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Universal acclaim- based on 226 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 226
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  1. Oct 3, 2021
    It’s a great remix album with an amazing choice of different artists. You can really dance the trough the whole night with this album. Good job!
  2. Oct 22, 2022
    it's an album wonder. Gaga always committed and delivering quality, that's why I love her.
  3. Oct 21, 2022
    pure noise :( after sacrificing my eardrums, i decided stream real music, and Abba never disappoints. hope lg stopped making these kind of music.
  4. Aug 22, 2022
    Mix of artist that proved their atristry in one of the best electronic dance music albums that united a lot of different genres, styles and personalitys. Explosion of electronic music.
  5. Aug 21, 2022
    This is honestly one of the best/ the best? Remix Album from a big star like Gaga
  6. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Expand
  7. Jul 29, 2022
    Such a great album! I honestly loved it! She is so talented and amazing! Gaga showed why SHE invented house music!
  8. Apr 20, 2022
    Every featured artist really shines on this remix masterpiece, every listen feels fresh. This is one to listen to.
  9. Feb 8, 2022
    Não se contentou em explorar o Bennett, juntou uma monte de who e a pabllo vittar pra tentar hitar e flopou
  10. Dec 17, 2021
    Hyperpop has finally entered mainstream! Thank the wonder of Mother Monster for pushing the agenda forward. This album is not for the faint of heart, but it is 100% amazing. All of these experimental, new, exaggerated ear candy sounds on the remix to an elegant, beautiful, contrasting album, it’s quite literally an unsung album of the year! The only thing I have to complain about is thatHyperpop has finally entered mainstream! Thank the wonder of Mother Monster for pushing the agenda forward. This album is not for the faint of heart, but it is 100% amazing. All of these experimental, new, exaggerated ear candy sounds on the remix to an elegant, beautiful, contrasting album, it’s quite literally an unsung album of the year! The only thing I have to complain about is that Sophie couldn’t make it on here :( But even then, the remixes provided by distinct individuals like Dorian Electra, Ashnikko, Rina Sawayama, etc. are all amazing and ear-damagingly regal. Iconic. Deserves a 10/10 and more. Expand
  11. Nov 30, 2021
    This álbum is so Bad, unnecessary, horrible, why Gaga? Why???????????????????
  12. Nov 30, 2021
    This álbum is horrible, the sound is Bad i prefer listen My Cats before listen this ****
  13. Nov 26, 2021
    Seeing other artists such like Rina and Charli release their take on a Gaga son is literally like a dream come true. Every remix feels like a different world. Didn't really enjoy it the first time I listened but this album is definitely a grower.
  14. Nov 24, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference...
  15. Nov 24, 2021
    I didn't know many artists that are on this album but when I listened to these songs-wow! I'm happy Gaga gave a chance to less famous artists.
  16. Nov 24, 2021
    i love every song on this album, it was very nice and enjoyable to hear more from chromatica. this is just a remix album but there are some song that feel more than just a remix and like an actual collab like Free woman with rina and plastic doll with ashnikko
  17. Nov 14, 2021
    Dawn of Chromatica shows itself as being a even more dancing banger than Chromatica. It's full of strong beats, distorcions and amazing work upon the original songs. I really liked this release because it's really the extension of the essence of Chromatica but even more expanded, due to the fact more artists are involved!
  18. Nov 6, 2021
    What is this honey? No wonder it only did 5000k sales. Really bad album. Gaga should stop making songs.
  19. Nov 4, 2021
    Talanted, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to refferace or not refferace, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. The versatility of this woman is truly unmatched
  20. Nov 4, 2021
    Chromatica was already bad, but with this remix album I was disappointed. Gaga needs to go back to 2010 when she was making good music
  21. Nov 4, 2021
    Que bonito álbum para mover la qk y sentirse mujer gratis DIOSGA SIN DUDA LAS ACABASTE
  22. Oct 31, 2021
    It's a really okay collection of remixes of Chromatica songs. Shame that Grimes remixes of instrumentals didn't end up here, I wonder what she would do with them. And shame that "Love Me Right" or maybe something unreleased didn't got the remix...
    "Alice" remix is ok, I could say the same about "Stupid Love" and "Rain on Me" remixes, but while the former is lacking most of its most
    It's a really okay collection of remixes of Chromatica songs. Shame that Grimes remixes of instrumentals didn't end up here, I wonder what she would do with them. And shame that "Love Me Right" or maybe something unreleased didn't got the remix...
    "Alice" remix is ok, I could say the same about "Stupid Love" and "Rain on Me" remixes, but while the former is lacking most of its most enjoyable parts, the latter is too sparce and artsy for me. "Free Woman" with Rina is really lovely, I love their voices, and it's nice to hear some new lyrics. "Fun Tonight" remix is, well, fun - it brings really odd things into track's production, but everything goes well together!
    "911" remix with Charli XCX was probably the one which got the most hype, but I'm sorry, I was expecting more. It's not bad, but I wished for something else...Unlike for "Plastic Doll". The remix of that song is one of the bet in this remix album. Ashnikko took the worst song of Chromatica and made it great and really enjoyable! "Sour Candy" remix, just like "Rain on Me", is too sparse, but it's ok. "Enigma" and "Replay" remixes are cool.
    "Sine from Above" remix kicks ass! The way it's altering everything from original, and its's so infectious - I love banging my head to it. "1000 Doves" and "Babylon" remixes aren't cool, while Haus Labs version of "Babylon" is pretty servicable.
    It's quite cool, but from the other side weird, to see where the biggest and most awaited remixes faded away, when the whole remix album appeared.
  23. Oct 26, 2021
    Awful only arca and charli served the rest…my ears literally bleed thats not a party banger album thats a basic ass remix album
  24. Oct 2, 2021
    Listening to it I felt an explosion of rhythms that I never thought I would see in an album, just CAMP.
  25. Oct 1, 2021
    The whole album is a never-ending happy club for lockdown. Artistically diverse, noisy poppish hooks that bring the musical invention to the planet Chromatica.
  26. Oct 1, 2021
    The best remix album I've ever heard. What a great bunch lf features! Charli's and Rina's especially!
  27. Sep 27, 2021
    É o melhor álbum de Remix da carreira de Lady Gaga. A maioria das versões são excelentes, a mais ousada de todas é Fun Tonight de Pabllo Vittar, que com perfeição exprime toda a cultura regional do Brasil na faixa.
  28. Sep 25, 2021
    Still not over the Chromatica era and then GAGA drops Dawn Of Chromatica. This album was made to give an opportunity to fresh talent and the featured artists are little monsters. Honestly the best remix album I've ever heard.
  29. Sep 24, 2021
    Um álbum incrível como todos da Gaga. Melhor faixa: forrózão/arrocha Fun tonight❤️
  30. Sep 24, 2021
    The best remix album, respecting the original sound & lyrics, every guest star reinvents each song & shines while doing it. The best songs are Free Woman, Sour Candy, Plastic Doll & both Babylon versions.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Sep 22, 2021
    If the original album favored pop hooks over musical invention, many of the versions on Dawn of Chromatica are noisy or just plain tuneless.
  2. Sep 22, 2021
    The most memorable revisions on Dawn of Chromatica create new links to other standout moments in the Gaga discography. ... A few other highlights tilt in the other direction, teleporting Gaga into established worlds of sound with satisfying results.
  3. Sep 22, 2021
    Presented as the daring and liberated sibling to a more traditional predecessor, Dawn of Chromatica unlocks an expanded world of potential and reminds her legion of Little Monsters that she still has a finger on the pulse and isn't afraid to take risks once in a while.