
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Mar 5, 2020
    There is a fuzziness to the sound. The lyrics are indistinct, even as the words are carefully articulated. It takes a second or two after initially hearing them to decipher what was sung.
  2. Mojo
    Feb 19, 2020
    This is Smoke Fairies' strongest, most urgent album to date. [Apr 2020, p.93]
  3. Q Magazine
    Jan 31, 2020
    Aims for the middle ground, aided by Phil Ek and a sturdier indie-rock back-up that doesn't always suit them. [Mar 2020, p.120]
  4. Jan 31, 2020
    By tweaking the American seasoning in their long-simmering stew of English folk, Smoke Fairies have finally delivered on their early promise to create an album you can truly get lost in.
  5. Uncut
    Jan 31, 2020
    By facing up to their demons, they've recaptured what made them special. [Mar 2020, p.37]
  6. Jan 31, 2020
    While Darkness Brings the Wonders Home finds Smoke Fairies toying with a new and different approach, it also reinforces what they do best; it's a detour that happens to take them someplace worth visiting.

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