• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 179 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 4 out of 179
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  1. Jan 5, 2023
    a return to a more simple approach is a mixed but mostly positive bag. depression cherry consists of echoey intergalactic yet sombre instrumental loops which when well executed can feel like one is floating in space but when the mark is missed, usually by songs that drone on a bit too long there's temptation for the listener to call a halt to their space mission before time.
  2. Aug 19, 2022
    every song takes its right place on track list, every triad of songs forms a statement: build up is about mysterious, mythological place - haunting, you'd about to return to; core is emotional climax, songs about progression of time and about time itself; and coda - songs that soothe your mind and make you feel.
  3. Apr 1, 2022
    This album is truly beautiful. The tracks on the album really reflect what romance and other things in life are like. It shows a side of romance that other songs don't often discuss, such as feeling isolated from your lover and such. Would definitely recommend this to someone who is struggling with their life as a melodic equivalent of a warm, comforting hug that says "Everything will be okay"
  4. Nov 23, 2021
    Victoria and Alex are two dream-pop souls, I love how they revolutionized the genre on every album they release, depression cherry is the turning point, I love this album a lot
  5. Aug 11, 2021
    This album has turned into one of my favorite albums of all time. One of the best vocal performances I've heard on an album, and really makes you take step back emotionally. Space song was an all around perfect song, with nothing at all i would change about it. Days of candy used a beautiful choir piece at the beginning, and was the perfect ending piece to a beautiful album like this.This album has turned into one of my favorite albums of all time. One of the best vocal performances I've heard on an album, and really makes you take step back emotionally. Space song was an all around perfect song, with nothing at all i would change about it. Days of candy used a beautiful choir piece at the beginning, and was the perfect ending piece to a beautiful album like this. Songs like PPP, bluebird, and wildflower also had some emotionally heart wrenching vocals and instrumentals that helped bring the listener through a 44 minute emotional rollercoaster. The weaker tracks on this album like sparks and 10:37 are not even close to bad tracks, and still fit the objective of the album very well, and this album does not have many downsides to it. Could grow on me even more in the future, and that's saying a lot because I really really enjoyed this. 9.4-9.5/10 Expand
  6. Aug 31, 2019
    Depression Cherry is an album with a more experimental mood, as we can see a slight change after three years since the last release of Beach House (Bloom), not reaching the feet of his predecessors (Bloom & Teen Dream), but this is the most mature album and consistent of the band, melodious songs and others less so, but they give a certain emotional weight on the listener.
  7. May 16, 2019
    Their weakest album gets a B- that’s how rich these guys are. Still high quality
  8. Nov 12, 2018
    An album that is sweet to hear. Excellent compositions and great production.
  9. Mar 12, 2016
    Wonderful 5th album from the Baltimore dream pop duo. On the surface, "Depression Cherry" could blend in with their previous efforts - similar arrangements, same styles, familiar themes however this time around the band seem leaner and sharply focused and the album contains some of Beach House's finest work. The majority of the album is excellent. Every track from opener "Levitation"Wonderful 5th album from the Baltimore dream pop duo. On the surface, "Depression Cherry" could blend in with their previous efforts - similar arrangements, same styles, familiar themes however this time around the band seem leaner and sharply focused and the album contains some of Beach House's finest work. The majority of the album is excellent. Every track from opener "Levitation" through to the penultimate "Bluebird" sees the band on top of their game. Album closer "Days of Candy" is a bit dreary and finishes an otherwise brilliant album off somewhat disappointingly. "Depression Cherry" is a document of a band at ease with themselves, relaxed and laid back yet at the same time firing on all cylinders. Expand
  10. Feb 15, 2016
    It's stunning, it's an expanse upon the ideals proposed on their previous records just with a darker, redder filter on it. It feels very sincere, very personal. Almost as if Victoria Legrand gave you access to her personal journal.
