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  1. Jun 3, 2019
    Did not enjoy this album. Carly hasn’t shown any progression as an artist, and I hope with her next record she will show more growth.
  2. Jun 3, 2019
    I heard someone say "This is the summer of Carly Rae Jepsen"

    So I checked it her album

    10000% correct it absolutely is the summer of @carlyraejepsen
  3. Jun 3, 2019
    Carly always does the same. Can u come with something else, girl? Please!!!!
  4. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I dont like it any song or anything the people who likes this is because the have no taste Expand
  5. Jun 3, 2019
    A clown literally a clown a clown literally a clown a clown literally a clown
  6. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's good, but no is my faver song. Carly Jae Repsen made best works in your career. Expand
  7. Jun 3, 2019
    I don’t understand the hype of this album at all, extremely unoriginal and even boring at times.
  8. Jun 3, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen = a pop genius, she's THAT b*tch. I don't know a better álbum.
  9. Jun 3, 2019
  10. Jun 3, 2019
    personally just found it boring... the production of each song is quite similar and i learned nothing new about the artist.
  11. Jun 3, 2019
    I just didnt really like it. Feels like i already heard it somewhere. I hope she does better in the future
  12. Jun 3, 2019
    Me parece demasiado aburrido y eso que me tomé el tiempo de escucharlo ya que no soy su fan
  13. Jun 1, 2019
    Amazing body of work, she delivered. She is so underrated and deserves so much more airplay with this album.
  14. May 31, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Faves: Want You in My Room, I'll Be Your Girl, Too Much, Automatically in Love Expand
  15. May 30, 2019
    the album is a cohesive pop gem. truly one of the most charming albums of the year. Carly definitely wears her heart on her sleeve, and we can clearly see that hear. fav songs: Julien, want you in my room, everything he needs, ill be your girl, and no drug like me. check it out!!
  16. May 30, 2019
    Just everything you could ask for from a music album. It’s fun, passionate, beautiful, catchy and heart-wrenching. Everyone should listen to this and I’d be shocked if any of them didn’t like it. It’s completely phenomenal!
  17. May 30, 2019
    Love it all! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Real Love is the best but every track is made with pure gold.
  18. May 29, 2019
    Carly's songwriting is evolving with every project she releases, it's just that with this album some songs can be better and to an extent should be cut to make the album stronger.
  19. May 29, 2019
    An excellent album with exquisite production! She uses the album to show us pure pop music.
  20. May 29, 2019
    Awesome álbum! She stays legit to who she is, without fearing to try New things.
  21. May 29, 2019
    Dedicated is a tour de force of immaculate sound, cohesiveness, melodic beauty and mesmerizing production. It's an album that passes as a playlist of various artists that have peculiar but uniform sound and one that can be played in any mood you're in. Essential listens: Feels Right, Want You in My Room, No Drug Like Me, Automatically In Love, For Sure
  22. May 29, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Such a delightful catalog of that pop that can be fresh, poppy, bubbly, playful, and so fun. Since the Julien, you can feel the amount of fun Carly Rae Jepsen had while making this album. The way she addresses topics like love, self-love, falling in love, and adoring someone is just unique. She is not afraid of showing her vulnerable (and sometimes a little bit weird) side. Expand
  23. May 29, 2019
    Let just say that this is not a Pop album... This album IS Pop. Stop sleeping on Carly Rae Jepsen people.
  24. May 28, 2019
    Cohesive, well-rounded, perfect pop music. I fully enjoyed E-MO-TION when it came out and she has really come into her sound. An album full of really great pop jams.
  25. May 28, 2019
    Thanks to Carly that she came back and saved pop again! This is a rare but precious, simple but amazing, imperfect but perfect album that shows us Carly’s difference. A lot of tracks in the album are written by herself, as in every album, showing multiple talents of Carly that she’s also playing instruments and participating in the production of the songs as well. Personally, my favoriteThanks to Carly that she came back and saved pop again! This is a rare but precious, simple but amazing, imperfect but perfect album that shows us Carly’s difference. A lot of tracks in the album are written by herself, as in every album, showing multiple talents of Carly that she’s also playing instruments and participating in the production of the songs as well. Personally, my favorite track is Too Much, the single is literally Too Much for the music industry now, I suppose that’s why she can’t get the commercial success that she deserves. Expand
