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Universal acclaim- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 51
  2. Negative: 1 out of 51
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  1. Feb 24, 2019
    Dream Theater's virtuosity is on full display here, and each musician has his moment to shine. LaBrie's melodies hit notes that put goosebumps on my neck and shoulders. Petrucci pulled me into the groove for a bit and then broke me out of it with moments of shocking beauty. Myung never ceases to amaze with his level of maturity and authenticity. Rudess expanded his horizon of play into theDream Theater's virtuosity is on full display here, and each musician has his moment to shine. LaBrie's melodies hit notes that put goosebumps on my neck and shoulders. Petrucci pulled me into the groove for a bit and then broke me out of it with moments of shocking beauty. Myung never ceases to amaze with his level of maturity and authenticity. Rudess expanded his horizon of play into the ethereal, as if the Wizard was busy casting a mesmer spell. Mangini elevated his performance higher than his cymbals sat. I swear the man has an extra limb, because a few of his snare runs were just plain ridiculous in the off timing.

    They have some memorable numbers on this album. While not as expansive as some of their past lengthy hits like Octavarium or Change of Seasons, the song At Wit's End is a melodic epic at 9:20 that puts chills on the spine. Paralyzed is radio-ready, and needs to get played ASAP. The general theme of the album is science, physics, math, and astronomy, with reminders to living life and feeling alive. The artwork is eye candy, centering around futurism and technology. The album feels like a homage to Hawking with a nod to Tesla.
  2. Feb 26, 2019
    Great songs: Barstool Warrior, At Wit's End, Pale Blue Dot
    Very good songs: Fall into Light, S2N, Viper King
    Good songs: Untethered Angel, Paralyzed, Room 137 Not memorable song: Out of Reach The mix is very good, musicianship at the highest level as usual, a few lows here and there (sometimes lyrics are not completely convincing). But it's a very good album, possibly the best after
    Great songs: Barstool Warrior, At Wit's End, Pale Blue Dot
    Very good songs: Fall into Light, S2N, Viper King
    Good songs: Untethered Angel, Paralyzed, Room 137
    Not memorable song: Out of Reach
    The mix is very good, musicianship at the highest level as usual, a few lows here and there (sometimes lyrics are not completely convincing). But it's a very good album, possibly the best after the departure of Portnoy and, in my opinion, it might be the best one since Six Degrees.
    The only miss is a long epic prog majestic song, as they did in most of the albums, but the overall level is higher than expected. And it grows at every listen.
    Very well done, guys!
  3. Dec 9, 2021
    A pretty good album. The guitar solos in Barstool Warrior and A Wit's End are absolutely amazing, and the rest of the tracks are pretty solid. The downside is that it doesn't have such a powerful climax like those of their legendary albums.
  4. Feb 27, 2019
    There are some great moments here. Great proggy riffs and interludes and such, but I feel that Dream Theater has dug out a rut that they can't get out of. It's their choruses. Most of the choruses on this album are essentially the same: Drums beat goes to half time, Petrucci with some sustained, slow guitar arpeggios, Labrie adds 1 harmony vocal. It has become predictable, andThere are some great moments here. Great proggy riffs and interludes and such, but I feel that Dream Theater has dug out a rut that they can't get out of. It's their choruses. Most of the choruses on this album are essentially the same: Drums beat goes to half time, Petrucci with some sustained, slow guitar arpeggios, Labrie adds 1 harmony vocal. It has become predictable, and "predictabality" is the death knell of any prog band. Add some variety and creativity to your choruses and we go from a 7 to a 9. Perhaps that's why I loved The Astonishing so much, it didn't really have any choruses!
    Anyway, not a bad album at all, not like their self-titled record which is the most bland thing they've done by a mile.
    My favorites: S2N, Pale Blue Dot.
  5. Feb 22, 2019
    Technically and musically speaking, this album is perfect. The riffs and grooves are some of the best I have heard in progressive metal. Even the lyrics are amazing, and I am especially in favor of the songs Petrucci wrote. I do, however, think the melodies could have stuck with me a little more and LaBrie's singing sometimes gets drowned out by the music despite his vocal talent. I alsoTechnically and musically speaking, this album is perfect. The riffs and grooves are some of the best I have heard in progressive metal. Even the lyrics are amazing, and I am especially in favor of the songs Petrucci wrote. I do, however, think the melodies could have stuck with me a little more and LaBrie's singing sometimes gets drowned out by the music despite his vocal talent. I also think it sounds very similar to the Dream Theater that I have heard before and therefore believe it deserves a high 7. Expand
  6. Feb 23, 2019
    Great stuff in there. Dream Theater did it again! Musically awesome. Mangini has great drum sound compared to previous stuff. James doesn't sound like previous stuff, sadly.
  7. Aug 20, 2021
    Il fallait revenir à quelquechose de plus consistant/classique après un "The Astonishing" qui, malgrès sa prouesse et sa taille, a divisé le monde du prog.
    Le mix est plutot bon, les tracks s'enchainent bien, aucune "epic" track, bien que At Wit's end tente quelquechose à la fin.
    Dream Theater a choisit de se retrouver façon groupe d'ado à l'ancienne afin de composer cet album sous une
    Il fallait revenir à quelquechose de plus consistant/classique après un "The Astonishing" qui, malgrès sa prouesse et sa taille, a divisé le monde du prog.
    Le mix est plutot bon, les tracks s'enchainent bien, aucune "epic" track, bien que At Wit's end tente quelquechose à la fin.
    Dream Theater a choisit de se retrouver façon groupe d'ado à l'ancienne afin de composer cet album sous une forme de spontanéïté qu'ils avaient peut etre perdu. recherchaient-ils une cohésion perdue? qui sait?
    En tout cas cela nous donné quelques pépites, l'opening avec un catchy untethered angel, en C tunning digne successeur de l'époque As i Am (mix aux **** oignons en plus). Un Barstool Warrior super mélodique, un mood très DT late 90's avec probablement la palme du solo le plus mémorable de l'album. Paralyzed et son down tunning très lourd : efficace/ok et taillé pour du live.
    Fall into the light sera l'hommage Metallica sans aller sur le plagiat. Ils l'annoncent comme leurs single. Celle ci restera dans leurs prochains best-of à coup sur.
    Un cran en dessous j'y vois Room 137. out of reach
    S2N donne un énorme groove sur l'intro, une note de 7 cordes en prime mais n'arrivera pas à ce hisser dans les cultes.
    Pour conclure l'album, le groupe nous propose sa "proggiest" track : Pale blue dot. Pour moi c'est un echec, n'ayant pas reussit à rentrer dans le mood de celle ci. Je sais qu'elle plaira au plus grand nombre mais c'est un non pour ma part. Meme le lead de fin ne me fait pas vibrer.

