mostly Ariana Grande's maturity throughout this record. She's no longer trying to be a role model which in result, makes this album more believable in Ariana's messages about having sex everyday (Everyday) and her lovers (Thinking Bout You). What really surprised me in this album is subliminal curse words and references to society's issues that a family-friendly artist would NOT talk about in their music (Taylor Swift).

    Best Song(s) -
    Dangerous Woman
    Into You
    Side To Side ft. Nicki Minaj
    Be Alright
    I Don't Care
    Thinking Bout You
    Bad Decisions
    Everyday ft. Future

    Wost Song(s) -
  59. Sep 10, 2016
    This album is a bomb compared to its predecessor, everything that My Everything tried to be is better and more confident on Dangerous Woman, this multi-genre pop album with some electro-nuances is a phenomenal comeback.
  60. Sep 9, 2016
    Moonlight - 10
    Dangerous Woman -10
    Be Alright - 9
    Into You - 10
    Side To Side - 10
    Let Me Love You - 8
    Greedy - 10
    Leave Me Lonely - 10
    Everyday - 8
    Sometimes - 9
    I Don't Care - 10
    Bad Decisions - 10
    Touch It - 10
    Knew Better / Forever Boy - 8
    Thinking 'Bout You - 7
    Step On Up - 8
    Jason's Song (Gave It Away) - 10

    Final Score - 9.2
  61. Oct 30, 2016
    The best album of the year
    I'm so in proud of this girl, every song that she does are too much wonderful for me and this album is her revolution. I loved this.
  62. Aug 23, 2018
    Truly great pop album. Between the genius of Max Martin and the vocal abilities of Ariana, this is definitely worth checking out. I recommend the following tracks:

    Dangerous Woman
    Into You
    Touch It
    Leave Me Lonely
  63. Oct 21, 2016
    Ohh my good ariana killed it with dangerous woman it is **** amazing, it deserves to be nominated next year grammy's album of the year, it would be the first grammy of ariana
  64. Oct 22, 2016
    Ariana shows a high level of her voice with not boring rhythms and exotic lyrics with great collaborations. She's amazing!
    "Dangerous Woman" is sexier and edgier. You can listen to it from start to finish and not get bored at a single track.
    Este álbum es calidad pura
  65. Nov 7, 2016
    The album, "Dangerous Woman" shows how Ariana Grande has grown musically. She realized that she needed as an artist. She has done a great deal of emphasis on this album to your voice and pop sound. Songs pop all, of the same type built by the scheme = start + verse + chorus + verse + chorus 2 + bridge + chorus. I fell in love with the release of the song "Be Alright", "Into You",
    The album, "Dangerous Woman" shows how Ariana Grande has grown musically. She realized that she needed as an artist. She has done a great deal of emphasis on this album to your voice and pop sound. Songs pop all, of the same type built by the scheme = start + verse + chorus + verse + chorus 2 + bridge + chorus. I fell in love with the release of the song "Be Alright", "Into You", "Touch It". Actually, this is the very pop song,
  66. Nov 28, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a good album, it has variations of rhythms and tunes, its rhythms like Into You, Touch it, Side to Side, Bad Desicion, Everyday are catchy, as well as Greedy, Dangerous Woman, I Do not Care , Let Me Love You that has a quiet tune but mixed with catchy and crazy, Similarly Moonlight, Sometimes, Knew Better / Forever Boy, Thiking Bout You Leave Me Loney & Be Alright
    In itself the album is very well structured and varied in tunes and rhythms
  67. Nov 30, 2016
    This is her best album so far. We could see the feminine and adulthood her music become. Of all the pop album released this year, hers is one of the most catchy and must listen. She needs more power on her voice though.