  26. May 28, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen (also known as the Second Coming of Jesus) shows us again how strong her powers are.
  27. May 28, 2019
    This album is a total masterpiece. From the lyrics to the production every single aspect was through out and executed to perfection. It is a great album from start to finish. I highly recommend listening to it without shuffle at least once because it does somewhat tell a story. Another amazing record from CJR!!!
  28. May 28, 2019
    This is an amazing album. Top bops are Julien, Now That I Found You, Want You in My Room, Everything He Needs, Too Much, Automatically in Love, Real Love, and Party For One.
  29. May 27, 2019
    Pure pop perfection. Jepsen does the impossible again and just like emotion, perfectly captures the highs and lows of pop music.
  30. May 27, 2019
    From start to finish, this is pure pop perfection. Just like were Emotion and Emotion side B.
  31. May 27, 2019
    The pop production is definitely a standout with Now That I Found You and Everything He Needs are the strong-points of the album.
  32. May 27, 2019
    Absolutely wonderful in every single way. Carly's new record absolutely smashes all expectations.
  33. May 27, 2019
    Un álbum lleno de creatividad y su mejor trabajo seguido de Emotions. Carly ha demostrado que ella tiene voz propia en el pop. Un gran album sin prejuicios y lleno de canciones memorables.
  34. May 27, 2019
    this is what we call a **** album of the year, don't even try to fight me, please don't sleep on her again
  35. May 27, 2019
    Just created an account to rate this album because Carly is severely underrated. « Dedicated » is the album we needed to fall in love this summer. Now all I need to find is a guy named « Julien ».
  36. May 27, 2019
    This album gives me the pop attitude that I have not seen on major pop artist's music in the past few years. Without being bias I think this is what pop should sound like. The sound of the album is energetic, rhythmic, and joyful but not reaching the point of being childish.
  37. May 27, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen, true to herself and her audience, released a consistent and bubbly pop record which distances itself from all the current pop panorama, overfilled with young girls singing with breathy vocals about anxiety and suicidal thoughts, offering us dancy groovy tracks with no other intention than to satisfy the hungry ears of her small-yet-very strong fanbase. In 'Dedicated',Carly Rae Jepsen, true to herself and her audience, released a consistent and bubbly pop record which distances itself from all the current pop panorama, overfilled with young girls singing with breathy vocals about anxiety and suicidal thoughts, offering us dancy groovy tracks with no other intention than to satisfy the hungry ears of her small-yet-very strong fanbase. In 'Dedicated', Carly doesn't venture too much in uncharted terrain, and that is a great thing, indicating that she knows who she is, her audience and her place in today's pop landscape. 'Dedicated' emerges as an alternative in the already-oversaturated sounds that dominate the Top40 radio as one of the best Pop releases of 2019. Expand
  38. May 26, 2019
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique
  39. May 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not as euphoric as EMOTION, but still totally superior pop music from the supremely underrated Jepson. A grower collection. Expand
  40. May 25, 2019
    SHE SNAPS EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! This is such a cohesive and maturing album for Carly. Some might say that EMOTION is a better album, but they are just two very different albums. This album sounds exactly like how she described it, an album that you want to clean your house to. It's not a complicated concept, and it doesn't have to be.
  41. May 25, 2019
    She did it again, fresh sounds, great lyrics, this deserves to be a hit!
    Standouts: Now that I found you, Want you in my room, Everything he needs, I'll be your girl, Too much, The sound, Real Love, For Sure.
  42. May 25, 2019
    Dedicated is the best album of 2019, cheeky sounds on want you in my room and the majestic party for one show how great Carly is in her prime while the mysterious no drug like me is a masterpiece of pop perfection, one of my favourites is everything he needs and too much, two amazing dance bangers that have me screaming the lyrics
  43. May 25, 2019
    The album's amazing and gets better with every listen. It's flaw free, an amazing comeback.
  44. May 25, 2019
    A pop album that make you dance is always worth the try, and carly is just the best on doing that. JUST AMAZING!!
  45. May 25, 2019
    Carly did it again. It brought what pop fans wanted. Dedicated shows that she has dedicated herself even in those three years since her last album to continue showing authenticity with her music and style. Luckily his manager did not intervene at all in the creative process of the album, even though Emotion can be considered a great qualitative fate in that regard.