    En résumé, on est à pas grand chose d'un album culte mais ce manque de prog, de track longues, de tentatives ternissent le tableau. 3 ans plus tard je ne me prends pas à le re-écouter spontanément.

    1. Untethered Angel 8
    2. Paralyzed 7
    3. Fall into the Light 8
    4. Barstool Warrior 8
    5. Room 137 4
    6. S2N 5
    7. At Wit's End 7
    8. Out of Reach 4
    9. Pale Blue Dot 6

    Total : 6,3 --> 7 pour la cohérence et le retour en force après The Astonishing
  8. Apr 19, 2019
    Short running time is a welcome given the well that is Labrie's vocal melodies dried up a long time ago.
  9. Mar 3, 2019
    Sai megalomania dos últimos disco e volta um Dream Theater mais direto, era o disco que queríamos?Não, mas é o disco que precisamos, direto e reto!

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 25, 2019
    The briskness of Distance Over Time means that the good stuff feels more concentrated, with the mediocre material mere blips on the radar. While any other band's 14th studio album might start to reveal fatigue, Dream Theater balances polish, consistency, musical excellence, and excitement on Distance Over Time.
  2. Kerrang!
    Feb 22, 2019
    Sacrificing none of that trademark musicianship, this is Dream Theater at their most accessible, and they lose nothing for it. [23 Feb 2019, p.55]
  3. Feb 22, 2019
    Dream Theater reaffirm their identity on Distance Over Time, displaying a collective hunger, abundant energy, creativity, and musical (re)discovery. This set should erase the schism between fans and win the band a whole slew of new ones.