• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Nov 11, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 333 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 55 out of 333

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  1. Belle
    Nov 19, 2008
    This album is a masterpiece. David's once-in-a-decade pop voice makes this album worth every penny. Every single track, bonus tracks included, is so different yet so well produced and sung. David's versatility really shows.
  2. KerriO.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Amazing album. I really didn't care for David's music too much on idol, but since he put out Crush and then I bought the album I absolutely have fallen in love with this guy. Crush is amazing and the album is fantastic. If you haven't bought it you need to. I love it! There are so many hits on there. He has a beautiful voice.
  3. JulieC.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Perfect debut album, great variety and great vocals.
  4. LizB.
    Nov 19, 2008
    One of the best albums I've purchased in a long time, not a bad track on there. Awesome
  5. NancyB.
    Nov 19, 2008
    I love David Archuleta's album. It is amazing. Every song on there is amazing. That voice cannot be matched. There is a mix of amazing songs. Crush is amazing and will go platinum this next week. There are some big hits on this album and all the songs have their own catch and musicality. I give this album the highest score possible.
  6. ShawnaT.
    Nov 19, 2008
    I absolutely love this album. I am 55 years old and I could listen to it nonstop. I have a CD in my car, in my CD player in the house, and I also downloaded it from itunes onto my ipod. I fall asleep to his music every night and I play it whenever I can. It is so soothing and wonderful. I know he has a great career ahead of him and I love all the songs on the CD, especially "Don't I absolutely love this album. I am 55 years old and I could listen to it nonstop. I have a CD in my car, in my CD player in the house, and I also downloaded it from itunes onto my ipod. I fall asleep to his music every night and I play it whenever I can. It is so soothing and wonderful. I know he has a great career ahead of him and I love all the songs on the CD, especially "Don't Let Go" and "Touch My Hand". Expand
  7. BrookeA.
    Nov 19, 2008
    This boy has staying power. I am addicted to almost every song on the album. GREAT JOB!
  8. MicheleV.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Great debut album, Lots of hit potential. Excellent first release song "Crush".
  9. MattR
    Nov 16, 2008
    I really like this album. Catchy tunes showcasing his vocal ability.
  10. JessT.
    Nov 15, 2008
    it's a great mix of all kinds of pop and pop rock music. the best tracks though, are the bonus tracks. The Walmart bonus Works For Me and the deluxe albums with the 3 bonus songs are the way to go. The album would have been much better if they had replaced some of the safer songs with the bonus songs, 3 of which David wrote or co wrote.
  11. LeighH.
    Nov 15, 2008
    David's voice soothes the soul, no matter what he sings. I love his album for it's variety. A good 1st. album for a talented young singer.
  12. BonnieT.
    Nov 15, 2008
    I enjoy listening to every song on this album. That's never happened to me before. Such a variety in the styles of songs. I love it!
  13. Matt
    Nov 14, 2008
    I am not wowed by this collection of songs, but the talent of his voice is unmistakable. I predict he will eventually find a niche musically and shine.
  14. AngieaH.
    Nov 12, 2008
    I really like this cd, and find it very addicting to listen too. most of the songs are wonderful which doesn't always happen with a cd from singers.
  15. GeriM.
    Nov 12, 2008
    Think this is a perfect freshman album from at wonderful 17 year old. He will only get better and better as he mutures. Love his voice and how I am able to feel the emotion of every song. He is someone that I will follow through out his entire career. Love him!
  16. vm
    Nov 12, 2008
    Love this album! Sure, it's a little over-produced, but the music is earcandy! Favorite songs are Barriers, Running, Touch My Hand, You Can and My Hands... Bonus Track Falling and Somebody Out There are fantastic. David is well on his way to becoming a force to be reckoned with... not only does he have stellar vocals, but his songwriting ability is very exciting. This is a fantastic Love this album! Sure, it's a little over-produced, but the music is earcandy! Favorite songs are Barriers, Running, Touch My Hand, You Can and My Hands... Bonus Track Falling and Somebody Out There are fantastic. David is well on his way to becoming a force to be reckoned with... not only does he have stellar vocals, but his songwriting ability is very exciting. This is a fantastic first album for David and I can't wait to see what's to come. Expand
  17. AlanY.
    Nov 11, 2008
    Enjoyable catchy pop with an excellent, passionate singer.
  18. JanetteS.
    Nov 11, 2008
    I thought it was a great album, especially for a first. I really love this album. And I'm not a tweeny.
  19. AndreaC.
    Nov 11, 2008
    The album is awesome... the best songs are the ones that come as a bonus track in Walmart (Works for Me) or in the Deluxe Version like Someone Out There and Falling.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. So, it delivers exactly what Archuleta promised on the show: something sweet and safe, utterly old-fashioned and forgettable.
  2. A silky tenor with a natural melancholy that makes him a heartbreaker by default. His charming debut exploits that very quality with some strokes of pop genius.
  3. Happily, in a genre where the urge is to err on the side of overwrought, someone smart decided to stick with tasteful, understated production. Archuleta's delivery is likewise low-key and attractive, if predictably generic.