    However, Dedicated
    Carly did it again. It brought what pop fans wanted. Dedicated shows that she has dedicated herself even in those three years since her last album to continue showing authenticity with her music and style. Luckily his manager did not intervene at all in the creative process of the album, even though Emotion can be considered a great qualitative fate in that regard.

    However, Dedicated has no commercial appeal and shows this since its first track, its intention is to show true quality in the musical and lyrical productions that go through the influences of the styles of the 80s and 90s.
  46. May 25, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen... the mother I never had, but always wanted. A mix of synth and 80's pop, nothing could have been better than this masterpiece.
  47. May 24, 2019
    It's been a long time coming since her last full album, and it was worth the wait. She's put careful consideration into the track order, each song developing the narrative of love and loss and growth that Carly is so familiar with. Like in E•MO•TION, the production on these tracks is insanely good, so much fine detail and little touches (Especially in "For Sure") that seperate her from theIt's been a long time coming since her last full album, and it was worth the wait. She's put careful consideration into the track order, each song developing the narrative of love and loss and growth that Carly is so familiar with. Like in E•MO•TION, the production on these tracks is insanely good, so much fine detail and little touches (Especially in "For Sure") that seperate her from the mainstream Pop scene. My favourite songs off the album are "No Drug Like Me" and "Want You In My Room", both of which feel like they've been sitting in Carly's song vault since 1984, perfectly nostalgic in their campy 80's goodness (even though I wasn't alive then) with equally infectious hooks. Definitely one of, if not THE best album of 2019 so far, and can't wait for the inevitable Dedicated Side B Expand
  48. May 24, 2019
    First full listen it gave me a vibe of "continuation and progression of E-MO-TION" / "Emotion 2.0". I think this is/was mostly due to its heavily 80's inspired production, similar to the production theme of E-MO-TION. However, upon further listening there are definitely a fair share of differences, nuances, and unqie bits in production, songwriting and vocal delivery that make this albumFirst full listen it gave me a vibe of "continuation and progression of E-MO-TION" / "Emotion 2.0". I think this is/was mostly due to its heavily 80's inspired production, similar to the production theme of E-MO-TION. However, upon further listening there are definitely a fair share of differences, nuances, and unqie bits in production, songwriting and vocal delivery that make this album worthy of praising without needing to compare it to prior work. 1/3 of the tracks are very heavily disco / nu-disco (COW BELL!) influenced while the rest is a grab bag of dance and synth pop and some contemporary bits ("Everything He Needs"). Many of the synths remind me a lot of the ones used in new wave music. Overall a catchy, good listen that's easy to digest and enjoy without skipping tracks and heavy repeatability. Let your curious mind take approx. 50 minutes to listen to it and give it a try! Expand
  49. May 24, 2019
    an Ode to Disco music that shines in a scenario where pop music is falling down on popular taste. Carly Rae managed to once again cement her space as an hipster diva and pop star for young adults. Cohesive and polished. This album is 00% what fans expected of Carly Rae Jepsen
  50. May 24, 2019
    Awesome album although I wouldn’t consider it superior to Emotion it definitely competes. In some ways this album feels more like a throwback than Emotion but it still feels fresh and modern with the help of the lyrics.
  51. May 24, 2019
    Stunning groovy 80's inspired electro-pop. The synths float and wooze there way through hook after hook whilst her cool sugary voice floats atop the boppy goodness. The critics darling has done it again after her hard to follow masterpiece E-MO-TION.

