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Generally favorable reviews- based on 106 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 71 out of 106
  2. Negative: 10 out of 106
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  1. Mar 30, 2019
    Death Race for Love delivers plenty of quality emo raps before succumbing to long album syndrome.


  2. Mar 28, 2020
    Its so boring. I like juices first album Goodbye & Good Riddance, but this one is bad. Its so long.
  3. Mar 25, 2019
    Too long, some okay tracks like "Fast". The track "Robbery" is cringe levels bad with the whining singing.
  4. Jul 28, 2019
    An album that had absolutely no reason to be 22 tracks. It was way overlong and an absolute slog. The production was relatively average and Juice was redundant and simply boring. A big disappointment considering the amount of melodic and lyrical talent that Juice possesses.
  5. Mar 11, 2019
    I thought it was a serious reach to expect a 72 minute emo rap crooner album to be consistent, and I wasn't shocked by the result after slogging through the 22 song tracklist. It has its share of chart friendly poppy cuts and hard hitting beats here or there, but the album is hard to enjoy all at once. There are plenty of cringe-worthy sexual and misogynistic bars as well as a mind-numbingI thought it was a serious reach to expect a 72 minute emo rap crooner album to be consistent, and I wasn't shocked by the result after slogging through the 22 song tracklist. It has its share of chart friendly poppy cuts and hard hitting beats here or there, but the album is hard to enjoy all at once. There are plenty of cringe-worthy sexual and misogynistic bars as well as a mind-numbing amount of drug and heartbreak themes all over the tracks. Unfortunately, Juice WRLD can't even achieve the purpose of his own vibe on this album, either. He doesn't use any interesting or meaningful storytelling techniques, or emit any real emotion, unlike what you'd expect from an "emo" rapper. He just says "I'm sad and this girl that I can't have makes me depressed so I do drugs" over and over again until the clock hits zero.

    On a positive note, I can't say the album is terrible, either. All of the things I mentioned earlier don't ruin the sound of the tracks, which at times can be pretty damn good. The standouts on this album are "Robbery" "Feeling" and a sample of Bas' "Tribe" on "Make Believe". I can see where this album would be good background mood material, but not much in the way of substance or innovation. 4/10
  6. May 29, 2019
    This did not need to be 22 tracks whatsoever. The lyrics are very narrow, only talking about either some girl or drugs. Only really liked 11 or 12 out of the 22. Best tracks are 10 Feet; Hear Me Calling; Empty; Out My Way; and Ring Ring
  7. Sep 29, 2019
    A lot of good songs and a lot of bad songs that could have made for a quality project if the fat was trimmed off of it. Tracks such as "Syphillis" and "Maze" are completely unnecessary and drag down this project heavily.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. May 24, 2019
    Juice wants to get in touch with his feelings but then drowns them in a gallon of syrup.
  2. Mar 22, 2019
    Juice WRLD is wrecked, angry, and using drugs to cope, and even though his appeals come through at times, much of Death Race for Love transforms the listener into the shoulder that Juice WRLD is crying on.
  3. Mar 19, 2019
    At its core, Death Race for Love feels less like music and more like a cynical attempt to bring out the worst in both emo and rap.