
Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. For the most part... the seemingly endless boundaries and subtly propulsive rhythms draw the listener into an engaging world of manipulated samples and shimmering loops.
  2. Uncut
    Even fans of their main groups might feel that its sole purpose is to emphasise the 'trial' in 'terrestrial'. [May 2006, p.124]
  3. Dead Drunk on the whole could be taken as noise music, noise music with none of the brutality and half the imagination.
  4. The entire album is too claustrophobic for its own good.
  5. The Wire
    A clear triumph, a dense work destined to grow thicker with each listen. [#266, p.65]
  6. Dead Drunk sounds six billion times better in concept than in execution.
  7. The result aims for a “shitty is pretty” messthetic that is more novelty than anything else.
  8. Urb
    Dead Drunk will leave you feeling as if you sucked on an exhaust pipe and chased it with crystal meth. [Apr 2006, p.97]
  9. For fans who are obsessed with seeking out everything Animal Collective, Black Dice, and experimental noise related, it's a fine bet, but for others this is going to rub the wrong way, which I suppose is part of the point.

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