    5 months into 2019 this Is the forerunner for pop album of the year.

    Highlights: Julien, Happy Not Knowing, Want you In my room, Too much
  52. May 24, 2019
    Simple but pretty and inspiring lyrics, immaculate production, a cohesive sounding album - pop perfection!
  53. May 24, 2019
    One of the best pop albums I’ve listened to in a long time. Continuing with a sound similar to her last album, Emotion, Carly Rae brings us back to the era of 2000s pop, when pop music was at it’s peak. Refusing to jump on the current bandwagon of trap and other hip-hop beats, Carly Rae Jepsen reclaims her title as the Savior of Pop Music.
  54. May 24, 2019
    I'm so thankful for the fact that Carly Rae Jepsen single-handedly invented vibrations that typically propagate as audible pressure through a transmission medium, such as a gas, liquid or solid.
  55. May 24, 2019
    Overproduced. Very bubblegum-y. Too ambitious. Vocal performance fades amidst the production. Bad songwriting. A collection of generic pop tunes. EMOTION remains as her only great record.
  56. May 24, 2019
    This has to be one of the best pop albums of this year. Really creative as well as catchy. Highly recommend it for anyone who wants to listen to some good pop.
  57. May 19, 2019
    An amazing follow-up to 2015’s EMOTION and definitely one of the best pop recordings of the year. “Julien”, “No Drug Like Me”, “Now That I Found You”, “Too Much” and “Party For One” are obvious top choices from the album
  58. May 24, 2019
    Carly is pretty consistent with her content, and dedicated is a really really great album... Iconic literally iconic
  59. May 24, 2019
    Felizmente uma das únicas que faz pop de qualidade!
    Perfeita como sempre!!!
  60. May 24, 2019
    It. Is. Very. Good.
    Bops from front to back.

    Listen to it
    Become one. with. it.
    Dedicate yourself to our queen.
    the queen of pop
    and the queen of bops

    Favorite Tracks: Julien, Want You In My Room, Too Much, Automatically In Love
    Least Favorite Tracks:
    Score: 10/10
  61. May 24, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen seems not going to put another shallow banger anymore. Ever since KISS, she detested for being put in a one-hit wonder pedestal by moving on and straying away to her own path. This album is a continuation from E•MO•TION in terms of sound, but with different mood. Dedicated shows how Carly grows as a musician. And while it's not in her full-bloom phase, it's still worth toCarly Rae Jepsen seems not going to put another shallow banger anymore. Ever since KISS, she detested for being put in a one-hit wonder pedestal by moving on and straying away to her own path. This album is a continuation from E•MO•TION in terms of sound, but with different mood. Dedicated shows how Carly grows as a musician. And while it's not in her full-bloom phase, it's still worth to pay attention on this album. Expand
  62. May 23, 2019
    Carly always manages to mix contemporary sounds with the old school pop sounds. And this album is no exception. Julien is the kind of song you must play at a party. Party For One had the power to be a smash hit but just as usual, people keep sleeping on her. Right Words Wrong Time is unique. Keep the bops coming Carly!
  63. May 23, 2019
    I’m really proud of Carly. She had huge shoes to fill following up Emotion, and instead of trying to make the same again, she went a different direction and nailed it without losing what makes her so great. She is elevated pop, bringing in nuanced emotions into catchy songs about love. These songs take more time to grow on you than Emotion, but it’s worth it.
  64. May 23, 2019
    Great summer album. Better than EMOTION in my opinion. Carly brings a great sound and even better lyrics to pop. Do not sleep on this women!!!
  65. May 23, 2019
    Best pop album in a long long time. Viva Carly Rae! The Jepsonites are united—
  66. May 23, 2019
    I just love the 80's and 90's vibe even though I'm was born in 2001. So happy that Carly didn't fix what's not broken.
  67. May 23, 2019
    Truly a force to be reckoned with in the world of pop music today, "Dedicated" is another stellar pop album in the discography of Carly Rae Jepsen.
  68. May 23, 2019
    I have to say, THANK U miss Carly Rae Jepsen, you're the only one that understand what pop music is. This album have soul, have a heart, this album denote what hard work is, you delivery bop after bop. THANK U POP QUEEN SAVIOR
  69. May 23, 2019
    Wow. That’s the review and it doesn’t need anymore of a review then that. Period.
  70. May 23, 2019
    Carly has done it again, Dedicated is another masterpiece from someone the world thought was a one-hit wonder. Every song is fantastic, some outshine others but each one feels wonderful in it's own right. I would like to especially mention "Want You In My Room", it is a masterpiece on an album full of them.
  71. May 18, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Coming for a Grammy. Pop record of the year. Expand
  72. May 23, 2019
    “We Have Decided To Stan Forever”