  11. Sep 17, 2015
    This is a great album. I have been listening to their albums since Devotion in 2008, but this is for me the most satisfying album they have produced. It has a very distinct and utterly addictive atmosphere. The songs are fairly similar in sound and all more or less midtempo, which makes the album at first seems monotone. However, this is actually the strength of this album. It makes theThis is a great album. I have been listening to their albums since Devotion in 2008, but this is for me the most satisfying album they have produced. It has a very distinct and utterly addictive atmosphere. The songs are fairly similar in sound and all more or less midtempo, which makes the album at first seems monotone. However, this is actually the strength of this album. It makes the album coherent and a whole, whereas upon repeated listen, the strong and moving lyrics and melodies come out stronger and reveal how distinctive each song actually is. The melodies of for example PPP and Beyond Love are incredibly beautiful. It is in my view their most mature album, it really creates a wonderful mood to delve into. I have already played this album more than any of their previous outings. Expand
  12. Sep 7, 2015
    Didn't like it as much as I liked their last album "Bloom", but maybe it was me. Not bad though but there was no standout track. I think I have to listen to it a few more times.
  13. Sep 4, 2015
    This album seems to me to be clearly inferior to Teen Dream and Bloom. The songs lack the ambition and fantastic melodies on those two albums. I've heard a lot of people mention the atmosphere or texture of this album, but that's not enough to maintain interest when the songs are this weak. As has been noted by many people, they should've made an album composed of songs like Sparks withThis album seems to me to be clearly inferior to Teen Dream and Bloom. The songs lack the ambition and fantastic melodies on those two albums. I've heard a lot of people mention the atmosphere or texture of this album, but that's not enough to maintain interest when the songs are this weak. As has been noted by many people, they should've made an album composed of songs like Sparks with fantastic melodies, unique sounds, evocative musicality, and ambition. But they didn't. A regression for Beach House overall. Expand
  14. Sep 3, 2015
    The most underrated album of the year so far. Some music journalists didn't like it because it sounds a lot like their previous records-well it does,it's a Beach House record and they sound like Beach House,what so wrong with that? Should they make hip hop album so some music journalists wouldn't complain? It's not like they are repeating themselves or making Devotation v2.0,this album isThe most underrated album of the year so far. Some music journalists didn't like it because it sounds a lot like their previous records-well it does,it's a Beach House record and they sound like Beach House,what so wrong with that? Should they make hip hop album so some music journalists wouldn't complain? It's not like they are repeating themselves or making Devotation v2.0,this album is full of small changes and lovely suprises but they are subtle,not in-your-face and drastic;it surely demand repeated listening to reveal it's charm. Expand
  15. Sep 3, 2015
    It's a bit of a plod and far less wonderful than parts of Bloom and the majority of Teen Dream, but when I saw the cd packaging in HMV, I became thoroughly intrigued and bought it anyway.
  16. Aug 31, 2015
    Depression Cherry would be a powerful album if it were a debut. In the context of Beach House's discography, Depression Cherry does not significantly contribute to the evolution or development of the band's sound. Although they have introduced some new elements, it is not enough to set the album apart. Overall, there are just too many recycled melodies and concepts. If you've followedDepression Cherry would be a powerful album if it were a debut. In the context of Beach House's discography, Depression Cherry does not significantly contribute to the evolution or development of the band's sound. Although they have introduced some new elements, it is not enough to set the album apart. Overall, there are just too many recycled melodies and concepts. If you've followed Beach House during the last ten years, the songs on this album will strike you as the same songs you've heard before set to new lyrics. Expand
  17. Aug 30, 2015
    "We're going back to where we started", said Victoria Legrand whilst being interviewed about Depression Cherry, Beach House's most recent LP. But no band can really go back to the beginning, given the fact that it has been active for quite a while –almost ten years in this case. This is specially true whilst listening to "Space Song" and personal favorite "PPP", which perfectly combine two"We're going back to where we started", said Victoria Legrand whilst being interviewed about Depression Cherry, Beach House's most recent LP. But no band can really go back to the beginning, given the fact that it has been active for quite a while –almost ten years in this case. This is specially true whilst listening to "Space Song" and personal favorite "PPP", which perfectly combine two of Beach House's most prominent characteristics, greatly polished over the course of the last two records: Legrand's utterly oneiric voice and Alex Scally's ability to produce glossy layers of sound. The downside is, however, that this winning treat doesn't hold on for too long as the band prefers the simplicity and minimalistic approach favored in their early days, which is not a synonym of 'bad', but in this case it is bland and barren ("Beyond Love", "Bluebird" and "10:37" in particular). Depression Cherry is not a misfortune, but it does not meet the high expectations; a record that was supposed to be a leap forward for the band, not a hold back, to say the least. Expand
