
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Dear Catastrophe Waitress [is] the richest musical offering yet from Belle & Sebastian.
  2. Blender
    Murdoch's gift for loopy, tender, unshakeable hymns, stomps and meditations is untouchable. [Nov 2003, p.109]
  3. It's a rich, bright, clever and engaging album that should trash those lame prejudices against Belle & Sebastian once and for all.
  4. The danger for B&S was that they would become trapped in a world of knee socks and introspection; the reality is that they’ve produced their best album since ‘Boy With The Arab Strap’, while proving that they can cut it in the world of well-adjusted adults.
  5. A stunning collection of unpredictability that has to stand among the best pop albums of 2003.
  6. The songs are extremely accessible and instantly compelling.
  7. Mojo
    Arguably the band's most magical record to date. [Nov 2003, p.123]
  8. Horn turns in the best work of his career, giving DCW a collection of sounds so potent and invigorating that the album may be Belle & Sebastian's Revolver.
  9. In under an hour B&S have reversed their decline, producing an album that ranks alongside ‘If You’re Feeling Sinister’.
  10. On one hand, Dear Catastrophe Waitress ranks as one of the most delightful surprises of the year, although that's primarily because I'd completely given up on them. On the other hand, it's a very flawed record that at its quirky worst features harmonies so brow-furringly cheery they'd be comfortable amidst a cruise-ship revue or one of Up With People's halftime routines.
  11. The painstaking arrangements, dynamic shifts and tempo changes of Dear Catastrophe Waitress equal or surpass the chamber-pop perfection of the group's earlier work.
  12. The sound hasn't significantly slickened, but the performances are tighter, confident, even bouncy, bringing the band much closer to the vintage pop and soul records it adores.
  13. It's about as far from daring as a band can get, offering the stale and familiar torpor Top of the Pops traffics in.
  14. Spin
    The swollen, baroque-pop arrangements... may ruffle the band's more delicate followers. But the songs are always smart, and it's the music-librarian's humor that helps keep things from slipping into the maudlin. [Nov 2003, p.109]
  15. A full realization of a band at the top of their game, filled with intricate guitar pop of the highest order.
  16. The album produces more pleasant moments than memorable ones.
  17. An exceedingly welcome return to form.
  18. Uncut
    By far the strongest collection of songs the band have ever assembled. [Nov 2003, p.114]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 49 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 49
  2. Negative: 5 out of 49
  1. Feb 27, 2013
    Dear Catastrophe Waitress has to be the most experimental Belle Sebastian record. From the lyrics to the instrumentation to even the vocals,Dear Catastrophe Waitress has to be the most experimental Belle Sebastian record. From the lyrics to the instrumentation to even the vocals, everything seems tinkered with in a way. All In All, I enjoyed this record, but it will never top "If You're Feeling Sinister" Full Review »
  2. Jul 22, 2011
    Probably my favorite album of theirs after Sinister, believe it or not. "If She Wants Me," "I'm a Cuckoo," and the hilarious "Step Into MyProbably my favorite album of theirs after Sinister, believe it or not. "If She Wants Me," "I'm a Cuckoo," and the hilarious "Step Into My Office, Baby" are all pop gems with no shortage of great melodies or hilariously ironic lyrics. Full Review »
  3. Oct 15, 2010
    An absolute gem of an album without any weaknesses. A pop album of the very highest quality and perhaps the moment when Belle and SebastianAn absolute gem of an album without any weaknesses. A pop album of the very highest quality and perhaps the moment when Belle and Sebastian finally delivered and came of age. I can't recommend it highly enough. The production by Trevor Horn has to be recognised as playing a big part in turning a good pop group into a great one with this album. Full Review »