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Generally favorable reviews- based on 715 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 79 out of 715

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  1. Jan 4, 2018
    Another Masterpiece of Metallica!!! There is no other band close to them in music. A song from this album is more than groups like GnR, Slayer, Queens of the **** age...
  2. Apr 6, 2014
    I thought this was great comback for metallica since it really wasn't hard to top lulu and saint anger because that bar was set sooooooo low. Anyway, it was worth a listen with a lot of catchy songs to the album. I recommend listening to it all the way through and then you'll catch the true power and metal that the band earns its name with. Some may say it's overproduced and that they wentI thought this was great comback for metallica since it really wasn't hard to top lulu and saint anger because that bar was set sooooooo low. Anyway, it was worth a listen with a lot of catchy songs to the album. I recommend listening to it all the way through and then you'll catch the true power and metal that the band earns its name with. Some may say it's overproduced and that they went overboard with the quality because of how bad it was in the past but it is still good. Expand
  3. Jan 6, 2014
    This review contains spoilers. Really Underrated album, People seriously need to stop comparing it to their earlier albums, and/or give it an actual FAIR CHANCE. Kirk is back to playing some kick ass solos. James' singing still isn't as good as it used to be but its tolerable, Lars' drumming is great, and Rob is the new badass on the bass guitar. The production could be better sure, but other than that I really love this album. The guitar riffs are awesome, the lyrics are really well thought out and its just pure Metal! Collapse
  4. Mar 27, 2014
    This is amazing. Metallica still hasn't lost its flair after some disappointments. I love how they returned to their old style of music but they added a little bit of a modern twist to it.
  5. Feb 8, 2014
    Finally, we can see some thrash in this album, after 27 YEARS!! This unfortunate fact makes this album amazing. Of course, we can't see the same success as the first four albums but at last listening some thrash from Metallica makes me happy. You should listen this album Metallica fans. My final score is 8 out of 10.
  6. May 17, 2014
    For those who think that the "old metallica has gone". shut the f**k up! How can you expect a band to give the same kind of music, year after year, without taking any chances? Death Magnetic is a tight slap to everyone who thinks Metallica has gone to **** As for those so called "die hard" fans, if you listen closely to the songs of this album, you'l be reminded of their old classics, likeFor those who think that the "old metallica has gone". shut the f**k up! How can you expect a band to give the same kind of music, year after year, without taking any chances? Death Magnetic is a tight slap to everyone who thinks Metallica has gone to **** As for those so called "die hard" fans, if you listen closely to the songs of this album, you'l be reminded of their old classics, like Mastyer Of Puppets, Battery and many more. Amazing solos, riffs and some great singing throughout the album makes this one of the best by Metallica, of not "THE BEST". Expand
  7. Nov 16, 2014
    Metallica tries to re-create 80's magic and succeeds to some extent. Death Magnetic is a solid album but if you are a lifelong Metallica fan like myself it will be hard not to hear the materials as a musical mid-life crisis.
  8. Dec 30, 2015
    78 Reviews Hasty or just the reviser is very idiot... All nightmare long, The day that never comes, The judas kiss and the amazing instrumental Suicide & redemption is masterpieces of the new Metallica....
  9. Feb 28, 2016
    First of all, after St. Anger you probably haven't expected anything good from Metallica. But they changed the producer and came back to their roots. Ok, this isn't second Master of Puppets. However, the riffs are so powerful and memorable that you just can't stop headbanging! At least five songs out of ten are awesome. You may not like the overall sound of the CD, though. It's tooFirst of all, after St. Anger you probably haven't expected anything good from Metallica. But they changed the producer and came back to their roots. Ok, this isn't second Master of Puppets. However, the riffs are so powerful and memorable that you just can't stop headbanging! At least five songs out of ten are awesome. You may not like the overall sound of the CD, though. It's too compressed. Also, too much wah-wah on this album. But it's an amazing record anyway! Expand
  10. Aug 21, 2016
    Solid album! Really solid, especially after the disaster of St. Anger. Glad they went to their roots here. Not as good as their older stuff, but still very good and enjoyable.
  11. Jan 3, 2017
    Songs are a little derivative of one another. Amazing return after St.Anger. I enjoyed a few of the songs on St.Anger but Metallica went back to the formulaic thrash metal that made the band great. Even though they're alot older now the classic Metallica fades through in Death Magnetic. Some of the songs like Cyanide are great workout music.
  12. May 22, 2019
    A great comeback and return from the bad album St. Anger.
    Many good tracks, and they went back to their original sounds.
  13. Jul 5, 2019
    Best metallica album
    I don't get those ducklings who like Master of Puppets. MoP is a boring non-listenable crap that only excited people because it is somewhat technical. But you know what is more technical? Musical school's 4th grade gammas.
    DM has the biggest amount of hits, and has a great energy, That was just your life, cyanide, unforgiven 3, the day that never comes, suicidie
    Best metallica album
    I don't get those ducklings who like Master of Puppets. MoP is a boring non-listenable crap that only excited people because it is somewhat technical. But you know what is more technical? Musical school's 4th grade gammas.
    DM has the biggest amount of hits, and has a great energy,
    That was just your life, cyanide, unforgiven 3, the day that never comes, suicidie and redemption. Strong drive songs ,and one of the best of their ballads.
    **** will disagree but they are not adequate.
  14. Aug 7, 2021
    Fantastic album. All songs are great.
    Best songs: The Day That Never Comes, All Nightmare Long
    Worst songs: -
  15. Feb 20, 2023
    The production threw this album in the mud. I can't listen to the album on full volume due to the awful producer's work. Some parts of the songs sound either like a weak recording of a gig or a demo. But on the other hand, the songs are well made - the solos (though a bit overwahed), vocals (though a bit autotuned), and riffs are brilliant. It's definitely stronger than "Hardwired".

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Sometimes the album's mini-epics come off as we've still got it! stunts. But when it's working, the effect is like ceding your senses to a particularly well-engineered roller coaster in the dark.
  2. The best ones spit in the face of death; this album instead finds aging men trying to reclaim their youth.
  3. The musicianship feels thrillingly live throughout, and nimble new bassist Robert Trujillo helps, even though he's mostly heard as a distant, ominous rumble.