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Universal acclaim- based on 123 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 13 out of 123

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  1. Sep 12, 2011
    Fortunately for Duff, Dignity is glossily produced and musically and lyrically more clever than her previously Lavigne-esque albums. But unfortunately for Duff's weak vocals layered under the most generic dance beats, synths, and indie rock guitars, it ultimately results in an overall mature, but ineffective pop album. Its standout tracks, "Stranger", "With Love", and "Gypsy Woman",Fortunately for Duff, Dignity is glossily produced and musically and lyrically more clever than her previously Lavigne-esque albums. But unfortunately for Duff's weak vocals layered under the most generic dance beats, synths, and indie rock guitars, it ultimately results in an overall mature, but ineffective pop album. Its standout tracks, "Stranger", "With Love", and "Gypsy Woman", incorporate the album's finest dance-pop influences with Duff's appropriately girl-powered lyrics. However, its weaker tracks, such as the album's title track "Dignity" and lead single "Play With Fire", fall between the lines of average and mediocre. Expand
  2. CarolinaV
    May 15, 2007
    Hil's new CD was dissapointing, especially because one of her previous albums, Metamorphosis, was so good and a huge hit. I am still a big fan of hers, but I wish that she will do better in her next CD.
  3. mikes.
    May 13, 2007
    A overrated album by far, does not deserve a 61 on metacritic. Why? Production is outdated, no catchy pop tunes, and hilary duff has abandoned her teen pop roots for dance pop. The problem, She's not edgy enough to pull off dance music and the production isn't even good for a club record. Disappointing... and by the way her lyrics really suck. An immature release from a confused A overrated album by far, does not deserve a 61 on metacritic. Why? Production is outdated, no catchy pop tunes, and hilary duff has abandoned her teen pop roots for dance pop. The problem, She's not edgy enough to pull off dance music and the production isn't even good for a club record. Disappointing... and by the way her lyrics really suck. An immature release from a confused individual. Expand
  4. ArielleW
    Apr 29, 2007
    I am a little impressed although I have been a Hilary fan forever... this cd has some good songs others.. are just unfortunatly horrible. Anyways good luck on a new album if you are thinking of it Hil! PS: my fave is Gypsy Woman
  5. MattD.
    Apr 12, 2007
    I can't believe I'm saying this - it's a step up! There is still some blandness, and some songs sound like rejects from Madonna's Confessions On A Dance Floor. But there are times in the middle of the CD where she does Gwen Stefani better than Gwen.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. On Dignity she makes some serious headway into turning into a mature recording artist, which makes this an effective, strangely endearing album.
  2. Duff edges ever closer to adult sensibilities; her goofball Lizzie McGuire days seem far behind.
  3. Billboard
    It's practically something straight out of the United Kingdom for all of its poppy goodness. [14 Apr 2007]