    My Top 3;
    1. Leave Me Lonely
    2. Into You
    3. Side to Side
  68. Dec 5, 2016
  69. Dec 14, 2016
    Desde o Yours Truly eu sentia falto de algo mais doce, suave e romântico. O My Everything foi um álbum íncrivel, eu adorei todas as músicas e a animação, mas senti falta de toda aquela calmaria do Yours Truly. Em seu terceiro álbum de estúdio, Dangerous Woman, Ariana Grande provou que foi capaz de unir algo sensual com algo mais calmo. Nesse mesmo álbum temos músicas sensuais como "Side ToDesde o Yours Truly eu sentia falto de algo mais doce, suave e romântico. O My Everything foi um álbum íncrivel, eu adorei todas as músicas e a animação, mas senti falta de toda aquela calmaria do Yours Truly. Em seu terceiro álbum de estúdio, Dangerous Woman, Ariana Grande provou que foi capaz de unir algo sensual com algo mais calmo. Nesse mesmo álbum temos músicas sensuais como "Side To Side", "Into You" e "Dangerous Woman" e também "Thinking Bout You" e "Touch It", músicas calmas. Ela também fundiu em uma música só, fazendo "Leave Me Lonely" e "Sometimes". Expand
  70. Dec 21, 2016
    Este álbum posiblemente es el peor que ha hecho de los tres que ha lanzado. El sonido es bueno y diferente comparándolo con "My Everything", pero las letras y la imagen que Grande está llevando, son horribles. Simplemente con ver lo que dice "Side to Side", "Dangerous Woman" o "Into You" te da un desagrado terrible. Además que el álbum solo es puro relleno, a partir de "Sometimes" el discoEste álbum posiblemente es el peor que ha hecho de los tres que ha lanzado. El sonido es bueno y diferente comparándolo con "My Everything", pero las letras y la imagen que Grande está llevando, son horribles. Simplemente con ver lo que dice "Side to Side", "Dangerous Woman" o "Into You" te da un desagrado terrible. Además que el álbum solo es puro relleno, a partir de "Sometimes" el disco se vuelve aburrido ya que es pura canción mal hecha. Lo único rescatable es "Be Alright", "Greedy" y "Bad Decisions" de ahí en fuera, horrible el disco. Expand
  71. Dec 25, 2016
    Great record work surprised me wow go if it has improved every day we are surprised more these talented people not simply listeners but all wooooooooooooooooooowww
  72. Jan 10, 2017
    Este album es increible, algunas canciones son muy sensuales, otras tienen un toque magico, y algunas te pueden hacer caer lagrimas y todo eso acompañado de la grandiosa VOS de Ariana Grande
  73. Feb 6, 2017
    Great vocal evolution. Great diversification of tracks, and best vocal of the present time. Tracks like Into You and Touch It are some of the artist's best as well as 2016! Congratulations!
  74. Feb 10, 2017
    Este álbum es fenomenal, tiene excelentes canciones con excelentes letras también, mi favorita del álbum es Touch It, estoy seguro de que el álbum ganará el grammy.
  75. Mar 18, 2017
    En Dangerous Woman he escuchadoa una Ariana Grande que desde luego ha avanzado desde aquel irregular y delicado My Everything, y por supuesto estoy delante de uno de los mejores álbumes de pop que he escuchado: variedad de sonidos, sin relleno, buena producción ... pero a pesar de todo Ari sigue siendo ella, y eso es lo que hace a su nuevo álbum un producto sobresaliente.
  76. Jul 23, 2017
    Absolutely AMAZING. Ariana has outdone herself. She learned from her mistakes in My Everything and it shows. With songs like Touch It, Into You, Greedy, Thinking Bout You, and even the title track, this album is gonna hard one for her to top (looks at AG4). Really hope Ariana keeps the same style for the upcoming album. Hands down the best ex-act to date.
  77. Jul 10, 2017
    Moonlight - 8
    Dangerous Woman - 9
    Be Alright - 7
    Into You - 10
    Side to Side - 8
    Let Me Love You - 7
    Greedy - 8
    Leave Me Lonely - 8
    Everyday - 7
    Bad Decisions - 10
    Thinking Bout You - 9

