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Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 44
  2. Negative: 3 out of 44
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  1. Jul 7, 2020
    Enjoyable record. Having listened to most of his old stuff, I think it does come off as kind of predictable, especially after pom pom. Nonetheless I think this record proves that Ariel still has some tricks up his bag to keep his fans hooked and not become dull and repetitive.

    I personally think that his records are getting more and more cohesive as a whole rather than individual tracks
    Enjoyable record. Having listened to most of his old stuff, I think it does come off as kind of predictable, especially after pom pom. Nonetheless I think this record proves that Ariel still has some tricks up his bag to keep his fans hooked and not become dull and repetitive.

    I personally think that his records are getting more and more cohesive as a whole rather than individual tracks thrown together
  2. mmb
    Dec 18, 2017
    Best album of the year. Huh, I need 130 more characters. aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty aoty, Danke schoen.
  3. Oct 25, 2017
    Ariel is known for his eccentric songwriting and absurd lyrical imagery. In this album, this has never been so true. From the industrial march of Time to Live to the squeaky shoes on Another Weekend, the songs on this album create phenomenal worlds of atmosphere. This is a great album for anyone searching for sanity in insanity.
    Favorite tracks: Feels Like Heaven, Death Patrol, Santas in
    Ariel is known for his eccentric songwriting and absurd lyrical imagery. In this album, this has never been so true. From the industrial march of Time to Live to the squeaky shoes on Another Weekend, the songs on this album create phenomenal worlds of atmosphere. This is a great album for anyone searching for sanity in insanity.
    Favorite tracks: Feels Like Heaven, Death Patrol, Santas in the Closet, Another Weekend, Dedicated to Bobby Jameson, I Wanna be Young, Acting
  4. Oct 19, 2017
    Mr. Ariel Pink, once again, provide us a great masterpiece filled with emotion and good vocals. The album bring a kind of “Modernism” if we compare with POM POM, a refined sound and without cut off the best of Ariel in L0-fi in other genres as well. “Dedicated to Bobby Jameson” mix LO-FI, psychedelic pop, rock, besides of direct and violent, excluding the tracks “Feels like Heaven”,Mr. Ariel Pink, once again, provide us a great masterpiece filled with emotion and good vocals. The album bring a kind of “Modernism” if we compare with POM POM, a refined sound and without cut off the best of Ariel in L0-fi in other genres as well. “Dedicated to Bobby Jameson” mix LO-FI, psychedelic pop, rock, besides of direct and violent, excluding the tracks “Feels like Heaven”, “Another Weekend”, with soft environment, seem as comfortable hug. Seeing that Pink’s style follows his previous record POM POM, it’s clear such influences in “DTBJ”.

    Highlight: "Bubblegum Dreams", "Time to Meet Your God".
  5. Oct 12, 2017
    In its soft experimentation and subtle expressiveness, this album had just enough intriguing passages to be considered successful and a pleasing listen, with the timbre taking center stage with neat, broad electronic sounds but nearly getting upended by the equally successful small yet delightful melodic shapes, eventually creating a balanced and consistent work despite no real highIn its soft experimentation and subtle expressiveness, this album had just enough intriguing passages to be considered successful and a pleasing listen, with the timbre taking center stage with neat, broad electronic sounds but nearly getting upended by the equally successful small yet delightful melodic shapes, eventually creating a balanced and consistent work despite no real high points. My Score: 135/180 (Solid) = 7.5/10 Expand
  6. Sep 22, 2017
    It's an Ariel Pink record, that's for sure!

    That might come off as a bit condescending, but it's not. Ariel Pink is one of the most unique artists working today, especially when you compare his work to other retro acts that try to ape older sounds without finding an identity all their own. It's a strange and surreal landscape of psychedelic haze and Ariel belting out whatever comes to
    It's an Ariel Pink record, that's for sure!

    That might come off as a bit condescending, but it's not. Ariel Pink is one of the most unique artists working today, especially when you compare his work to other retro acts that try to ape older sounds without finding an identity all their own. It's a strange and surreal landscape of psychedelic haze and Ariel belting out whatever comes to his head, and he does so by crafting catchy and smooth pop tunes along the way. It doesn't have the wow factor because this album is similar to his other releases, especially after signing to 4AD, but still there is a unique charm with his blend of psychedelic rock, synthpop, soft rock, disco, and Zappa-meets-Velvet Undergound experimental rock, his sound is just so hard not to hate. Plus with great standouts like his collab with Dam-Funk Acting, the dreamy Feels Like Heaven, the title cut, I Wanna Be Young, Bubblegum Dream, and Dreamdate Narcissist, this is yet another fantastic release from Ariel! A bit formulaic with his other stuff, but with a formula this good, who can argue?
  7. Sep 20, 2017
    This album walks a fine line between absurdity and cohesiveness; then I realized, why not both? The songwriting is highly introspective that tends to warm the soul and this is especially true when Ariel Pink experiments with the production. If you enjoy Bowie's early work, you may have strong tendencies to associate distinctive similarities between the two. All credit to the artist!
  8. Sep 15, 2017
    This album is a masterpiece and filled with some of Ariel Pink's best work yet. I am in awe of his songwriting and production and he continues to bring it on every song on the LP. My favorite album of the year hands down.

    Favorite Tracks: Feels Like Heaven, Dedicated to Bobby Jameson, Time to Live, Another Weekend, Kitchen Witch, Do Yourself a Favor

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. May 7, 2018
    It plays like frantically turning the FM dial in the car, the neon strangeness of L.A. looming ahead.
  2. Magnet
    Oct 17, 2017
    Impossibly, Rosenberg's artistry still feels mysterious, unknowable, capable of surprise. [No. 147, p.57]
  3. The Wire
    Oct 11, 2017
    An upbeat yet ultimately wistful record about living, dying, youth, age, wasting time, but also trying not to waste time. [Oct 2017, p.59]