    “We will never be sick of her h*e *ss,” a close insider reported.
  73. May 23, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. bop after bop. she's the queen on pop and my heart. it makes me feel feelings and want to cry in lots of different ways. she's amazing, ugh. Expand
  74. May 23, 2019
    Carly once again saves pop music with a collection of amazing synth-pop songs that can easily all be singles. As catchy and fun as 2015's e-mo-tion, Carly explores herself in different ways and delivers an amazing record worth listening to.
  75. May 23, 2019
    I can’t believe she’s done it again. A perfect album with absolutely zero flaws. This is what plays in my head when I think of the very concept of love
  76. May 23, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen is one of the few gems who are giving us pure pop music that will stand the test of time. Incredible. While every song may not be everyone's cup of tea, each one serves a purpose and that's what makes it truly great.
  77. May 23, 2019
    I dare any of you to skip a single song when listening to this. A perfect album from start to finish.
  78. May 23, 2019
    Amazing as always... Carly did what ? SHE MOTHERF*CKING DID THAT, SHE IS THAT B*TCH!!!!!!
  79. May 23, 2019
    AMAZING 10/10. Her voice just so amazing. the production! This girl a master at everything. Doesn’t have a bad album or song.
  80. May 23, 2019
    If Carly Rae keeps up this level of quality, I look forward to decades from now when it’s impossible to choose her top 3 albums. Hit after hit after hit!
  81. May 23, 2019
    Such a good album. So positive! We need it. Feels Right and Too Much is my favorite.
  82. May 23, 2019
    Didn’t think anything could top my love for the sensational Emotion, yet here we are.
  83. May 23, 2019
    Carly entregando mais um trabalho maravilhoso! Dedicated tem tudo o que nos fez se apaixonar pelo Emotion e mais um pouco, é com certeza um dos melhores álbums do ano.
  84. May 23, 2019
    “I really really really really really really like” this album! Least liked track is Julien, but aside from that misstep, everything is amazing! She did not disappoint!!!
  85. May 23, 2019
    Despite Carly's past projects around pop labels and not receiving the recognition she deserves, Dedicated is a new journey into disco, synth and electro vibes that suits very well with Jepsen's pop voice making it very chill and easy to listen to, and also the album reaffirms the quality of the artist, making her a strong contender for the future of pop music.
  86. May 23, 2019
    A great album, worth the wait. Deserves all the love and more that the album is getting. A perfect follow up to EMOTION
  87. May 23, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. second best album of hers she really went off omg emotion is still her best but even still her second best still outsold other girls Expand
  88. May 22, 2019
    haven’t really heard any CRJ songs for a long time. but i am really loving this album!
  89. May 22, 2019
    I think it's cohesive, not necessarily another E-MO-TION (which is totally fine), but I get the same initial feeling as when I first dove into Robyn's Honey -- although not as spiritual and mournful, just really well-written and it will unveil its charms with repeated listens. I would have loved slightly edgier production (remember how Warm Blood and Gimme Love's production felt just soI think it's cohesive, not necessarily another E-MO-TION (which is totally fine), but I get the same initial feeling as when I first dove into Robyn's Honey -- although not as spiritual and mournful, just really well-written and it will unveil its charms with repeated listens. I would have loved slightly edgier production (remember how Warm Blood and Gimme Love's production felt just so fresh and compelling) -- I wonder where the tunes she did with Blood Orange or Ariel Rechtshaid are. Expand
  90. May 22, 2019
    Carly delivers once again and defines experimental pop in an impressive way. Each track stands out on its own but are also cohesive, which makes it such a great album.
  91. May 22, 2019
    Top pop album. The lyrics are clever it is all about love and that's what fans love. The instrumental are nice and the hooks are always on point Best song:
    Real love
    Want you in my room
    Julie No drug like me
  92. May 22, 2019
    The whole album is a complete bop. Incredibly polished sounding, and in an entirely different league of its own in terms of pop music.
  93. May 22, 2019
    i was so nervous that emotion was going to be her only album i ever keep in rotation. but this album actually might be...better? more songs i really like listening to. julien. too much. no drug like me. want you in my room. party for one.