  18. Aug 29, 2015
    Victoria Legrand and Alex Scally aren’t antagonizing ambition, like some music critics are assuming just because of the duo’s recent statements regarding the success behind 2010’s Teen Dream and 2012’s Bloom driving them to a “louder, more aggressive place” that felt “farther from [their] natural tendencies”. Rather, Beach House are celebrating intimacy on Depression Cherry, which isVictoria Legrand and Alex Scally aren’t antagonizing ambition, like some music critics are assuming just because of the duo’s recent statements regarding the success behind 2010’s Teen Dream and 2012’s Bloom driving them to a “louder, more aggressive place” that felt “farther from [their] natural tendencies”. Rather, Beach House are celebrating intimacy on Depression Cherry, which is destined to be one of the year’s most misunderstood records based on a couple of critic’s reviews. The magical melodies and shoegazing influences cover Legrand’s ethereal voice like diamond dust, returning the duo to their roots of crafting stadium-size sounds out of thin air, which can be heard on “Sparks”, “Space Song”, and “Beyond Love” most beautifully. It’s a quite consistent sound that may make certain music listeners feel claustrophobic, but I’d rather call it a cozy, comfortable place sparkling in some remote forest that’s hard to find, but easy to love. Expand
  19. Aug 29, 2015
    Though it may not be as anthemic and polished as their two previous efforts, Depression Cherry instead presents an even more intimate and personal Beach House that takes hold of your soul from start to finish. With such stunning tracks like "Space Song" and "PPP", Scally and Legrand once again demonstrate their mystical yet seemingly effortless ability to sweep listeners off their feet andThough it may not be as anthemic and polished as their two previous efforts, Depression Cherry instead presents an even more intimate and personal Beach House that takes hold of your soul from start to finish. With such stunning tracks like "Space Song" and "PPP", Scally and Legrand once again demonstrate their mystical yet seemingly effortless ability to sweep listeners off their feet and into the clouds. Expand
  20. Aug 28, 2015
    This album is the cool, velvety pillow into which you thrust into your tear-stained face after a breakup, a divorce, or the death of a loved one. It is safety, it is warmth, it is comfort, it is reassurance. You can tell by the way Victoria Legrand sighs her simple, poetic lyrics, and by the way the soft synths envelop you like warm water, easing your muscles and your conscience into aThis album is the cool, velvety pillow into which you thrust into your tear-stained face after a breakup, a divorce, or the death of a loved one. It is safety, it is warmth, it is comfort, it is reassurance. You can tell by the way Victoria Legrand sighs her simple, poetic lyrics, and by the way the soft synths envelop you like warm water, easing your muscles and your conscience into a state of relaxation. Critics of this album can't seem to come to a consensus: some say it's too similar to their earlier work, others say it's too different. I say it doesn't matter. Take the album on its own terms and it is both a worthy piece of art and a comforting, safe little nook for those who need it. Collapse
  21. Aug 28, 2015
    stunning album, their best to date. every song takes its right place on track list, every triad of songs forms a statement: build up is about mysterious, mythological place - haunting, you'd about to return to; core is emotional climax, songs about progression of time and about time itself; and coda - songs that soothe your mind and make you feel. totally, album creates around your mindstunning album, their best to date. every song takes its right place on track list, every triad of songs forms a statement: build up is about mysterious, mythological place - haunting, you'd about to return to; core is emotional climax, songs about progression of time and about time itself; and coda - songs that soothe your mind and make you feel. totally, album creates around your mind an aura of that strange feeling the band called "depression cherry" - almost sadness, almost bloody - but just a time of your life, that you'll easil break through. if you listen it, than you'd understand. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. Magnet
    Sep 22, 2015
    Depression Chery has four masterful set pieces, staggered to hit as odd-numbered tracks, each deepening the pervasive sense of rediscovered romance. [No. 124, p.51]
  2. 80
    Like the band’s 2008 album Devotion, Depression Cherry is an impressive showcase of the kind of beauty that two musicians are capable of when stripped down to a bare-bones approach. It’s worked before, and it works again here.
  3. 91
    Singer Victoria Legrand has a refreshingly unshowy croon that’s one of the most seductive in pop, and her gorgeous synth drones and guitarist Alex Scally’s effects-laden riffs are exquisite.