    score: 8,2
  78. Apr 5, 2017
    Such a voice! She is so underrated and her album always shows her amazing voice. She is capable of hitting high notes but in this album she also explores her low notes (for example in "Into You"). She can express the feelings of the songs she is singing. LOVE HER.
  79. Jul 28, 2019
    Dangerous Woman features some great vocals and nice features. It's also a pop album; feels bland, safe and commercial, coming off preachy even at times.
  80. Jun 24, 2017
    One of the best albums of 2016! The album is amazing it has a lot of good songs, she has grown so much as a solo artist, definitely one of the best singers of our generation!
  81. Jul 1, 2017
    is so very very very veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good, better than others albums that out in the last year (2016), ariana always launch good music that i say DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNN i in love with it. amazeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddd.
  82. Aug 4, 2017
  83. Jul 15, 2017
    Ariana Grande is one of the greatest singers currently. She sings with ease, there are no songs that we speak: "the worst, the best". The album Dangerous Woman is the certainty of what I say. The songs are perfect. From Moonlight to Thinking Bout You (the best of them all). I'm waiting for the next album!
  84. Jul 18, 2017
    good album............................................................................................................................................................
  85. Nov 20, 2017
    Best album of 2016. Ariana once again kills the competition with an overall amazing album with amazing standouts like Into You, Thinking Bout You, and Touch It.
  86. Aug 13, 2017
    Es sin duda una de las biblias del pop, no suena muy diferente a My Everything, pero no deja de ser genial y único, tiene un sonido tan bueno, que no hacen querer cambiar de canción.
  87. Jul 25, 2017
    A really great album, with great production and vocals. Grande proves that she is capable to sing in a lot of different genres, and be good in them. Plus the album featured artist are amazing, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Macy Gray & Future. I love them all but my favorite songs are Greedy, Be Alright, Into You, Love Me Lonely and Dangerous Woman. Good work! You're my idol.
  88. Jul 25, 2017
    This is her best album so far! All songs in this album are beautiful and they are all pop perfections. I love how Ariana grow up in the music, and I hope she still growing up in the next years, because she deserves this career and she need to still bless us with this masterpieces!
  89. May 18, 2018
    only perfect songs, Ariana is so fantastic!
    Touch It, Knew Better, Into You and Greedy is the most powerfull songs, that's it
  90. Aug 11, 2017
    Hdbdhdjdndjfjnfbfjdbfjfdbfjfjfnfbjfnfbfbfbfbfjfbfbhbfbfjfbfbfjfbfbfjfjfbfhjfbfjfnejfjfbdndnjfbdndjfbdbdnj THINKING BOUT YOU IS ART MASTERPIECE MERECE SER SINGLE
  91. Sep 14, 2017
    This is a masterpiece! oh God, I really love the way she sing with her strong voice and the energy on ''Greedy'' "Into you" and "touch it" is Ridiculous, I love enjoy this album,.
  92. Sep 20, 2017
    Speechless. Perfection. My heart is 100% happy and grateful to hear a collection so rich in production. I could feel every word spoken in these songs. Is Ariana an angel? Am I in heaven? Thank you, Dangerous Woman.
  93. Sep 22, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a totally different album with a great vocal quality and with great potential for grammy's, excellent and quality collaborations something that the other singers wish to have is her powerful woman voice and showing that she can, can be a total success. Revival wishes Expand
  94. Jul 4, 2018
    Um álbum impecável. sem nenhum defeito. vocais angelicais, canções perfeitas e muita música com duplo sentido. amei nota 10
  95. Oct 18, 2017
    álbum icônico, revolução do pop injustiçado no grammy, ariana trouxe o pop farofa com qualidade no meio de baladas memoráveis com a sua já marcante e incrível voz de anjo, fadaaaa
  96. Aug 31, 2019
    She showed how to become a strong woman from a girl and performed so well at the aspect of vocals. Almost every song from this album is golden in pop music world. However, it is just pop.
  97. Oct 29, 2022
    Wow. A heartfelt piece of work. Her most heart wrenching album. Ari puts all her feelings into this album
  98. Nov 17, 2017
    I always knew that Ariana had a very bright future in the music industry; I mean with a voice like hers, you could literally conquer the world. But never ever have I ever thought that Ms. Grande here would create a perfect record from the opener till the closer (AND that deluxe edition tracks!). Dangerous Woman is an album that soars and is meant to top the charts, all while keeping up itsI always knew that Ariana had a very bright future in the music industry; I mean with a voice like hers, you could literally conquer the world. But never ever have I ever thought that Ms. Grande here would create a perfect record from the opener till the closer (AND that deluxe edition tracks!). Dangerous Woman is an album that soars and is meant to top the charts, all while keeping up its sexiness, sass, and confidence. It's hard to choose favorites because basically the whole thing is pop-perfection. What hits the most is the four deluxe tracks that don't sound like their left-overs in any way. Each track carries out a mission on its own and accomplishes it. Expand
  99. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana Grande's voice continues to be spectacular and her songwriting is fantastic and just continues to improve. One of my favorite albums of 2016 and one of my favorite albums of all time. I loved all of the songs especially Moonlight, Greedy, Into You, Dangerous Woman, Side to Side, Let Me Love You, and Leave Me Lonely.
  100. May 22, 2018
    This album is SO on point. From vocals, production, lyrics to everything else. It is one of the best pop albums of the decade. Every second of it is pretty enjoyable, there are no "really bad" songs either. Despite lacking cohesiveness (the tracklist is kinda all over the place), the album promises a journey that you'll never want to finish. The deluxe edition tracks make it even better!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Jun 14, 2016
    She appears to be in the right place creatively, but she just needs to take her own advice and break free.
  2. May 31, 2016
    These songs [“Greedy,” “Into You” and “Touch It”], which unite a strong persona--haughty, insatiable, a little manic, really into you--with a vivid pocket version of one style or another, are the core of a swift, heedless pop album, albeit one struggling to emerge from the false notes (“Dangerous Woman”) and rote 2016 obligations (Future) of what’s probably an executive-mandated bagginess.
  3. May 25, 2016
    The pop star is putting out fine records, but it’s hard to escape the feeling that her ludicrous potential remains unfulfilled.