    i mean they are all pure joy.
  94. May 22, 2019
    I created an account in order to write a review for this album, because it cannot be understated how good it is.
    E•MO•TION is a fantastic album, but it had some tracks that didn't land for me, which was remedied with the b sides. Most of the b sides tracks should have been on the main album. All to say, E•MO•TION is a hard act to follow and undeniably amazing (even with my personal
    I created an account in order to write a review for this album, because it cannot be understated how good it is.
    E•MO•TION is a fantastic album, but it had some tracks that didn't land for me, which was remedied with the b sides. Most of the b sides tracks should have been on the main album. All to say, E•MO•TION is a hard act to follow and undeniably amazing (even with my personal gripes).

    Understandably there would be high expectations for Dedicated. Not only were my expectations met, they were completely blasted out of existence. Dedicated is a perfect pop album. Every song is infectiously catchy, brimming with energy, lush and complete.
    Do yourself a favor and throw this on and be prepared to have it on repeat.
  95. May 22, 2019
    Cohesive, disco-tinged pop with tracks both simultaneously playful and deep
  96. May 22, 2019
    Fantastic pop album with sounds reminiscent of the eighties. Carly Rae Jepsen did a great job.
  97. May 22, 2019
    ideal pop album for summer. light sound, enjoyable voice and nice lyrics as well
  98. May 22, 2019
    A fantastic pop album, differing enough from Emotion to show off her amazing talent in a fresh way.
  99. May 22, 2019
    A great follow up to her last album Emotion, Dedicated hits just as hard and keeps the same vibe of great synths mixed in with pop ballads. Carly certainly has figured out what works and is sticking to it with this one. Definitely would recommend this cohesive and catchy pop masterpiece!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Jun 17, 2019
    There could be an argument that a couple of edits to make the track listing shorter would have resulted in an even more effective album. However, this is easily one of the best pop albums of the year as it is: one that’s unlikely to be bettered unless a certain Ms Swift really pulls it out of the bag.
  2. Jun 4, 2019
    Dedicated isn’t a perfect album--it’s overlong and occasionally concedes too much to chart tastes to be interesting. But by the time Jepsen takes a bow following bonus track “Party For One,” you’re reminded once again of her generosity, of all the space she’s cleared for strength and weakness, for personal epiphanies and communal release.
  3. May 23, 2019
    Dedicated is good, but it doesn’t whirl with the same destructive force; in that sense, it is Carly Rae’s first genuine failure in a decade.